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Shared By The Dragon Clan: The Complete Set

Page 4

by Rosette Bolter

  “I meant for you … to consider raising a family.”

  “For that I’d need a pure blood. I’d have to return to the other world to find her. I can’t enjoy miserable human girls such as you do. This inter-species breeding you and your men go through – I’ve never approved of it.”

  “Some of the human women … Are as beautiful and true as that of the dragon…”

  “Well, they look like us. I’ll give you that. It’s when I get close to them … the smell … the absence of their soul… They’re not fit for a king.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  “Do you?” the King said sharply. “And on what grounds do you beg?”

  “I have a girl with me this evening,” Zane said. “A woman. I would like you to meet her. It’s … my …”

  He trailed off.

  “Finish what you were saying.”

  “I think that she would be best suited to wed you, than any of my men.”

  “And why is that you think that?”

  “Because,” Zane said slowly, “after only meeting her a short time, I can feel myself falling for her. No human has made me feel this way.”


  King Horatio was grinning.

  Zane’s eyes drifted towards the Mage who was staring solemnly back. Zane could almost see the smile forming on his lips…

  “I’ll tell you what,” Horatio said. “I’ll meet this woman of yours. And if she satisfies me … If she makes me feel the way you feel about her, before the evening is out … Then I will wed her, and things will carry on per the norm…”

  The King moved into Zane’s line of site.

  They both looked at each other, head on.

  “But if she does not satisfy me – you will lead my army against the humans. You will obey my every command.”

  “Of course, your Highness,” Zane replied.

  “And I will see to it also, that this girl is burnt at the stake, for I need no Dragon to be leading my army, with bewitchment in his eyes…”


  Zane had been gone for only ten minutes, but when he returned to Stacey his emotions seemed to have completely changed. Although she could see he was desperately trying to show it, Zane was now very troubled. He put his arm around her and escorted them to a quiet place to the left of the entrance away from the guard.

  “I’ve made a mistake,” Zane murmured. “I’ve got you into a lot of trouble.”

  “What?” Stacey whispered back. “How?”

  “It’s a long story, but now the King expects you to satisfy him.”

  “By satisfy do you mean…?”


  Stacey’s jaw dropped. “But what about us?”

  “What about us?”

  “I thought maybe … I don’t know what I thought.”

  “You really need to do this, Blossom. If you can’t make the King happy tonight, there’s going to be huge consequences.”

  “Like what?”

  “You and I will never see each other again.”

  “Don’t say that…”

  Zane sighed. “I’ll lead you into the hall. I’ll introduce you to the King. From there though, it’s up to you. Do exactly as he says and just try your best to be attractive and sexual.”

  “Sexual? Seriously?”

  “I sort of talked you up. I was telling the truth, but I shouldn’t have been so forthcoming with him. I had no idea how cruel his stance would be.”

  Now Stacey was frightened. She became of her heart rate and breathing, and felt just as she had when the security team had left her stranded in front of the gates.

  “What’s he like?” Stacey asked. “Is he nice like you are?”

  “No,” Zane replied. “He’s not like me.”

  Their attention was suddenly caught by a man in purple robes standing at the edge of the entrance. “The feast has been prepared,” he called to Zane. “The King expects you posthaste.”

  “Who is that?” Stacey asked.

  “That’s the King’s advisor. The Human Mage.” Zane turned to her. “Come on, we better follow him.”

  Stacey reached for Zane’s hand as they left the wall, but he wouldn’t let her take it.


  There were about fifty or so people gathered to eat in the banquet hall. Two long tables extended opposite each other on the left and right sides of the room. There was a third table in the centre that seemed to be reserved for more prominent folk and a fourth, very small table at the end for the King and a few others. Kitchen staff were hauling large trays full of food around the food and being instructed by each member how much they wanted of which portion. Some of the plates were already stacked high filled with greasy meats and gravy, with hungry consumers tucking in. Zane walked out into the centre of the room towards the King’s table, and Stacey sheepishly followed.

  “Your Highness,” Zane declared, “this is Miss Stacey Caversham.”

  The King barely looked up as she approached.

  But Stacey looked at him.

  He was bald. His scalp didn’t have a thread of hair. He had a dark goatee and moustache, and similarly dark eyebrows. He was heavy set, middle-aged, and intimidating. He also wore a ring with a purple stone on his left ring finger.

  “Your Highness…” Stacey said meekly. On a whim, she curtseyed.

  The King reluctantly put down his food and eyed her.

  “That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing, dear,” he complimented her.

  “Ugh – thank you –” Stacey stammered.

  “Why don’t you show me what’s underneath?”

  “What – here –?” She looked to Zane for help.

  “Is that really necessary?” he interjected.

  “What?” the King said, sounding annoyed.

  “I thought she might be allowed to eat with us.”

  “She’s not about to die of a lack of food,” the King remarked. “So why waste it on her?”

  Zane put out his hand. “Permission to approach.”

  The King shrugged.

  Zane moved round the side of the table so as he was close enough to speak into the King’s ear. Stacey couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  The King’s eyes twinkled a moment, before his face filled with twisted amusement.

  “Are you finished? Are you done?”

  Zane bowed his head and returned to his place beside Stacey.

  “Do we have a deal?” he asked.

  “Alright,” the King purred. “Alright…”

  He then leapt from his chair and jumped up on table.

  The entire room shook with silence.

  “Thank you for your attention,” he shouted so that everyone would hear. “I have something of an announcement to make. From tomorrow morning all Dragon Knights are to report to the southern stronghold. There, your trusted leader, Zane, will prepare you for a battle to take place on the main land. Yes – you heard me – we are going to WAR with the humans!”

  The King’s voice echoed throughout the hall, leaving nothing but the sound of scurrying mice beyond it.

  “Can I have some applause?” he then asked.

  At once, the entire room lit up with clapping and cheering for the King’s declaration. He let it go on for a couple of minutes, smiling inwardly, before waving his hand to quiet them down.

  “In exchange for his cooperation with this, your leader Zane, requested but one favor. He has asked me to spare the human standing next to him. That she should not wed one of you, nor he nor I. That she should be set free. This is what has been agreed to…”

  Stacey turned to Zane. She mouthed thank you.

  “However, as King, it is my right to do as I wish, and Zane’s cooperation, along with any of yours, is not something I need to make deals to obtain because I already own it.”

  The King’s angry eyes flashed in Stacey’s direction.

  “Now – do as I say human, before you are beheaded. Take off those Goddess clothes and show
my men your naked slave body.”


  Stacey had begun to feel dizzy. Suddenly the distance between her and Zane seemed far away. As though there were walls and barriers separating where they were. Like, two people stranded. On opposite sides of a maze’s dead end.

  Her feet were moving backwards towards the centre of the room, as the King egged her on. She could hardly hear his voice though. It was drowned out by all the excitement of the others. There she was, surrounded by fifty handsome men, each of them lusting after her soon to be exposed body, thinking sexualized thoughts. She was out of breath. She could hardly stand. In a moment her hands would be reaching for the base of the gown, and then a few moments later it would be pulled away from her and she’d be helpless and alone.

  Her only chance was Zane. If there was some other way. If he was prepared to turn his back on his clan for her. But was Stacey really worth that much to him? Could he not just as easily fall for the next girl who came here?


  His hand was out and pointed in her direction.

  The King jumped off the table and landed right next to him.

  “I’m not sure I heard that,” the King said. “Could you repeat it please?”

  Zane directed his hand at the King. “I challenge you to a duel.”

  “WHAT?” the King cried.

  “A duel. By sword or fire. Your choice. The winner takes the throne.”

  The King’s head went back and he roared with laughter. “What sort of preposterous nonsense –”

  “A challenge is a challenge. Do you accept it? Or will you just behave cowardly as always.”

  The King’s laughter stopped. His face shriveled with menacing rage. “You miserable fool, Zane. How dare you challenge me. For all we have fought for and this – this bleeding puke of a creature is our downfall? What spell has she cast on you?”

  Zane turned his back to the King and walked into the middle of the hall to stand with Stacey. He leant down to her ear and whispered, “As soon as you can escape, do so.”

  Stacey nodded slightly and was then nudged to one side as Zane unsheathed his sword.

  “By sword or fire.”

  The King unsheathed his own sword. “By sword it shall be.”

  He advanced slowly towards Zane.

  Zane took a step back, circling.

  Stacey could hardly watch. She was frightened, not for herself, but for him.

  Before she could blink the two swords had connected with each other. There was a flash of light from both of them – Zane’s sword flashed green, and the King’s sword flashed red. Electricity sparked. Then the swords were connecting with one another with ferocious precision.

  The men at the tables, cheered for the King. But for Stacey, there was no enthusiasm behind it. The applause didn’t sound genuine.

  Of the two fighters, it was clear immediately that the King was stronger. His slices through the air carried more weight, and a number of times Zane seemed as though he would lose his footing underneath their power.

  But Zane was more agile. He moved faster and was actually in more of an attack stance than the King. For the first minute or so of the battle, the contest seemed reasonably even. Stacey couldn’t tell who was going to win.

  “Come on!” she cried, trying to make her voice louder than the crowd’s. “Come on Zane! You can beat him!”

  There was no certainty of that though. Already it appeared Zane was getting tired. Defending himself from the King’s blows was really taking it out of him. Soon he’d make a mistake and then it would all be over.

  Stacey bit her lip. She made eye contact with Zane and she saw the desperation in his eyes. She realized he couldn’t hold the King much longer. He wanted her to run. To escape. If he were to die now, then his sacrifice would have been for nothing. Stacey looked to the entrance to see if it was being guarded, but the coast was clear. She could slip out now. It was what Zane wanted.

  But something made her stay. She wanted figure out if there was some other way.

  If she could think of something that would make them stop fighting…


  Too late. Defeated, Zane had fallen to his knees; his chest bloodied with scars. His sword was already out of reach, but the King now kicked it across the floor so that there was no chance of it being retrieved at all. Zane had lost the duel.

  Still there, Stacey had tears pouring out of her eyes as she watched the King advance behind him. Zane’s head was bowed, so the King would be able to cut it clean off.

  “It really is such a shame,” the King mused. “You’re my best fighter. What a terrible end that a woman come between us at this horrendous time.”

  The King poised his sword, ready for the execution.

  “Spare him,” Stacey suddenly cried. “Spare him and he will do as you wish.”

  “No,” the King said. “He’ll still be after what he wants.”

  “Maybe there’s a way for you to both have what you want.”

  “Stop it, Stacey,” Zane pleaded. “There’s no way out of this.”

  “What if everyone gets what they want. The King gets his war. You fight for him. And I’ll just be both of yours. You can share me. My freedom, is not something I deserve.”

  The King breathed in sharply. “I don’t believe this. The utter ignorance of this girl.”

  “What?” Stacey whispered. “It could work.”

  “Zane won’t share. Zane’s incapable –”

  “No,” Zane said. “I can do that.”

  “But how would it work? What if I want her for more than just the sex?”

  “Sharing means I’ll spend equal amounts of time with you. So when I’m with Zane he’ll do what he wants with me, and when I’m with you, likewise. And then the two of you can be at peace with each other. Everyone wins.”

  “So you agree with this, Zane?” the King asked.

  “I agree.”

  “Alright,” the King said, raising his voice. “But you are never able to challenge me to a duel again. You have revoked your right for that. The duel has been played and you have lost. If I should be stabbed in the back by him, the men must put you to do death. They must swear to the Dragon Spirits, that they shall do this. Does everyone understand?”

  There was a sweeping fusion of agreement around the room.

  “Good,” the King said. “You can stand up now.”

  Zane stood up.

  “Everyone get back to your feast.”

  Stacey moved to stand beside Zane whilst the King went back to his table.

  “Why did you do that?” Zane asked.

  “What?” Stacey mumbled.

  “Why did you figure out a way to save me and not yourself?”

  “Because I love you,” Stacey said.

  She took his hand and he held hers back.


  The palace banquet continued on into the late hours of the night. Everyone was behaving with ease again, talking merrily, drinking and eating their full. Stacey was no longer challenged or threatened with humiliation from the King and his mood seemed to improve greatly as the festivities carried on. Zane on the other hand was very tense. The arrangement she now had with the King was sure to be eating away at him. Stacey hoped that he understood that no matter what happened between her and the King, it was Zane who had her heart.

  Eventually it was time for the people to retire to their homes and quarters. The King was also sleepy by his own admission, and he was to return to his chambers with Stacey that night. While Zane had been at first angered by the suggestion that Stacey have intercourse with the King so soon, he agreed to it on the condition that he would be allowed in the room to watch it take place. As far as Stacey understood, his reasoning for this was that he wanted to make sure the King didn’t treat her badly, at least not tonight. And while this might prevent Stacey being hurt, it wouldn’t prevent Zane’s own hurt.

  Inside the King’s chambers, Zane took a
seat in the shadowed corner whilst the King sat naked on the edge of his bed, with Stacey standing in front of him.

  “I said a lot of nasty things about you out there,” the King said, running his hand across her dress. “But you really are beautiful for a human.”

  “Thank you,” Stacey replied nervously.

  “Now, please, take off your clothes.”

  She looked over her shoulder, as she did so, in Zane’s direction. Wanting to connect with him. Wanting him to know that she didn’t blame him for this.

  The dress fell to Stacey’s feet. The King pulled off her panties and bra and began moving his hands all over her. He then pulled her down as to kiss her mouth, and Stacey saw a brilliant flash of red in his eyes as he did so. She kissed the King back and then climbed onto the bed naked with him.

  Zane in the corner meanwhile, had remained completely silent.

  The only sound in the room was the kissing. Stacey felt herself becoming turned on by all this, which was confusing as it was scary. The King was guiding her hips to meet with his, and she knew this would be followed by penetration. The saliva in the King’s mouth was thick and sticky. She could feel it in her own mouth. She could feel him entering her…

  But no.

  It was not to be.

  Zane had suddenly reacted and had pulled Stacey off the King with one arm, dragging her into his chest. With the other he wielded his green sword, and before the King could even sit up, he had sliced his head clean off.

  Stacey uttered a scream, but Zane clasped a hand over her mouth to stifle it.

  “What did you do?” Stacey said, breaking away from him. “I thought you agreed you were going to share.”

  “I couldn’t go through with it,” Zane said somberly. “I care too much for you.”

  Stacey moved forward and wrapped her arms around him.

  He stared down at her, almost in disbelief. Then he said: “I have changed so much about who I am for you. I changed the destiny of this clan.”

  “What will happen now?” Stacey asked.


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