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Fate of the Blood Moon's Path

Page 15

by Tiffany Potter

“Why are we going down here?” She asked cautiously and quietly.

  “See if I can pick up on anything…or anyone.”

  “Seriously? What will you find down here?”

  I didn’t answer her. I just shot her a glance as if the answer to that question was obvious.

  “Just stay with me and talk to no one. Don’t even look at anyone. Got it?” I sounded a little harsh, as I always do.

  “Got it.” She tried not to smile at me. I shook my head, proceeding forward to the passages and tunnels with Scarlet on my heels.



  By Chance or Fate?


  The human stench was everywhere here. Throughout the tunnels, passages, and alleys. Not just the scent of humans, but there were also Vampyre scents mixed in. And a Wolf.

  I could sense the approach of someone coming up behind us. I never showed panic, but I turned ever so quickly with my hand at-the-ready on my daggers. All I sensed were humans. There had to be more. My senses have never lied to me nor have they failed me before.

  From the darkness of the alleyway I saw him. A man dressed in dark clothing and a brown leather coat. He was just standing there watching me. Staring.

  “What is it?” Scarlet asked me quietly.

  “A hybrid.” I said slowly and in a whisper.

  “What?” She yelled her whisper. Some glances came our way.

  “Come on.” I turned back towards the opening of the tunnels.

  “You’re not at all curious?” Scarlet hesitated to ask.

  “Of course I am. But there is way too many people around here to be curious.”

  “Oh.” She said simply.

  “You’re not in the least but curious about me?” I heard inside of my head.

  Quickly I turned my head again to where he was. There was at least ten feet between us. He had a thick Australian accent. He was taller than me, had dark hair and very dark eyes. I didn’t sense danger in him. But there is always danger in beauty. Just watching him, looking at him, made me feel very attracted to him. I’m not sure where it was coming from.

  “Should I be?” I replied to him turning my head back forward to watch where I was walking.

  “Yes, you should be. And I’m extremely curious about you.” He responded, and I could sense his grin that he had on his face.

  I looked over to see Scarlet who had her eyes forward, not really paying attention to me or what was going on with this other hybrid.

  “Tell me, sir, why you’re so curious about someone like me?” I asked.

  “It should be quite obvious.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You’re Angel.”

  “Hmmm.” I only made a noise as my response.

  “Are you not?”

  “I am.” I glanced sideways at him. “Tell me Hybrid, what is your name?”

  “Kane Reagan.” He stated proudly.

  “How long have you been here Kane?”

  “A few years now. I’ve been keeping peace between the wolf clans here. I was supposed to be away fighting, but opted out.”

  “Keeping peace?”

  “Clans here feud over power and control. Everyday someone dies. I’m a sort of messenger or peace keeper for them.”


  “And you Angel, why are you here?”


  “I thought I smelled them. They came in late last night.”

  “Angel, are you with me?” Scarlet asked me grabbing a hold of my arm lightly.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I asked where we were headed.”

  “Oh, um, lets come in here. We’ll get something to eat.” I suggested nodding to a pub to our right side called “Mackenzie’s”.

  I looked around before entering the pub, not seeing Kane anywhere.

  “Can I help ya’s?” The man behind the bar asked.

  “Yes you can. Two Ales and a platter of meat please. Bloody.” I smiled at him. He didn’t look at me like I was strange. He must be used to this request here.

  “Aye. Will do. Go get yourselves some seats loves.” He winked.

  “You’re loved by all aren’t you?” Scarlet asked me with a smile on her face and sighed.

  “I really don’t pay much attention to it.” I said sitting down at a table in the corner so I could watch the room.

  “Sure.” She said smiling.

  “You really are.” I heard Kane’s voice inside my head. I looked up and saw him at the bar with a few others.

  “Scarlet, do you see that man at the end of the bar?”

  Scarlet looked and nodded waiting for my explanation.

  “He’s the man from the alley way.”

  “Oh. Now I recognize him. He’s the hybrid right?” She asked.

  “Yes.” I went on to explain to her our small conversation that didn’t really reveal anything other than his name and his occupation.

  “So he’s not from here? And he’s like a peace keeper or something?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Ladies.” A male voice that I knew shadowed us. I looked up to see Kane Reagan standing there with a drink in his hand. I nodded to him and gestured to have a seat next to me, the only open chair at our table.

  “So tell me about your business here with the Vampyres.” He said taking a sip from his stone mug.

  “Vengeance.” Scarlet blurted out angrily.

  “Sweetheart, we all want that against them.” Kane half smiled at her, then took another sip.

  “Calm down.” I said.

  Kane smiled. “Learn to control your pup.”

  I didn’t respond, however a low growl came from Scarlet next to me.

  I looked over at her, then over at him. “We are here on business unknown.”

  “It’s probably their attempt to get you on their side.” He stated.

  “That won’t happen, will it Angel?” Scarlet asked me.

  “You never know what the future holds.” I replied picking up a piece of bloody meat and gnawing on it.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Kane agreed smiling at me. Scarlet had a very disgusted look on her face and pain in her eyes. “Where is this business taking place?” He asked.

  “Greyfriar Graveyard.” Scarlet said without thinking as she started picking a piece of meat apart with her fingers.

  “Ah. The most haunted and dark place around. Good choice.” He responded sarcastically.

  “We didn’t choose it. Look this isn’t the best place to discuss any of this.” I said.

  “These humans don’t know anything here. They’re too ignorant to the things around them.”

  “Aren’t they all?” Both Scarlet and I said at the same time. The three of us laughed. Kane had a deep handsome laugh that made his whole body shake.

  Yes. He was growing on me too. And it hasn’t been long since we met.

  “Can I ask who are meeting with?” Kane asked.

  “No.” I said as Scarlet said, “The leader of the Vampyres.”

  “Scarlet stop.” I set my drink down and glared at her. “It’s no ones business but our own.”

  “Sorry.” She put her head down. I turned to look at Kane.

  “It’s ok. Your secrets are safe with me. But can I ask you this? Are you insane? Meeting with that clan of Vampyres is complete suicide.”

  “They want to kill me.” Scarlet whispered. “They killed my family and they want to finish the job. Angel is going to hand me over to them.”

  “I am not. Stop that.”

  “I’m sorry about your family Scarlet.”

  “Thanks…” She sighed. “You’re not going to hand me over?”

  “No. I’m not. I’d at least want to trade.” I smiled at her. Scarlet looked up at me with a surprised look. “I’m kidding.” I smiled.

  “Ok, you have to stay calm.” I mouthed slowly to Scarlet on the way to the c

  “I know.” She whispered in her annoyed tone. I could see in her mind the anger building up inside of her. Her anger was blinding her from the present.

  “I mean it Scarlet, I’ll kill you myself before they even get a chance.” I said in an angry tone. She shot me a worried look.

  We entered through the gates to the cemetery slowly and very alert. I could sense their presence further in. Then we saw them as the lightening above us flashed.

  Akuma, his eyes glowing red, and his long black flowing hair down over his robe. There were five Vampyres on each side of him.

  I heard growling behind me, and in front of me was Akuma laughing.

  “Ahhhhhhh!” I heard Scarlet scream and felt her anger. She ran past me, her eyes black in anger. I threw my arm up before she had a chance to pass me. She bared her teeth at me and then to Akuma.

  “Enough!” I screamed inside of her head. An unbearable loudness to her. It shook her back reality, her eyes changed back to her normal pale blue.

  Looking back at Akuma, still grinning.

  “Well…?” I asked.



  In These Twisted Ways.

  Present Time.

  “The desires of the heart are as crooked as corkscrews.”

  -W.H Auden

  I sat out there most of the night after Draven left, and watched the sun come up.

  “Angel?” I heard Rayna’s voice calling me back into reality.

  “Hmm?” I turned to her, trying my hardest to not look guilty.

  “What are you doing out here?” She hesitated. “Who were you with?” She raised an eyebrow with a serious look on her face. She was eyeing the hoodie that I was wearing.

  “Oh.” I simply stated.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I have to show you something.” I finally decided to give in to her and let her know everything that’s been going on and what I’ve been hiding from her.

  I slowly walked towards her, while her feet never moved from the position that they were in. Her nose wrinkled when I came up closer to her. I knew that she smelt Vampyre on me. Hell, I could smell the Vampyre on me.

  I stood in front of her, with a few moments of eye contact and silence. We both reached at the same time, as we always do, my right hand touching her temples and her right hand on mine.

  Then she saw it all. Everything. Robert Draven. From the first meeting, to him being in the woods during our council, his past and our kiss that didn’t last very long. She saw everything. Felt everything. She finally broke the connection between us. She stumbled backwards and looked at me like a worried mother.

  “Are you kidding me?” Her voice rose loudly. “What in the hell are you thinking?” She quieted her voice. In her mind I saw and heard that she really wanted to scream at me, but she cared too much, and didn’t want to get the attention of anyone that may be around listening.

  “I’m not.” I said sitting down on the shoreline letting the waves crash on to my feet.

  “Why did you keep this from me?”

  “I didn’t want you to freak out.”

  “You still should’ve said something. I could’ve tried to talk you out of it!”

  “What’s done is done.” I sighed. We sat in silence for a few minutes to only have it broken with her sarcasm.

  “You kissed him.” The way she said it made us both laugh. “What’s this Scarlet going to say whenever she find out about this?” She asked me.

  “He’s different. I know that’s ignorant of me to say.” I stated quietly.

  “A Vampyre is a Vampyre and he will always be a bloodsucker Angel. They will never change. One taste of blood and it’s over.”

  “I can’t believe that. No one believed that I would change. Or any of us. We all have a Vampyre parent, and look at us.”

  “That’s because we have the Werewolf gene that makes us humane.” She smiled.

  “Whatever it is…” I hesitated.

  She cut me off, “After everything that you have been through in your life, hunting them down and killing them. You can’t sit there and tell me that he’s different. He’s a Vampyre. That won’t change. He’ll never be anything more than that.”

  “Rayna…” I started. “You saw what I showed you, his past. Doing what he had to do to survive.”

  “Eventually the bloodlust will take over and there won’t be anymore control.”

  “I know that all too well Rayna. And I’m going to say it again, he’s different from the rest.”

  “Just answer me this Angel, are you sure you know what you’re doing?” She was looking at me fiercely.

  “Yes. I think I do.”

  “Then I am here for you. I can’t say that I’m agreeing with what you are doing, but I’m your friend, and your mine. I trust you, and know that you have a reason for everything.”

  “Even if I can’t figure out the reason?” I asked her.

  “Even if you can’t figure out the reason for the action, yes.” She smiled.

  “This is our secret right?” I asked her.

  “Shouldn’t someone else know, just in case…”

  “No!” I turned to her. “No one else can know. Please.”

  “Fine. It’s safe with me, but the second anything bad happens, that has anything to do with the Vampyres, I swear I will burn that place down.”

  “Rayna…” I sighed.

  “What about Kane?” She asked me out of nowhere.

  “What about him?” I asked. I haven’t seen Kane in almost two hundred years now since Scotland.

  “What’s he going to think when he finds out you’re with a Vampyre?”

  “He won’t find out…and it doesn’t matter. We had a nice time together when we were together, but it’s been so long he’s probably forgotten about me.”

  “I doubt that Angel. You’re not exactly easy to forget.” She grinned at me.

  “Whatever.” I smiled back.

  She started laughing, “But you didn’t just deny that you weren’t with Draven.”

  The both if us stood up and started walking back up the shoreline to the village. The lake was a little rough, and the waves were crashing into the rocks.

  “You can’t run from it.” She said.

  “From what?”

  “From everything.”

  “I’m not running Rayna, I’m just…dealing.”

  “Death dealing.” She got a little dark on me. I didn’t respond back to her or even look over at her. I just kept my pace with her and kept moving forward.

  I’d forgotten about the hoodie that I was wearing that reeked of Vampyre. I quickly took it off and rolled it into a ball in my hand holding to it tight focusing on pushing away the energy from the previous owner. It worked. Not one person from the village looked my way or sniffed it out.

  “Angel, this came for you.” My father handed me an envelope. Rayna sat next to my father on the front porch swing.

  “Who’s it from?” Rayna shot me a glance as she sat on the railing. I didn’t answer, I just opened the letter and read it.

  My Dearest Angel,

  By the time you get this letter, I shall already be on my way to New York and your village. I had a dream and in it I was told that I had to come and be there with you. So I am on my way. We shall see each other soon. Until then, take care.


  “Well?” My father asked.

  “Scarlet’s coming.” I responded after reading it. Rayna shot me a quick questioning look, and mine to her was twice the warning.

  “When?” My father asked.

  “Soon. I guess she’s already on her way here. I’m sensing soon.”

  “Well, I’m off.” Rayna said. “I’ve got to meet up with Micah.” She stood up, “I will see you both later.”

  “Absolutely.” I said. My father nodded to her.

  My father stood up slowly, “You’re a beautiful girl
Angel, inside and out. And you have to believe that no matter what, there is a reason for everything and your purpose shall be known.” He kissed my forehead.

  “Thanks.” I said in the a form of a question. “What does that even mean?”

  He laughed slightly. “You’ll figure it out my miracle child, I’ll always love you.” He put his arms around me and squeezed tight.

  “You too dad.” I responded holding on to him tightly back. I didn’t know what was going on with him right now, but it almost scared me.



  If You Surrender.


  “Be not afraid of shadows.”

  -William Shakespeare

  His laughter echoed throughout the cemetery, ricocheting from stone to stone. His eyes an angry shade of red, that glowed with a fierce hatred as he watched Scarlet with great anticipation.

  “Well?” I asked him.

  “Frankly, I’m shocked that you actually came and brought us this baggage. If you just hand her over to us, we’ll all be on our way.”

  “Why in Scotland?” I asked.

  “We were heading here for other business anyways so…you know how that goes…”

  “What makes you think I’m going to just hand her over to you?” I asked.

  Scarlet tried to push past me, but I was stronger and my arm in front of her wouldn’t allow her to leave the spot she was in.

  “Learn to control your pet.” Akuma laughed, everyone else laughed with him.

  “What is it you want Akuma?” I asked loudly and annoyed. I was getting very irritated by his hesitance.

  “Join us Angel.” He stopped smiling and asked seriously. “Join us and let us have the girl. We’ll let you live of course.”

  “You can’t be serious.” I suggested.

  “I am very serious. I wouldn’t go through all of this trouble if I wasn’t serious.”

  “You couldn’t have just asked me this while we were in the forest that night last week?” I asked him stepping forward. He, too, took a step forward.


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