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The Failsafe Prophecies

Page 2

by Samantha Lucas

  “We need to get to one of the portals. We need to get back to Elethiya.”

  * * * *

  The moon lit the wet pavement beneath Wraith’s feet as he strode the fairytale lane where sweet houses and old fashioned stores lined either side. He inhaled deeply of all the scents that made up the early morning darkness and took comfort in being alone in the place he loved more than any other. There were sounds in the distance, night workers, cleaning and testing, painting and pruning. The scent of the pavement, scrubbed clean by the night crew, and freshly watered shrubbery danced together, while in the background he could smell the bakery preparing treats for the day ahead.

  He walked down the abandoned Fairy Book Lane that was designed to look like small town America in another time, only with a twist. This town existed in a time when princesses lived simple lives and magic rested around every corner. His theme park was so like another just on the other side of the forest, that most would never know it had been designed long before Walt dreamed of building in Florida. It wouldn’t matter to most people that his park had come from a vision, an angel that appeared to him one night while Walt was still building in California. All he would ever be in the world of theme parks was a lesser imitation of the great Kingdom of Walt.

  That, he could live with, what he couldn’t live with was that Walt thought it. That Walt, in his dying days, thought Wraith had betrayed their friendship. That mattered… and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to fix it.

  His heart was weighed down with guilt, all the memories swimming around him until he could drown in them. There were many nights he wished he could just simply slip below the surface of it all and never arise again.

  His morose thinking left him alone when he suddenly felt the pull on his right hand. The sensation was the same as that night, the night of the vision. It all began with the very clear sense that someone was tugging on his hand, yet there had been no one in the room but him.

  He closed his eyes for a moment and accepted the brush of the memory, the sense that the angelic creature who’d given him that vision was there, touching him now. He always assumed the repeating memory mixed with the sensation was meant to be a comfort, and he took its warmth that way. But his heart was broken, and there was no healing it.

  He walked towards the Bavarian style castle. Set on a hill, it rose up out of the ground before him. In his mind, it had been an architectural feat to so perfectly replicate that castle from the vision.

  He looked again to the centerpiece of his kingdom and wondered, for not the first time, about its appearance. The angel had been so clear in her descriptions that he saw it in his mind as she spoke. How he’d ever been able to describe it to the architect so that it had turned out exactly right, though, he’d never know. He would never tell another soul, but every time he saw its half curse appearance, the tentacles and vines growing on just one side while the other side looked like a child’s dream, he welled up just a bit with pride, and thought that was what Walt felt all the time.

  The castle was an architectural masterpiece. The sight of it spoke to the deepest parts of himself and felt like a reminder, or perhaps a warning. If only the angel had told him more.

  The whole park was the realization of the vision she gave him that night… and the best kept secret in Orlando, but he liked it that way. It served his dark secret.

  His heart lay heavy in his chest over the memory of so long ago. It was his nightly ritual to remember. Self-inflicted torture, he supposed. He would walk the empty streets of the park, breathe in its magic, and torment himself with the memories of the friend who died thinking he’d betrayed him.

  It was a memory that still seemed as fresh as five minutes ago. It was the look in Walt’s eyes when it became clear that Wraithe really wasn’t selling Walt the land he wanted.

  “If only I could have explained. If you’d only known. I never wanted to take your theme parks, Walt. I needed this to protect the falls, my people, your people.”

  “Wraithe.” A firm voice sounded behind him that he recognized instantly, Thornton Wolf.

  He turned to look at his friend, even as a chill ran down his spine. There were only so many reasons anyone would disturb him in this place, at this time of day, and none of them were good.

  “What is it?”

  Thornton’s dark eyes held a deep level of concern, even as his body language spoke of calm control. The man dressed in a dark suit, his long black hair pulled into a band at the base of his neck, all combining to make him look like someone assigned to presidential detail, or possibly an assassin.

  “Your brother is on his way here through the portals with Hayden and one of the royal seven, Fa Zhen.”

  He heard words that made a sentence, but made no sense. His mind tried to put those pieces together, but nothing about that should have been.

  “How is that possible? Why would they do such a thing?”

  Aside from the risk they’d be exposed to from using the portals, bringing another of the royal seven to Elethiya breaks the treaty. He honestly didn’t know what set off more alarms, that they were using the portals, or that they were bringing a royal to Elethiya.

  “I have no other information than that, and that they’ve requested a summit with the high council of immortals, and shifters.” Thornton held steady, showing no emotion.

  There was a clawing in Wraith’s immortal soul that a human would have described as dread.

  “Have you put out the call?” He asked, though he already knew the answer would be yes.

  “I have.” Thornton nodded. “Everyone should be here within the hour. I waited to the last minute to disturb you. Everything is arranged. We just need your presence.”

  Thornton’s darker skin and dark eyes, with the slight slant on either end would mark him as Asian in most circles, but truly within their kind, there was no race. The only thing that divided the immortals was whether they chose the light or the dark.

  “I’ll be there.” He drew a breath as he made his decision. “Thornton, have Bala and Luxe attend.”

  Thornton looked at him strangely. “Are you certain?”

  “It seems to me it concerns them.”

  Thornton’s phone sounded of a series of tones. He reached for it and answered immediately.

  Wraithe took the time to look around his beloved park, once again thinking of his dear friend, torturing himself with the memories, knowing he’d handled everything so poorly at the end. It was a regret he’d have a very long time to live with.

  “Wraithe.” Thornton looked visibly paled.

  He was compelled to put his hand out, to steady Thornton on his feet.

  “What?” What more could there possibly be?

  “At best count, four of the royal seven have been taken by the roahn-ami from all over the planet. One is unaccounted for. One is here, the other is on her way here.”

  He took a minute to let the chill settle to the depths of his being, and stared back up at his castle before stating three words he prayed he never would.

  “It has begun.”

  Chapter Two

  Wraith slipped in at the back of the room and made his way along the side wall to his expected position at the front. Before him were the premier delegates from his people, the nay-chi, and from the protectors of the royal families of the Dark Marrow, the serahn.

  “I think we have to all admit, this is bad.” Brunai, far too tense, vibrated with anxious energy.

  “Yes, Brunai, it’s bad.” Thornton answered with calm control.

  Wraithe kept his laughter to himself and covered a smile behind his hand. In all the time he’d known Thornton, in all the missions they’d been on together, he’d never seen him in any state other than controlled.

  There was a lot of power in the room carved deep into the cavern behind the falls. The stones were damp and the sound of the falls was muffled by them, though a small stream trickled through the cavern. There were twelve chairs set at the front of the room, facing the
others. Wraithe had taken his place on the end beside a serahn woman he really didn’t know well at all.

  Twelve representatives from the Serahn shifters, all sitting in human form, were present along with five representatives of the immortal race, the Nay-Chi. Also in the cavern was a witch, two of the royals, and two humans, including Brunai, Thornton’s latest apprentice.

  “I’m just not certain this particular… mix—” Jaylen, one of the serahn, present today dressed in pale blue silk that matched her long straight hair, barely held her contempt for the other races. “—represented here is going to serve this situation. The royals are our responsibility. I don’t see the need for the rest of you.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “That may be, Jaylen, but the human realm is our responsibility. I don’t see how you can possibly object to our involvement.” Drago, who represented the nay-chi, continued a dialogue that was already started when Wraithe entered.

  “It’s not your presence I am specifically troubled with.” She stared down Kane, who was sitting in the very back of the room, dressed in his usual suit and tie, impeccable as always. Then her gaze moved to Ivin, sitting closer to the front beside Balaja.

  “This is Wraithe’s territory, if he’s comfortable with the other races, I trust his judgment.” Drago was not one to be argued with. He was simply one of the most powerful beings in existence, and everyone in that room knew it.

  “It’s true, Jaylen. This isn’t our land anymore.” Bayeen, another of the serahn, with his pale skin and white hair, tried to reason with her.

  “I don’t like it.” She continued.

  “I just think we have far greater concerns right now.” Drago pushed. “What we know for certain in this moment, is that five of the royal princesses disappeared from this realm last night.”

  “Six.” A voice came from the cavern entrance.

  Wraithe turned to see Rigo enter the room with two women. Relief swept through him. His brother was more than capable of taking care of himself, but being one of only three of their kind marked and gifted with shifting abilities constantly put him in danger. For whatever reason, his world just sat better when his brother was nearby and safe.

  “Six?” Drago questioned him.

  As Rigo walked further into the space, the two women stepped up behind him.

  “Late yesterday I sensed a shift between the realms. It led me to an arboretum in Tanzania where I found two roahn-ami attacking two women.”

  There was a ripple of nervous energy that sailed through the room, but no one spoke or questioned him.

  “Hayden and I were able to save one of the women.” He turned and gestured to a petite Asian woman beside him wearing a long flowing gown. “This is Fa Zhen. We believe the other woman was Ella Cornwall. Though we cannot be certain and we have no idea why both women were at the same place at the same time.”

  “Zhen, it’s good to see you.” Drago walked over to her and exchanged a deep hug. “I’m glad you are safe.”

  “I cut off its hand.” She spoke softly, almost as if she were ashamed of what she’d done, then tipped her gaze to the floor.

  “You’ve learned well.” Drago led her to the front of the room and showed her a seat near Bala and Luxe.

  As he did, Rigo and Hayden stepped to the front also. She briefly acknowledged her people, then began to speak.

  “We all know there’s only one reason a roahn-ami makes an appearance. I think we can assume the disappearance of all of our royals was at their hand.”

  Drago came back to the front and addressed the delegates.

  “I’ve been monitoring things from the Key for months now. We all know that the humans, unbeknownst to them, have been aiding the shift to the dark. I think this recent event is proof we are in dire times. The prophecy speaks that only these seven royals can unite the Dark Marrow and bring peace and balance to the light and the dark within the realm. My best guess is someone, or something, within the Marrow is trying to seal the darkness.”

  “I agree. However—” Bayeen stood, his slow movement and length of his hair showing his age. “—we all know there are three failsafe prophecies. The Marrow being restored is the second.”

  Chatter sounded within the room. Wraithe watched as brave warriors and spiritual masters alike, all voiced the one thing no one understood. What happened to the first prophecy?

  “It is true that we should have seen two great kingdoms rise to legend here in the human realms first. Two kingdoms by two men, closer than brothers, their kingdoms would rival one another and betrayal would darken their union, separating the kingdoms one from another.” Bayeen continued, shaking his finger at the gallery of faces before him.

  “Bayeen, we all know the prophecy. The only thing I can point to is that the human realm scarcely uses monarchies in this day and age, so this prophecy must have fulfilled itself at some other point in history and for whatever reason, we all failed to see it.” Drago seemed dismissive as he spoke of this key piece of information.

  It was a dire thing to have missed. These three prophecies were the core of both the nay-chi and serahn’s existence.

  “How could we possibly have simply missed such a huge event? One that we were all looking for!” Another of the serahn spoke up from the room, unsettling everyone.

  “We aren’t here to discuss the prophecies!” Drago’s voice bellowed. “We are here to save these women first and foremost. We all know the fate of someone taken by the roahn-ami. If there is even anything to be done, we don’t have much time. Certainly there is no time for this argument, again.”

  Wraith watched Zhen shiver. Bala reached over and took her hand, clutching it in both of her own. Luxe, Bala’s mate and true royal from the Marrow, sat beside her looking as if he were ready to draw a sword and simply deal with all of this in his own way.

  The tensions were rising and he wasn’t sure how long Drago would be able to hold them all in control. The nay-chi would always respect his leadership, but the nay-chi were honestly quite outnumbered in today’s gathering.

  “When the Marrow fell, it was decided that the royal seven would take refuge here in the human realms. It was assumed they’d be safe, but it seems they’ve been found.” Yet another serahn in the room voiced her thoughts.

  Things were rapidly headed towards unrest when Jaylen stood and raised both her arms.

  “Quiet. We are the serahn, and it is our place to bring peace to all things.” She turned to Drago. She seemed calmer than before, but there was grave distrust in her expression. “Though it is the responsibility of the serahn to protect the royals, if the Marrow goes permanently dark, the human realm will follow. So I do understand the concern of the nay-chi here.”

  “I’m glad you agree, Jaylen” Drago looked out to the whole room. “Therefore it benefits us all to work together on this and find those princesses.”

  For the most part, the serahn and the nay-chi were allies, but Wraithe had been watching the room as everyone expressed their opinions, and they could very possibly take Drago’s mere presence here as a show of dominance, or even aggression.

  “Are you offering your help, Drago? Or are you asserting leadership here?” Annaia, lead counsel for the serahn, had been sitting as quietly as Wraithe himself. She now stood and spoke softly.

  Where the nay-chi were primarily a warrior culture with a deep spiritual undercurrent, the serahn were their exact opposite. Many of both sects believed the creator had designed them to complete one another, but that had never proven true. In truth, the peace between the two races was tentative at the best of times, the serahn always accusing the nay-chi of being too brutal, while the nay-chi thought the serahn too passive. Wraithe could not fathom how they would come together over this.

  “Annaia, you know as well as I do that we must work together here.” Drago asserted himself carefully.

  “I don’t know that. I’ve listened to all the arguments made, but the royals are under our protection, though I recognize the efforts o
f the nay-chi since they’ve been in this realm. Still, this was an attack against us as much as the royals and the Marrow itself. You don’t really fit into this at all, and the humans... really. If not for Rodrigo being there when this happened, your people may not even know of this event.”

  A rumble of sounds swept the room. Drago laughed outright.

  “Annaia, are you serious?” He looked at her a bit incredulously. “An event like this is being felt in every species and race on this planet, and I’d guess in several other realms as well. And yes, of course I’m offering our help, if that’s how you wish to look at it. But let’s at least be honest here in this room. If the dark is moving, it’s not going to stop here. Many of my kind are spread out across the realms. All of their safety would be in jeopardy. If Earth falls, as the Marrow did, there will be no stopping the dark from taking everything. We have to restore the royals to their thrones and take back the Marrow, otherwise…”

  The sound of mumbling rose again in the room. Wraithe looked at Rigo, catching his stare. They silently shared the fear everyone in that room was feeling.

  “We cannot let this proceed to the need for the seven suns.” Drago stated plainly.

  Annaia tipped her chin defiantly.

  “The last I checked, this planet had not been invaded by the Vraigor, so I think your concerns are…”

  “Annaia.” Drago shook his head and ran his hand over the scruff of hair on his chin. “You can’t be serious. We all know that invasion, if it happens, will come from nowhere. So what’s really going on with you? Why are you so resistant to working together here?”

  She moved closer to him, her long ice blonde hair held in a braid, her long gown of greens and blues flowing behind her like water.

  “I think you know why.” She spoke softly, but Wraithe was reasonably certain the entire room heard her.

  “No. I honestly don’t.” He looked at her blankly.


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