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Bearly Loving: Foxhollow Den #2 (Alaskan Den Men Book 10)

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by Kizzie Waller

  “That’s not his wife,” Samantha said.

  “Oh.” The man, Bob or Bill, shucked pants and prepared to put his cheating cock anywhere the woman would take it. He could feel the tension roll off of Samantha, and Carter wanted to return her to her earlier state of playfulness. “What do you want to do?”

  “I want to scare the infidelity right out of him.” Samantha flashed a mischievous grin at him before shifting back to bear. Carter caught on quick. He shifted and followed her round rump through the rest of the bush. Samantha rose on her back legs and let out a roar that echoed through the forest. Carter rounded the couple and growled. The couple screamed and yelped before they scrambled to their feet and left their clothes and blanket behind. Carter noted they ran in the direction of the lodge, relieved he wouldn’t have to worry about being part of a search party for them later.

  Samantha lumbered over to the blanket and shifted back to human. Her bellow of laughter rivaled her roar.

  He shifted and joined her on the thick blanket. Their laughs mingled for several minutes before drifting to a comfortable silence.

  “Serves them right. I hate cheaters,” she said.

  He glanced at her but didn’t say anything.

  She propped up on her elbow and used her hand to support her head. “I didn’t sleep with Caroline’s fiancé. We were all a little drunk after her bachelorette party, and I was sleeping it off on her couch. Gregor came over after his bachelor party and climbed on top of me. Caroline pulled him off and kicked his man-hood so hard he screeched for twenty minutes. She walked out, and Gregor told her parents and anyone else who’d listen that she’d caught us going at it. They believed him.”

  He placed his arms behind his head and stared up at the bright afternoon sky. Satisfaction at her confession seeped through his limbs. “Why don’t you just tell everyone what really happened?”

  “After she left without saying goodbye, I didn’t think anyone would believe me. Gregor got his say, and now it’s a matter of pride. Everyone in town should just believe I didn’t have sex with another woman’s mate.”

  Carter rolled to his side and mirrored her position. His face, among other things, now inches away from her. “I believe you.”

  Chapter Five

  The slow burn creeping up Samantha’s body would soon flame out of control if she didn’t move. Carter’s lips were dangerously close, and she’d be a fool if she didn’t admit she wanted a taste. He said he believed her, but did he really? The tone of his voice, and his closeness begged her to lean in for a kiss. If she crossed this line with Carter now, there’d be no turning back. She wouldn’t trust herself not to want more. She pushed up to sitting. “If we don’t head back now, we’re going to miss dinner.”

  He traced a finger down the side of her arm. “I’m not hungry for food anymore.”

  She grabbed his hand intending to brush him off, but he interlocked their fingers and pulled her closer to his chest.

  “Carter, I don’t think we should do this.”

  “I know. I’m listing all the reasons we shouldn’t in my head too. This is serious bad timing. But I see you here, more vibrant and full of life than any woman I’ve ever known, and I want you.” He pulled her hand up to his lips and placed the softest kiss on each of her fingers. “I want to know every inch of you.”

  “There’re a lot of inches here.”

  He untangled their fingers and palmed the curve of her hip, giving it a light squeeze. “I’ve got all night.”

  “That’s the problem, Carter. You may be here tonight and then maybe tomorrow night, but in a week or so you’ll leave. Again.”

  “I won’t make you promises. But I’m here with you right now. Why don’t we just start there and see what happens next?”

  Holy hell, those weren’t bad lines. Other than his hand on her hip, he didn’t make any other attempt to touch her. The sentiment was clear—she would have to make the next move.

  Slowly she dipped her head and pressed her lips against his. Unable to stop there, she parted her lips and used her tongue to finally taste him. Salty and sweet were the first words to come to mind. Most likely from the snacks he’d stolen earlier. He pressed forward adding only the slightest amount of pressure back.

  She ran her fingertips down his chest and stopped at the trail of hair which led to his increasing arousal.

  He broke their kiss and gave her hip another squeeze. “Do you want me?”

  The words stuck in her throat, so she answered with a jerky nod.

  “Wrap your hand around me.”

  Samantha slid her fingers around his cock, using her thumb to tease the head. She explored the soft texture of skin. With each rub his girth increased in her hand. She watched his stomach muscles tense.

  His breath hitched, and his tone sharpened. “I’m going to touch you now.”

  She didn’t let go, and he reached around her arm to gain access to her sex. He started with her clit, massaging it with circles. Her hand tightened over his cock, and pleasure swam up her body.

  Carter moved a finger to her folds and teased the entrance. Samantha closed her eyes and rubbed up and down his length. He inserted a finger in her wetness and matched her rhythm stroke for stroke. She opened her eyes at his low moan.

  “Wait.” He withdrew his hand and pulled her wrist away from him. “I don’t want this to end too quickly.”

  She smiled at his serious tone and drifted back to her side on the soft blanket. “How slow are we talking?”

  “I need at least an hour with your breasts.”

  “An hour? They’re not that big.”

  “No, but they are that amazing.”

  He lay back and hooked an arm around her waist to pull her on top of him, scooting her ass up above his waist. “Sit up, and arch your back a little.”

  She stretched back, and he tucked his hands behind his head.

  “Now put your hands in your hair.”

  Again she did what he asked and watched the light flicker across his chestnut eyes. She was exposed and posing for him, and she liked it.

  “You are so beautiful. Too beautiful to be real.”

  “Are you going to spend the entire hour staring at my breasts?”

  “No, I’m going to suck on your nipples and tease them with my teeth and massage them until you beg me to suck on them again.”

  Her arms dropped to her sides. “Eff me.”

  His chest rumbled with his laugh. “That’s the plan. Eventually.”

  Her nipples tightened to a point of aching, and she knew she’d be near climax if he came through on his promises of foreplay. She’d never been with a man who’d taken so much time enjoying the sight of her body. The feelings he produced were amazing—empowered, wanted, special.

  He moved his hand toward her and grazed her left nipple with his thumb. She ground her hips hard against his stomach. He cupped the same breast in his hand, and she leaned down to offer it to his mouth. His perfect, bow-shaped mouth covered her nipple, and he sucked and licked the hardened tip.

  She tilted her hips back, stretching to get her sex closer to his cock. His hand held her ass in place to stop the migration, his fingertips biting into her flesh to keep her still. With his hot breath still close to her skin he whispered, “I’m not ready for you yet.”

  The torture. The sweet, magnificent, unmatched torture. She rocked against him, needing the relief of pressure against her sex.

  “Carter, please.”

  “Say it again.”


  “No, my name.”


  He let go of her ass only to switch hands. Then, he made love to her right breast in the same slow manner he’d done with the left. Kneading, sucking, licking, and making her want to scream in frustration.

  She wiggled, and she felt a slick wetness cover his stomach.

  Carter released her breast and partially sat. The movement pushed her back from his stomach to his lap. With one arm, he lifted
her enough so her sex met the tip of his cock. She wrapped her legs behind him, and their bodies made a V shape on the thick blanket. One arm behind him supporting their weight, and one arm clamped against her back.

  “We’re going to do this slowly.” His hungry tone wrapped her in a sexy embrace.

  Her voice stuttered its way through her throat. “H-how slowly?”

  He allowed the hard tip of his cock to slip inside her sex, and the answer to her question came with an exquisite burst of pleasure. Slow meant filling her one inch at a time. The muscles of his arm strained against her back, and he lowered her down another inch. Now sitting face to face, their gazes locked, Samantha gave him full control of their joining. She gripped his shoulders and dug her fingers into his tight muscles.

  Her wet folds adjusted to his width and clung to him as if to beg for more. Her entire body screamed for more, but she didn’t push him, didn’t argue, didn’t dare breathe too hard, afraid she’d break the amazing spell they’d created around them. The hot breeze touched her skin, and her perspiration reveled in the quick comfort.

  So hot, he pushed her body into flames, and yet they barely moved.

  Finally, he allowed her body to slide down the remaining length of him. A throaty moan burst forth, and her center greeted him with an onslaught of wetness. She draped her head back and felt the tips of her long hair brush the spot above her waist.

  Carter gave the same careful attention to the next stroke. Up and down, hard and slick. He paused and placed a lick and a kiss between her breasts. The pressure built from her toes to the ends of her fingertips. His arm forced their sweat-soaked bodies closer together, and he increased the speed but only a fraction more.

  The throaty moans transformed to growls.

  “How close, Sammie. Tell me how close?”

  “So eff-ing close. Oh, yes!” She pulled and tugged on his shoulders as the orgasm ripped from her center and spread through her body. Every muscle convulsed, every fiber convulsed. Her body fell limp as he double-timed his speed to his own orgasm.

  A growl to match hers fell from between his parted lips, and their bodies stilled. For a moment, neither made a sound. She wanted to talk, but the words stayed dormant as if they knew vocal sounds could ruin the moment.

  Carter rolled her to the blanket flat on her back, and he took a position on his side. His face leaned in close against the side of her head, and he placed a hand on her stomach.

  Their breathing fell into an equally even rhythm.

  Carter used his thumb to draw a circle around her navel. “Do you want to go back?”

  Never. What if she only had this one night? Apprehension pushed her happiness aside as she worried about what tomorrow would bring. “Not really. Do you?”

  “No. I want to roll up in this blanket with you and kiss your forehead and forget about land descriptions and paperwork.”

  “You are full of good lines tonight.” She turned her head and brushed her lips against his. “No promises, though. Right?”

  “Right. Although, there is a promise I can make.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “In about three minutes I’m going to have you screaming my name.”

  Samantha turned her body to his and reached down to grab him. She stroked. “Let’s make that one minute.”

  Chapter Six

  “What are we going to do about the meeting this morning?” Samantha stopped him at the tree line and gestured at the lodge. They’d spent the remainder of the evening wrapped in the blanket and had slept in the beautiful wild forest.

  He tucked his arms around her waist. “What if we just don’t go to the meeting?”

  “Then the land dispute will never get settled, and the rift between our families will continue. We really need to end this land feud.” A long breathy sigh escaped her lips. More than she wanted Carter to never let her go, she wanted things to go back to normal in Foxhollow.

  “Maybe we should let them feud. Every town needs a good feud,” he said.

  She leaned her head back against his chest. “I think we have to go in and get this done.”

  Carter propped his chin on top of her head. “Maybe we don’t.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He moved one hand over her stomach and toyed with the edge of her pants. “We could go in and argue our way to one more day. Then worry about finding a compromise that fits both families.”

  One more day might not be so bad. “What’s the plan? I call you an asshole again?”

  He pressed a kiss to the back of her head. “Just follow my lead.”

  “Wait. We should go in separately to make sure Dr. Holland doesn’t suspect we’re trying to sabotage things.”

  “You first. I need to grab clean clothes and my cell out of the truck.”

  They’d missed dinner and breakfast, and Samantha’s stomach rumbled in angry protest. She raced up the stairs to wash last night’s woodsy sex-fest off her body. She entered the room, taking in the chaos she’d made from the day before. At some point she needed to clean up her mess. She loved the idea of Carter spending the night with her in a bed. A smile spread across her lips. Sleeping in a bed with her would probably be the biggest commitment of Carter’s life so far. For now it didn’t matter that she didn’t know where he’d be next week. Real commitment was the farthest thing from her mind too.

  And she would keep saying that mantra over and over until she really, truly believed it.

  After taking the fastest shower of her life, she spritzed the flowery body spray she’d packed on her neck and wrists. A light tap, tap, tap came from the other side of the door and before she could open it, Carter used his key to slip inside.

  “Good news.” He placed a kiss on her forehead. “Lisa agreed to postpone our next meeting until this afternoon.”

  “How’d you accomplish that? I’m pretty sure she hates you.”

  “I told her I control the donut trade now. And you may now owe her double the donuts as the original deal.”

  “You’re terrible.”

  “She’s also going to distract the cook for about thirty minutes so we can raid the kitchen.”

  “That might be the sexiest thing that has ever slipped past your amazing lips.”

  His smile brightened the room. “If we’re going to have another night like last night, then we need every meal possible to sustain us.”

  She paused to wrap her hair up in a high bun, and then she gestured to the door. “Lead the way.”

  They walked into the hallway to find Bob or Bill arguing with a woman. Not the same woman from the forest. He pushed a bag into her arms. “There are bears in the woods here.”

  “Man up, Bernie. This is Alaska, there are bears everywhere. What were you doing that far from the lodge in the first place?” The woman delivered her words in a condescending tone and tossed the bag to the floor.

  Bernie sputtered and stormed back into his room.

  Samantha interlocked her fingers with Carter’s and pulled him past the befuddled wife. Another reason to cling to the single life and appreciate Carter’s “no promises,” non-relationship deal.

  They got to the bottom of the stairs, and Samantha let the built-up laughter find its way to the surface. “That was so awkward.”

  Carter shook his head and looked back toward their room. “I don’t think our pal Billy-Bob-Bernie learned his lesson though.”

  Samantha shrugged. “Some people can’t change.”


  She detected a slight alteration in Carter’s mood, but instead of pushing him into a conversation neither wanted to have, she tugged him toward the promise of a meal.

  They entered the kitchen and came to a full stop. Dr. Holland stood in front of the stove, dipping gravy onto a plate with biscuits. He didn’t pause, his tone brisk. “Hurry up you two, before Cook comes back and catches us.”

  Samantha didn’t need a second prompting. She dropped Carter’s hand and rushed over to the plates. The breakfast leftove
rs sat under a heating lamp, and she piled her plate high with bacon, eggs, skillet potatoes, and biscuits. Not one to pass up gravy, she joined Dr. Holland at the stove, and he hefted the gravy on her plate. Carter followed suit, and soon the three of them stole out through the back door to a grassy area with a couple of picnic tables.

  Dr. Holland placed his food on the table, and she and Carter took the side opposite of him. For a few minutes they ate in silence, enjoying the homemade breakfast.

  Dr. Holland pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and dragged it across his lips. Samantha braced herself for an onslaught of questions about the sneaking around and handholding.

  He cleared his throat, and she placed her fork on her plate. She nudged Carter with an elbow, and he did the same.

  “I’ve seen people in mediation fighting over child custody rights, dog ownership, and even the right to use a business name. So a dispute over land doesn’t surprise me. But I’ve done this long enough to know that your families aren’t fighting over land. There’s another issue keeping them from seeing eye-to-eye. Usually it’s hurt feelings over something small. Might be something big. What I do know is that if the two of you want to have a relationship that doesn’t require deception, I’d suggest you get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it.” He nodded at the both of them and grabbed his empty plate. He stood to leave. “I expect both of you to be at the meeting this afternoon.”

  Samantha smiled warmly at Dr. Holland, and Carter resumed eating his breakfast.

  Her doubt mingled with the silence.

  When Carter finished eating, he used his finger to trace a circle around the outside of her hand. “What would you like to do? Go to mediation and dig deeper into these family issues, or go upstairs and let me spend another hour or two on your breasts.”

  Want and need replaced the doubt. “Breasts win every time.”


  Carter backed Samantha against the wall inside their room. He pushed her T-shirt up past her stomach. “You have an awful lot of purple shirts.”


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