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Monroe, Marla - Their Border Lands Gift [Men of the Border Lands 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Marla Monroe

  She screamed as she came. Her heart beat as fast as a machine gun’s fire, and her breathing became so labored she thought she would suffocate. Her ears began to ring, and she felt the hot fire of their cum coating her ass and her cunt as they came. Then she felt and knew nothing.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Kate woke to find herself being submerged in a hot tub of water. Marcus held her in his arms as Bruce sat her in it. She moaned at the wonderful feel of it on her body. She thought every muscle in her body was probably sore from her climax. It had taken her over when she came.

  “Hey there, sleepyhead. How do you feel?”

  “Tired.” She closed her eyes again.

  “No you don’t,” Bruce said. “Stay awake long enough for us to bathe you.”

  She opened her eyes and glared at him. He just chuckled and began to wash her body with the soft, soapy cloth. She was slick with sweat and other body fluids. The bath actually felt great. She struggled to sit up on Marcus’s lap. He grunted when her hip made contact with his already stiffened cock.

  She frowned. “Don’t you ever go down?” she asked the men as she noticed that Bruce was in the same condition.

  Bruce chuckled. “Not around you, we don’t.”

  “Hell, I don’t even go down when I’m out working the cattle if I’m thinking about you,” Marcus said.

  “God, that has to be, um, hard to deal with.” She smiled at her own pun.

  “Smart-ass. I’ll take care of that smart mouth of yours if you’re not careful. I’ll fill it with my dick.” Bruce stood up and the cock in question bobbed up and down with the movement.

  “Now that will really punish me.” She licked her lips and smiled up at him.

  Something passed over his face that worried her. He seemed to be struggling with something. What was it? Before she could ask him, Marcus pronounced her clean and shoved her to a standing position. Bruce grabbed her by the shoulders to keep her on her feet.

  “Easy, Marcus. We don’t want her to fall,” Bruce chided his brother.

  “Sorry.” He just grinned up at Kate before he stood up as well.

  Water poured from his body as he helped her out of the tub. Bruce dried her off while Marcus took care of himself. As soon as she was dry, he picked her up and carried her to the bed once again. The covers had been pulled back up to keep as much warmth as possible in the bed.

  “Climb under the covers, baby. I’m right behind you.” He slapped her ass once as she crawled under.

  “Hey! What was that for?” She stuck her head back out, grinning at him.

  “For being too slow.”

  “Asshole.” She stuck her cold feet against his ass when he backed up to her.

  “Kate, I’m going to spank that ass if you do that again.”

  Kate laughed and hugged up against his warm back. He seemed to radiate heat even in the winter. She buried her cold nose in his neck and heard him curse under his breath. She bit back another laugh in case it earned her the aforementioned spanking.

  Marcus hurried across the cold floor and climbed into the bed on the other side of her. He snuggled up close to her back with his cold body. She shivered. Now she knew how poor Bruce felt. Marcus’s hands were like ice cubes.

  “Warm your hands up between your legs before you put them on me again,” she fussed good-naturedly.

  “I’m not putting my hands anywhere near my balls like this. I’ll put them between your legs, though.” He shoved them there, and she nearly came out of the bed in shock.

  “Marcus, settle down and let’s get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.” Bruce sounded distracted.

  “Is it supposed to snow more tomorrow?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I bet we have another foot on the ground in the morning. It was starting to snow when we came up to bed.”

  Kate sighed. More snow meant more work on the men. They wouldn’t let her help outside because of the wolves. Well, she would keep the fire going in the fireplace and food on the table. She could do that.

  In that instant, she realized how much she had come to love being their wife even if Bruce didn’t love her. She was almost sure Marcus did. She knew she loved him. She sighed. She even loved Bruce, but was sure he would never return the feeling. Still, in those few seconds when they were all three joined earlier, she had thought she heard him say the words in her ear. Now, though, she knew she had to have been mistaken.

  * * * *

  Over the next several weeks, they spent a lot of time in bed. When the men weren’t out seeing to the animals, they were seeing to her in bed. Kate couldn’t complain because she loved every minute of their attention. They loved her into blissful states where she dozed until they woke her again for more.

  When she wasn’t in bed with them, she cooked and cleaned. On several occasions during that time, one of the men from one of the other families stopped by to let them know what was going on. It seemed that the wolves had backed off somewhere. No one had seen a wolf since that last day of hunting. Everyone seemed to think that maybe they were retreating for good. Kate could tell that Bruce didn’t believe it.

  One day, Joel and Jonathan stopped by with Leigh to visit. She had only been out of bed for an hour and was still cleaning up after the men had eaten. They were outside with the cattle. She was afraid they would be mad if she let the other men inside. They seemed to understand, because they ushered Leigh in and walked around the house to find Bruce and Marcus.

  “I’m sorry, Leigh. It’s just that I don’t know them and…”

  “Don’t worry about it. Joel would throw a fit if I let in a strange man even if there was a woman with them.” She smiled and sat down at the kitchen table. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m fine. I guess the snow has cleared up some if you are out in it.”

  “Yes, but then the guys have that big four-wheel drive with snow chains on the tires. I think they can go anywhere.”

  “How are the other women?” Kate asked.

  “Everyone is fine. I think Heather is getting close to time to deliver. She’s miserable, because she can’t get comfortable.”

  “I can’t even imagine being pregnant. That scares me to think about.”

  “Well, it’s going to happen eventually. You’ve got two good men to help you, so you’ll be fine.”

  A few minutes later, the men came stomping in the back door, pulling off boots and coats as they did. She and Leigh hurried to fix coffee for everyone. The men gathered in the living room. Marcus threw another log on the fire, and they continued their conversation as the women handed out the mugs of the steaming liquid.

  “So you don’t think the wolves are gone for good,” Joel said.

  “No, they’re regrouping. I can’t see them giving up as serious as they fought everyone these last two years. They’re too smart. As long as man had the upper hand, they just used their intelligence to stay alive and hidden. Now that we’re in the minority, they are pushing to take over the land.”

  “If I hadn’t seen them in action I would think you were a nutcase, Bruce, but you’re right. I don’t see them giving up, either,” Jonathan said as he sipped his coffee.

  “I worry about the women,” Joel said. “We have to work to put food on the table, and they have to work in the garden. Leigh can shoot a gun, but if she’s busy in the yard, she might not see one in time.”

  “We’ve decided that one of us will always be with her outside. It means putting more on the other one, but I’m not leaving Kate alone.” Bruce reached out and snagged her hand as she passed by to return to the kitchen.

  Kate smiled down at him. He so rarely sought out her touch when sex wasn’t involved. She squeezed his hand back. When he looked away and dropped her hand, she tried not to let it bother her. She continued into the kitchen where Leigh was back sitting at the table, stirring milk into her mug of caffeine.

  “I think Joel wants to look at having a communal garden where we could all work with several of the men taking turns gu
arding us while we do. What do you think about that?”

  “It sounds like a good idea. I don’t know. It would need to be a big garden, and there would have to be set days we work in it so that everyone is there at the same time.”

  “I think it would work. That way only a couple of men a day would need to miss working in the fields or with the cattle.” Leigh sipped her coffee.

  “I wonder what Bruce and Marcus will think about it. I like the idea. Not only would it solve the problem of keeping us safe from the wolves, but it would mean we got to visit some every few days.” Kate really liked the idea.

  She hoped Bruce would go along with it. She knew Marcus would do whatever Bruce decided. Bruce made most of the decisions around the house, and they followed his directives.

  A few minutes later, the men walked back into the kitchen. Jonathan and Joel pulled Leigh to her feet and the three of them put their boots, coats, and hats back on to leave.

  Marcus walked them outside to their truck and then returned as Kate washed up the cups. He looked excited. For that matter, Bruce looked happy about something as well.

  “What is it?” she finally asked when she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Don’t act like you don’t know, Kate. I’m sure Leigh said something to you. What do you think?” Bruce asked her.

  Surprised, she opened then closed her mouth again. What should she say?

  “I think it’s a great idea. It would free you up to work without worrying about me, and I would get to visit with the other women some.” She shrugged and grinned.

  “I figured you would like the idea.”

  “You have to admit, it has merit,” Marcus said.

  “It will take at least one more family for it to be efficient.”

  “Do you think they will get the others to do it?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Some of them are sure the wolves have moved on.” Bruce shook his head.

  “Even if they have, I think it’s a good idea.” Marcus wrapped his arms around Kate and pulled her back against him.

  “Hey, let me finish drying the dishes.” She reached for the last cup and after wiping it off, pulled Marcus behind her to the cabinet to put it up.

  “There, you’re finished. Let’s go to bed.”

  “We haven’t finished with the cattle, yet, Marcus,” Bruce reminded him.

  Kate leaned her head back and stuck out her tongue. He quickly sucked it into his mouth and teased her with his.

  “Fuck you two. Go to bed. I’ll tend to the last of the chores.” Bruce shook his head and laughed as he pulled on his coat and boots. “I’ll be back in another hour.”

  Marcus walked Kate toward the living room and the stairs. He pushed her up them as she laughed and tried to pull away from him. Once they reached the top, he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. They fell together on the bed and began pulling off each other’s clothes.

  Sex with Marcus was always fun and light or serious and sensual. With Bruce it was intense. He was always in control. Kate loved both of them and enjoyed their differences, but she especially liked it when they took her together. For a few minutes in time, they were joined, and no one was in control.

  “I love you, Kate,” Marcus said as he slowly entered her.

  “I love you, Marcus.” She drew in a deep breath as he filled her tight pussy with his hard cock.

  He took her slow and deep with each rasp of his dick touching every part of her before it bumped against her cervix and shot pleasure down her spine. Slowly and methodically he pumped his cock in and out of her pussy.

  “I can’t get enough of you, Kate. God, you’re so addicting.”

  Her juices coated his balls as he tunneled in and out of her, over and over in slow, measured thrusts designed to drive her higher and higher into ecstasy. With every thrust, she was sure it would be the one to send her screaming into orgasm, but still he pushed on.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight, baby.” He licked a long line from her neck to her shoulder and bit her as he slowly picked up his speed.

  Sweat dotted his forehead as he thrust his cock deeper and harder into her wet cunt. She held on to him, desperate to come now. She felt as if it would forever be out of her grasp now that he’d drawn it out for so long. Then he reached between them and tapped her clit as he bit her shoulder. She screamed as her orgasm exploded over her.

  Nothing prepared her for the intense feeling of love she had for Marcus right then. He’d made love to her, showered her with attention and praise. Still, she wanted more. She wanted Bruce’s love. She wanted to feel him deep within her when he said he loved her.

  “I’m wasted,” Marcus complained good-naturedly.

  “So am I.” She giggled then turned over in the bed and snuggled up to his back.

  They lay like that for a long time, just dozing, until the opening of the door downstairs reminded them that Bruce would be wondering where they were. It had to have been over an hour now.

  “Are you two still in bed?” he called up the stairs.

  “I’m sorry, Bruce. I’ll fix something to eat now.” She grinned at Marcus and rolled out of bed to get dressed.

  “You’re both in hot water for wasting the day away in bed.” Bruce was climbing the stairs.

  “Hurry, up, Marcus!” Kate pulled on her T-shirt without bothering with a bra. She had all her clothes on when Bruce walked into the bedroom.

  He shook his head and began pulling his off. “I’m going to take a shower. There better be something to eat on the table when I get downstairs, you two.”

  He slapped at her ass as she sprinted past him.

  “Don’t run down the stairs, Kate,” he called after her.

  Kate giggled and quickly walked down the stairs. She was bound and determined to get something for him to eat on the table before he made it downstairs. Marcus followed close behind her.

  “What can I do to help?” he asked.

  “Get out of my way.” She slapped at his hands when they reached out to pluck at her nipples. The cool air in the house had them standing at attention. “Go on. Get out of my way.”

  He snuck in a kiss before hurrying into the living room. She heard the front door open and close. He must have gone out to put a log on the fire. She waited for him to return. When he didn’t, she worried and walked to the front door. When she looked out, he was nowhere to be seen. She opened the door and called out to him, but he didn’t answer. She stepped out onto the porch and listened. Still she could hear nothing. Then a twig snapped. Her mouth went dry, and her throat clogged with fear. She jumped back into the house and closed the door.

  She ran around to the back to see if Marcus was out there, and there he was with the ax in his hand, walking toward the front door. He saw her looking out at him and waved. She waved back and worked at calming her racing heart. He would have known if there were wolves around. She was imagining things.

  She swallowed around the slowly dissipating lump in her throat and started a boiler of soup. It was already made. She just had to warm it back up. She made crackling bread and sighed in relief when Marcus finally walked back in the house.

  “Everything all right out there?” she asked.

  “Everything’s fine. Why?” He hung up his hat and coat.

  “Just wondering. I have soup and crackling bread to eat. Do you think that will be okay with Bruce?”

  “Bruce will let you know after he eats it.” He stepped into the kitchen with still damp hair, wearing clean clothes.

  After dinner, they gathered in the living room to talk and enjoy the fireplace. When Marcus went to get another log to put on the fire, Kate stopped him.

  “Be careful. I think the wolves are still out there.”

  Bruce sat up and looked at her. “Why do you say that, Kate?”

  “I just get this feeling that they are out there watching and waiting for us to make a wrong move.”

  “I’ll watch for you, Marcus. We need to be especially careful at n
ight.” Bruce stood up and followed his brother to the door. After picking up the rifle, he opened the door and stood just outside waiting on Marcus to get the wood and bring it inside.

  “Go ahead and get several logs, Marcus, so we will have them in the morning.” Kate figured she could start the fire that way when she got up to start breakfast.

  Once he had stacked three additional logs near the fireplace, they closed the door and Bruce put the rifle back where it belonged.

  “I think it’s time for us to go to bed. Kate, do you need to do anything in the kitchen first, baby?”

  “No. I’m finished in there.”

  “Come on, then. I’m thinking of a word. Can you guess what it is?”

  “Does it start with an S?” she asked, playing along.

  “You got it, baby.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “What makes you think this is going to be the last snow of the season?” Kate asked Bruce.

  “Just know. It probably won’t last more than a couple of days, either. Just enough to be a nuisance, but not enough to do any real damage.” Bruce grinned at her.

  “Well, if it’s the last one, I’ve got to make a snowman.” She hadn’t played out in the snow much at all over the winter because of the threat of the wolves and the fact that the men needed to work when they were out in the cold.

  “We’ll see, Kate. Depends on the weather. I’m not having you out in zero degree weather with the wind blowing. You’ll catch your death like that.” Bruce kissed the side of her face and continued to look out at the slowly falling snow while he drank his coffee.

  Marcus walked down the stairs still tucking his shirttail into his jeans. He zipped and buttoned them when he reached the living room. Kate walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist.


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