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I am Yours (An Alpha Male BDSM Romance)

Page 15

by Linnea May

“You’re welcome,” he replied. All business. He was obviously aware that there were still a few eyes and ears on us.

  I was asked by several people if I was okay or if I had hurt myself with such seriousness and concern, it almost annoyed me. Any other environment and this would have caused a number of laughs, a comical relief to an otherwise stiff situation. Not with these people. The only one who appeared slightly amused was the wolf. And me, honestly. I was such a clumsy idiot, who on earth thought it would be a good idea to let me enter this world of stuck-up diplomats?

  I couldn’t help but smile while I tapped my dress to get rid of the dirt that was sticking on it due to my fall on the earthy ground. The Mimosa spill on the front, however, needed some extra care.

  I excused myself from the group and hurried to the bathroom, fleeing from the scene as fast as possible.

  And of course, this time he was following me.


  I was aware of his presence from the beginning, but didn’t turn around until I had entered the residence building to ask him what he thought he was doing. We kept walking, but he closed the distance, now walking next to me. And I noticed he was checking his surroundings.

  There weren’t many people around, as the masses were still in the garden or the hall, but here and there we encountered someone, causing the wolf to keep his distance. My heart jumped when we turned into the hallway where the bathrooms were located and there was absolutely no one around.

  He did not waste any time and instantly grabbed my wrist to turn me around, pushing me with my back to the wall and planting his lips on mine. My clutch fell out of my hand, noisily landing on the floor. I struggled for a millisecond, but welcomed his insistent tongue within a heartbeat. He smelled so incredibly good, sweet and endearing. My response to his kiss was equally greedy. I wanted to touch him, feel his buff body beneath the black suit that fit him so well. But he pushed my hands down, holding my wrists in a tight grip and pushing them back against the wall. I arched my back in an attempt to get as much out of his passionate kiss as possible, pushing my breasts against his chest.

  And then he stopped, just as suddenly as he had started, leaving me leaning against the wall. Panting heavily. Just in time, as a woman I could not identify left the bathroom a few steps down the hall. She glanced at me for a moment when she passed us, but didn’t appear suspicious. He had distanced himself from me, far enough away so it seemed as if we were just having a normal conversation, except that my cheeks were blushed and I was breathing as if I was about to have a heart attack.

  “You are such a cute girl,” he whispered and leaned down to pick up my clutch next to my feet. “Always getting yourself in trouble.”

  He glanced at my spoiled dress as he handed me the clutch.

  I hastily took it and raised an eyebrow, trying to regain composure.

  “That was all for entertainment,” I joked. “How else was I going to regain your attention?”

  “Is that what you were trying to do, my pet?” he asked. His black eyes flickered with amusement and a dimple appeared on his left cheek as he smirked at me. His dark hair was gelled and combed to one side, different than I knew him, but definitely no less handsome. If anything, he looked more delicious than ever before.

  I couldn’t hide the longing he had sparked with that impromptu kiss. I knew my eyes were begging for him, and so was my slightly opened mouth.

  “Sure,” I said, adding a smug smile. “You didn’t I was truly that clumsy? I wanted to lighten the situation and to have you come to my rescue.”

  He laughed and shook his head. “That’s not what I was talking about, though.”


  “No,” he assured me, suddenly looking at me with a stern expression. “You rolled your eyes at me, didn’t you?”

  Oh. I had completely forgotten about that.

  “Are you looking for a reason to punish me?” I asked, casting him a coy look.

  He shook his head. “I don’t have to look. You have given me one.”

  I looked up at him, pressing the clutch against my chest, as if I was trying to protect myself with it.

  “Let’s wash your dress first,” he said.

  “Let’s?” I asked. “You can’t follow me to the bathroom…”

  Now he was the one putting on a smug smile. “I’m sure you know a few places away from the crowds.”

  I inhaled noisily at the suggestion, but started to look around. There were people passing the hallway once in a while, most of them heading to the bathroom. But most were still in the garden, drinking, eating—not tripping over stones—and completely invested in their conversations. And the children’s choir was about to perform.

  “Do you have to be somewhere?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “Actually… no.”


  He raised one of his eyebrows, looking especially sexy when he did.

  Of course I had an idea where we could go. I did have my keys for the connected embassy facilities after all. No one would be there. Our office would be deserted. It was risky, but not overly dangerous, I figured.

  “But I can’t disappear forever, I—”

  He grabbed my upper arm. “Don’t worry, this won’t take long.”

  The tone of his voice made me shiver. God, I wanted him. Needed him. A little bit of recklessness should be allowed, as long as we didn’t depart for too long.

  I subtly nodded at him to follow me and led the way farther down the hallway. We hurried down the halls, closing in on the area that featured the embassy facilities. My heart was racing with excitement. This could be a very stupid idea, but it was so intriguing. He was irresistible and I loved giving in to my longing for him. The apparent fear of getting caught only added to my arousal. It was so forbidden, so dangerous, and so fucking hot. He placed his hand on my back as soon as we were out of sight of other people, already having left a few doors and hallways behind us.

  We reached the door that led to the hallway where my office was located. There were two security doors that we had to pass on our way and I made extra sure to properly lock them after we had passed them. It gave me an unreasonable sense of security to know that these doors would keep potential intruders outside, even though I knew that there were plenty of people around who could get me in trouble and were in possession of a key.

  The hallway was dark, lit only by a few emergency lights, which was a good sign because it was an affirmation for my presumption that we would be alone here.

  I reached for the light switch, but he held me back. “No need to raise suspicion.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The windows,” he said. “They might be visible from the garden and unnecessarily draw attention if someone sees the lights are on.”

  “Oh, right.”

  He really was a pro at this and probably had more experience than me, though.

  “Bathroom,” he ordered. “Get your dress clean.”

  I led the way to the bathroom, moving slowly, because it was difficult to see in these miserable lighting conditions.

  Of course, there was no reason why he couldn’t follow me into this bathroom, so I wasn’t surprised when he did. There were no windows in the bathroom, so I dared to switch on the light after closing the door behind us.

  “What a lucky man I am,” he said, while he drew closer, wrapping his arms around me. “To be surprised by my beautiful pet, just hours after I have filled her with cum and marked that perfect neck.”

  He gently wiped away my hair that was covering the mark he had given me that afternoon and planted a soft kiss on my painted skin. I closed my eyes appreciatively. His touch was electric. Now that we were alone in a secluded room, away from everyone else yet still in the middle of everything, my heart was back chasing rabbits.

  He stepped back and caught my attentive look. I was eagerly awaiting instructions.

  “Clean your dress,” he ordered.

  I turned around to approach the sink, but was
once again held back by him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back with one quick and strong movement. Bending me over, he lifted my dress and exposed my butt to hit it with a single, yet very painful stroke. The sound of the slap echoed through the bathroom dangerously loud.

  “Forgetting to reply again, are we?” he asked as he let my dress fall down again. I straightened up and smiled at him apologetically. God, that felt good. I wanted more of it and even considered to tease him a little. It would be interesting to provoke punishment for a change, instead of actually forgetting what I was supposed to do. I couldn’t help but wonder if it would feel different. Better, even.

  “Yes, sir,” I said, smirking. “I am very sorry.”

  He looked at me with a stern expression. “I don’t think you are, little pet.”

  It turned out that I really loved to play with fire that night, so I continued my rather bold smirking and curiously awaited his response.

  “Now, be a good girl and go clean your dress,” he simply said.

  I nodded and turned around, approaching the sink. “Yes, sir.”

  He leaned against the wall and kept his distance.

  “You know,” he said. “I think it’ll be easier if you take it off.”

  I cast him a look through the mirror. Now he was the one smirking.

  “Yes, sir,” I whispered and started to undo the zipper at the side of my dress. Carefully slipping out of it, I mentally thanked myself for not wearing pantyhose since it had been too warm that day, and for putting on nice underwear that evening. It seemed a silly thing to do when no one would be seeing you wear it, but for some reason I always felt more comfortable and only perfectly made up when I was wearing something pretty beneath a fancy getup. Besides, apparently you never knew when you’d encounter your Master and when you’d be put in a position where he’d watch you undress from afar—something I still felt very weird about, even though he had seen me naked so many times by now.

  His eyes didn’t leave me for one second while I stood at the sink, wearing nothing but my underwear and carefully washing out the Mimosa stains on my dress. I could literally feel his eyes inspecting my body, wandering up my legs, resting uncomfortably long on my butt which I was sure was still a little red from the slap, and moving on to my back, then my neck until fixating on my face in the mirror. I avoided eye contact and fully concentrated on my dress, occupying my mind with the question of how good of an idea it would be to use too much hand soap to get rid of the stains. Couldn’t that lead to new ones? Or even destroy the fabric? I decided to just use a tiny amount and mostly used water, getting the dress a little wetter than was probably necessary.

  When I felt there wasn’t much left I could do, I stopped the running water and carefully tapped the wettest areas of the fabric with paper towels, which didn’t really help much.

  I had tensed up due to his intense observation. Standing unnaturally straight, I was very concerned with looking my best, especially because the light in this bathroom was anything but flattering. I could feel his hunger for me, his lust. And when I turned around to face him, holding my dress up in front of me, I noticed a telltale bulge through his pants that proved I was right. If I hadn’t been aroused already, the sight of him like that would’ve done it for sure.

  “Good girl,” he praised me. “Is your office close?”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir. Just down the hall.”

  “Good. Let’s go there,” he suggested.

  I made a move to put on my dress, but he stopped me. “Who said you should put it back on?”

  I looked up at him in surprise. “Um, I don’t know if…”

  He raised one eyebrow, warning me not to disobey. I hesitated.

  “Okay,” he said eventually. “You are really a handful today. Take off your underwear as well and hand it to me.”

  “What?!” I blurted out.

  “Pet!” he warned, sending a spark through my entire body. Fuck. He fixed me with a stern, impatient look, not allowing anymore hesitation and objections on my part. It was fucking hot. I could feel my center heating up with arousal and was not surprised to find my panties sticking a little when I obediently pulled them down. I opened my bra and released my breasts. My nipples were standing so erect it must’ve been easy for him to tell my arousal. He was still standing a few feet away from me, so I had to walk up to him, now completely naked.

  “As you please, sir,” I whispered when I handed him my underwear. He smiled at me, obviously very pleased.

  He placed one hand—the one that was holding my underwear now—on the back of my head and pulled me closer to grant me a kiss. As his tongue started twirling around in my mouth, I could feel his other hand reaching between my legs, humming in approval as he found what he was looking for.

  He let one finger slip inside my wetness while his thumb gently massaged my clit. I moaned and he withdrew from the kiss, intently looking me in the eyes.

  “Good girl. Very good girl.”


  He quickly checked the hallway before we left the restroom, making sure that we were still alone.

  “All right, go,” he whispered and gestured for me to leave before him.

  I passed him and found myself in the dark hallway that I went through almost every single day—now heading toward my office in nothing but my shoes. Thoughts were running wild as we slowly walked through the deserted corridor. He was a few steps behind me, observing my every move as best as he could in the darkness. And again, he kept this weird distance, which made me feel awkward and lost. It would have been so different, so much more comfortable if I was able to touch him, to hold onto him. But instead he let me walk alone with no support and his eyes resting on me intently.

  What if there were security cameras that I didn’t know of? I quickly glanced around to see if I could find any revealing red lights on the ceiling. But what would they even be able to film in this darkness?

  I reached the door that led to mine and Steph’s office. The wolf was carrying my clutch along with my keys, but I was pretty certain that our door wasn’t locked, as it hardly ever was. And I was correct.

  We quietly entered and I became more and more aware of my nakedness. It was weird to be here at night, with no one around except for the man who had driven me crazy with lust during the last few weeks. And again, naked. How was I ever going to get this picture out of my head, or these feelings? And of course, we had just gotten started.

  He was standing closely behind me now, gently cupping my ass with his free hand.

  “Which one is your desk?” he asked.

  I pointed to the right. “That one.”

  There was a lantern directly in front of our windows, casting a faint, but very helpful ray of light in our office, near my desk.

  The wolf came closer and started nibbling on my earlobe. I leaned back, eager to touch his body. But he had something else in mind.

  “I want you to sit on your desk,” he breathed. “Sit on your desk and spread your legs for your Master.”

  I gasped and blushed at the suggestion. “What?”

  “You heard me,” he said. “Sit on your desk and spread your legs for me.”

  I slowly approached my desk and pondered about the best way to do this. Luckily, I had left it in a tidy state. There was not much on it and plenty of space for my butt.

  I stuffed my computer keyboard below the monitor to make more room and carefully checked the position of the monitor to see how steady it was. This was actually the only thing I worried about, but it didn’t appear to be in danger if we were careful.

  I pushed my chair aside and hesitated for a moment until I could feel his hands on my hips. He caressed my skin with the tips of his fingers and came closer, planting kisses on the back of my neck. I could feel his erection pressing against my lower back.

  “Go ahead,” he urged. “I don’t want to wait for you any longer.”

  I turned around and looked up at him while carefully placing my behind on the desk. He was st
anding right in the ray of light that was shining in from the outside, casting intriguing shadows on his edgy face. It gave him a mysterious look. Mysterious and incredibly sexy. I was incapable of saying no to this man.

  “Spread your legs,” he repeated his command.

  I did as best as I could, noticing now that my body was partially lit by the lantern from outside as well. It looked good. Sexy.

  Apparently, he felt the same way. He was standing in front of me, now stroking the insides of my thighs, soaking in the sight before him. Instead of kissing me, as I expected him to, he went down on his knees, now moving alongside the insides of my thighs with his tongue instead of his fingers. I moaned when he reached my center, starting to circle his tongue around my clit.

  “You are so deliciously wet,” he whispered without stopping what he was doing. “I need a taste.”

  I leaned back, still very aware of the monitor behind me, enjoying the feeling of his tongue between my legs. He was so good at this. So unbelievably good. It was a weird act for a punishment, though. Wasn’t that what he had promised?

  As if he could read my mind, he stopped and straightened up, opening his suit pants. His perfectly straight erection emerged as soon as he lowered his pants. I gasped at its sight and looked up to him. He didn’t catch my gaze with his eyes this time, but looked down and grabbed my hips to pull me closer to the edge of the table.

  Without further ado he was inside me, granting me the strong and deep thrusts I had been waiting on for so long. I arched my back, needing a lot of strength to hold myself in an upright position and not fall down on the monitor behind me. The desk was stable and built strong, but shook dangerously with every push of the wolf. He raised his hands and put both of them at the back of my head, tilting my head slightly so I was looking up to him. His face was very close to mine, examining my expression.

  There was one last, strong push and he remained inside of me, filling me entirely. The feeling was extraordinary. I withstood his unyielding look, anticipating what he had in store next, as I felt there was something looming. Something new.

  I was right. We remained motionless for a while, his hard cock still inside me and my muscles eagerly clenching around him.


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