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Blood Moon (Moons of the Wolf Series Book 1)

Page 25

by Samantha Clarke

  “You don’t look that impressive. Nonetheless, you will pay for what you did to my daughter.” Anastasia continued as she advanced towards Kedar.

  Kedar smirked, “Don’t be so sure of that.” He responded readying himself for the imminent fight.

  Anastasia glanced back at the vampire restraining Constance. The young girl spit in the brood master’s direction, and snarled at her.

  “You’re an ugly old bitch! You may look young and beautiful, but you’re as ugly as the Devil on the inside! He’ll kill you, he’s the strongest wolf in any of the packs! You don’t stand a chance against him!” Constance hollered, almost breaking free of her captor.

  Anastasia sneered, “Kill her.” She ordered.

  Kedar attempted to rush around her to get to Constance, but Anastasia stopped him, knocking him down with a powerful side swipe. The fighting around Samantha commenced. She pushed through the crowd, chopping down the vampires that were in her way, attempting to get to Constance in time. The youngling had tenacity. She managed to break free and was fending off the vampire that had been instructed to kill her. More wolves attempted to reach her in order to help, but were stopped dead by other vampires. Samantha and her companions were quickly overwhelmed. Samantha glanced towards Kedar and Anastasia, who were entangled in hand-to-hand combat.

  She turned her attention back towards Constance and the vampire she was fighting. Maia had managed to move through the crowd and was approaching the vampire without his knowledge. He grabbed hold of Constance roughly, twisting her arm until it snapped. She cried out in pain and fell to her knees, clutching her now broken arm. Maia leapt forward, knocking the vampire to the ground. They rolled around, each fighting to gain control over the other. Maia was winning. She pinned the vamp to the ground and reached for her stake, but it was no longer strapped to her side. She frowned deeply and glanced around for it quickly, keeping the struggling vampire pinned beneath her. She spotted it a couple of feet away from her. She reached forward. Another vampire approached quickly. She didn’t even have time to react.

  Samantha pushed through the fighting around her, eyes transfixed on her companion. The second vampire, a female, grabbed Maia by the hair and pulled her off of the male, tossing her aside. She hit the ground with a thud. Maia attempted to stand, but the female vamp kicked her down. Both vampires had forgotten about Constance for the time being. Samantha quickly approached Constance first, pulling her to her feet and dragging her into the crowd. She handed her off to Kyle who scooped her up with one arm, and turned to bring her to safety. Samantha turned back towards Maia, moving swiftly to aid her. The vampires had given the girl a rigorous beating. She struggled to pull herself up.

  Samantha heard Kedar yell out in frustration and she quickly turned, forgetting about Maia as her mate’s yell reached her ears, her heart racing. His lip was bloody and swollen, his shirt dirty and ripped. Anastasia advanced on him, with a misshapen, broken nose. Samantha could not tell which of the two had the advantage. She took half a step forward, but Kedar swung at Anastasia, knocking her over. He clearly had the situation under control.

  Samantha turned back and continued towards Maia. She had managed to get back up on her feet. She and Samantha made eye contact and Samantha nodded slowly. She pushed her way through the wolves and vampires in her way, chopping down her enemies with no hesitation. Maia staggered, holding onto her side. She was badly injured. Too injured to phase into her wolf form. She shook her head slowly, trying to regain her composure, and Samantha noticed another vampire approaching Maia from behind. Samantha charged forward as the two vampires that had beaten her grabbed hold of her arms.

  Maia fought. She fought as hard as she could. She pulled her arms away and tried to run forward. Samantha was only ten feet away. The vamps grabbed her. They held her as still as possible. She kicked and thrashed with all her might. The vampire which had approached her from the back placed his hands on either side of her head. Samantha was only a few feet away by this point. Maia looked at her. Panic filled her eyes.

  “Samantha!!” She cried out at the top of her lungs in pure terror.

  Samantha reached out, her finger tips only inches away from grabbing onto Maia’s shirt. She was going to pull her out of danger. She was too late. The vampire pulled and twisted. Maia’s neck snapped. Samantha stood motionless for a fraction of a second. Maia’s now lifeless body hit the ground. Samantha lunged forward, phasing into a wolf mid-jump. She tore all three vampires limb from limb, leaving them unrecognizable. She stood over Maia’s body, fending off the blood crazed vampires who flocked to feed off of her. She turned her head in order to watch Kedar and Anastasia.

  The brood mistress was beaten, moving slower because of her injuries. Kedar swung, punching her in her face and knocking her down. He stood over her, pulling her up by her throat. She kicked him hard in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He dropped her and doubled over. She took the opening to leap forward and bury her fangs into Kedar’s arm. He snarled in pain and threw her off, but otherwise did not falter. Anastasia fell to the ground, rolling over in an attempt to escape Kedar. Samantha wanted to leap forward, to run to her mate’s aid, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t allow Maia’s body to be desecrated by the hungry monsters. Anastasia began to choke, unable to stand back up. Kedar kicked her over and Samantha swore she saw little plumes of smoke bellowing from her nostrils. She looked away, tearing another vampire apart as he approached. While she had not been watching, Kyle had phased and joined her. She nodded and allowed him get the next vampire that approached.

  She started to run forward to aid Kedar. Anastasia was crying out, writhing on the ground. He had turned his attention to the vampires that were attempting to rescue their mistress. Jaden threw Kedar his cross bow and he caught it with ease. Kedar began shooting the vampires as they approached him, not once missing his marks. Samantha bolted towards him, leaping on a vampire that had been coming up from behind. She tore his throat out with her teeth, spitting it out on the ground before continuing to fight back against the vampire menace. Kedar gently pat her side as she moved passed him, tackling another vampire to the cold, stone floor.

  The fight continued on for what felt like ages to Samantha. Her sense of time was distorted by her adrenalin, but finally the battle began to die down. She looked around the cave to see that the wolves stood victorious. She walked over to Kedar and rubbed her head against his leg and he ran his fingers through her fur, scratching her behind her ears. From behind them they heard a wolf crying out in agony. They both turned their attention to Kyle and Maia. He laid beside her, resting his head on his sister’s lifeless body, howling.


  A week passed since the wolves had wiped out the vampire brood in Goldenborough. There was an empty feeling, to all of the packs. They communed at Malcolm’s house for a type of memorial service, to remember their fallen brothers and sisters. Samantha, Kedar and Melody all drove to Malcolm’s together, sitting in the car in solemn silence. Samantha reached over and gently touched Kedar’s cheek with her fingertips. He smiled softly and leaned his face into her hand.

  They parked in front of Malcolm’s house and Kedar got out, going around to Melody’s side of the car. He helped her out and into her wheelchair. He wheeled Melody up the front walk, Samantha walking alongside them. They went around to the back gate, and into the backyard. Most of the group was already there. In the center of the back yard was a funeral pyre. There we’re folding chairs set up in rows in a semicircle around the setup, but nobody was sitting. They all stood, in small groups, huddled together. Nobody even turned to look at the beautiful structure that had been assembled for the occasion.

  Steadily more and more bet moun began to trickle into the yard. Kedar, Samantha and Melody opted to stay in their own group rather than mingling like many of the other wolves had begun to do. Finally, just as Malcolm was walking up onto the platform the pyre was built atop, Alex and Kyle stepped through the gate, hand in hand. They walked right
up to Samantha and Alex hugged her loosely while Kyle shook Kedar’s hand firmly.

  “How are you holding up?” Samantha asked Kyle tentatively. She reached out to touch his arm as a comforting and friendly gesture to show her condolences. The pack had spent a week trying to comfort Kyle, but no matter how hard they tried, he barely spoke a word. He turned his face away from her, shrugging her arm off.

  Alex tugged on his hand, “Don’t be an ass. She was talking to you.”

  “And I don’t want to talk to her.” Kyle snapped.

  Just then, Malcolm cleared his throat, signaling for everyone’s attention. The large group fell silent and turned towards him. He stood for a moment without saying a word, just looking out over the group.

  “Brothers, sisters, friends and family, we are here today to remember loved ones that we lost in our battle against the vampires. We remember the sacrifice they made to keep us, our town, our family and friends, safe. Nine of our pack mates fell that day. Our lost family includes Jenna Crowley, Raul Cortez, Richard Sterling and Louis Adler from the Goldenborough pack; Michael Duran and Carl Pierce from the Ferndale pack; James Picker and Miriam Romanov from the Westbridge pack and Maia White from the Greenwood pack. I will set this funeral pyre ablaze in dedication to their memory and sacrifice.” He declared loudly, his voice echoing throughout his yard. It loud enough for even the wolves that stood in the far back of his yard to hear.

  He turned, taking a lighter from his wife. He held the lighter to a group of dried leaves, then stood back as the flames engulfed the pile. The fire danced, spreading across the wood and leaves that were used as a burning agent. It made the wood splinter and crack. The pleasant smell of burning oak filled the air along with the sounds of snapping and popping wood. It was almost peaceful to watch the flames lap at the columns built towards the sky, the names of the fallen wolves carved into them. The flames surrounded the carved names, charring and consuming the columns slowly as sweet-smelling smoke bellowed into the air.

  Everyone was silent with awe and respect. Not one wolf in attendance shed a tear, instead they stood in remembrance and pride for those whom they had lost. They all stood, for a long moment, heads bowed in deference to the wolves that had sacrificed their lives for the greater good. After a very long moment of silence, Malcolm cleared his throat and lifted his head. The low murmur of whispered conversation traveled through the group, as the wolves raised their heads and turned to their neighbors. The guests in attendance began to mingle once more, greeting their friends and family with long embraces and friendly kisses appreciating what they still had in their lives, grateful that they could go on another day. Samantha turned to Alex to say something, but Alex gently grabbed hold of her arm with a shaky hand.

  “May I speak with you in private?” She asked softly, pushing her hair out of her face. She looked around the group quickly with her eyes, and then made eye contact with Samantha again. Samantha could see what she assumed to be either fear or anxiety swimming in Alex’s eyes.

  Samantha nodded, patting Alex’s hand with her free one. Alex smiled in relief and released Samantha’s arm. She shoved her hands into her pocket and began to walk away from the large group. Samantha followed Alex a little ways away from Kyle, Kedar and Melody who were making idle chit-chat, although Kyle was not actually participating in the conversation. Alex sat on a rock and looked up at Samantha, hopelessness in her eyes.

  “I need you to be honest with me…” She ordered softly. “One hundred percent honest with me, don’t sugar coat a thing.”

  “Of course. What is it, Alex?” Samantha asked softly.

  “Kyle wants me to go back home to Idaho with him. It won’t be permanent. I don’t know. He just needs to get away from here to tell what’s left of his family that Maia died…”

  Samantha just looked at her in confused silence.

  “Kyle is a scout. I don’t know how to tell my father I’m romantically involved with a man far below my rank.” Alex explained, “Never mind that I’m going back to his home state, which is across the country from where we live.”

  “You don’t explain anything to your father,” Samantha said, “If you have feelings for Kyle you don’t have to explain anything, to anyone. Least of all your father. Just tell him you are doing what you want to do and that he needs to respect that. You’re a grown woman and you can’t help who you fall in love with. Your father certainly can’t tell you that you’re not allowed to be with who you want to be with.” Samantha put her hand on Alex’s shoulder, “You’re my friend, Alex. I want you to do what’s going to make you happy. I know what it feels like to be told I can’t love someone even though I do…” She looked towards Kedar, a small smile on her face, “It’s your life. Stick up to your father for once.”

  Alex laughed lightly and then she stood, hugging them Samantha tightly, “Thank you…” She whispered through her tears.

  Samantha smiled, and hugged Alex again.


  It was the middle of May. The seniors last day had already come and gone. Samantha and the rest of her friends were driving Alex and Kyle to the airport. She looked out her window and Riley pulled up in front of her house. She went out to his car, and got in the back. Samantha didn’t say anything as she buckled her seat belt, and then Riley pulled away from the house.

  “Where is Kyle?” She asked softly.

  “Mom and dad took him to the airport with all of our luggage. We’re meeting them there.” Replied Alex softly.

  “They had no problem driving him?” Samantha sounded doubtful.

  “No, not exactly.” Riley grumbled, shifting in his seat, “But I wasn’t going to drive him. Even if I was, we all couldn’t fit in my truck.”

  The rest of the car ride was awkward silence. They finally pulled up to the drop off, and parked. Alex turned to look at her friends, frowning slightly. They all got out of the car, each of them hugging Alex tight. Colin and Bridgette pulled up behind them and Kyle got out of their backseat. Riley walked over to him and helped him take the luggage out of the back. Alex’s parents walked over to her. Bridgette wrapped her daughter in a hug, kissing her head. Colin stepped over and wrapped one arm around her, kissing her cheek. Jaden and Samantha shook hands with Kyle briefly. Olivia gave him a loose and awkward hug. They stood in a small circle, unsure of what they should do next. Nobody actually wanted to say goodbye. They didn’t want to admit that the core of their pack was slowly drifting apart; they had already lost Charlotte, and though Alex had promised to come back it felt as though they were losing her as well.

  “We’re going to miss you…” Bridgette said softly.

  “I know mom, I’m going to miss you too,” Alex replied, embracing her mom again.

  “Take care of yourself… And come home as soon as you can…” Colin said firmly. Alex smiled and nodded, looking towards Kyle.

  He and Riley walked up to Alex carrying all of their luggage.

  “Are you sure that you need all of that luggage?” Olivia asked, pointing to the suitcases.

  Alex nodded, “It should only be a month, but I want to be prepared.”

  “I won’t keep Alex away from her family for too long, I promise,” Kyle interjected.

  “Well, just be safe,” Jaden said.

  “And call us every day,” Bridgette chimed in.

  Alex laughed lightly, “Of course, of course.”

  “Our plane leaves in an hour, Alex, we’ve got to get going,” Kyle said abruptly, taking Alex’s hand in his own. He sounded impatient. Alex pulled her hand away and took the rest of her luggage from Riley. They exchanged their final goodbyes, and the group watched as Alex and Kyle walked away. They stood there for a moment after they were out of their view. They dejectedly they went back to their cars. Jaden sat up front next to Riley, and Samantha and Olivia climbed in back. Riley pulled away from the airport in silence.

  “Where am I dropping all you guys off?” Riley asked, his tone of voice still sounding annoyed.

  “My f
ather is hosting a family dinner. As far as I know that’s where all of us are headed. It’s the first time my father has seen the family since uncle Lou died. It’s sort of this big thing.” Jaden replied.

  “I was never made aware of a family dinner at your house Jay. I’m going to my house, Kedar and I are going with Melody to visit Danny,” Samantha said softly. The car fell silent for a moment.

  “I’m sorry Sam… I didn’t know dad hadn’t invited you…” Jaden finally said.

  “It’s whatever.” Was Samantha’s bitter response. Jaden shifted uncomfortably.

  Finally, Riley pulled up in front of Jaden’s house. They sat in the car in awkward silence. Nobody made a move to get out.

  “I’m going to come inside with you guys,” Samantha finally said in a firm voice. “I’d like to have a word with our father.”

  He looked at her, eyes wide with shock, “Alright, that’s fine with me…”

  Samantha followed Jaden and Olivia into the house. Olivia and Jaden hung their coats up on the coat rack. Jaden went into the other room to find his father. He brought him back to the foyer, where Samantha and Olivia were standing.

  “Samantha, I didn’t know you were coming today…” Samuel said, sounding shocked. She saw sweat begin to build on his brow.

  “I actually wasn’t, since you didn’t invite me. You know, Samuel, my aunt has told me that she’s tried to call you in order for us all to get together. But according to her, you continuously avoid calling her back. And now you’re not even inviting me to a big family dinner?” Samantha said, the hurt of rejection causing her voice to waiver.

  Samuel just stared at her for a moment. He turned to Jaden and Olivia, “Why don’t you two go into the dining room and say hello to everyone while I talk to Samantha.” He suggested. Jaden nodded and took Olivia’s hand in his own and led her into the dining room.


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