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Mission Origin View (Final Days Trilogy)

Page 34

by Knox, Barry

  “What’re they talking about?” Mary asked.

  “Well, Captain, they all want to tell Petty Officer Sipes about the dreams they all had last night, and they want him to read to them some more,” Dr. Pettway said.

  “Sipes can’t go to sick bay,” Mary began, not mentioning he was in the brig. “But I can set up a com link so he can read to them, and they can tell him their dreams.”

  “Thank you, Captain…I…I think that will do,” Dr. Pettway said, as thought she was troubled by something.

  “Is there something else, Doctor?” Mary asked, noting her concern.

  “It’s…it’s…that they all had the same dream!” Dr. Pettway said.

  Mission Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1333—March 10, 2372

  Mary and Gideon sat at a console in the MCC, watching the communications link between the brig cell Joseph was in and sick bay. Mary not sure what to expect, and concerned about what was happening between the children and Sipes, decided to observe. Could aliens be trying to control Sipes and the children? She needed to know.

  Mary and Gideon watched as Joseph sat in his cell, reading from his book. The orphans in sick bay were glued to the monitor, listening to every word. Joseph read, “‘Then little children were brought to him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But his followers rebuked those who brought them. He said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for paradise belongs to such as these.” When he had placed his hands on them, he went on from there.’”

  Joseph stopped reading, looked at the children, and asked, “Do you believe the story?”

  “Yes!” they all shouted at once with smiles and laughing.

  “Good! I was told you had a dream last night. Would you like to tell me what you dreamed?”

  All the children began speaking at once, and nothing made sense.

  “Okay, okay, one at a time,” Joseph interrupted them and continued when they stopped talking. “We’ll let the oldest speak first. Who is the oldest?”

  “Me…me…me!” a little girl eagerly said while she raised a bandaged arm.

  “Go ahead and tell me the dream, and I want everyone else to be quiet while she speaks,” Joseph said, and the children nodded.

  “I dreamed we were all here, and you were reading to us. Then all of a sudden something happened, and we were all flying in the sky like birds going to him. And all of our hurts and pains were gone!” the little girl said excitedly as all the other children nodded and remained quiet.

  Joseph smiled and asked, “Guess what?”

  “What?” they all yelled with smiles.

  “I had the same dream last night,” Joseph said.

  All the kids laughed and cheered. Then they begged Joseph to read some more.


  In the sick bay, the widows were sitting near the children and listening. Some of the women cried, and some smiled as Joseph began reading again.

  Gunny Xia could also hear everything from his bed. He lay in his bed with tears in his eyes. He’d also had a dream last night, but his dream was different. In his dream he’d watched as the kids flew like birds, and he wished he could go with them, but he couldn’t. Instead he heard a ghastly cry of a beast behind him. He turned around and saw something horrible with razor-sharp teeth running toward him. He tried to run, but the beast caught him, and he awoke as it began devouring him alive.

  Mission Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1632—March 10, 2372

  The scientists were busy analyzing information as sensor data continued to stream in. The holographic image began to focus, but no details of the events occurring on the planet could be established yet. The crew of the ship continually watched the feed from the MCC, anxiously wanting to know what was happening. Mary and Gideon discussed what they’d seen and heard between Joseph and the kids earlier, and decided it wasn’t any type of threat. They concluded the kids had missed Joseph reading to them and had all pretended to have had the same dream.

  “New sensor data has ceased,” Stephen said. Seconds later the holographic display of the planet began to focus quickly. First the light-gray image began to change to a blue tint, and as the minutes passed, the planet changed to light blue as it continued to focus.

  “Doctor, Harper!” Dr. Jones exclaimed. “Sensor spectrum analysis reports several land surfaces have emerged from the ocean. Land surfaces are located and shaped the same as the continents on Earth, and vegetation is present on all land surfaces except on the southern pole continent!”

  “Biological analysis agrees. Sharp increases in oxygen have occurred within minutes, indicating the immediate presence of vegetation!” Dr. Bailey added.

  Dr. Harper stood as the other scientists looked at him. “Everything we’re witnessing goes against all laws of science,” he began. He scratched his head and continued. “We’re in normal space, but there’re no stars. We detected a single planet covered with water in a void of nothingness. We saw gases emerge on that planet from no natural catastrophic planet event or cosmic events. We saw land emerge from an ocean without any planet geological seismic event. We saw accelerated evolution of plant life using light from an unknown source. Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!”

  “Creation, Doctor, not evolution!” a deep commanding voice rumbled from the entrance of the MCC. Joseph stood with Sergeant Manelly behind him.

  Everyone in the MCC froze in place, looking at Joseph, again all yearning to hear more and fighting the urge to fall on their knees.

  Joseph slowly walked over to the holographic monitor of the planet as the image came into clear focus. It was a blue planet with continents and oceans dotted with varying shapes and sizes of white clouds. It looked like Earth as seen from the moon.

  “This is Earth after the third day of creation,” Joseph said. “Witness it, believe it, tell everyone about it. The day and time is near!” He walked back to the MCC entrance and, as he was leaving, said, “Read my words!”

  Again, minutes passed before anyone could move or speak in the MCC. Gideon fought to come out of the trance, or whatever it was he was in, and was the first able to speak. “Stephen, contact Joseph’s Anna and get a copy of his book!”

  “There is no need, Lieutenant. His Anna just sent me a copy,” Stephen said.

  “What is the book? Does it have a name?” Gideon asked, still fighting to move his arms and legs.

  “Yes. It is named the Holy Bible,” Stephen answered.

  Mission Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1735—March 10, 2372

  “Stephen, read the section in the Bible describing the fourth day of creation.” Gideon said.

  Stephen read over the MCC intercom, “‘And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day.’”

  “You actually believe that’ll happen tomorrow,” Dr. Harper said-his voice sarcastic.

  “Yes. Everything that’s happened is written in the book, and there’s no reason to believe what Stephen just read won’t happen tomorrow,” Gideon said.

  Dr. Harper turned to Mary. “And what about Sipes? I thought he was in the brig!”

  “He was, and he is now, Doctor,” Mary said calmly. “It seems he can go and do what he wants, and Lieutenant Klaxton and I have no idea how to prevent it.”

  “Kill him, Captain!” Dr. Harper blurted out. “This space, this time, this…this whatever we’re in…has given him the ability to control our bodies and minds!”
br />   “There will be no execution, Doctor. He and his book seem to know what’s happened and what will happen,” Mary said.

  “Stephen, what’s the source of this book?” Gideon asked before Dr. Harper could speak again.

  “There’re no records aboard the ship about the Holy Bible. I can use QMAC to connect to Earth and access archive databases,” Stephen said.

  Gideon looked at Mary for approval. “Do it, Stephen,” Mary said.

  The QMAC switched on, but the display portion of the quantum communication system didn’t activate. “Accessing archive databases. Found and loading all information related to the Holy Bible,” Stephen said.

  “Report on the origin of the Holy Bible when you have enough information,” Mary ordered.

  A few minutes later, Stephen said, “The Holy Bible is a phenomenal account of history, comprised of sixty-six books, written over approximately sixteen hundred years, by at least forty distinct authors. The Old Testament-Old Covenant-contains thirty-nine books written from approximately fifteen hundred to four hundred BC, and the New Testament-New Covenant-contains twenty-seven books written from approximately forty to ninety AD. The Jewish Bible, Tenach, is the same as the Christian Old Testament, except for its book arrangement. The original Old Testament was written mainly in Hebrew, with some Aramaic, while the original New Testament was written in Greek. Joseph’s Anna supplied me with a copy of the Christian Holy Bible, which includes the New Testament.”

  “Why didn’t we know the book exists? And does anyone on Earth or the colonized planets know about it?” Mary asked.

  “History archives indicate that Christianity, a term coined for those who believe the Bible is true, became very unpopular with world governments during the first part of the twenty-first century. Many world governments banned the reference to and use of the Holy Bible in all aspects of lower and higher education along with the use of the word God and especially the name Jesus. There are, however, a few small groups on Earth and several colonized planets who continue to believe and study the Holy Bible. They believe the book is true and pray to God. These groups are classified as either fanatical, terrorists, or criminals by all governments, and some governments execute Christians when they’re identified,” Stephen said.

  “There!” Dr. Harper said as he pointed at Mary. “Sipes is a fanatical Christian terrorist using some type of mind control to sabotage our mission.”

  Gideon was listening to the discussion when Anna spoke into his ear. “Gideon, Sergeant Manelly is reporting Gunny Xia has left the sick bay and is at the brig with a weapon, demanding to see Petty Officer Sipes.”

  “Tell Manelly to disarm Gunny Xia and keep him away from Sipes. I’m on my way!” Gideon said, and then looked at Mary. “Captain Bowser, we have a situation in the brig.”


  Gideon raced through the corridors to the brig with Mary just behind him. “What’s happening?” Mary shouted as they ran.

  “Gunny Xia has a weapon, and I think he wants Sipes dead,” Gideon said.

  Gideon and Mary found Manelly holding Gunny Xia by the shoulder with his left hand and holding a Glock MMR (mini mag rail) sidearm in his right hand; undoubtedly it was the weapon Manelly had taken from Xia.

  Xia was trying to pull away from Manelly, yelling, “Let me go! We have to kill him before the aliens take over the ship.”

  “Stand down, Gunny!” Gideon ordered.

  “Sir, we have to kill him. Kill him now! I’ve seen on the video feeds what happened in the MCC, and he’s trying to control my mind now,” Xia said in a hysterical tone.

  “How’s he trying to control your mind?” Gideon asked calmly as he motioned for Manelly to release Xia’s shoulder.

  Manelly released him, and Xia stood in place. He took a deep breath and said, “Sir, he’s trying to control me by using my dreams. He’s been reading his book to the kids, and he was reading to me when I was in a coma. I had the same dream the kids in sick bay had, but mine was a little different.”

  “Different…how?” Gideon asked.

  “Instead of flying away with the kids, I stayed behind and was killed by some type of beast,” Xia said.

  Gideon ordered Manelly to take Xia back to sick bay, and Mary ordered Dr. Pettway to give Xia a sedative when he arrived.

  “Sir, I’m going to talk to Sipes again. We need to get to the bottom of what’s happening before the entire crew goes crazy,” Gideon said.

  “What makes you think he can or will give you any answers?” Mary asked.

  “He’s my friend,” Gideon said.

  Ship’s Brig, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1825—March 10, 2372

  Gideon opened Joseph’s cell and entered. Joseph sat on his bunk, reading from a media device. “Can we talk again, Sipes?” Gideon asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Joseph said as he laid the media device on his bunk.

  Gideon leaned against the wall just inside the cell and asked, “Remember when we talked on our way to Phobos about ourselves and our past? You pointed out that though we grew up different, we’re both orphans.”

  “Yes, sir, I remember, and I enjoyed our talk,” Joseph said with a smile.

  “Since then, I’ve considered you my friend, and I’ve come to rely on you and trust you, especially during our missions to acquire the scientists,” Gideon said. “As a friend, I want you to tell me about everything that’s happened to you and about the things you’ve said in the MCC over the past few days. It’s very important that Captain Bowser and I understand what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.”

  “Since we began this mission, I’ve had several dreams. I even told you about my dreams where my grandma told me to help save everyone,” Joseph said and Gideon nodded. “It wasn’t until a few days ago that I began to understand those dreams and truly understand the meaning of what I was reading in the Bible.”

  “What is it you understand? And what caused you to understand?” Gideon asked.

  “First of all, I know God is using me and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through me. That’s the energy I referred to the last time we talked,” Joseph said.

  As Joseph spoke, Gideon noticed that Joseph wasn’t speaking to him as the simpleminded man he’d met on Earth or the authoritative and dominating person in the MCC. Now Joseph was speaking as an intelligent, calm, and confident person.

  “Since the last time the Holy Spirit used me to speak, I’ve been able to not only understand what I’ve said but also comprehend what I’ve read in the Bible. And most importantly, I now fully understand the reward that awaits me because, since I was a child, I believed as a child, and I believe Jesus is indeed my Savior and that everything in the Bible is true,” Joseph said.

  “Reward? What type of reward?”

  “Eternal life.”

  “What does this understanding of the Bible and what you’ve said in the MCC have to do with our current situation?”

  “God has sent us here so he could show us creation,” Joseph said.

  “Why?” Gideon asked, trying to piece everything together.

  “So we can report what we witnessed and let everyone know God is the creator and there’s still time to believe and accept his son, Jesus, as Lord and Savior,” Joseph answered.

  “I’m sorry, Sipes, but I don’t understand anything you’re saying. Eternal life, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, believing…I just don’t understand,” Gideon said, disappointed that he wasn’t getting anywhere.

  “God has blessed you with intellect. I’m sure if you’d read the Bible and use your intelligence, you’ll understand everything,” Joseph answered with confidence.

  Mission Control Center, SRS Stephen Hawking

  1032—March 11, 2372

  “I read the Bible last night,” Gideon said, interrupting the scientists as they discussed various theories.

  Surprised, Dr. Harper turned toward Gideon. “And what have you learned, Lieutenant?” Dr. Harper asked, irritated for being interrupted during such an important

  “I learned that everything Sipes has said and everything we’ve seen is recorded in the Bible,” Gideon said.

  “So you believe the ancient tale that a god created the universe and everything in it?” Harper asked as he rolled his eyes.

  “I didn’t say I believed it. I just said everything I’ve read has happened,” Gideon said. “I don’t think a god created anything, Doctor, but something is happening that looks an awful lot like creation as it’s presented in the Bible.”

  “Updated sensor data being received,” Stephen said over the MCC intercom. The scientists watched the image of the planet, waiting for the image to blur as the data came in to be analyzed. Instead, the image remained focused.

  “Stephen, you said new sensor data was being received. I don’t see any changes or data,” Dr. Harper said.

  “The sensors are detecting changes surrounding the planet,” Stephen said.

  “Show us what the sensors are detecting,” Dr. Harper ordered.

  Stephen expanded the view of the planet to include millions of miles around it. As Dr, Harper watched the monitor, the light with no known source went out, and a second later a sun suddenly appeared behind and to the left of the planet along with a moon that was just big enough to be seen on the display on the planet’s right.

  “Sensors report that a sun has appeared ninety-three million miles from the planet, and a moon two hundred thirty-nine thousand miles away from the planet,” Dr. Jones reported. She paused and added, “That’s the same distance the Earth is from the sun and moon!”

  “Expand sensor scans to detect any other planets in the solar system and display them,” Dr. Harper said.

  The view expanded, showing only the sun and a tiny dot representing the planet. “No other planets detected,” Stephen said.

  “There are no stars. Shouldn’t we see stars in the background?” Dr. Kastriva remarked as he looked at the display, and added, “Didn’t Stephen read yesterday there would be stars?”


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