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Page 2

by Unknown

  She would’ve said something, but his teeth pressed down while sucking, stealing her breath. She bucked as she came—actually came—and all he had done was play with her breasts. He was brilliant, he was a god among men, well, dead ones. He was the king of all he surveyed, and right now that talented mouth was moving steadily south. Oh, good Lord, she was tingling from the slow, sensual kisses against her skin as he slid down her front. By the time he reached the soft, highly receptive skin right where her hip met her pelvis, Kara was ready to scream. She was pretty sure she was whimpering.

  “Relax, namorada. I promise to take very good care of you. Você és meu agora.”

  Yeah, no clue what the hell most of that was. Once again, it didn’t even matter. Not when that mouth was making sweet love to her pussy. Incredibly strong hands held her spread wide open as he tongue-kissed her cunt, much like he had her mouth. Since she couldn’t kiss him back, not with that set of lips anyway, she rocked her hips, riding his tongue as it dipped and retreated inside her. It was so good, so beyond the usual nibble, nibble, done she was used to in her vast experience of having not one, but three, past lovers, yet another orgasm washed over her before she knew what was happening.

  “Oh, my…Oh, yes…” She would’ve said his name, but she didn’t know it.

  She didn’t know his name. Surely she should’ve asked, or he should’ve told her, or she should’ve just known or something. She would have to remember to ask him, if she could. He had just moved on to draw her clit into his mouth, sucking with gentle pressure. He’d slid two fingers deep into her channel, curving them just enough while he tormented her tiny pearl.

  “Holy crap!” She didn’t climax, she exploded. Her nerves detonated in a fiery blast that left her panting, complete, yet strangely wanting.


  “Wha—?” Okay that she sort of understood; sounded a lot like a name.

  “My name. It is Armando.”

  What a relief. Now she had something to scream out at the appropriate time. There was absolutely no doubt in Kara’s mind there was more to be had. Armando (so nice to have a name to go with the delightful package), was already making his way back up her body, his hot eyes blazing a path that seared her skin. He’d wedged his body in a way that didn’t allow her to close her legs, not that she wanted to. She wanted the hot and heavy organ she felt trailing its way up the inside of her thighs. She tried to wiggle a little, just to help it along, but the damned man, Armando, moved so that she couldn’t get him where she needed him.

  That just boggled the mind. What could he possibly be waiting for?

  “I need you to reach inside the bedside table for me, namorada. Hand me a condom please?”

  Kara rushed to do his bidding without even thinking about it. It was when she handed him the package and watched him rip it open with his teeth, hissing as he slid the latex over his very impressive erection that it occurred to her—what did dead people need with condoms? She would’ve asked him, but she couldn’t speak just then. Not when his cock was invading her inch by delectable inch, stretching her like she’d never been stretched before. There was a small bite of pain mixed in with pleasure so powerful it bordered on pain. She wasn’t sure if she could take it all when he stopped, apparently able to fit all that lovely maleness inside of her.

  She smiled, full of pride for having taken it all, almost smug in what had begun to feel like an impossible feat. Then he started to move. Nothing at all could have ever prepared her for the sweet sensation of his expansive cock gliding in and out of the very nerve center of her body. She bucked, strangled on a half-scream, half-cry. She couldn’t possibly be coming so soon; yet, she was. Falling completely apart and he had only just started to move.

  “Portanto doce, portanto perfeito. So sweet, so perfect.”

  Damn right it was sweet and perfect. So good, Kara didn’t have words, even if she could talk. She gave up trying to do anything more than feel as the angel’s helper, Armando, mastered her body. The beautiful man actually rolled his hips on the downwards thrusts, touching places inside her she didn’t know she had. Why did she have to die before discovering there really was such a thing called the g-spot, and yes, she had one too. That had to be the place he was stroking to perfection because she had never come so hard, so often, so quickly when she was alive. It was a good thing she was dead, or she would have been forced to called up all three of her past boyfriends and tell them off.

  “Oh my God, I’m going to explode!” It was too much and not enough. She started to buck frantically beneath him. Her heart pounded and stuttered, her nails buried themselves in the skin on his shoulders. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  “Oh, yes, minha nega. Perfeição.”

  Whatever he just said, she seconded it, enjoying the way his organ throbbed as he came, giving her delightful little mini-orgasms.

  Kara opened her eyes, her body slowly drifting off the climax high. Oh my God, this is real! The condom. He was wearing a condom. Dead people had no need for condoms. Oh shit, she wasn’t dead—wasn’t even hallucinating. The big body on top of her was very real. She’d really stepped in it this time.

  “Um, Armando?” What to say, what to say? Hey, I am sorry for insisting you fuck me even though you don’t know me? No, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea. “Thank you for, um, finding me…?” That sounded good right?

  She wasn’t sure what his reaction would be, but hey she tried.

  To her relief, he found whatever she’d said funny. He just started cracking up, still lying on top her, his glorious cock still semi-hard inside her. “Ah, bela, you are enchanting. You are most welcome. And I glad to see your fever has broken.”

  Fever? Well that explained a lot didn’t it? She supposed she really should apologize for accosting his person too, but she wasn’t exactly sorry for it.

  “I guess I should apologize for, uh, you know making you, uh, well…” How do you apologize for making a guy do you? It wasn’t like he hadn’t been into it. And given the way he was definitely hardening again, not like he wasn’t still into it. “Anyway, I am Kara. Kara Olivier. I’m just finishing a PhD in Biology with a specialty in tropical micro-organisms. I wandered away from my group; we were supposed to be meeting some big time doctor from the local university for me to vie for a position as his assistant for a year. Guess I messed that up, and I’m rambling aren’t I?”

  Whatever she had said must have been especially funny because the guy, Armando, started to laugh so hard there was a sheen of tears in his eyes. Still, she had to appreciate the fact he didn’t roll away.

  “I am sorry, bela, but this seems to be a fortuitous meeting. I’m Dr. Armando Ferro, the doctor your group is probably still waiting for on the boat.” Oops. Talk about screwing the pooch. “And Kara, let me say that I cannot imagine anyone but you being my assistant.”

  “Really?!” Elation caused her to throw her arms around him before reality brought her right back down again. “This isn’t because I slept with you is it?”

  “No, bela, it’s because you’ve maintained a perfect GPA, your area of expertise is in line with my own, and I had already chosen you before I saw you following the capuchins.”

  “You saw me?” Well he could’ve warned her, though really, this worked out a lot better than she could have ever hoped.

  “Yes, and I followed you.”

  It was impossible not to melt when his voice got all deep and his accent thickened like that. Coupled with the fact he had begun leisurely little strokes, thrusting his now full erection deep inside her, well there were far worse things in life.

  “This could complicate working together you know.” Or make it sweeter. Kara hoped like hell it was the latter.

  “We won’t let it be,” Armando promised before ending all conversation with an all consuming kiss.

  They could talk about it later, Kara decided, wrapping her legs around him, welcoming the sensual onslaught. Much, much later.


  Two y
ears later…

  Armando had to swallow a smile as he watched his wife glare out the shuttered window at an especially persistent capuchin that had followed them from the river to their base camp. The sounds of fruit bouncing off the side of the sturdy wooden structure, the screams of the monkeys, and mutterings of his wife were quite hilarious. And Armando wasn’t the only one who thought so either.

  “Listen you stupid tree rats! If you don’t stop trying to throw crap at me I’m going to get my rifle and put a bullet in your collective behinds!”

  Kara didn’t really scream, even when she wanted to. Her voice kind of cracked and broke whenever it got too high. She never even tried to scream at all at anyone besides her old nemeses, the small group of capuchin monkeys that seemed to delight in driving her up the wall. Her attempted reprimand was met with a new volley of missives from the trees.

  “I hate you, you stupid mangy pests!”

  Kara’s retort sent their one year old son Armando junior into peals of laughter. He pulled himself up on his chubby legs bouncing up and down in his playpen, pointing at his mother shaking her fists in impotent fury at the monkeys one last time before she slammed the shutters closed and locked them.

  “Don’t laugh at mommy, bebê moço. It’s not nice.” Armando managed to sound as if he was chiding his son with a straight face, but the wink he sent the little boy sent him into another peal of laughter, alerting Kara that he still found the monkey situation hilarious.

  “It’s NOT funny Armando,” she insisted, swooping the baby up in her arms as she walked past.

  The woman simply amazed him. She was not only a brilliant biologist, but she was a fantastic mom, and had the mind boggling ability to multitask without blinking an eye.

  “I promise I am not laughing, bela. See? I have a straight face.”

  Kara rolled her eyes, a sure sign she knew better.

  “Keep it up and you’re sleeping alone on the hammock.”

  That was one threat he was taking seriously. He was on his feet in second, wrapping his wife in his arms. “It is the monkeys, meu amor. We all know it is true. They are imps, pests, minions of the devil.” He punctuated each statement with a kiss along her neck and shoulders just for good measure. She liked that. He could feel her softening, an excellent sign for him. “Besides, you can’t hate them too much. They brought you to me.”

  The End




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