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Rylan's Heart (Alien Mates Book Two)

Page 7

by Serena Simpson

  The man laughed. “Do you really think you can take me?”

  His eyes flashed and the ground around them began to shake.

  “Rylan?” she said his name softly.

  “Don’t worry, he won’t hurt us.”

  “Don’t be too sure. That’s what happens to lots of couples; they are so sure until they’re dead. Then there are no do overs.”

  “I won’t let you hurt her.”

  “Really? Look at you. I can see your anger and hatred hovering over you like a cloak. How can you protect someone when you’re too busy letting your feelings dictate what you do?”

  Rylan growled and the male laughed.

  “Come get me. Show your woman how badass you really are. I think I like her, wouldn’t mind sampling the goods. Come to Poppa, Baby.”

  Rylan moved a little closer to him after moving Aviana further back.

  “Take your time. I’m willing to wait for her, she’s cute. You should know the name of the male who is going to take your female away from you. It’s Voyager. Use that name, Precious, when you scream for me.”

  Rylan attacked with a roar. Voyager held up his hand catching Rylan around his neck. He choked him as he brought him struggling off the ground to dangle in the air.

  “Your life now belongs to me. It’s what happens when you charge without knowing anything about your opponent. Now I am sure your lovely little mate will want me instead.”

  Aviana launched herself at Voyager. “Let him go!”

  Taking his other hand, Voyager stopped her cold before she could reach him.

  “She put herself in danger because you let your darkness overtake you. Do you really think you’re worthy of a mate?”

  He lifted Aviana with the invisible hold he had on her and threw her into the door that was now open. Taking one last look at Rylan, he shook his head with disgust and threw him into the void where the door had been.


  Aviana’s alarm clock went off. She reached out blindly hitting the snooze button. Turning over, she snuggled deeper into the covers not wanting to get up. When the alarm went off a second time, she turned it off and dragged herself out of bed.

  A huge smile lit her face when she remembered it was the first day of the new job she studied so hard to get. They took her with only the experience she picked up as an intern. She was being given a job that rarely went to first time job seekers.

  She quickly took a shower and got dressed. The city wasn’t New York, but this was the first step to getting there. The hustle and bustle of the city overtook her as she left the steps of her condo.

  Her parents would be so proud of her. She walked down the street until soft sobs caught her ear. No one seemed to hear the child crying. Stepping to the side, she stood at the end of an alley. She wasn’t crazy enough to walk through it by herself.

  “Is anyone in there? Come out please, I’ll help you find your parents.”

  A little brown skinned girl stepped out of the shadows. Aviana’s mouth opened wide. She dreamed about that little girl last night.

  “Tell me who your parents are and I will help you find them.”

  She was in the process of crouching down when a man put his hand over her mouth and picked up her shaking body. The little girl disappeared faded away like a mirage as the man half carried half pulled her into the alley. No one stopped to help her.

  “You look like you like it rough.” The male laughed and shoved her against the wall. “I’m taking my hand off your mouth, don’t scream. No one out there cares.”

  He took his hand off her mouth and she screamed. He hit her with all his might, bruising one side of her face.

  “Scream again and I’ll hit you somewhere else.” He put his hands on her breast and squeezed.

  She wanted to close her eyes, block it all out, and pretend it wasn’t happening. Her eyes wouldn’t close; she needed to find a way out, an escape. That wasn’t going to happen if she couldn’t see.

  He ripped her top pulling her bra up to expose her breasts. He bit her on one nipple causing her to whimper in pain.

  “Please, let me go,” she said softly. Then with more force she screamed. “Get the hell off of me.”

  The man backhanded her.

  “You’ll pay for that.” He balled his fist up to slam it in her stomach.

  “Get the hell away from her,” a voice screamed from the end of the alley.

  Aviana turned to look at her hero only to find him more intimidating than the man who held her. His eyes blazed a stormy blue as his long legs ate up the ground between them. The muscles in his arms bulged and his legs were so thick, she thought she could sit on them without hurting him.

  It was the dark aura around him that scared her, making her want to retreat.

  The stranger pulled her attacker off and knocked him off his feet. Her attacker grinned at the other male like he was crazy, and pulled a knife. Aviana quietly eased around them and hurried down the alley before the one saving her finished beating the other male.


  “Are you done beating him?” Voyager asked, leaning against the wall.

  Rylan let the guy drop. Seeing him touch Aviana made him lose his cool. Both his darkness and his bitterness ate him up until he was unable to control it.

  “Where’s Aviana?”

  “She ran. She took one look at you and was terrified. I do not blame her.”

  “How could she be scared of me? I’m her mate; she knows I would never hurt her.”

  “Maybe she lost her memory when she came in here,” Voyager said with a shrug.

  “What do you mean she lost her memory and why didn’t you stop her?”

  “You told me I could not have her, so it delights me that you cannot have her either.”

  Rylan moved up to him, hands balled into fists.

  “Do you want to try to hit me, too?” Voyager flexed a hand and looked at him.

  “What am I going to do?”

  “Besides admitting you are not male enough to bond? Or were you asking about the nearest door so you can hightail it back to the city where no one needs you?”

  “I’m not leaving here without her.”

  “Suit yourself. I am going to find her now that you are no longer in the picture. I am pretty sure I have a shot. The women love me.”

  Rylan followed Voyager on silent feet. This isn’t what he was expecting. He listened when Cal talked about his trial, it was nothing like this. Aviana was lost somewhere in this city that seemed never ending. How would he find her?

  A memory he hated surfaced. The day his life changed. He had been outside playing with Gabe and Cal. The day was sunny and bright. There were no charms at that time to keep children safe. They simply had to be vigilant.

  A small shiver shook his body but he wasn’t able to identify it at first. As it crawled over him he knew something was wrong. Looking around, he headed off into the trees. The feeling became like a live wire under his skin; he turned and ran, screaming at his brother and Cal to run as well. He had to force them to run by lying, telling them it was a game and he was it.

  Both of them ran laughing towards the house but he knew he wouldn’t make it. He thought it would be ok as long as they got away. The thought of them unharmed helped him to keep his sanity most days.

  When that Sudir hovered over him, “Stupid boy,” it had said. “I wanted one of the other boys, but you will do for now.”

  He kept running thinking he might get away but the Sudir played with him before stopping him with a force he never felt before. His body paralyzed, the Sudir dragged him across the ground like a side of meat.

  How could he not be consumed with anger? But no matter what, he would never hurt his mate. He already cared for her.

  Chapter Eleven

  She wasn’t dead. It may be her only positive. Returning home, she changed her clothes noticing there weren’t any other outfits in her closet.

  Ducking out the door one last time, she promised herself n
ot to get stuck next to an alley as she went to pick up some new clothes. She was going to go to her new job—late but better than not going at all.

  Her mind was occupied with the riddle of what was happening as her feet took her to where she needed to be and her eyes watched to make sure she was safe. First there was that little girl. A feeling went through her like a pang of having lost something but not knowing what she lost. She put the child out of her mind. Children weren’t in her plan.

  Second was the male who saved her. She tingled when he was around, but was it desire or fear? He looked so evil, although the voice in the back of her head said he would never hurt her. She wasn’t a fool, and left that alley as soon as she got the chance.

  For no reason at all, her heart mourned for those two. The man who attacked her seemed so familiar. Not his attitude, but something that lingered in the back of her mind, teasing her.

  Sighing she walked into her new job. She was met by a jubilant staff; they were so happy to see her. Her new secretary showed her to the office she would occupy. It was large with a row of windows behind her desk and the comfortable chair denoted power. No doubt, she already loved it.

  Aviana’s boss came in, got her up to speed, and left her with a pile of paperwork.

  Life should be good, but it wasn’t. She was missing something—not something, someone. She turned on her computer to dig a little deeper into the pile of work.

  Her phone rang. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Ms. Marks, your first client is here.”

  “Thank you, send him in.” She couldn’t remember the name of her secretary whom she met for the first time this morning.”

  She put away her paperwork and stared at the door. A tall tattooed male walked in behind her sectary. He thanked her and closed the door after she left.

  “Do I know you?” she asked after he took a seat.

  “Do you?” He gave her a charming smile that would have made her heart beat faster if it weren’t for…

  Shaking her head, she wondered if she hit it in that alley. There was no one in her life and she was ok with that.

  “How can I help you today, Mr…?”

  “Call me Voyager, the Mr. is not necessary.”

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aviana Marks.”

  She put her hand to her head. Saying her name brought on a headache that would normally force her to lie down. When did you start getting headaches? Giving herself a mental shrug, she ignored the question.

  “All right, Voyager. How can we, here at Simpson and Simpson, Inc., help you?”

  “I came to help you. Tell me, Aviana, how are you enjoying your job?”

  He must be someone the company hired to come and check up on her. No problem, she would pass this little test with flying colors.

  She opened her mouth.

  “The truth, Aviana.”

  She snapped her mouth closed. This may be harder than she thought. Taking a look around the office, her eyes stopped on the pile of work she had to do before leaving today.

  “This isn’t what I was expecting, but it’s only the first day. I’m sure I’ll get into the swing of things.”

  “What would you have done, if you did not work here?”

  Pictures of that little girl haunted her, followed closely by the wild eyed male who saved her.

  “There’s nothing I’d rather do than work this job. I paid the price to work here.”

  “Working here may cost you everything.” He stood, “Remember, Aviana, everything is a choice.” He showed himself out the office.

  Curling a piece of hair around her finger, she pulled on it feeling the sting on her scalp. She needed to prove to herself she was alive.

  Pulling out her pile of paperwork she buried herself in it. Three hours passed and she was almost done. Her bosses would be thrilled at her progress. If only she were.

  She squirmed in her chair wanting more. That didn’t make any sense, this was her dream job. How could she want anything else? She walked to the window. Looking down, she saw that same little girl. Her arms ached to hold her. Moving her head to the right, she saw her wild eyed hero. She wanted to hold him too while doing other sweaty things with him.

  “No!” she said aloud, “this was the life I dreamed of. I won’t give it up.”

  Moving to sit in the chair, she instead walked around the desk heading for the door to her office. I’m just going to get coffee she reassured herself.

  She gave a friendly wave to her secretary and all the employees. Soon she was in the elevator pushing the down button. She bypassed the floor with the coffee and got out when she hit ground level.

  Where was she going? She had no idea, all she knew was that being cooped up in an office all day was no longer the life she wanted. There had to be something else.

  The buildings towering above her looked like they might crash down on her head at any moment. She began to work her way to the edge of the city looking for a compromise. It needed to be something that felt right.

  Turning the corner, she bit her tongue to keep herself from screaming out in surprise. Voyager was leaning against the wall, his legs were crossed and his arms were casually to his side.

  “You scared me.”

  “I do not think you scare easily.”

  “Are you following me?” She pushed her chin up and looked at him with defiant eyes.


  His answer made her shoulders sag a little.

  “Can you tell me where I am? I feel like I’ve lost something.”

  “Today everything costs something, Aviana.” He pushed off the wall with a lazy shrug and started moving.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Several people are coming this way. I think they are after you. Remember, Aviana, you are the only one who can help him.”

  He disappeared behind a building while she stared at him. If Voyager thought she was staying here, he was crazy. She ran after him stopping at the wall of muscle she saw in front of her. There were five of them—tall and muscular with glyphs covering their arms like tattoos. She turned and ran.

  Her breath caught in her throat as her heart hammered hard. If they caught her she was doomed. She didn’t know what they had in mind, but it couldn’t be nice. A muscle in the back of her leg cramped. Turning her head, she looked back only to stumble. The look in their eyes promised she would suffer. A tiny sound of distress came out of her mouth as she tried to run faster.

  They grabbed her and yanked her down to the ground. One of them tied her up and threw her over his shoulder. Her stomach rumbled; at least it was empty so she wouldn’t throw up and have to lie in it.


  “Where is she?” Rylan was pacing up and down in front of the building Aviana was supposed to be working in.

  He went inside to look for her to be told she left over an hour ago.

  “Why are you asking me? You are the one who is supposed to be taking care of her. Looks like you are doing a good job.”

  Rylan eyes closed to slits as he looked at Voyager. He wanted to take him apart. The male had done nothing but belittle him and tell him he needed to be better if he wanted to keep Aviana safe. If only he could get close enough to strangle him.

  He wasn’t really mad at Voyager. No, he was upset because he knew what the male was saying was correct. He spent years nursing his anger, encasing himself in hardness that he thought would never crack. Then Aviana came along with her gift of a jacket. It was just a damn jacket. Still it caused some part of his heart to warm by a few degrees.

  Let’s not forget her smile. His inner voice chimed in making things worse. He couldn’t forget her smile, that was the problem. The sun and the moon came together in her smile making it all he could see no matter what time it was. Then add those generous mouthwatering curves. It had truly surprised him that a woman like her was still single.

  Some men were idiots, but he sent a silent thank you to all of them. Now she was free and had no idea who he was,
and she was lost.

  “Some tracker you are. I thought Arbrin could sense their mates.”

  “We can.”

  “Then why are we still outside a building we know she is not in?”

  Why indeed? In order to sense her, he would have to let his defenses down. Not just let them down, rearrange them. He would never be able to harden his heart again if she truly touched it. Then it would mean opening his mind to her. She would see what had been done to him.

  He would disgust her. Who would want a male who had been tortured? Xolon, the Sudir that took him captive as a child had beat him, starved him, and drained him of energy. He also used him. How could she want that?

  “We have to find her another way.” He wouldn’t tie her to him with his past. There was no way he could keep her or Mckayla, if he did that.

  “Whatever you say. I just hope she is in one piece when we find her.”

  “What do you mean?” Rylan moved faster than ever and pinned Voyager to the wall.

  Voyager just smiled at him. “I heard she was being hunted. Do not worry though, I am sure they will leave enough to identify her.”

  He dropped Voyager. His heart ached as he called her name. Every traumatic experience he suffered at the hands of Xolon flashed through his mind, clawing him deep. Aviana. He couldn’t have them both.

  He looked Voyager deep in the eyes defiantly. Let the male see who he was. Straightening, he dropped his shield and fully took in the world around him for the first time. The pungent scents of the city assailed him making him want to raise his shield. Blowing all the air out of his lungs, he deeply brought it back in, tasting it for information.

  The wisp of a connection he shared with her fluttered over his senses. The one he denied even as he pursued her. He pulled it to him, whispering softly on the wind that he was coming.

  “She’s this way.” He turned around and began walking, not caring if Voyager came with him or not.

  “Was that so hard?” Voyager asked him with and uplifted brow.

  “Why is this happening?”

  “This is the soul-bonding trials. Did you stumble upon it by mistake?”


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