in Fort Duquesne battle, 108
in French and Indian War, 141
Germain’s desire for alliance with, 234–35, 277–80, 300–301, 305
given land in Treaty of Big Tree, 485
and Indian attacks on British forts, 148
as matrilineal, 55, 56
in meeting with American colonists, 214–17, 274
Munsee’s alliance with, 142–43, 144–45
New Yorkers’ fear of, 358
at Oswego conference, 2–3
reservations of, 507
Schuyler’s desire to keep out of war, 276–77
Schuyler’s peace offer to, 365, 366
in 1794 council with Americans, 482
sexual equality in, 56
stockade attacked by, 1–2
Sullivan’s mission against, 353–54, 355–57, 365, 366, 372–73, 404, 463
torture by, 60, 275, 368
upstate New York raids of, 452
warfare of, 60
Washington’s decision to fight, 4–5
in winter of 1780, 365
Isaac (slave), 81–82, 87–88, 226
Islam, 18
Island at the Center of the World, The (Shorto), 6
Jamaica, 352
Jamaica Pass, 266
Jamestown, 34
Jay, Frederick, 201–2, 204, 249
Jay, John, 204, 432
New York Constitution written by, 287, 288, 419
in Treaty of Paris negotiations, 401
treaty with England negotiated by, 473–74, 476–77, 478
Jay family, 200, 258
Jefferson, Thomas, 490
Handsome Lake’s meeting with, 501
Henry’s oratorical talents praised by, 166
Louisiana Purchase of, 495
move of capital to Potomac desired by, 462
on Second Continental Congress, 212, 215
slaves owned by, 205
Townshend Duties opposed by, 190
in Treaty of Paris negotiations, 401
in Washington’s cabinet, 476
Jefferys, Thomas, 83–84
Jemison, Mary, 367, 368, 369
Jenuchshadego, Pa., 404
Jesuits, 33
Jikonsaseh, 58
Jimerson, Go-wa-yah-doni, 507
John, King of England, 15
Johnson, Guy, 278, 279
Johnson, Samuel, 3, 231, 318
Johnson, William, 55–56, 110
at Albany Conference, 98–99
Brant groomed by, 278
death of, 278
Fort Niagra captured by, 145
Iroquois convinced to ally with Britain by, 130–31
in Lake George battle, 110–11, 120
made Sole Superintendent of the Affairs of the Six United Nations, 110
in negotiations with Ottawas and Oneidas, 147
and Senecas’ fears of enslavement by British, 146
Johnstone, George, 189–90
John Street Theatre, 292
Jonathan of the Valley, 418
Jones, John Paul, 360
Journal of Major George Washington, The, 83–84, 86, 88
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 51–52
Jumonville, Joseph Coulon de Villiers, Sieur de, 90–91, 92–93, 99, 143–44
justice, 173, 174
Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer, The, 173, 422
Jutes, 15
Kayéthwahkeh, see Cornplanter
Ke-koi-no-us, 404
Kentucky, 164, 477–78
Kickapoos, 148
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 507
King Lear (Shakespeare), 227
King’s Bench Prison, 495
Kingsbridge, N.Y., 262–63, 385
King’s Head Tavern, 290
Kingston, N.Y., 287, 333, 335
Kinzua Dam, 506–7
Kip’s Bay, 270–71, 281
Knole House, 13–14, 17, 151, 154–55, 158, 171, 188, 324, 414–15, 506
Knowlton, Stephen, 332
Knox, Henry, 257, 264, 431
Knox, William, 324–25
Kurentsi, Eno Baisie, 50, 52
Lafar, Madame, 458
Lafayette, Marquis de, 351, 428–29
and Arnold plot, 377
attack on Clinton desired by, 344
at battle of Yorktown, 423
Cornwallis harassed by, 384, 387
and France’s joining of Revolution, 343
on French Revolution, 461
in negotiations with Indians, 404, 406–7
slavery opposed by, 430
Washington pushed to become president by, 454
Washington’s relationship with, 329–30
Lamoignon, Chrétien-François de, 459
Land in the Fork, 77–78
Lansing, Abraham, 358, 359, 434, 437, 448
Constitution celebrated by, 451, 452
Lansing, Jannetje, 360
Lansing, John, 433, 436
Lansing, Susanna Yates, 151, 168, 192, 236, 357–58, 448
Lattimer, Samuel, 122
Laurens, Henry, 350
Laurens, John, 350, 351
Law of Peace, 58, 142, 367
Lear, Tobias, 489
Lee, Charles, 246, 247, 350
in battle of Monmouth, 344–45
Washington criticized by, 283, 344
Lee, Richard Henry, 212, 317, 433
“Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania,” 184
Lexington, Battle of, 206, 207–9, 210, 228, 232, 240, 241, 312
L’Hommedieu, Ezra, 452
libel laws, 115
liberty, see freedom
liberty poles, 239
Ligonier, Jean-Louis, 134
Ligonier fort, 130
liquor, 51, 55–56
Little Beard, 348
Little Hunting Creek Plantation, 20, 40
see also Mount Vernon
Livingston, Mary, 495, 496
Livingston, Robert L., 495–96
Livingston, Robert R., 110, 114, 287, 455, 495
Livingston, William, 114, 115–16, 117, 204, 251
army raised by, 251
Coghlan’s request for assistance by, 251, 258
Livingston family, 63, 153, 192, 200, 240
Locke, John, 8, 117, 133, 156, 237, 238
Logstown, 78–79
London, 17, 34, 83, 444, 515n
London Gazette, 395
London Magazine, 93
Long Island, 224, 225, 246
British landing on, 265–66, 289
Washington’s retreat from, 266–67, 270
Loring, Elizabeth, 291, 293, 374
Loring, Joshua, 291
Loudoun, John Campbell, Earl of, 133
in plan to put British officers in charge of militias, 129
recalling of, 135
Washington’s desire for royal commission from, 129, 131
Yates’s disputes with, 112–14, 116–18, 129, 131
Yates’s legal memorandum against, 116–17
Louisiana, 152
Louisiana Purchase, 495
Louis XVI, King of France, 458, 459, 470
Lowther, James, 396
deserting from British army, 320
Fort Schuyler attacked by, 307
Germain’s desire for help from, 384, 397
in New York, 201, 239, 240, 247
in Pennsylvania, 319
in Wintermute, 346
Luttrell, James, 322
Luttrell, Temple, 340, 341
Lyme, Conn., 228
Lyon, Humphrey, 383
Madison, James, 206–7
Bill of Rights written by, 450
Constitutional Convention notes of, 435
Constitutional plans of, 431
letters to Washington on Congress from, 430, 431, 433
move of capital to Potomac desired by, 462
strong federal government desired by, 402
Magaw, Robert, 282
Magna Carta, 1
5, 157, 322
malaria, 50, 384
Mamaltee, 148
Mamprusi, 48
Marie-Antoinette, Queen of France, 470
Marlborough, Charles Spencer, Duke of, 135
Mars, James, 174
Maryland, 126, 145, 493
Mascoutens, 148
Mason, George, 183–84, 185, 439
masons, 240–41
Massachusetts, 186, 447
colonial government of, 196
provincial congress in, 243, 265
as radical colony, 205
Shays’s Rebellion in, 431
Master of Life, 147
Mature Blossom, 53–54
Mediterranean Sea, 371
Memoirs of Mrs. Coghlan (Coghlan), 468, 470–72, 485–86, 491, 552n
mercantilism, 25
British, 34, 158, 161, 162–64, 171, 199
as desirous of caution in break with Britain, 240
Mercury, 235
Miamis, 59
“Microcosm or the World in Miniature,” 127
microscope, 6
Middle Ages, 238
Middlesex, Lord, 158
Mifflin, Sarah, 263
Mifflin, Thomas, 263
Mi’kmaq, 152
militias, colonial, 206–7
see also specific state militias
Minden, Prussia, battle at, 132, 135–37, 139–40, 154, 157, 189–90, 209, 212, 232, 300, 324, 341, 375, 399, 413
Miner, Hempstead, 180–81, 227–28
Mingos, 78, 406
Mississippi Land Company, 164
Mississippi River, 478
Mitchell, Uriah, 285
Modest Proposal, A (Swift), 25–26
Mohawk River, 300
Mohawks, 54, 58
in Albany, 61
at Albany Conference, 98
in battle of Cherry Valley, 348–49, 353
British alliance with, 143
hunting grounds of, 58
in Lake George battle, 110–11
log cabins of, 58–59
rumors of British fighting alongside, 217
Mohawk Valley, 309
molasses, 64, 121, 179
monarchy, 237
Monckton, Robert, 152
Moncrieffe, Edward Cornwallis, 152, 200
Moncrieffe, Margaret, see Coghlan, Margaret Moncrieffe
Moncrieffe, Margaret Heron, 152
Moncrieffe, Mary, 153
Moncrieffe, Thomas, 152, 496
on colonial unrest, 200
death of, 468
in decision to fight with British, 8
letter to Margaret from, 257–58
in Long Island invasion, 289
Margaret desired to go to convent by, 371–72
Margaret disowned by, 373
Margaret’s reunion with, 265, 280, 289
promoted to Major of Brigade, 289
remarriages of, 153, 200
on Staten Island, 249, 258
taken prisoner, 289
tough response to Stamp Act violence desired by, 171
Monmouth, Battle of, 344–46
Monroe, James, 477
Montague, Edward, 165
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de, 121
Montesquieu, Baron de, 237
Montreal, 145
Montresor, Frances, 264
Morris, Gouverneur, 287, 400, 419, 437, 462
Morris, Robert, 360, 417, 430, 432
Washington nominated as Constitutional Convention president by, 434–35
Morristown, N.J., 289, 296, 364–65
Mossi, 48
Motier, Gilbert du, 329
Mount Vernon, 41, 104, 106–7, 124, 132, 411, 486
division of, 163
escape of slaves from, 351
leased to Washington, 102
money problems at, 5
naming of, 40
slaves quarters at, 179
tobacco grown at, 101, 102, 151, 161, 164, 166, 172
various crops grown at, 172
visitors to, 429
Washington’s orders for work at, 272
Washington’s return to, 400, 403
Washington’s wartime visit to, 389
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 3
Mumford, George, 68, 70, 71, 80, 81, 122
death of, 122–23
runaway slaves of, 87–88, 178
Smith sold by, 100–101, 120
Mumford, James, 71–72
Mumford, Mercy, 67, 68
Mumford, Ray, 226
Mumford, Rebecca, 69, 382–83
Mumford, Robinson, 67, 101, 226
death of, 70
Venture given increasing responsibilities by, 70
Venture named by, 52
Venture purchased by, 51, 491
Venture trusted with key by, 68–69
Mumford, Thomas, 66
Munsees, 141–43, 144–45, 147
and attempt to infect with smallpox, 148–49
British forts attacked by, 148, 149
desire to fight French, 145
Iroquois’s giving away of land of, 144
Nantwich, England, 370–71
Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 495
Narragansett, R.I., 68
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, 508
national debt, 25
natural law, 16, 117
natural rights, 442
Neolin, 147–48
British wars with, 15
Gold Coast trading by, 29, 48–49, 50
navy augmented in, 319
New York founded by, 6
in War of Austrian Succession, 39
Nevis, 330
New Amsterdam, 56, 62, 141–42
Newark, N.J., 282
New Brunswick, N.J., 310
New England, 69–70, 174
as center of Revolution, 234
Newfoundland, 397
Newgate Prison, 362
New Hampshire, 450
New Haven, Conn., 70
New Jersey, 437–38, 455
New Jersey militia, 250–51
New London, Conn., 70, 72, 88, 101, 121–22, 123, 228, 245, 383, 489, 490
New Netherland, 56, 62, 194
New Orleans, La., 76, 478, 495
Newport, R.I., 49, 67, 68, 386
Newtown, 356
New York, 35, 86–87
Constitution ratified by, 450–52
Dutch founding of, 6
Iroquois attacks in, 4
loyalists in, 239, 240
provincial congresses in, 243–44
Yateses and Lansings in politics of, 505
New York, N.Y., 127, 142, 165, 199–200
American prisoners in, 291
arrival of British ships at, 244, 247, 248, 250
British attack on, 256–57
British capture of, 281–82, 288
British quarters in, 290–91
British spies in, 247–48
chaos in, 289–90
defense of, 245–46, 248, 265–66
evacuation of, 267–69, 274
fire in, 271, 289
as loyalist city, 201, 247
under martial law, 246, 289–90
Washington’s considering of attack on, 381, 382, 385, 386
Washington’s plan for burning of, 268–69
New York Assembly, 239, 333, 335, 448
New York Constitution:
bill of rights in, 288
elections in, 334
proposed, 268
writing of, 286–88, 419
New York Convention, 254–55, 256, 267, 281
American Crisis read in, 285–86
army organized by, 285
New York evacuation organized by, 267–69
state government set up by, 286–87
New-York Gazetteer, 418
New York Harbor, British fleet in, 244, 247, 248, 250, 260
York Packet, 418
New York Weekly Journal, 115
Niagra River, 365–66
Niantic Bay, 228
Nicola, Lewis, 401–2
Niles, Elisha, 491
Noailles, Marie Louis de, 339
nonimportation association, 190–92
North, Frederick, Fifth Earl of Guilford, 321
as ambivalent about Revolution, 323
on Boston Tea Party, 195, 196–97
colonists’ dislike of, 208
and Cornwallis’s surrender, 395–96
and France’s joining of Revolution, 339
Germain offered diplomatic post in colonies by, 210
Germain offered post of Secretary of State for American Department by, 210–12
and Germain’s raising to Viscount, 398
made prime minister, 195
and peace commission, 233
restructuring of colonial governments sought by, 196–97
North, slavery in, 174–75
North America, plan for permanent settlement of, 158
Ogden, David, 502
Ogden Land Company, 502
Ohio Company of Virginia, 45, 76, 77, 88, 159
storehouse built by, 105–6
Ohio Country, 75–76, 79, 86, 90–91, 96, 105
British allowed to settle in, 79
British attacked by Indians in, 125
British seizing of French forts in, 146
Indian alliace with British in, 131
Munsee move into, 142
as possible asylum for Washington, 254
Ohio River, 76–78, 80
Ojibwas, 59, 146–47, 148
British betrayal discussed by, 406
Old Smoke, 346
Oneidas, 54, 58, 98, 366–67
Onondagas, 54, 58, 98, 357
Oriska, battle at, 308, 326
Orme, Robert, 103–4, 124
Oswego, N.Y., 301–6
Oswego conference, 2–3, 540n
Ottawas, 146–48
Paine, Thomas, 242–43, 285–86, 294, 477
Morris criticized by, 360
Palais de Justice, 459
panyarring (man-stealing), 47–48
paper currency, 25, 164, 165
Paris, 446–47, 457, 552
Paris, Treaty of (American Revolution), 401, 404, 405, 413–14
Iroquois and, 420, 427
preliminary, 402
ratification of, 407–8
Paris, Treaty of (Seven Years’ War), 147, 158, 422
Parlement, French, 458, 459
Parliament, British, 156, 164, 441–42
Boston Tea Party discussed in, 195–96
Burgoyne’s self-defense in, 340–41
Dickinson’s threat to, 184
George III’s speech on national unity in, 373
after Glorious Revolution, 238
lack of support for Germain in, 398
Mississippi Land Company scotched by, 164
opposition to Stamp Act in, 170, 171
power of taxation of, 159
reform of aristocracy demanded in, 361–62
in refusal to continue Revolutionary War, 397–98
in Stamp Act repeal, 171–72, 173, 174, 182–83, 187, 195–96
Stamp Act voted into law by, 165
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