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Desire's Golden Dreams

Page 6

by Tish Domenick

  Hannah didn’t reply. She couldn’t, as breathless as she was. Her body knew she felt the same way, but she wouldn’t allow her mind to accept it. She and Bolt had something special. No ghostly spirit was going to spoil it for them.

  On the ride home, Hannah dismissed thoughts of her attraction to Slim. He wasn’t real, she tried to convince herself. He was a fantasy. Everyone fantasized once in a while. It didn’t mean anything.

  She reined in her emotions and pondered her ancestor’s ability to love and feel married to four men at the same time. And what amazing woman could hold so many men with such unwavering loyalty? Was it truly possible?

  Bolt always said he’d stick by her no matter what, but she doubted he meant while she slept with other men, not even one other man. But he might feel differently if she were the center of a ménage with him right there all the time. In her fantasy the other man was a spirit and not an actual human. Bolt would have to accept her fucking someone else under those circumstances. She shook her head at such fanciful thoughts. No, never. Of course he wouldn’t. At a red light, she pulled out her cell to text him. Luv U, she pressed into the text and hit Send before the light changed.

  Most likely Bolt wouldn’t get it for several days. Out on the range checking cattle, he’d have no cell reception. His father’s property was several thousand square acres. They had strategically placed cabins out in certain fields so cowhands could be more comfortable for a night or two.

  Perhaps going club hopping with Melia tonight would keep her from thinking about Slim’s kiss and what it all meant. Her body was not quite as agitated as it had been last time she’d seen Slim. Perhaps the kiss satisfied her. Huh, she hadn’t been satisfied with a kiss since she was eighteen and Bolt stripped off all her clothes in the hay loft. She’d loved the way he looked at her and came all over her tummy without penetration the moment he first sucked her nipple. And she had come all over his fingers.

  Back then it had been building in her for weeks. The way his gaze raked her naked body from top to bottom did her in. Of course, she couldn’t leave him high and dry, so she posed on a bale of hay and let him fuck her. She came twice more, once as he shot his load into her and again as he pulled out. For weeks after, they’d been scared to death she’d get pregnant. They never again fucked without a condom. That is, not until she started on the pill in college.

  If they had been able to figure a way to marry, they’d be together now. Bolt was in debt until his vet business prospered enough to pay it off. The expensive equipment needed by a horse and cattle vet soaked up all he was able to save and his monthly payments on his college loans never seemed to dent the principle. If his mother relented and signed over the trust left to him by her father, he could pay off everything at once. No way was that likely to happen. Alice May Carmody hated Hannah. For some reason, Bolt’s mother thought “that Janes girl” was going to ruin her son and make his life miserable. Although Hannah had never given the woman reason, Alice May was certain Hannah was a slut who would sleep around on the man she married. Alice was not going to see that happen to her son.

  Was her sudden yen for Slim proof that Bolt’s mother was right all along? No! She’d not been tempted to stray even once in more than ten years. That could certainly not qualify her as a slut.

  A ghost wouldn’t have sperm. Now, why had that popped into her mind? She would never cheat on Bolt, not even with a ghost. She drove past the guard at the gate of her home without the usual wave and parked in the six-car garage seconds before her father.

  He gave her a hug and, distracted by work worries, he informed her he’d have to leave her on her own because he had to return to the office after a quick shower and shave.

  “I’m going to a club with Melia, so it’s okay.”

  “Sorry, pumpkin. You have a good time.” He gathered her into a bear hug. “You are on your own too much. I wish I could have provided you with another mother after the divorce. I simply have no time and no inclination for wooing.”

  “Wooing? Really, Dad, no one says ‘wooing’ anymore. You’re getting squirrely in your old age.” She kissed his cheek and ran to her room to text Melia. Melia had already organized a clubbing group and was delighted she wanted to tag along. She called back so they could talk.

  “One thing, Miss Only-One-Man-For-Me, do your hair up or let it fall wildly around your shoulders. It should look as if you just got out of bed after a night of never-ending rough sex. And wear the red boots. Where did you get those anyway? I can’t see you choosing them for yourself.”

  “Bolt’s mother gave them to me last Christmas. I suspect she was making a statement to Bolt about the kind of girl I am. He and I had a good laugh about it.”

  “Whatever. Now, don’t embarrass me. Dress like a girl on the make even though you’re not.”

  Hannah put away her phone after telling Melia she’d drive herself and meet the group at the club. No way did she want to be stuck driving someone else’s car home or worse, having to call a taxi. It had happened too often in the past when she went out with Melia.

  The short skirt and a cropped tee that would have been only for Bolt’s eyes didn’t make her cringe tonight. She felt she belonged in those boots as she shimmied them up to her thighs. Her nipples hardened when she tugged the tee into place and she enjoyed the sensation. Dammit, why did going to the mine affect her this way? She knew the answer—Slim. His mere presence made her think of sex even before he began telling her the stories of Hannah Brown Tolliver’s love life.

  She slipped on the tiniest thong panties she had—also meant for Bolt’s eyes only. Her thick, messed-up hair made her look like a banshee, but she shrugged and left her room glad her father had gone out. He’d think she’d lost her mind and probably she had.

  At the club entrance, the other women with Melia gave Hannah the once over, twice each, as she greeted them. Daisy said to Melia out of the corner of her mouth, “I thought you told us she’d be no competition?”

  Melia pouted. “She won’t, I promise. She only came out of boredom while her steady is away.”

  Katelin stepped close to Hannah and lightly pinched a nipple. “She looks ready for action to me.” In Hannah’s ear, she whispered, “I swing both ways if you’re ever interested.” She ran her fingers over the other nipple. “These, I like. So firm and pointy and out front where they should be, not to the outside like mine.”

  “Don’t recruit until we get inside,” Melia admonished.

  They traipsed inside the crowded club as a group and were immediately surrounded by red-blooded males. They had been pegged as easy lays and most of the crew were, her friend Melia included. Hannah waved off offers of dancing and drinks. She wanted to dance but would be a bit more discriminating. These first lounge lizards were animals.

  She made her way to the bar and had to yell over the music to order a gin and tonic. She wanted something tall that would last her most of the night. The bartender brought it quickly and to reward him she leaned forward over the bar when picking up the glass, letting him take a long look down the vee of her tee shirt. He stood mesmerized for a few seconds and she graced him with her sweetest smile. Katelin was right. She did have a pert and pretty pair. No sense going braless if no one could appreciate the view. Besides, he was no threat since he was stuck behind the bar.

  A man from the far end of the row of stools stood and yelled over the din, “Hey, buddy, put your eyeballs back inside your head and get me another scotch, beer back.”

  Hannah hopped down from the bar stool. Although any other time she’d have been mortified when her short skirt flounced up giving everyone an eyeful of her ass in thong panties, tonight she didn’t mind. She could play the tease for a while. Maybe these thigh-high boots enacted some sort of change in her personality or maybe Melia’s harping had finally gotten to her. Or maybe Slim had brought out this sexy, flirty Hannah in her. Or some doppelganger had taken hold of her body. She surveyed the dance floor to pick out a partner whose steps she could fo
llow and who wouldn’t try to follow her home.

  The man who had yelled at the bartender appeared in front of her, blocking her view. “Hey, no fair, keeping the barman all to yourself. You have a definite advantage over the rest of mankind.” He gave her body an appraisal worthy of a Tiffany’s jeweler wearing a loupe.

  She met his glance with her own. This hunk was more than a foot taller than she, although her boots had three-inch heels. His arms rivaled Robert Irvine’s and his smile should be in toothpaste and Gentlemen’s Quarterly ads.

  “Care to hit the floor with a guy who has a few moves and who promises not to step on your feet?

  After a very short hesitation, she left her drink where it was and slipped her hand into his. “Sure, my feet and I will chance it.”

  They stayed out there for two dances. The first song had a wild beat, but mercifully it ended shortly after they reached the dance floor. The second song was slow and sultry. Their bodies moved in a rhythm mimicking a slow fuck. If she was thinking it, she was certain he was also. Hannah had never been tempted before, not once since she’d met Bolt, yet tonight she wanted this man whose name she didn’t know. She wanted a cock in her pussy and truth to tell, she wanted one up her ass at the same time. Slim’s stories had released a part of her she hadn’t known existed. Her whole body hummed with need every time she went near the ghost in the mine.

  Mr. Hunk guided her back to the bar. Their seats and drinks were gone. “Maybe, if you get his attention, I can order us two fresh drinks.” He smiled down on her.

  Hanna appreciated his not trying to rush her out the door and into his apartment. After that dance, she might have considered it. Her only recourse to extricate herself now would be not to become indebted to him for a lousy gin and tonic and to slip away to the restroom and out the door. “I’m good. I think I’ll go look in a mirror and see if I can repair the damage from that heated exchange out on the floor.”

  “That last dance was rather stimulating. You look great and don’t need to freshen up, but go and decide if you want to return.”

  Hannah’s face heated. He’d seen right through her ploy.

  “The name’s Matt. I’ll be right here if you do come back.” He pulled her into him as they had been on the dance floor. She felt his erection and almost decided to stay.

  Then a voice in her head whispered, “It’s not him you want. You need me with or without Bolt.” Slim was here watching her. Hannah slipped out of Matt’s arms. She did not go to the restroom. She left the club. Outside, her body cooled in the night air. Slim had saved her from making a huge mistake. Her body cried out for him and for Bolt. She checked her cell. One message—from Melia. Who’s the dreamboat and can I have him?

  Hannah texted back, He’s all yours. TTFN

  Guilt assailed her as she drove home. She hadn’t acted on the urge, but she’d had one huge yen for that guy, Matt. Her dad’s car was in the garage when she parked, but he was in his home office at his computer with the phone between shoulder and ear when she walked by. He waved but didn’t stop her. She showered and pulled on her favorite sleep tee. With the T.V. low, she surfed through the channels. Nothing interested her and she had left her Kindle downstairs. As she was about to turn out the light, her cell rang. Bolt.

  “I missed your text when I was out on the range.”

  “Nothing important except I miss you. How come you have reception out there?”

  “I talked Dad into riding back home since we were only about an hour away from the ranch house. He didn’t argue much. He was just as anxious to get back to see his new wife.”

  “What’s it like having a stepmother?”

  “It’s okay. She’s the polar opposite of Mom, thank goodness.”

  “Does she have a sister for my dad?”

  “She has two, both married. Are you in bed, yet?”

  “Getting ready.”

  “What are you wearing?”

  “What would you like me to be wearing?”

  “How about that hot pink shorty nightgown I got you for your birthday?”

  “Okay, I’m getting into it now.” She wasn’t, but why ruin the image he had of her.

  “Now, hike it up around your waist as you get into bed.”

  “Done. What next?”

  “Lick your fingers and play with your pussy.”

  “Ah, yes. I wish they were your fingers, but it feels good. Are you in bed naked?

  “The only way to sleep.”

  “Stroke your cock for me.”

  “Wait while I get a towel.” He returned quickly. “Are you still fingering yourself?”

  “Waiting for you to join me. I’m pinching my nipples while you get set.”

  “I see those nipples in my dreams. I’m set and pulling on my cock. Thinking of you in that nighty does it for me.”

  “I’m sticking my fingers in and out and in circles. Ah, I found my clit. It’s wet and silky and really wants your tongue. Oh, I’m close. I’m holding the phone on my shoulder and using one hand on my cunt and the other on my nipples. How close are you?”

  “I’m there. Come with me, babe.”

  “Yes, oh Bolt, I love you. Ah, ah, ah….”

  Bolt was silent for a few seconds. “That was good, babe. It wasn’t as good as fucking you, but I’m exhausted.”

  “Goodnight, love. I’m tired, too.”

  “Hey, I didn’t ask you about your evening. Did you have fun?”

  “Not really anything to tell. Talk tomorrow if you’re in cell-phone range.”

  “Goodnight. I love you always and forever.”

  Hannah snuggled under the covers. As she drifted off, her image of Bolt morphed into Slim. She dreamed about the strange afternoon in the mine with a ghost. Dare she keep going back?

  Hannah awoke with a start. Disoriented, she went to the window and was hit by direct sunlight. Almost noon and she felt like she hadn’t slept at all. She tugged on skinny jeans, a tank top, and a sheer tunic. A maid was changing linens in her father’s room.

  “Has Dad gone to the office, Lee?”

  “A long time ago, Miss.”

  “On Sunday?”

  “He said he only had to pick up some papers and he’d be home for a quick lunch with you. I’m to pack a bag for him. He’ll be going to New York this afternoon. He has important meetings there tomorrow.”

  “It must be time for lunch soon. I’ll go down and order eggs Benedict for me.” She skipped down to the kitchen. She’d have the whole day at the mine since Dad and Bolt would both be away.

  Lunch with her father was brief, but pleasant. He suggested she take a few days off since whatever work she had might have to be revised anyway depending on how his meetings in New York went.

  Hannah handed her father his briefcase at the door. She kissed his cheek and he hugged her tightly. Their partings were always melancholy affairs. He’d tried to draw her out at lunch and to listen to her ramblings, but his mind was MIA as usual. Apparently, being a high-powered executive in banking and in several other business concerns these days was a stressful, never-ending series of crises.

  Hannah watched the limo drive away. Her father already had the phone to his ear. She sympathized with him. He had an empire to hold together, not only for himself, but for her, their Tolliver relatives, his stockholders, and employees. He took his responsibility to the banking community and future generations of his and his deceased wife’s families seriously. She wished he’d felt the same loyalty to her when she was growing up.

  Now, she was an adult and she had Bolt. She shrugged, grabbed her hobo bag that held all the essentials for the day, and hopped into the Land Rover.

  As she drew closer to the mine, her body seemed to undergo a metamorphosis. Her nerve endings seemed more alive, all her senses heightened. She was able to maneuver the Rover quite close to the cave despite the rock barriers put up to keep people from doing just that. Slim was at the mine entrance as she jogged to it, and him. He greeted her with a hug and no words as
he wound through the tunnels, her hand in his.

  His inner sanctum looked different today. The bar was there, and the soft chairs, but a couch with loose pillows had been added. She grinned. Men, even those without flesh, would always try to seduce a woman. Hannah sat in the chair she’d used yesterday.

  Slim stood at the bar. “Drink?”

  She shook her head. He poured a shot and downed it. “I’m surprised to see you so soon. How did you manage it?”

  “I’m an independent woman. I can do whatever I want.”

  “So, you wanted to see me.” He poured another drink and brought it to the chair opposite hers.

  “I wanted to hear more about my ancestors. And tomorrow, I don’t have to go to work.”

  “What work?”

  “I work for my father at his corporate office. He’d like to groom me to take over one day, but when I see how hard he works, I’m not sure it’s what I want to do with my life. One of my cousins is the CFO of Brown Enterprises, another is the CEO of Tolliver Industries. Another is my father’s Vice President and runs everything when Dad is out of town.”

  “Are you content simply going along on a path you intend to relinquish one day? Is there nothing you have a yearning for?”

  “I may like to get into publishing one day. Until Bolt has his practice underway, I don’t want to start anything new. For now the business world is exciting and my job can be quite riveting.”

  “Riveting is an intriguing word.”

  “I guess I should have said intriguing or absorbing or captivating.”

  “No, no, I didn’t mean you used it incorrectly. It brought me back to a strange era, that’s all. Did you know one of the Hannahs became a riveter during the Second World War?”

  “I’m ashamed to say, I’ve never delved into the lives of the Hannahs before me until now. Since I met you, it’s become a near obsession.”

  “If you stick with me long enough, you’ll learn about all of them.”


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