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Fate of the Blood Moon's Path

Page 12

by Tiffany Potter

  “And here I never thought you would have the balls to return here.” A laughing voice blew in on the back of the wind. I didn’t say anything. I only kept walking on up the trail to their hideout in the ruins and caves. As I got closer I could smell the smoke from the fires that they had burning in their camps.

  I could also hear footsteps in the distance. The footsteps trying to be quiet. They weren’t. I knew exactly who it was.

  “And here you are.” Finally the culprit behind the traveling voice in the winds came forward. He stepped out from the trees and the darkness. It took everything I had to keep his attention on me so that he wouldn’t know that Scarlet had followed me out here.

  Whether he knew she was there or not, I will never know. His attention stayed on me. His eyes never left mine.

  “Akuma.” I simply stated.

  “So you know me then.” He stepped a little closer to me.

  “Not personally no.” I said being a smart ass.

  “But you have heard of me? That is all that matters.” He grinned showing his teeth.

  “No. I haven’t heard of you either. Not from any one.”

  “Oh…that wretched girl.” His grin twisted. I simply scowled at him. “Why on earth did you save her? Now you are stuck with her. You know that right?”

  “Better her than your kind.”

  “Ah, touché.” He laughed.

  “What do you want Akuma?” I asked.

  “My dear you are the one who came here, what do you want?”

  “You pursued me out there did you not?”

  “I knew you would be out here, truth be told.”


  “That my dear does not matter.”

  “Doesn’t it?” I asked.

  “No. It does not.” His face went blank. “I have a proposition for you.”


  “Our King.”

  “My grandfather.” I sighed.

  “If you think so.”

  “Go on.” I said ignoring his comment. I knew the truth. Vampyres can be so cryptic.

  “Edinburgh, Scotland. The Grey Friars grave sites.”

  “What about it?”

  “Meet us there.”


  “Bring the girl.”

  “Why?” I asked again.

  “He will be there.”

  “Who is he?” I was starting to get annoyed of this little game already. After all, I was the one who came here.

  “Our King. He wants to meet with you. And the girl who got away.” He grinned.

  “And if I refuse?”

  “The one thing you crave the most…” He paused, and I cut him off.

  “The death of all the Vampyres.” I said.

  “No the other thing that you crave. Your freedom. When you can stop running and hunting.”

  “Is that really what I crave?” I asked him.

  “Yes. I see it. We all see it. You have been running and hunting your whole life. Cutting off the people that you love to keep them safe. Truth be told, your people will never be safe.”

  “How about you leave them out of this.” I said through my clenched teeth.

  “They will be, for now. But be in Scotland. Seven days from now.” I didn’t say anything to him. I simply looked into his red eyes. “And it would wise to not forget the girl.”

  “You have no idea what kind of position you are putting yourself in.” I grinned.

  “Oh, I certainly do.” He grinned back. “I most certainly do.”

  “And this King of yours?”

  “What about him?” Now he was playing my game.

  “You are sure he knows what he is doing?”

  “He does. Oh, and leave your pets here. Only you and the girl.”

  “My pets?”

  “Aren’t they?” He laughed. It echoed off the trees.

  “No. They are not.”

  “Whatever you say, my dear.”

  “I am not your dear.”

  “No. You are not,” He grinned I saw his eyes go the trees behind me. I saw a figure there for only a moment then it disappeared. “Don’t forget. Seven says.”

  “I can’t promise anything.” I sneered.

  “It’s your funeral love.”

  “I’m not your love either.” He only laughed and walked away. I watched him leave. It was like he was floating towards the fire’s that burned in the camp. The robe he was wearing was like silk floating down a river. Perfectly beautiful. His long black hair was the same way. Vampyres truly are mesmerizing. I can’t blame you humans for your fascination with them. Though it is completely ridiculous and dangerous.

  “Are you out of your mind following me here?” I ran up to Scarlet so fast from behind and knocked her over. She was shaking from fear as to what hit her before she spoke.

  “No! If you had only told me what you were doing, I wouldn’t have had to follow you.” She was trying to get up from my blow. I was standing over her looking at her with my eyes now blacked over from my anger.

  “If you had gotten caught, you would have been killed.”

  “Well, why didn’t they kill you?”

  “They won’t kill me.”


  “I don’t want to talk about this.”

  “Tell me Angel. Why won’t they kill you? What’s so special about being the worlds first hybrid?”

  “Nothing.” I was walking back towards the Werewolf camp.

  “When are we leaving for Scotland?” She asked changing the subject. She was still trying to catch her breath from when I knocked her down.

  “You’re not.”

  “But they said…”

  “I don’t care, you seriously have some sort of death wish.”

  “When are we going?” She asked again now catching up to me.

  “Scarlet…” I stopped and she ran into me, falling down again. I turned and helped her up. “You don’t get it do you?”

  “Get what?” She asked brushing the dirt off of her pants.

  “They want you there so they can kill you. They never start something that they cannot finish. I should’ve never came here.” I turned around walking down the path that I came.

  “I would’ve been dead if it wasn’t for you.”

  “Tell me something that I don’t know.” I heard her sigh, but she went on. “Seriously, when are we leaving?”

  I just rolled my eyes and kept walking.



  Poisonous Romance.

  Present Time.

  “Every instant of time is a pinprick of eternity.”


  “Why do you…” I asked again, being cut off.

  There was a quick moment of hesitation from him. With great speed, he had his arms wrapped around me tight and his lips came crashing down on mine. It felt like an eternity that we stood there taking each other in. Breathing deep and learning each others scents.

  Then it hit me. And it hit me hard. I knew who he was. I knew where I had seen him before. I stopped kissing him with the passion and effort and pushed him away from me. Wiping my mouth and turning around towards the lake with tears in my eyes. I was almost disgusted with myself.

  “Why?” I asked.

  He stared at me with a look of pain in his eyes.

  “You were there when Scarlet’s family was killed…”

  He said nothing.

  “WHY?” I asked him. “Why were you there? How? Wait…I don’t…Draven!” I threw my arms up in frustration.

  “I know, I have a lot to answer for.”

  “A LOT!” I screamed.

  “Quiet!” He put his hand over my mouth. I pushed him away this time.

  “I don’t have to be quiet!”

  “Well, stop yelling.”

  I made a noise of disgust in response.

  “I told you, once given an order I have to do it or die. What e
xcuses do I have to not do what I am told.”

  “I’d rather die. That was wrong.”

  “Don’t say that too loudly.” He said.

  “Robert Draven.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “Angelica Fowler.” He mocked me.

  “You are not funny in the least bit.”

  “I’m not trying to be.” He smiled.

  “Who are you really?”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  “Yes. I really want to know. I want to know why you were there when her family was killed.”

  “I’m not supposed to tell you anything as it is.”

  “Damn them.”


  “Then take me there.”

  “Take you where?”

  “To the Vampyre mansion.”





  “Angel, I’m not taking you there.” He leaned in towards me to whisper even though he wanted to yell.

  “It wouldn’t be my death.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “They don’t want me dead.”

  “Don’t they?” He asked.

  “If they wanted me dead, your order would have been to kill me by now instead of following me around and spying on me.”

  “The suggestion has come up.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So I’m here Draven. Kill me.”

  “I won’t kill you.”

  “Even if it was your order? Why not?”

  “Because I have fallen for you.” He ran his hand through his hair then stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked down at the ground, acting as if he were shy.

  “What?” I asked him. I wanted to make sure I heard him right.

  “You heard me.” He said.

  “My fate is to be like my mother.” I said with a hint of sarcasm, feeling suddenly dizzy.

  “It is not. Please don’t think like that.”

  “I have to sit down. This is too much all at once.”

  “Angel…” He walked over towards me and sat next to me.

  “Of all the people you could have…”

  “I only want you.” He tried to grab my hand.

  “No. I’m still pissed at you. You need to tell me why?!” I turned and faced him.

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “I’m so sick of hearing that.” I said.

  “I will have to show you.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Please…come here.” He motioned for me.

  “No.” I scooted away from him.

  “Then I will come there.” Two seconds later he was behind me, I was sitting in between his legs. His muscular arms were wrapped around me tightly.

  “No…” I said trying to struggle out of his grip. He was stronger than me.

  “Shhh.” He blew into my ear, and leaned his temple against mine. The world around me dissolved and went into darkness. All I felt was his arms around me. If he had a heart, I’m sure that I would feel that beating against me too. Instead, he listened to mine.



  All My Past Lives.


  “What does not kill me, makes me stronger.”

  -Friedrich Nietzsche

  “He alive?” A woman’s high pitched voice asked and I felt a poking in my side. I slowly started opening my eyes to see two long skirts covered in mud standing before me. One had a stick, whom was poking at me. I wish they’d just shut up. My head is killing me.

  “I do believe he is.” The other high pitched voice said. “Thomas! Come help this young boy up!” She yelled to some man. Lady stop yelling.

  “I’ma comin’.” A deep voice spoke, “He looks like he’s about to die. Let’s just leave him out here…alright, alright.”

  “That’s why we need to get him to the house.”

  “I know that Aggie.” Thomas said. He sounded irritated by this woman.

  My world was spinning and I had no clue what was going on. Here I am laying out in the middle of nowhere covered in mud. My whole body feeling like it was on fire. Like there was no help for me. Everything around me was hazing over. The bright sun shining down was blinding me and burning my skin. I can’t remember anything. How did I get here?

  The man picked me up slowly. “Get some warm water to clean him up. Looks like he’s covered in blood.”

  “Yessum.” The ladies said together. I heard one of women’s footsteps perfectly clear as she ran off in the other direction.

  “Why do you suppose he’s covered in blood? I don’t see any wounds.” The high pitched voice spoke again.

  “Don’t know Aggie. Once we get him better we can ask all the questions we want.”

  “Where is that girl with the water. We better get something in him if he’s got a fighting chance.”

  “I don’t know Aggie, he looks like he had a fight with the Devil himself.”

  “It won’t hurt to try.”

  Again, I blacked out. After that, I heard nothing. For the longest time I thought I was dying. It felt like weeks had passed that I laid there in this uncomfortable bed listening to these peoples voices. I couldn’t move, and I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t do anything but lay there. With what they forced down my throat, which was barely anything, I was still starving for more. They were always around making sure that I wasn’t dead yet. Leave me alone.

  I heard the sound of horses outside in the distance, and a carriage in tow. These people ran to their door to see who was coming. I heard the door unlatch and footsteps coming inside. Voices speaking.

  “I was told that you had my boy here.” The deep musical voice spoke.

  “We didn’t tell anyone we had a boy here.”

  “That’s what I was told, May I?” I heard him step into the house and walk towards me.

  “That your boy?” The lady asked.

  “It truly is. Thank the Gods he is safe and alive.” I heard another set of foot steps come in. I suppose this was the set of foot steps that came into pick me up. My eyes opened as I was thrown over this man’s shoulder and brought out into the carriage and practically thrown into it.

  “For your troubles.” The musical voice said throwing a small pouch of coins to the man who owned this house.

  “Yaahh!” The driver yelled and the carriage took off.

  “Oh I’m so glad that you didn’t die.” The musical voice said.

  “Mmmm.” Was all that I could get out, and nothing more.

  I heard this man laugh. It almost mesmerized me to the point of being paralyzed.

  “Wake up boy.” A cold dark voice woke me up and I felt a jab in my side.

  “Mmm.” I moaned. I didn’t want to open my eyes because of the light coming in from the opened windows.

  “Robert Armond Draven.” A cool calming voice, that same musical voice that I had heard before entered with light feet. “You may wake now.”

  I sat up looking around. The first thing that I saw was the window and the light coming through. Nothing but blue sky outside.

  “My name is Akuma Antonin Garbaneesta.” I looked up at this tall man with pale skin, long black hair, and red eyes.

  “Where am I? Where’s my family?” I asked.

  “They are all dead.” He said calmly, staying in the shadows.

  “What do you mean dead?” I yelled, trying to get up and falling onto the floor. I was twisted up in the sheets on the bed.

  “Calm down.” The other man said while laughing loudly in his throat.

  “Yes. Dead. Cease to exist. I didn’t stutter did I? Maybe I slurred my words? Or mumbled the whole short sentence together.” Akuma gave an amusing and yet annoyed look.

  “How? How am I still alive? I don’t even know where I am.” I finally got myself untangled and ran my hands through my hair. “Where am I?”

  “An estate in Romania.”
r />   “Romania?” I yelled out. “I was in England.”

  “Yes, you were. Boy, do you have a hearing problem? Why do I have to keep repeating myself? People like us shouldn’t have hearing problems.” Akuma was getting annoyed.

  He held up his hand and motioned for the other man to leave us here.

  “What do you mean, people like us?” I was getting dizzy and my vision was starting to blur badly. My legs felt as if they weren’t going to hold me up anymore. They felt like wobbly branches from a willow tree.

  Akuma crossed the room ever so elegantly. Every time he moved it appeared as if he were literally floating towards his destination. His red eyes stood out the most.

  “People like us. Bloodsuckers. Leeches. Parasites. Shall I go on?” He sat me down on the bed before I fell. “If I hadn’t turned you, you’d be nothing but little pieces being fed to lake eaters, you know the legends on the monsters in the deep.”

  “I’m a Vampyre?” I asked, falling backwards on the bed.

  “Yes, Robert. A Vampyre.”

  “And the reason you only saved me is…?”

  “I was given an order and I followed.”

  “To turn me? I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t.” A very cold voice came out of the darkness in the doorway. Akuma quickly stood and bowed his head momentarily. I sat up seeing all of this through my blood shot eyes.

  “Did you not feed him yet Akuma?”

  “No. Sir. He’s full of questions.”

  “Here boy.” He said, leaning forward, slicing his wrist with his teeth and holding my mouth open with his other hand. “Drink.”

  I knew it was blood that was being forced into my throat. It wasn’t how I thought it would be. As a child if I had cut myself, I’d put my finger into my mouth to stop the bleeding. It was a disgusting metallic taste. Like chewing on a piece of metal. I suppose it was because I was a human, and humans aren’t exactly accustomed to drinking blood.


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