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Destined Mate

Page 5

by Katie Reus

  “Maybe just sleep together? Or have something casual? I don’t think so. I’d planned to mate you when you were human. That hasn’t changed. A wolf doesn’t always get to choose their mate, but I’d have chosen you even if my inner wolf hadn’t. You. Are. Mine.” The words ripped out of the most primal part of him. “My pack will accept you because I’m their leader, and in time they’ll come to see all that strength in you that I do. When you stood up against your tribe leader tonight, you probably brought most of the pack to your side anyway.” She’d certainly floored him with her incredible bravery..

  “Oh.” She bit her bottom lip in that seductive way he loved.

  His abdomen clenched as he took a step toward her. The need to be inside her was overwhelming. His cock felt like a heavy club between his legs. Right now he wanted to run his hands over her entire body, cup her breasts with his hands and then tease them with his mouth. “Ninety years hasn’t dulled my attraction or feelings for you. I still love you, Angel.” His words came out as a guttural growl.

  She swallowed hard but didn’t respond. Not that he’d expected her to. He should have told her how he felt long ago. Now he’d just have to show her how much she meant to him. Prove it to her once and for all.

  “If I take you tonight, I will mark you. Tell me to stop if you don’t want this.” He loved and respected her enough to tell her now. Once he was inside her, he knew his beast would demand the marking. Ninety years was a long time to keep a shifter from his mate. Now that she was in front of him, his control was thin.

  “I don’t want to stop.” Her voice had dropped a couple of octaves, taking on a raspy, seductive quality. Letting her arms fall, she stepped farther into the enclave.

  It was difficult to remember to breathe as he stared at her naked body. Despite being a vampire she’d retained the light bronzed coloring he remembered so well thanks to her heritage. Her nipples were rock hard and begging for him to kiss them.


  The word rang in his head loudly but he shoved it back down. He just wanted inside her. Selfish? Hell, yeah. His inner wolf so didn’t care right now. He’d make it up to her later. Covering the distance between them, he cupped her cheek and backed her up until she was against the wall. She lightly shivered, probably from the cool tile, but she immediately arched toward him. His body created a barrier from the pulsing water but a few rivulets had tracked down her neck and between her breasts, creating a river he wanted to follow with his tongue.

  She seductively rolled her hips against him. “Are you going to stare all day?” she murmured.

  That’s all he needed to hear. Leaning closer, his chest crushed against her breasts as his lips sought hers out. The feel of her nipples rubbing against him as her tongue stroked inside his mouth was the most erotic thing. He hadn’t realized he’d been craving this type of closeness with someone until now.

  Palming her hips, he lifted her up. As her legs wrapped around him, his fingers dug into her. He wanted to ease up but felt as if he couldn’t get close enough to her.

  Before he could slow down, she hoisted up by using her hands as leverage against his shoulders and impaled herself on him. When she did, his eyes flew open and he pulled back slightly. She was like warm silk wrapping around him.

  Her lips parted as her eyes flashed with hunger. “I needed to feel you in me,” she rasped out.

  And she did. Angela needed to feel him with such a burning desire it scared her. When he’d left her to shower, she’d been unable to resist following him into the bathroom despite her earlier protests. Taking this next step scared the holy hell out of her. She couldn’t deny it, even to herself.

  But she’d been running long enough. If she could go back and do things differently she didn’t know if she would have stayed and taken the chance. Ninety years ago she’d been terrified of what he’d do to her. Now she was terrified of losing him again. The one thing she knew for sure now was that she had a second chance with the man who’d never left her heart or thoughts. She wasn’t going to walk away again.

  Her inner walls pulsed around him as she adjusted to his size. She’d never felt so filled, so satisfied in her life. His breathing was erratic and his canines had already extended. Her own fangs had elongated the instant he’d pushed into her.

  As if by instinct.

  She knew how wolves took their mates. Hard and fast, from behind. The males would sink their teeth into their female. It was an act of submission on the female’s part, but it didn’t feel right for her. Not with Knox. Not this first time.

  Angela wanted to claim him, too. To show him what he meant to her. She wanted the entire world to see her marks on him.

  Holding her up with his weight, Knox didn’t make a move to start thrusting into her. Instead he cupped both her breasts and lightly teased them. As he brushed the pads of his thumbs over her nipples, she shuddered.

  Unable to control herself any longer, she leaned forward and tugged his bottom lip between her teeth. The raw energy flowing from him was almost palpable but he was restraining himself for her. She could feel it. He was keeping his inner wolf in check.

  For the moment.

  That definitely wouldn’t last long. As their tongues danced against each other, one of his hands slid down her stomach and reached between them. When he rubbed his finger over her clit, she jerked against him. Her inner walls tightened with that light touch, needing more stimulation.

  She wanted Knox to let go and to take her the way he wanted. The way they both wanted.

  Kissing a trail along his jaw, she sucked and teased him until she reached the spot she’d fed from earlier. He’d already healed but this wasn’t about feeding. She wanted to mark him. When she raked her teeth over his skin, his entire body reacted.

  He shuddered beneath her and began thrusting inside her. Slow at first, but when she broke his skin with her teeth, he pumped harder. The taste of his blood was sweet, but for once in her life she didn’t crave it. She just wanted to let him know he belonged to her.

  And she wanted him to claim her. He was right. They might have been separated for a long time but some things—some feelings—simply didn’t die. If anything, hers had intensified with time.

  As their bodies united, her fangs extended even longer. When she sank deep into his neck, his groan sounded loud in her ear until she felt the sharp sting of his canines against her own neck.

  The feel of him marking her—claiming her for his own for the world to see—pushed her over the cliff. She instantly withdrew her fangs. Her climax was abrupt and urgent, rushing through her like a tidal wave. It rose and crested in a wild freefall until all she was aware of was the need and desire rushing through her. Her fingers and toes tingled as pleasure shot to all her nerve endings.

  When she felt his hands tighten around her hips and his thrusts increase, she knew he was close, too. The instant he pulled his mouth from her neck, a primal growl tore from his throat as he emptied himself inside her.

  She tightened her arms and legs around him as he rode through his orgasm. Eventually he stilled but kept her tight against the wall. They were both breathing hard and erratically, but when he started feathering kisses along her jaw, she smiled.

  “I don’t want to let you go,” he murmured.

  Loosening her grip around his waist, she wiggled against him. “You can’t keep me pinned on this wall all day.”

  He didn’t respond but when she loosened her legs from around his waist, he reluctantly stepped back and let her down. But he still didn’t remove his hands from her hips. And she didn’t let go of his shoulders. She might not need him to stand, but she wanted to keep him close to her.

  Lightly she stroked her fingers over where she’d bitten him. The two marks were tiny and already healing, but she loved seeing it on his skin. Even when they disappeared she’d remember seeing them every time she looked at him. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  A ghost of a smile played across his face. “Not possible.”
/>   Turning from him, she stepped under the pulsing water and let the wet warmth roll over her. The shock of the jets against her sensitive skin sent an involuntary shiver spinning through her. As she brushed her wet hair back from her face, Knox came up behind her and lightly held her hips while he nuzzled her neck.

  “I didn’t know mating would be like that,” he rasped out.

  She slightly stiffened. “What do you mean?” Did he not like it when she’d bitten him? It had just felt so natural and he hadn’t tried to stop her.

  “You know how wolves mate. We…” He trailed off as he brushed her hair over to her left shoulder. When he rubbed his thumb in small circles over a section on her upper back, she turned to face him.

  Wrapping her arms around his waist, she pulled him tight against her. “What are you doing?”

  “You have a tiny bonding symbol on your back. It’s an olive branch.” A universal peace symbol.

  The corners of her lips pulled down a fraction. “What does that mean?” When vampires mated, nothing particular happened. Other paranormal beings could simply scent that they were taken and off-limits.

  Knox didn’t respond. Instead he turned in her embrace so that his back faced her. With her fingers she traced over the tiny black, tattoolike symbol in the middle of his upper back. It wasn’t visibly raised but when she touched it she could feel the outline. “You have one, too. Is that…normal?”

  When he turned back to face her, he looked almost smug. “No, it’s not normal. Werewolves usually mate for life but only if they’re true mates will a symbol appear somewhere on their body.”

  Like a bright tattoo, branding them together for life. “But we’re a different species, how is it even possible that—”

  He silenced her as he kissed her. His kisses were hungry and needy and just what she wanted. His erection was already back and pressing insistently against her abdomen. Looked like they were in for a long night.

  Pulling back slightly, she stared into his eyes. A sense of wonder filled her. “I didn’t say it before but…I love you, too. I don’t think I ever stopped.”

  His dark gaze flashed hungrily. As he devoured her mouth again, she felt him shift toward the shower knobs and then the water turned off. Before she could ask what he was doing, he’d scooped her up in his arms.

  “Bed. Now.” His voice was hoarse.

  A shudder snaked through her. She remembered that side of Knox. When he could barely get out a few words let alone say a full sentence, she knew she was in for a long, hot night.

  Chapter 6

  Angela stretched her arms over her head before opening her eyes. Slivers of daylight streamed into the room from one of the partially open curtains. Normally she slept during the day but Knox had kept her up all night. In the most delicious way possible.

  Considering the night they’d had, she felt surprisingly refreshed as she got out of bed. After a shower she found Knox had left clothes for her on his dresser and a note telling her he’d be back soon. Carefully she sniffed them—and immediately hated the brief insecurity that jolted through her—but didn’t scent anyone else on them. She wondered where he’d acquired new clothes so quickly but didn’t really care. Anything was better than walking around naked all day.

  After slipping on the black sweater and dark jeans, she put on her own boots then opened his bedroom door. No one was in the hallway but she knew the house was full. She could smell all the shifters. She couldn’t tell where Knox was, however.

  Couldn’t even sense him. She’d thought once they were mated they’d have that bond but maybe that was only a vampire thing. Her boots were silent along the plush carpeted hallway as she made her way to the staircase.

  Two male wolves stood at the top talking but both straightened when they saw her. One she recognized from the day before as one of the males who’d wanted her “strung up and punished.” Despite the sinister glint in his eyes, he nodded politely at her.

  They both did.

  Even though she wanted to know where her mate was she wasn’t about to ask these two. She just nodded back and continued down the stairs.

  The mansion was just as big as the one she’d lived in before but the smells were different. More alive. Everything was a little brighter, too. Thankfully she could walk in sunlight or she’d be fried with all the big windows. For a brief moment she wondered where Natalia was and how she was faring. Her friend wasn’t a day walker so was likely sleeping. Maybe Angela shouldn’t have been so hard on the young vampire. She’d only been doing what she thought was right.

  Even if it hurt that her friend had left the coven without telling her why, deep down she knew it didn’t matter. Hell, they were the only two vamps living in this house now and it was obvious not all the shifters would accept her so easily. She’d need all the friends she could get.

  As Angela strode through the house she heard bits and pieces of conversations thanks to her extrasensory abilities. Most of it was mundane, everyday stuff. Where shifters had an incredible sense of smell, her sense of hearing was probably a hundred times better than theirs. Long ago she’d learned to tune things out—she’d had to for peace of mind—but when she heard a female voice say Knox’s name, she paused in the hallway where she stood and honed in on it. From the direction it sounded as if the voice came from the south part of the mansion.

  “Knox only protected her last night to keep peace between the species,” one said haughtily.

  The other female laughed. “Don’t fool yourself. You sound bitter and jealous. Our Alpha doesn’t do anything lightly.”

  “We’ll just see how long it lasts.” This time the female sounded almost threatening.

  “You better not let anyone overhear you,” the other one whispered, though it did no good to stop Angela’s eavesdropping. “If he mates with her, she’ll be our Alpha, too.”

  The female snorted. “A vampire as our Alpha female? Knox will never allow it.”

  “You speak as if you know him so well.”

  She sniffed in an overconfident manner Angela knew she wouldn’t soon forget. “There was a time when—”

  Angela didn’t need to hear anymore. Forcing herself to block out the rest of the conversation, she continued down the long hallway toward a heavy-looking wooden door with intricate carvings. If she stood around and listened to more of that crap she knew she’d search out the location of the she-wolves and her claws would come out. Literally.

  And she didn’t think it would be a good idea to confront a couple of she-wolves her first day as Knox’s mate. When she turned the door handle relief surged through her that it opened and led outside. She might not be accustomed to spending time in the daylight but anything was better than being stuck in that house with shifters that didn’t want her there.

  There were a lot of things she hadn’t considered when she’d decided to mate with Knox. She was now an Alpha female of a pack of wolves? It felt too surreal. And it was also obvious those females didn’t know she and Knox were actually mated yet. Which made her wonder when and if he was going to inform his pack. Maybe he wanted to keep it a secret?

  She was on the side of the house if her bearings were correct. Stalking across the grassy yard, she headed for a lone gazebo surrounded by a cluster of trees. At least she could think and breathe and just be alone right now.

  As she neared it, the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Glancing around, she frowned. She could smell someone nearby even if she couldn’t see them. She didn’t doubt Knox had plenty of security on his land but this was different.

  It wasn’t just another presence she felt. She smelled actual danger. It hung in the air dark and potent. Instead of walking up the steps to the gazebo, she kept going and circled around it. If someone wanted to ambush her, they were welcome to try.

  When she reached the other side of the structure, she stilled. The male she’d seen earlier at the top of the stairs stood in the shadows of the bushes by the gazebo intently staring at her.

d he held a long, shiny dagger. No doubt silver.

  Not very subtle. Or smart. Now that she saw him in the light of day she realized how young he was. Barely twenty in human and werewolf years if she had to guess. “You really want to do this?”

  His eyes turned to slits. “You’re weaker now.”

  Yeah, not so much. Probably some stupid myth he’d heard about day walkers. But she didn’t tell him that. Let him think what he wanted. “You want to kill your Alpha’s mate? You’re a pup. You must know he’ll kill you.” If she didn’t first.

  “I won’t submit to a vampire,” he spat.

  Before she could respond and tell him to rethink his youthful stupidity, he lunged at her.

  With ease, she dodged to the side. He missed her by a good foot which only enraged him. He growled deep in his throat but didn’t shift to animal form. That surprised her. He was obviously young and inexperienced. Maybe he thought the only way he could kill her was with silver.

  Gripping the blade tightly in his hand, he turned to face her again. He was quiet and intent. And so inexperienced. She didn’t want to hurt him if she didn’t have to.

  “You don’t have to do this.”

  “Your kind killed my brother.” He wielded the blade.

  She gritted her teeth and faced off with him. It was always the same with werewolves or vampires. Stupid blood feuds. “Well, I didn’t. I just want to live in peace. You really need to put the blade down.”

  On the balls of her feet she swayed back and forth, waiting for him to move. She didn’t want to get into a direct fight with him and if she could stop him from doing anything stupid, it could alleviate any bloodshed. Definitely wouldn’t do for her to kill a werewolf her first day as Knox’s mate.

  He dodged back and forth like a fighter then jumped for her. She was fast, but not fast enough. He sliced through her sweater and upper arm. The scent of her own blood tickled her nose and made her claws involuntarily extend.


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