Revolution Song

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by Russell Shorto

Theatre Royal, 292

  Throg’s Neck, 281

  Throop, Dyar, 332, 333

  Times (London), 485

  tobacco, 21–22, 34, 83

  as economic trap, 163

  Washington’s growing of, 101, 102, 151, 161, 164, 166, 172

  toleration, 16

  Tom (slave), 179–80

  Tome, Philip, 519

  Tom Jones (Fielding), 42

  Tonawanda, N.Y., 404

  Tonowanda reservation, 507

  Tories, American, see loyalists

  Tory Party, Great Britain, 133

  Tournai, 39

  Townshend, Charles, 183

  Townshend Duties:

  House of Burgesses’s opposition to, 190

  passage of, 183

  repeal of, 194

  threats of violence against, 184, 185, 187

  Whig opposition to, 229

  writings opposed to, 183–85

  trade, 16

  in Africa, 28–29, 48–49

  boat, 49

  in Fredericksburg, 34

  fur, 62, 64

  between Seneca and Europeans, 59

  Treatise of Military Discipline, A, 125

  Trenchard, John, 156

  Trenton, N.J., 283–85, 455

  trial by jury, 288

  Trinity Church, 289, 468

  Trinity College, 24

  Trump, Donald, 505

  Tryon, William, 247–48

  tuberculosis, 50, 65

  Tull, Jethro, 172

  Tupper, Benjamin, 247

  Turkey, 50

  Turtle’s Heart, 148

  Tuscaroras, 54, 58, 214, 277

  at Albany Conference, 98

  Iroquois targeting of, 366–67

  29th Connecticut “Colored” Regiment, 407

  Twi, 28

  Two Treatises of Government (Locke), 117

  United States:

  naming of, 435

  Treaty of Paris signed by, 413–14

  utopias, 237–38

  Valley Forge, 328–29, 330, 336, 342–43, 437

  van Braam, Jacob, 77, 82

  Van Rensselaer family, 62, 240

  van Schaack, Henry, 169

  van Schaick, Jacob Gerritse, 62

  Vaughan, Thomas, 446

  Venice, Italy, 411

  Vermont, 477–78

  Vernon, Edward, 40

  Vesuvius, Mount, 411

  Villa Pamphili, 411

  Ville de Paris, 389

  Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A (Wollstonecraft), 469

  Virginia, 69, 77, 105, 126, 145, 159, 162, 174, 191, 493

  code of conduct in, 32

  Constitution ratified by, 450

  defense of, 88

  provincial congress in, 243

  as radical colony, 205

  right to collect taxes in, 166

  slavery in, 351–52

  Washington’s considering attack on, 381

  Virginia Convention, 203–6

  Virginia General Assembly, 89

  Virginia Militia:

  lack of discipline in, 125–26

  uniforms of, 125

  Washington put in command of, 124

  Washington’s creation of, 125

  Virginia plan, 435, 436–37

  Virginia resolution, 166, 239

  Visscher, Matthew, 334, 335, 472

  Voltaire, 459

  Wales, 337, 338–39

  Wallace, James, 228

  Walpole, Horace, 86, 318

  on Cornwallis’s surrender, 395

  on Lord North, 195

  Germain criticized by, 140

  Washington criticized by, 93

  War of Austrian Succession, 37–40, 86, 111, 146

  War of 1812, 501–2

  Washington, Ann Fairfax, 40

  Washington, Augustine (Gus), 20, 21–22, 36, 40, 106

  Washington, Augustine (half-brother), 40, 89

  Washington, Betty, 22

  Washington, Charles, 22

  Washington, D.C.:

  building of, 462, 487

  slavery in, 493

  Washington, George, 74

  as absent from Cornplanter’s meeting with Congress, 426–27

  accused of hypocrisy on slavery issue, 478

  ambition of, 5, 45–46, 102, 126–27, 129, 131–32, 160–61

  American identity of, 5

  as annoyed with Gates over Saratoga victory, 316

  as annoyed with recruiting by state government, 385, 387

  appearance of, 5, 43, 122, 207, 244, 260

  and Arnold plot, 377

  and arrival of French fleet, 385–86

  attack on New York considered by, 381, 382, 385, 386

  background of, 5

  Barbados visited by, 45, 66

  birth of, 19–20

  as bitter against Britain, 5

  boredom at presidential dinners of, 460–61

  Boston fired on by, 219–21, 234

  in Braddock’s march to Forks of the Ohio, 104–8, 312, 436

  in Brandywine Creek battle, 313–15, 326, 329, 347

  British commission desired by, 126, 128, 129, 131

  and British criticism over Jumonville killing, 93

  burning of New York considered by, 268–69

  called “Town Destroyer” by Iroquois, 357, 463, 464

  changing war strategy of, 386

  code of conduct followed by, 32, 33–34, 125, 173

  in Coghlan’s book, 485

  Coghlan’s meeting with, 260

  and Coghlan’s toast to Howe, 262

  colonial tour of, 126–28

  Cornplanter’s meetings with, 463–67, 482, 483–85, 499, 553n

  correspondence of, 429–30

  criticized for Jay Treaty, 477, 478

  dancing by, 35, 41, 42, 43, 127, 160, 388

  death of, 489

  and death of Jack Custis, 400

  debt of, 162, 163, 166–67, 486

  in decision to fight Iroquois, 4–5

  Declaration of Independence ordered read to soldiers by, 253–54

  demoted to captain in militia, 102

  discipline by, 248.328

  dysentery of, 107, 124

  education of, 32–34, 42–43, 114

  in escape to New Jersey, 282–83

  European fame of, 376

  expensive purchases of, 127, 161–62, 444

  experimental crops grown by, 172

  Fairfax as mentor of, 41–42, 43–44, 75–76, 213, 454

  and fall of Charleston, 364

  farewell address of, 478–79

  father idolized by, 20, 21

  and father’s death, 22, 36, 57, 106

  as fearful of French Revolution, 461–62

  in First Continental Congress, 203, 204

  as first president, 453–56

  fishery developed by, 172–73

  and Forbes’s march to Forks of the Ohio, 129–30

  on formation of military academy, 488

  in Fort Duquesne battle, 108–9, 123, 152, 312

  in Fort Necessity battle, 91, 102, 105, 108, 124, 144

  and France’s joining of American Revolution, 342–43

  at Fredericksburg fairs, 35–36

  French fleet sent to aid, 385–86

  Gates’s relationship with, 312–13, 317–18

  as general of colonial forces, 212–14

  in Germantown battle, 315

  Greene promoted by, 380

  growing deafness of, 461, 476

  growing fame of, 86, 88, 124, 126, 204

  Half King’s agreement to accompany, 78–80

  Hamilton’s relationship with, 330, 378

  Hessians attacked in Trenton by, 284–85

  Hickey ordered hanged by, 248

  honor sought by, 5, 32, 88, 89, 102, 103–4, 109, 121, 124, 126, 129–30, 132, 161–62, 214, 271, 272

  horsemanship studied by, 42–43

  House of Burgesses election won by, 161

nd Howe’s move to Philadelphia, 310–11

  implored to lead country, 401–2

  inauguration of, 456, 495

  and individualism, 294

  infertility of, 167

  as intending to retire after Revolution, 403, 411, 428–29

  invited to join Braddock’s campaign, 103–4

  as judge in Fairfax, 173

  and killing of Jumonville, 90–91, 92–93, 99, 143–44

  in Kip’s Bay battle, 270–71, 281

  and Lafayette’s push for abolition, 420

  Lafayette’s relationship with, 329–30

  and Lawrence’s death, 45–46

  Lee’s criticism of, 283

  legacy of, 506

  marriage of, 160

  at military headquarters dinners, 261–62

  militia disciplined by, 126

  on mission to assess French movement in Ohio, 89–91, 102, 105, 124, 140

  Mississippi Land Company investment of, 164

  at Monmouth battle, 344–46

  mother brought to ball by, 429

  Mount Vernon work ordered by, 272

  Mount Vernon visited in wartime by, 389

  move of capital to Potomac approved by, 462

  in move to Chesapeake, 386–89

  in move to Congressional Congress, 431–32

  in move to New York, 244

  named commander in chief of American forces by Adams, 488

  in New London, 121–22, 123

  New York escape plan of, 254

  in New York evacuation, 267–68, 274

  notes on Indians of, 44

  as opposed to enlistment of blacks, 221, 330, 350

  and peace commission, 256–57, 261

  peace with Britain urged by, 206–7

  plans for removal of, 317–18

  in plan to trap Cornwallis, 387

  poverty of, 43

  in preparation for French and Indian War, 94

  as president of Constitutional Convention, 434

  promoted to lieutenant colonel in militia, 88–89

  property purchased by, 45

  put in command of Virginia militia, 124

  quick war expected by, 248

  questioning of leadership of, 314–15, 316–17

  as quiet during Constitutional Convention, 435

  recruits to colonial militia trained by, 206

  on repeal of Stamp Act, 172

  retirement from British army, 132

  retirement of, 486–88

  in retreat from Long Island, 266–67, 270

  Revolution seen as war of ideas by, 253–54

  Rodney’s desire for bribe of, 363

  runaway slaves of, 178–79

  salary not accepted by, 213, 245

  Schuyler’s relationship with, 312

  in Second Continental Congress, 207, 212–14, 215

  siblings cared for by, 22, 32

  on signing of Constitution, 439

  slaves inherited by, 22

  slaves leased to, 102

  slave sold in Caribbean by, 179–80

  slaves worked by, 161, 172, 179, 183, 333

  smallpox of, 45

  Stamp Act opposed by, 166–67, 172, 187

  strong federal government desired by, 402–3

  surrender to French of, 91, 92

  surveying by, 44–45, 76, 78

  term “slave” avoided by, 163

  threat of war delivered to French by, 75–76, 77–80, 84, 87

  tobacco grown by, 101, 102, 151, 161, 164, 166, 172

  as toothless, 476

  Townshend Duties opposed by, 183–84, 185, 190, 191

  and Treaty of Fort Stanwix renegotiations, 482

  treaty with Britain desired by, 473, 476–77

  treaty with Spain negotiated by, 478

  uniforms of, 125, 244–45

  at Valley Forge, 328–29, 330, 336, 342–43, 437

  Virginia Militia created by, 125

  waning admiration for Britain, 123, 140, 167–68

  war journal kept by, 385, 387

  war strategy of, 269–70

  wartime despondency of, 271–72

  westward expansion desired by, 129, 164, 165, 167, 172

  in winter quarters in Morristown, 289, 296, 364–65

  as worried about disordered troops in New York, 246–47

  as worried about Indians in Revolutions, 349, 352–54, 365

  as worried about slaves in Revolution, 349, 350–51, 354

  Washington, Jack, 104

  Washington, Jane, 21

  Washington, John, 22, 79

  Washington, Lawrence, 40, 42, 45–46, 66, 76, 102

  Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis, 431

  children of, 167

  Coghlan’s meeting with, 260

  and death of Jack Custis, 400

  marriage of, 160

  in New York, 246, 460

  at President’s Mansion, 460

  slaves owned by, 161

  and Washington’s becoming president, 455

  and Washington’s death, 489

  and Washington’s joining of Continental Congress, 203

  and Washington’s wartime visit to Mount Vernon, 389

  in Yorktown battle, 390–91, 411

  Washington, Mary Ball (mother), 21, 22, 42, 44–45, 46, 104, 106–7, 429

  Washington, Mildred, 22

  Washington, Samuel, 22

  wealth, redistribution of, 237

  Weas, 148

  Webb, Samuel, 259

  Webster, Noah, 429

  weights, 51

  Wells, Robert, 348

  West Africa, 16, 70

  West Indies, 385, 397

  Westminster Hall, 157

  West Point, 377

  westward expansion, 159, 164, 165, 167, 429

  Washington’s desire for, 164, 165, 167, 172

  see also Ohio Company of Virginia

  Whacket, 332

  whaling, 223, 226

  wheat, 172, 192

  Wheeler, Richard, 173

  Whig Party, Great Britain, 16, 133, 259

  freedom as viewed by, 229–30, 459

  George III’s urging to rally around government, 373

  opposed to use of German mercenaries, 233

  reform of aristocracy demanded by, 361–62

  White, Amos, 383

  Whitehall, 231, 234, 256, 280, 299–300, 341

  White Plains, N.Y., 252–53, 254, 256, 267

  battle at, 281

  Wilkes, John, 156–58, 159, 165, 171–72, 211

  Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 172

  William, George, 41

  Williams, Edward, 64

  Williams, Elisha, 96

  Williams, Thomas, 168

  Williamsburg, Va., 75, 77, 83, 88, 102, 106, 161, 163–64, 165–66, 190, 201

  gunpowder in, 206–7

  Willing & Morris, 360

  Wills Creek, 105

  Wilmington, Del., 455

  Wilson, James, 109–10

  Winchester, 125, 128

  Winne, Jellis, 64

  Wintermute, 346

  Winthrop, John, Jr., 70

  Winthrop family, 70, 101, 120

  Wolf Clan, 55, 141, 277

  Wollstonecraft, Mary, 469

  women, political involvement in Britain of, 441–42

  women’s rights, 7, 8–9, 293, 294

  education and, 469

  forced marriage and, 8, 486

  in French Revolution, 469

  written contracts, 352

  Wyandots, 59

  Wyoming Valley, 306, 346, 347

  Yates, Abraham, Jr., 394

  at Albany Conference, 96, 97, 98, 144

  Albany quarantine ordered by, 472–73

  animosity for British, 123, 140

  appointed mayor of Albany, 472

  attempt to create workers party, 236

  background of, 8

  Bill of Rights desired by, 453

  birth of, 61

  and Boston
Tea Party, 195

  and British ships on Hudson, 256

  Constitutional Convention opposed by, 433, 436

  Constitution supported by, 453, 462

  as continental loan officer, 358–60, 364, 416–17, 432, 448

  daughter born to, 151

  and daughter’s wedding, 357–58

  death of, 474–75, 479

  death of children of, 95

  debts of, 417

  Declaration of Independence heard by, 252–53

  De Lancey’s chastising of, 117–18

  descendants of, 505

  in disputes with soldiers in Albany, 111–14, 116–17, 119, 135, 449

  in dispute with Loudon, 112–14, 116–18, 129, 131

  education of, 110, 114, 116

  elected assistant alderman, 64–65, 193

  elected constable, 63

  elected to city council, 64–65, 192

  federalists vs., 416, 419, 447, 473, 474

  and federal taxes, 417

  fever of, 285, 287, 288, 289

  freedom important to, 238–39

  gout of, 236, 285, 432

  Hamilton’s lunch with, 448–49

  house built by, 168, 192

  Indian Affairs Commission’s files reorganized by, 99–100, 110

  and individualism, 294

  Jay Treaty denounced by, 474

  as lacking in status, 62–63

  in land dispute with Albany elites, 194

  land investments of, 192

  legal career of, 168, 192, 194, 236

  legal memorandum against Loudon written by, 116–17

  Livingston as mentor to, 114, 116, 117, 153, 204, 251

  made deputy secretary to Indian Affairs Commission, 99

  made sheriff of Albany, 110

  maps desired by, 333–34

  money problems of, 62, 95

  New York evacuation organized by, 267–69

  New York history written by, 474

  Philip Schuyler’s contentious relationship with, 275

  politics studied by, 236–38, 242–43

  pragmatic writings of, 9

  in preparation for French and Indian attack, 109, 111

  puzzled by American radicalism, 236–38

  ratification of Constitution opposed by, 447–50, 451, 452–53

  revolution against elites desired by, 241, 505

  “rights of the people” defended by, 64–65

  Rough Hewer essays of, 418, 419, 453

  rumor of death of, 447

  in run for State Senate, 335–36

  shoemaker apprenticeship of, 62, 65

  Sons of Liberty urging of promise on Stamp Act from, 167–69, 187

  Stamp Act violence deplored by, 169–70

  state government set up by, 286–87

  suspicious of Bill of Rights, 450–51

  voted off council, 194, 236, 241

  voted to provincial congress, 244, 248

  Washington’s letter on Kip’s Bay battle to, 271

  wedding of, 64, 358

  and wife’s death, 474

  as worried about French Revolution, 473

  as worried about powers of Congress, 416, 431, 433, 434, 435, 438


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