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Femme Fatale

Page 14

by Claude Bouchard

  “You okay, kiddo?”

  Leslie shrugged. “I’m sad. This whole story is just so sad. I know none of this is my fault but I wonder if any of it would have happened if I hadn’t come to Paris.”

  Chris thought for a moment then replied. “Chances are, if you hadn’t come to Paris, Dominique and Corinne would have been kidnapped anyhow and nobody would have ever heard from them again. It’s a good thing you came here, Leslie.”

  Chapter 12 – Friday, June 1, 2012

  “Good morning,” said Chris to the receptionist. “Barry Taylor. We have an appointment with Mr. Kaddur.”

  “Good morning, Mr. Taylor,” the young woman replied. “Mr. Kaddur told me to expect you. Please follow me.”

  She led them down a short hallway and into a showroom furnished with a comfortable sitting area and display cases containing the same scale models they had seen at the show in Paris.

  “Please, make yourselves comfortable,” the woman said. “Mr. Kaddur will be with you in a moment.”

  She left the room, closing the door behind her and barely a minute later, the door reopened and a tall, distinguished looking man with thick dark hair greying at the temples entered.

  “Mr. Taylor,” he said with a smile, approaching with an extended hand. “I am Mustapha Kaddur.”

  “Hello, Mr. Kaddur,” Chris replied. “And please call me Barry.”

  “Very well, but you must call me Mustapha,” Kaddur replied, shaking Chris’ hand then turning to Leslie, “And you are Mrs. Taylor?”

  Leslie smiled. “No, Barry likes to pretend I am when his wife isn’t around but I’m too wild to get married.”

  “April oversees my business dealings and investments in Europe when I’m home in the U.S.,” Chris explained, “And she keeps me company when I visit but she certainly is too wild for me on a full time basis.”

  “Ah, the spirit of youth,” said Kaddur. “If I may say, you are certainly a very beautiful woman.”

  “Merci, Mustapha,” said Leslie, gazing at him as she briefly squeezed his arm.

  “Plaisir,” he replied, gazing back at her for a moment before returning his attention to Chris and gesturing all to sit. “Now, Youssef only had a moment to brief me yesterday but told me you are looking to take advantage of our wonderful Moroccan weather on a regular basis.”

  “That’s right,” said Chris. “Winters back home can be pretty unpleasant with the cold and snow, especially as I grow older. I’ve been thinking of getting a place in a warmer climate and April suggested something in Morocco could prove to be a great investment.”

  “April is not only beautiful but also wise,” Kaddur replied. “We have several ongoing projects in Casablanca, Agadir and Marakkesh and properties at any of these locations would be a sound investment. Can you give me a better idea of what you are looking for?”

  “We definitely want something on the beach,” said Chris, “We’re on Lake Superior back home and my wife and I both love the water. We also want somewhere we could go to at any time of the year meaning, warm temperatures in the winter but not too hot in the summer.”

  Kaddur smiled and nodded. “I understand exactly what you want, Barry. You want Agadir. The temperatures are wonderful at about seventy degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and eighty-five in the summer with perhaps ten inches of rain per year.”

  “That sounds perfect,” said Leslie, “Especially since I’d be going there regularly myself.”

  “Come,” Kaddur stood and motioned them to one of the miniature scale models along the far wall in the showroom. “This is how we see the next phase of our project in Agadir which presently includes a good selection of beach front property.”

  He let them look over the model for a moment before speaking again. “We currently offer units ranging from seventy-five square metre condominiums to five hundred square metre villas. As Youssef mentioned, the lots for these villas are one thousand square metres. With the size of home you suggested, we could use two or maybe three lots in this area which are currently available.”

  Chris gazed at the area Kaddur had indicated at the southern end of the development site.

  “I like it. I can see going with maybe these two lots and this one behind them,” he said, pointing to the model. “I already have some ideas as to the layout and look of the house which would fit in well with the style I’m seeing here.”

  “We’ve already built several beautiful villas according to the buyers’ wishes,” Kaddur reassured him. “I’m certain we can make your dream a reality as well.”

  “This is looking good,” Chris replied, nodding. “Has development of the area started?”

  “Absolutely,” said Kaddur. “Infrastructures are almost complete and construction of the condominium complexes is well under way with over sixty percent of units sold or leased. Work has also begun on nearly a dozen villas.”

  “I presume site visits are possible?” Chris asked. “This will represent a sizeable investment on my part so I’d like to see what I’m buying.”

  “A site visit is possible,” Kaddur replied, “But driving to Agadir is well over four hours from here.”

  Chris smiled. “But flying would get us there in no time. My plane and pilot are sitting at the airport doing nothing. I’ll give him a call to get things going and you can do us the honour of being our guide in Agadir.”

  “Oh, that sounds like fun,” Leslie exclaimed, hugging Kaddur’s arm. “What do you say, Mustapha?”

  Smiling broadly back at her, Kaddur then turned to Chris and said, “Call your pilot and I’ll arrange to have someone pick us up at the airport in Agadir.”

  “Don’t bother,” Chris replied as he dialled Jonathan. “My pilot will make sure we have transportation when we get there.”

  * * * *

  Upon arriving at Casablanca’s Mohammed V International Airport, they had made their way to the VIP area from where Jonathan had led them onto the tarmac and to the gleaming Gulfstream G280. Ten minutes later, they had been taxiing to their assigned runway and shortly after, they were airborne and on their way to Agadir.

  Their hour in the air had literally flown by as Chris and Leslie had entertained Kaddur with fabricated anecdotes of quasi-unbelievable business deals they had negotiated over the years. Barry Taylor, Kaddur learned, had made his fortune, initially as a high level manager and shareholder with several high-tech firms and subsequently as a venture capitalist and start-up consultant. As suspected, the man was very well connected and had suggested none too subtly that he had several acquaintances who were also considering investing in mega second homes. Taylor had even hinted his interest in investing in KDR if he liked what he saw. As an added bonus, Taylor had mentioned that any such venture would be managed mainly by April.

  Throughout the short flight, April had doted on Kaddur, offering beverages and snacks, ensuring his comfort and spending most of her time sitting by him, often gazing at him and patting an arm, a hand, a thigh. By the time they landed at Al Massira Airport in Agadir, Kaddur was reeling in anticipation, not only for the potential financial possibilities spoken of by Taylor but also for the likely physical activities he desired to indulge in with April. It was clear the woman was attracted to him and he was determined to have her. He planned to turn the site visit into a leisurely, time consuming affair in hopes of convincing his guests, particularly April, to spend the night in Casablanca. If Taylor desired companionship as well, that could easily be organized.

  Upon deplaning, they had been directed to the airport’s VIP Pavilion where a uniformed chauffeur, introducing himself as Jorge, had guided them to a waiting BMW X5. Kaddur, who insisted on treating his guests to lunch, had directed the driver to take them to La Scala, a fine Moroccan restaurant close to his current development site.

  After lunch, they had driven the short distance to the site where Kaddur had taken them on a long walking tour, pointing out progress in detail as they slowly made their way towards the beach.

  “This is the ar
ea we discussed yesterday,” he announced, gesturing towards the wide expanse of undeveloped land before them as waves rolled onto the sand at their backs.

  “I’m really impressed,” Chris replied, gazing around then pointing. “Those stakes mark off the lots?”

  “That is correct,” Kaddur confirmed, pointing as he went on. “The combined lots we discussed would start at that furthest stake to the left and across to that one then down to this one here and that one at the end.”

  “Let me check this out,” said Chris, going off to walk the perimeter of the area described, leaving Leslie and Kaddur behind.

  “Mustapha, this place is beautiful,” Leslie exclaimed, once again hanging on to his arm as she had been doing more and more during the tour of the construction site. “I’m seriously considering moving here forever.”

  “Morocco would be honoured to have you as one of its citizens,” Kaddur replied. “You would make this area even more beautiful than it already is.”

  “If I didn’t know better,” said Leslie, hugging his arm a bit tighter, “I’d think you were flirting with me.”

  Kaddur smiled and asked, “If I was, would it bother you?”

  “Au contraire,” Leslie replied. “I’d be bothered if you weren’t because you’re also quite attractive.”

  “I’m pleased you feel this way,” said Kaddur, “But tell me, would Barry be bothered by our, uh, flirting.”

  “Not at all,” Leslie replied with a coy smile. “Barry and I have, shall we say, adventures on occasion, but it’s just for fun.”

  “Adventures,” Kaddur repeated. “I like the sound of that.”

  Leslie giggled then murmured, “We even have group adventures sometimes. I can just imagine some of the parties we’ll have here. I hope Barry decides to go ahead with this and I’m certainly going to do my best to encourage him.”

  “I hope he does as well, April,” replied Kaddur then added, “And I certainly hope to be invited to one of your adventure parties some day.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” said Leslie, glancing at her watch then at Chris in the distance as a smile formed on her lips. “In fact, I have an idea.”

  “And what might that be?” asked Kaddur, keenly interested.

  Leslie hesitated. “Uh, I don’t want to seem too forward. I’m very attracted to you, Mustapha, and I wouldn’t want to say anything to shock you.”

  “I already doubt you can shock me, April,” Kaddur urged. “What is it?”

  “Well, I’m looking at the time and thinking maybe we should stay overnight,” said Leslie, almost shyly. “I was, uh, wondering if you might know where to find some women to join us. I know that would convince Barry to stay.”

  Kaddur laughed, not believing his ears or his good fortune. “You are serious, yes? You are not simply teasing me?”

  “Of course not, Mustapha,” Leslie replied, placing a hand on his chest. “Could you find some woman to join us? I would love to party.”

  “Would you prefer here or in Casablanca?” asked Kaddur, already envisioning her naked body intertwined with his and some of his escorts.

  “Which would be easier?” asked Leslie. “We would have to get an appropriate room or suite.”

  “I can supply everything we need for such a party, my dear,” Kaddur boasted, smiling broadly, “Here, in Casablanca, even in Marrakech. The women, food, drink, rooms, everything, all under one roof in the city of your choice.”

  “Now, I’m wondering if you are teasing me, Mustapha,” Leslie replied as she eyed him suspiciously. “You’re telling me you can organize this for tonight?”

  “Definitely,” said Kaddur, “If your choice is Agadir, we could be enjoying ourselves in twenty minutes.”

  “Wow, you’re really serious. This is exciting,” said Leslie, hugging his arm again. “Oh, here comes Barry. Let me do the talking.”

  Chris approached and said, “I love this place. We’ll have to discuss the specifics but it looks like we’ll be doing some business together, Mustapha.”

  “Excellent,” Kaddur replied, struggling to keep his eyes off of Leslie’s body.

  “That’s great, Barry,” Leslie exclaimed, “And I think we have the perfect idea for a celebration.”

  “And what might that be?” asked Chris with a knowing smile.

  “Well, Mustapha and I were chatting,” she replied, patting the Moroccan on the chest, “And, seeing as it’s getting late in the day, I thought we should stay for the night and have a little, you know, party.”

  Chris looked thoughtful. “You are talking about the kind of party I think you’re talking about, right?”

  “You bet I am,” said Leslie. “Mustapha knows a place close by with all the company we might need.”

  “Interesting,” Chris replied, turning to Kaddur, “But is it safe? This is our first time in Morocco and I don’t want anything to happen to us. How well do you know the people who run this place?”

  “I can guarantee your safety,” said Kaddur. “You have nothing to worry about except whatever pleasure you wish for. The women are beautiful, healthy and clean and regularly tested for disease.”

  Chris nodded. “Sounds good to me but I’m not sure that guarantees our safety. How well do you know this place? Do you go there often? I’m excited about the prospect but I don’t want any trouble.”

  “There are three men there at all times to ensure security,” said Kaddur. “You have nothing to worry about.”

  “It’s very tempting,” Chris admitted, “But I’m just not completely comfortable.”

  Kaddur thought for a moment then replied, “I do not share this information with just anybody but I will share with you as it seems we will become close associates in the near future. The establishment I am proposing to go to belongs to me.”

  Leslie laughed and playfully slapped him. “You rascal, you. Do you own the ones in Casablanca and Marrakech too?”

  Kaddur smiled and nodded. “Yes, they are mine as well.”

  “Well, that does make a difference,” said Chris. “Under those circumstances, I don’t see how I could refuse.”

  “I promise you won’t regret it,” Kaddur replied. “Shall we go?”

  They made their way back to the site’s office trailer where Jorge waited with the BMW, the engine already running and the air conditioning humming.

  Once they settled into the SUV, Kaddur, who had noticed the driver’s complete dependence on his GPS unit during their earlier rides, said, “Turn right when we reach the road. I will give you directions as we go.”

  * * * *

  “Give him a damned address,” Jonathan growled, holding the now useless GPS unit in his hands.

  “Agadir is not very big and I know it well,” said Mo as he cut the engine. “Once we know where they have gone, I will get us there soon enough.”

  “I don’t like them going in there without adequate backup on hand,” Jonathan replied. “They’re not armed and if anything goes wrong, they could be in trouble in a hurry.”

  “These are your people, my friend, yes?” asked Mo, climbing out to smoke a cigarette.

  “Yes, they’re my people,” Jonathan answered. “What’s your point?”

  “If they are half as good as you are, you have nothing to worry about,” Mo replied before closing the door.

  * * * *

  “It is that one,” Kaddur announced as he pointed, “With the white stucco walls.”

  Jorge pulled the SUV to the side of the street and watched as Chris, Leslie and Kaddur climbed out and walked the short distance to the entrance gate of the walled in villa. He waited until Kaddur had punched in a security code, pushed the solid wood gate open and the trio had disappeared onto the property then drove off as he speed dialled on his mobile.

  “I have the address,” he said when his call was answered.

  * * * *

  “We’re twenty minutes away,” said Mo as he put the minibus into gear, “If there is no traffic.”

  “As f
ast as you can,” Jonathan replied. “I don’t want to lose anybody else to that bastard.”

  “Everything is going to work out,” said Carlos. “Jorge is in the neighbourhood if they need help.”

  “I’ll just feel better once we’re there,” said Jonathan. “Like Mo said earlier, these are my people.”

  * * * *

  A beefy Moroccan opened the front door as they approached and nodded in greeting to Kaddur. They entered the contemporary villa’s large entrance foyer furnished with a couple of armchairs as well as a desk inset with a lighted security console and a screen showing half a dozen outdoor video feeds of the property. After closing the outer door, the large Moroccan hurried to the desk and pressed a switch, unlocking the door leading to the inside.

  “I hope you don’t have cameras inside,” said Chris, pointing to the screen. “I don’t want to end up on YouTube.”

  Kaddur laughed and shook his head. “The privacy of my customers is of great importance, my friend. There are cameras outside only, strictly for security purposes. I do not even allow customers to bring their own cameras in here.”

  He opened the door for them, beyond which was a vast, oval shaped central hall rising two storeys up to a slanted cathedral ceiling. Staircases rose on both sides leading to a mezzanine above and rooms and hallways beyond. Sunlight poured in through skylights above, accentuating the vibrant hues of the terra cotta stone floor and dark mahogany stairs.

  “Beautiful place, Mustapha,” said Chris.

  “Gorgeous,” Leslie agreed.

  “An example of the work my other company does,” Kaddur replied, beaming. “Business here is quiet at this time of day so I can take you for a tour if you like. Then, we can go to the pool out back and meet the ladies.”

  “I’d use a bathroom first,” said Chris, “If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all, my friend,” said Kaddur, pointing. “Through there and the first door to your right.”


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