Parliament House, 23
passenger pigeons, 57
Paterson, James, 261
Peale, Charles Willson, 74
Pendleton, Edmund, 203, 204
Penn, John, 96
Penn, William, 424
Pennsylvania, 97, 105, 126, 145, 353, 462
Iroquois negotiations with, 465, 466
Iroquois attacks in, 4
military road in, 129
Pennsylvania Gazette, 96, 97, 105, 257, 422
Pennsylvania Magazine, 242, 295
Pequot War, 119–20
Percy, Hugh, 265, 280, 289
Perron, Angi, 508–9
Petersburg, Siege of, 507
Philadelphia, Pa., 34, 127, 310, 311, 455
Clinton’s evacuation of, 343–44
Constitutional Convention in, see Constitutional Convention
First Continental Congress in, 204–6, 207
Howe’s move to capture, 310–11, 315, 319
as interim capital, 462
Second Continental Congress in, 207, 212–14, 215, 216
springtime celebration in, 424–26, 437, 463
Philip IV, King of Spain, 238
Philipse, Polly, 127, 128
Pickering, Timothy, 482–83
Pigott, Charles, 470
Pinckney, Charles, 435
Pitt, William:
French and Indian War strategy of, 131, 134–35, 145
George II’s desire for removal of, 134
and Germain’s court-martial, 138, 139
as Germain’s mentor, 94, 131
Stamp Act opposed by, 170, 171
Pittsburgh, Pa., 131
planters, 32, 45, 275
debts of, 163–64
independence of, 162–63
Madison’s criticism of, 207
radicalism of, 205
political parties, 478–79
Polly Honeycombe: A Dramatick Novel of One Act (play), 292, 293, 295, 336
Polybius, 237
Pontchartrain du Détroit, 146–47, 148
Pontiac, 148
Pontiac’s Rebellion, 148–50, 158, 218, 406
Poor Richard’s Almanac, 96
Populist Party, 505
Portugal, 28, 29, 48–49
Potapoug Point, 228
Potawatomis, 148
Potts, Dr., 334
Potts, Isaac, 328
poverty, 25–26
presidency, 453, 456
president’s mansion, 456
Presque Isle, 143
Price, John, 64
Price, Richard, 442
Priestley, Joseph, 442
property rights, 352
prostitutes, 247
Protestant Ascendancy, 24
Providence, R.I., 70, 381
provincial congresses, 243–44, 265
Prussia, 132, 134, 135–36, 139
Pruyn, Samuel, 64
pulaaku (code of conduct), 30–31, 32
Putnam, Israel, 246
Coghlan’s asking of assistance from, 251, 258–59
and Coghlan’s plans to marry Burr, 263
Coghlan’s staying with, 259–60
Coghlan’s toast to, 264–65
and Coghlan’s toast to Howe, 262
Putnam, Mrs., 260
Quaker missionaries, 499–500
Quakers, 67
Quebec, 76
American invasion of, 232, 233, 263
in election of 1777, 334–35
in election of 1778, 335–36
and New York Constitution, 287
Raleigh Tavern, 190
Ram Island, 223
Ramsay, David, 427
Randolph, Edmund, 435, 439
Randolph, Peyton, 206
Rangers, 346, 347, 348
Ranney, Amos, 409–10
Rappahannock River, 32, 34
Raystown fort, 130
reason, 6, 237, 461
receiver of taxes, 417
Red Jacket, 214, 216, 218, 466
in meeting with British over alliance, 302
religious tolerance, 156
Fox’s call for, 375
representative government, 6
republicanism, 156, 237
Resolution, 327
revival movement, 479
Rhode Island, 69, 351
Constitutional Convention boycotted by, 433
Ridder, Cornelis de, 63
Ridder, Gerritje de, 63
rights, 17, 187, 210, 229, 238, 261, 442
and focus on individual, 7, 490
Robinson family, 127
Rochambeau, Comte de, 376, 377, 386, 388
Mount Vernon visited by, 389
Rodney, George, 362–63
Romans, 15, 16–17, 42, 46
Rome, 237, 396, 411
Rose, 228
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 459, 469
Royal Adventurers Trading to Africa, 16
Royal Navy, 42, 230–31, 246
Royal Society, 16
ruga (cattle camp), 17–18
Rules of Civility, 33–34, 125
rum, 55, 56, 59, 64, 66, 69, 179, 275, 276
Rush, Benjamin, 317
Russia, 134, 135, 319
Rutledge, John, 434–35
Ryan, Gina, 508
Ryan, Jasir, 508
Sackville, Charles, 414–15
Sackville, Diana Sambrooke, 94, 324
Sackville, Elizabeth, 155
Sackville, George, see Germain, George
Sackville, Lionel, Duke of Dorset, 14, 188
as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 23, 24, 26, 85, 87, 145–46
placid temperament of, 26
and Germain’s court-martial, 139
Sackville family, 13, 17
Sagwiritha, 277
sailors, 240–41
Saint, Chandler, 508
St. George’s Church, 34
St. George’s Square, 200
St. Leger, Barry, 300, 306, 307–8
St. Louis, Mo., 76
St. Nicholas festival, 61
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, 24
Saint-Pierre, Jacques Legardeur, 80
Salamanca, N.Y., 507
Salmon River, 229, 297
Salmon River Cove, 331
Sandusky, Ohio, 406
Sandy Hook, N.J., 343–44, 346
Saratoga, Battle of, 4, 315–17, 318–24, 340–41, 342, 346, 377
Savannah, Ga., 349, 360
Saxons, 15
Saybrook Point, Conn., 245
scalping, 150
Schaghticoke, N.Y., 63–64, 192, 357–58
Schenectady, N.Y., 239
Schuyler, Philip, 192, 275–77, 304, 310, 320, 378, 420
at celebration of Constitution, 452
in election of 1777, 335
in election of 1778, 335–36
in peace offer to Iroquois, 365, 366
removed from command in north, 311
Washington’s relationship with, 312
Schuyler family, 62, 473
science, 442
scientific revolution, 6–7, 16
Secret Committee, 359
Sedition Act, 490
Senate, New York, 335
Senate, U.S., apportionment of, 438
Senecas, 1, 54, 55, 56
at Albany Conference, 98
in battle at Oriska, 326
cities built by, 56
as fearing enslavement by British, 146
fenced-off farmlands of, 482
Fort Schuyler attacked by, 306–8
in Forty Fort battle, 346–48
French alliance with, 141, 143, 301
in French and Indian War, 141
and Indian attacks on British forts, 148
and killing of Jumonville, 143–44
in meeting with American colonists, 214–17
in meeting with British over alliance, 301
in meeting with Congress, 426–27
in m
eeting with congressional representatives at Albany, 217–18
in move to meet with Congress, 421–22, 423
obliteration of, 357
Pennsylvania’s granting of land to, 466
robbed by militiamen, 467
sawmill worked by, 499
selling of reservations of, 502
storytelling by, 58
strawberry festival of, 151, 499
territory of, 59
as threatened by European expansion, 78–79
traditional dance of, 424, 500
villages of, 56–57, 59
Washington aided against French by, 78–79, 89–90, 143–44
in winter of 1780, 365
separation of church and state, 288, 442
Sevenoaks, England, 13
Seven Years’ War, 232, 274, 339
battle of Minden in, 132, 135–37, 139–40, 154, 157, 189–90, 209, 212, 232, 300, 324, 341, 375, 399, 413
expense of, 230
as global chess game, 140–41
peace treaty ending of, 147
start of, 135
see also French and Indian War
Shades of Death, 355–56
Shakespeare, William, 51–52, 497
Sharp, Thomas, 64
Sharpe, Horatio, 128
Shawnees, 142, 144, 145
British betrayal discussed by, 406
British forts attacked by, 148
Shays’s Rebellion, 431
Shelburne, William Petty, Earl of 405
Sheridan, Richard, 375
Shirley, William, 111, 122, 129
and Washington’s request to be made British officer, 126, 128
Silvester, Peter, 112
Sky Blossom, 53–54
Sky Holder, 54, 482
Sky Woman, 53–54, 216, 482, 503
Sky World, 53, 216, 277
Slave Code, Connecticut, 480
slaves, slavery, 9, 83
abolition of, 408–9
in Anomabo, 47, 48, 65
British arming of, 350–51
Christianity and, 479
created by Akan wars, 49
discussed at Constitutional Convention, 437, 438
Dukandarra raided for, 46
Fox’s denunciation of, 375
among Fulani, 18
growth in Africa of, 28, 29
growth in America of, 20–21
Guinea war over, 28
Lafayette’s desire for abolition of, 430
Laurens’s plan for freeing of, 350, 351
leased to Washington, 102
naming of, 222
on New England coast, 69–70, 174
in North vs. South, 174–75
planters’ opposition to, 163
Quakers’ calls for abolition of, 67
Revolution’s failure to end, 8
rights of, 175–76
runaway, 81–82, 178–79
in Smith’s memoirs, 493
in Virginia, 205
in Washington, D.C., 493
Washington accused of hypocrisy on, 478
Washington’s concerns in Revolution with, 349, 350–51, 354
Washington’s inheritance of, 22
and Washington’s wartime visit to Mount Vernon, 389
West African capture of, 16
slave ships, 65–66, 67
slave trade, 28, 29, 49–50, 51, 67
smallpox, 65, 472–73
plot to infect Indians with, 148–49
of Washington, 45
Smith, Cuff, 409
arrest and conviction of, 480
birth of, 123
father’s purchase of, 224, 225
in move to Haddam, 228
naming of, 222
in Revolution, 380–82, 385
Smith, Edward, 481, 492
Smith, Eliza, 507
Smith, George, 507
Smith, Hannah, 100, 121, 122
father’s attempt to purchase, 226–27
naming of, 222
Smith, John, 34
Smith, Margaret (Meg), 72, 181, 224, 298, 380, 381, 480
death of, 494
descendants of, 507–8
in move to Haddam, 228
new house of, 331
pregnancies of, 100, 123
Sarah Stanton’s relationship with, 174–75
Smith’s purchase of, 121, 122, 226
Smith, Melancton, 447, 450
Smith, Nelson, 507
Smith, Oliver, 182, 185–86, 187
bankruptcy of, 481
British repelled by, 228
in shipping business, 223
Venture Smith named for, 222–23
Smith, Solomon:
birth of, 123
death of, 225–26
father’s purchase of, 224, 225
naming of, 222
Smith, Solomon, II, 298, 409, 480–81, 492
birth of, 226
land sold by, 494
in move to Haddam, 228
Smith, Venture (Broteer Furro):
Anderson’s freedom purchased by, 333
appearance of, 331, 333
in attempt to purchase Hannah, 226–27
background of, 7, 17–18, 516n
beating of, 410
birth of, 17
and birth of daughter, 100
boats built by, 332
buried money of, 185, 186
in captivity, 30–32, 46–48, 49
code of honor learned by, 30–31, 32, 68
Cuff disowned by, 480
in deal with Oliver Smith over freedom, 182, 185–86, 187–88
death of, 494
and death of Solomon, 226, 227
in departure from village with mother, 18–19
descendants of, 507–8
Edwards’s purchase of, 181–82
in escape plan, 81–83, 87–88, 100, 178
farming in Africa by, 19, 27
farm work by, 71, 72, 120, 121, 122, 151, 223, 332
father’s torture and killing witnessed by, 31–32, 46–47, 57, 177, 491
and fight between Meg and Sarah Stanton, 174–75
in fight with Stantons, 175–77, 223–24
fishing by, 71, 186–87
and French and Indian War, 142
George Mumford’s selling of, 100–101, 120
health problems of, 480
house built by, 330–31
as indifferent to unrest in colonies, 227, 228
and invasion of Dukandarra, 30, 31–32, 491
James Mumford’s abuse of, 71–72
land purchased by, 224–25, 297–99, 330, 331–32, 383, 489
land sold to friends by, 332
last name chosen by, 221–23
marriage of, 72
Meg purchased by, 226
memoirs written by, 489–94
Miner’s purchase of, 180–82
money of, 182, 185, 186, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229
in move to Haddam, 228–29
Mumford’s keys protected by, 68–69
outdoor work done by, 70–71
plans for inheritance of, 480–81
prudence of, 195, 223
Ranney sued by, 409–10
in return to Dukandarra, 27–28
Robert Stanton loaned money by, 120–21, 177, 185
rock crystals buried by, 331
slave duties learned by, 67
slave purchased by, 225
on slave ship, 51–52, 65, 509, 519n
sons purchased by, 224, 225
Stanton’s chaining of, 177, 180, 224
strength of, 18, 71, 121, 382
trees harvested by, 298, 332
as unaffiliated with Christian church, 331
“Venture” name given to, 52, 491
wood cut by, 223
Society of Saint Tammany, 46, 424, 425
Sons of Liberty, 168–69, 229
slavery in, 174
as target of Germain, 380,
Washington’s move to, 387–88
South America, 39, 40
South Carolina, 448
Spain, 373
in American Revolution, 360
Britain’s war with, 39–40
Dutch war against, 238
Treaty of Paris signed by, 414
U.S. treaty with, 478
spices, 15
Spinoza, Baruch, 237
Stamp Act, 165, 168, 187, 204
Burgesses’ opposition to, 165–66
opposition to repeal of, 171
Parliamentary opposition to, 170, 171
repeal of, 171–72, 173, 174, 182–83, 187, 195–96
Sons of Liberty’s opposition to, 168–69
Virginia resolutions against, 166, 239
Stamp Duty, 159, 160
Standing Tree, 53
Stanton, Elizabeth, 506
Stanton, Robert, 120–21, 177
Stanton, Sarah, 174–75, 176, 224
Stanton, Thomas, 101, 119, 174, 185, 223–24
Stanton, Thomas (great-grandfather), 119–20
Staten Island, 249, 258, 289, 310, 338
states’ rights, 433
steam engines, 10
Steinem, Gloria, 506
Steuben, Baron von, 344
Stewart, Robert, 163–64
Stirling, Lord, 345
Stonington, Conn., 70, 72, 101, 119, 120, 151, 180–81, 222–23, 224–25, 382, 383, 481
Boston supported by, 227
growth of, 173–74
militia formed in, 228
strawberry festival, 151, 499
Stuart family, 16
subjectivity, 9–10
Suffolk, Henry Howard, Earl of 208
sugar, 16, 64, 66–67, 69
Sullivan, John, 266, 353–54, 355–57, 365, 366, 372–73, 404, 463
Swan with Two Necks, 278
Sweden, 49, 134
Swift, Jonathan, 23–24, 25–27, 85
Tadadaho, 464, 467
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 469
Tamenend, 424
Tanacharison (Half King), 89, 91, 108
in Battle of Fort Necessity, 91, 108, 144
British allowed to settle in Ohio Country by, 79
French threatened over forts by, 143
Jumonville killed by, 90, 99
Washington guided by, 78–79, 141
tanners, 240–41
“taxation without representation,” 165, 170, 209
in Britain, 158
federal government’s attempt to impose, 419
Hamilton’s desire for, 401
Irish, 25, 26, 85
in Spanish vassal states, 238
Yates and, 417
taxes, in colonies, 207
cabinet dispute over, 159
constitutional issue of, 159, 183
Parliament’s desires to include Americans in, 164–65
on tea, 183
see also Stamp Act; Stamp Duty; Tea Act; Townshend Duties
Tayaheure, Jimmy, 277
tea, 183
Tea Act, 194
telescope, 6
Tennessee, 164, 477–78
Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, 462–63
Thayendanega, see Brant, Joseph
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