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Spark (Electric Series #2)

Page 2

by E. L. Todd

She released a quiet sigh just before she fell asleep. Her hold on me loosened and she drifted off into her dreams.

  I had a moment of weakness and did something I shouldn’t. I turned into her and placed a soft kiss right on her lips. It felt just as good as the last time we had an embrace. My lips were so hot they felt cold, and my entire body came alive with ecstasy.

  I could have sworn she kissed me back, just a little. Her lips moved with mine slightly, and when I pulled away, they were slightly open. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I could have sworn it happened.

  She released another sigh, telling me she drifted back to whatever dream she was having.

  Chapter Two


  I woke up with a massive migraine.

  The worst one ever.

  It was even worse than the one I had after my college graduation.

  It was that bad.

  The second I opened my eyes, the throbbing became worse. It was dark in the bedroom because the shades were shut, but that was still too bright for me. I saw the dark nightstand and the baseball bat in the corner.

  I didn’t own a baseball bat.

  Wait, where was I?

  I sat up and realized I was in Volt’s bed. We must have crashed here after the bar we went to. I couldn’t remember much of it, but I did recall Volt carrying me somewhere.

  “Hey, baby.” Volt sat at the edge of the bed and held out his open palm. Two painkillers sat in the center.

  I snatched them out of his hand and swallowed them dry. “Oh, thank god.”

  Then he handed me a beer.

  “You actually expect me to drink that?”

  “You think it’s for me?”

  “I just took meds. You aren’t supposed to drink alcohol.”

  “It’ll be fine.” He pressed it on me. “The best way to cure a hangover is to keep drinking.”


  “I know it sounds crazy but it’s true.”

  I took the bottle and drank half of it.

  “There’s my girl.” He rubbed my back gently.

  I set the bottle on the nightstand with a loud clunk and just wanted to go back to sleep. I hadn’t felt this bad in a long time. My fingers ran through my hair to relieve the tension on my skull, and that’s when I noticed Volt was shirtless.

  And he was ripped.

  Every line of muscle was emphasized like it was outlined with permanent marker. His skin was flawless and tight, his strength and power obvious every time he moved. I knew he had a nice body, but I didn’t realize it was that nice.

  Volt watched me, his thoughts a mystery behind his eyes.

  “Have you always been this ripped?” I blurted.

  An arrogant smile stretched his lips. “Yeah.”

  “Oh…” I forced myself to look away because now I was just gawking.

  Volt grabbed an extra pillow and stuffed it behind my back. “Get comfortable. I’ll bring breakfast.”

  “In bed?” I asked in surprise.

  “Yep.” He left the bedroom for a few moments before he returned with a bed tray. He placed it over my legs. There was one plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, and two pieces of toast. In a shot glass was a little bit of water and two pink roses. After he set the tray down, he grabbed the orange juice and put it on the nightstand.

  My mouth was hanging open because I was in shock. “Whoa…”

  “It tastes as good as it looks.”

  “I just… I’m surprised.”

  “Hotel De La Volt is pretty classy. You should stay here more often.”

  “I will if I get breakfast in bed every day.”

  He blurted out the following word at the speed of light. “Done.”

  I picked up my fork and began to eat, eyeing the roses at the same time. “Where did you find these?”

  “Outside. There’s a rose bush.” He left the bed and walked around back to his side. He got under the covers and picked up a paperback he was reading. He threw on a pair of black glasses and started reading.

  I took a drink of my juice and studied him. “You wear glasses?”

  He kept the book open and turned to me. “Just when I read. Sometimes, I have a hard time with the small font.”

  I never knew that. Surprisingly, he looked good in glasses. Somehow, he looked better. It brought out the color of his eyes and gave him a wise appearance. With his ripped body and thin hips, the glasses made him sexier than he already was. “You should wear those more often.”

  “Why?” This time he kept reading.

  “You look cute.”

  “Cute?” he asked with a smile.

  “I mean, they look sexy on you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Now his mouth was upturned in a full smile. He shut the book and turned to me. “You’re into that?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. But they look good on you. I’m just giving you a compliment.”

  “Well, I appreciate that compliment. You’ve told me I’m hot twice in five minutes. I must be having a good hair day.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You always have a good hair day.”

  “I’m starting to think you have a thing for me.” He opened the book again and turned back to the page.

  “Yeah right.” Like that would ever happen.

  “Well, I think you’re pretty sexy. And cute. And funny. Beautiful. Smart and fun. Woman of my dreams.” He said it in a serious tone but his eyes continued to scan the words on the page.

  I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. He couldn’t be because Volt didn’t have those kinds of feelings for anyone. But it was such a strange thing for him to say. “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.” I took a bite of my toast.

  “That’s because I’m not.”

  I chewed my food and had a difficult time swallowing it because my throat was so dry. “Well, if this is a joke, I don’t get it.”

  Volt turned the page. “Do you like your breakfast?”

  “It’s delicious. Thank you.”

  “I would have made you coffee, but it wouldn’t mix well with the alcohol.”

  “And I already took some painkillers. Don’t want to die today.”

  “I wouldn’t want that either.”

  I eyed the side of the book he was reading but couldn’t make out the title. “What book is that?”

  “The Count of Monte Cristo.”

  “Any good?”

  “Definitely one of my favorites.”

  “Do you read often?”

  “Every night before I go to bed.”

  I had no idea. “I don’t read as much as I would like. I just don’t have time.”

  “You always have time. It’s just a matter of making time.”

  I guess I’d rather watch TV before bed than read. I kept eating my breakfast until I wiped the plate clean. The roses were fresh and lively. I didn’t want to put them aside because they were so beautiful, invigorated with life even though they’d already been picked. I set the glass on the nightstand before I set the tray on the floor. “Would you judge me if I stayed and went back to sleep?”


  “I’m not cramping your style? You don’t have plans?”

  He looked up, complete seriousness on his face. “You’re welcome to stay as long as you like. There’s nothing else I’d rather be doing right now.” He turned back to his book and flipped the page.

  Something felt different in the air, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. Since I was too exhausted and sick to put too much thought into it, I lay down and closed my eyes. That’s when I realized I was only wearing his shirt and my panties underneath. I couldn’t recall putting on the shirt or where I got it. “Did you dress me last night?”

  “No. You took off your dress, so I handed you a shirt.”

  “I just took off my dress?” I asked incredulously. How drunk was I?

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t see anything. And I wouldn’t have looked anyway.”

  “Oh really?” That wasn’t the Volt
I knew at all.

  “I would have looked if it were someone else. Not you.”


  We played checkers in bed, and I won twice in a row.

  “I’m awesome at this.” I was always competitive when it came to games. It was just my nature.

  “Yep.” Volt seemed bored with the game, making lazy moves and not paying attention.

  “Are you just a sore loser?”

  “Did it occur to you that I’m letting you win?”

  All the pride left my body. “You wouldn’t…”

  “Or would I?” A slight smirk was on his lips.

  “But you have no reason to let me win.”

  “You aren’t feeling well,” he answered. “I do have a reason.”

  I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. “I don’t want you to let me win.”

  “Alright then.” He made his next move and took three of my pieces. And he reached the very end. “King me.”

  A growl escaped my lips.

  “Now look who’s a poor sport.”

  We spent the day playing games, napping, and eating. I hung out with Volt a lot, but I never had a day quite like this. It was nice and relaxing, and I didn’t mind being in his t-shirt and sweatpants all day. He didn’t take a shower or get dressed either. And he wore his glasses all day, even when he wasn’t reading. I wondered if that was because of the compliment I gave him.

  Volt sat beside me on the couch while we watched TV. He was still shirtless, as he’d been all day. It’d become distracting, to say the least. Sometimes, I wanted to run my fingers down his chest just to feel how hard he was. “This is the best Sunday I’ve had in a while.”

  “Yeah. It got even better when my migraine went away.”

  He chuckled and ran his fingers through my hair. “Maybe you’ll take it easy next time.”

  “I didn’t drink that much.”

  “Well, the bartender must have thought you were cute because those drinks were strong.”

  “The bartender was a woman.”

  He smiled. “Even better.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked at the TV. When I saw the last football game of the day come on, I realized something. “Oh shit. Today is Sunday.”

  His fingers paused when they were in my hair. “Yeah…”

  “I’m supposed to see Sage.” How could I have forgotten? “Damn, where’s my clutch?”

  He dropped his hand, and his eyes fell along with the movement. “On the kitchen counter.”

  I hopped off the couch and headed straight for it. After I pulled out my phone, I realized the screen was black.

  The battery was dead.

  No wonder why I hadn’t heard it ring.

  I grabbed Volt’s phone charger and plugged it in so I could turn it on. The moment the screen came on, I got text messages from Sage.

  Are we still on for tonight?

  A few hours later, he texted again. Did you get my last message?

  Then he texted me again. Everything all right?

  I felt like such a jerk for making him worry. I was lying around Volt’s house all day doing absolutely nothing. I’m so sorry for the late reply. My phone died and I didn’t even realize it.

  The three dots formed on the screen instantly, like he was waiting by the phone. I’m just relieved you’re okay. A little worried there.

  I’m sorry for stressing you out.

  It’s okay. As long as I get to see you tonight I’ll forgive you.

  I smiled. I’m getting the check so don’t bother.

  Then I’m getting a kiss.

  I smiled again. That works for me.

  I set my phone down and walked back to the couch. “I got a hold of Sage. Everything is okay.”

  Volt stared at the TV and didn’t turn around.


  “That’s great,” he said quietly.

  I thought I detected a hint of hostility in the air, but that couldn’t be possible. “I’m going to head out. I need to shower and get ready for my night.”


  I changed back into my dress and heels and grabbed my clutch. I headed to the door where Volt was already standing. “Thanks for letting me crash here.”

  “No problem. You’re welcome to stay here whenever you want.” That happiness that was in his eyes just a moment before was gone. Now he seemed hollow, like he’d never find joy as long as he lived.

  “Is something wrong?” One moment we were watching TV together, laughing and talking about the game. Then the next moment, he was quiet and distant.

  “No.” He opened the door and gestured for me to walk out. “Have a great time on your date.”

  I walked out. “Okay…”

  “See you later.” He shut the door and immediately locked it when it was closed.

  It was the strangest goodbye, but if Volt really had a problem, he would come out and tell me. Perhaps he was just tired or had a hangover like I did. Maybe I was reading into things that weren’t there.

  So I left.


  We sat across from each other at the table in the restaurant, and while we ate our entrees, we discussed work and music. I told Sage about my classroom and how the school year was getting easier every month—thanks to Volt.

  He stared at me most of the time, but since he was so charming and handsome, it didn’t feel intrusive. It seemed like I was the only woman in the room. “So, what happened today? With your phone?”

  “Oh, that.” The night before was a drunken blur. “It died at some point last night or this morning, but I was so hung over, I didn’t even think about it.”

  He chuckled. “Sounds like a good night.”

  “Yeah. But I don’t think I’ll be drinking like that for a while.”

  “Did you sleep all day?”

  “For the most part. I woke up when Volt made breakfast then I went back to sleep for a while. Then we started watching the game, and I lost track of time.” His bed was unnaturally comfortable. It was like sleeping on a pile of sheep. His mattress was soft and his sheets were made of satin. I wasn’t sure how he got up every morning. If it were me, I’d just lay there forever.

  Sage was about to spear a piece of chicken when he stopped. “Volt made you breakfast?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t know he could cook either.” I chuckled and kept eating.

  “So, that means he was at your place?” He held his fork but didn’t take another bite of his food. He stared at me quietly, his thoughts a mystery behind those hazelnut eyes.

  “No. We were at his place.”

  “Meaning…you spent the night?” He kept his tone the same, but his eyes were full of accusation.

  Now I understood what he was thinking. “No, not like that.”

  He released the breath he was holding.

  “Well, I did sleep over. But that was because we were drinking last night, and I had way too much. So he carried me to his apartment and let me crash in his bed. The next morning, he helped me get rid of my hangover. That’s all.” Since Volt was my best friend, I didn’t think any of that was weird. Sometimes I forgot how our relationship seemed to other people who didn’t know us.

  “Oh… Do you do that often?”

  The only other time that I had was when I tried to sleep with him. “No.”

  “Okay.” He finally returned to eating, but he still seemed uneasy. The date wasn’t as carefree as it was a moment earlier. Tension filled the air.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have said all of that.

  But that would be lying.

  Hopefully, he wouldn’t ask if we slept in the same bed. Because I couldn’t lie, and it would make me look like a downright ho. “Volt and I have been good friends for a while. We do a lot of stuff together.”

  He took a long drink of his wine. “Have you guys dated before?”


  “Not once?” he asked.

  “Nope. Volt isn’t my type, and I’m not his either.”

  He stopped eating again
. “Really?”

  “Really what?”

  “You think you aren’t his type?”

  “I know I’m not.” He wanted a supermodel with ridiculous measurements. They had to wear skin-tight clothes at all times, and their hair had to look like they just walked out of a salon every second of the day. And he wanted something hollow and meaningless.

  I didn’t care about any of that stuff. Of course, I wanted good sex…but I wanted it to be good because there was so much love between my partner and I…not because he practiced on different women every night.

  Sage gave me a look I’ve never seen before.


  “I can’t tell if you’re joking or not.”

  Why would I be joking? “Sorry?”

  “It’s just…” He turned back to his plate. “Never mind.”

  “What?” I pressed.

  “Forget I said anything.” He turned to the waiter and made a hand gesture to request the tab.

  I wasn’t even finished with my dinner.

  Did I screw this up?

  What did I say?

  Was this over?


  Sage walked me to my door, his hands in his pockets. “Well, thanks for having dinner with me.” He kept a foot of space between us, like we were coworkers or siblings. “I’ll see you around.”

  He was blowing me off. “Sage, hold on.”

  He turned back around, disappointment written on his face.

  “I don’t know what I said to push you away, but I’m sorry for that. Talk to me. I don’t want this to end.”

  He rubbed his hand up the back of his neck, his fingers brushing through his hair.

  “We were great at the start of dinner, but then it crashed at the end. Did I do something?”

  “I just…don’t want to get involved with someone who’s already involved with someone else.”

  What was he talking about? “I don’t understand your meaning.”

  “I know we aren’t exclusive or anything, so I really have no right to feel this way. But…whatever you have with Volt seems pretty serious. Maybe if you were casually dating someone else, it wouldn’t bother me. But, the fact you’re sleeping over there and spending all day with him without even realizing your phone is off…makes me uneasy.”

  Why did I tell him about Volt at all? It was biting me in the ass. “Sage, I understand where you’re coming from. But there’s nothing going on between Volt and I. He really is just a friend.”


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