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Marriage Therapy: A Dom, a Sub & a Cuckold

Page 6

by J. D. Grayson

  “That’s a lie!” Lori shouted. “Dr. Stone wants to help you...he’s a good man!”

  “OK, then you’re admitting it’s you. Whore!” a devastated Tyler shouted in accusation.

  Joshua Stone stepped in front of Lori, symbolically shielding her from the insult. He got in Mr. Hale’s face, making the husband fearfully back away. “I don’t care what you say about me...don’t you dare call her that!”

  As flattered as Lori was by the chivalry, she feared for Tyler’s life. “Don’t hit him...he’s very fragile,” she begged.

  Dr. Stone calmed his threatening tone. “You’re not going to transfer your issues and denials on us, Tyler. You’re the fraud. You came here to unlock your failing sex life. I’ve given you the refuse to open the door.”

  “You’ve humiliated me! Have done everything but piss on me...which I’m sure is in next weeks treatment plan!”

  “I’ve given you exactly what you need. Nothing else will help you...until you agree to help yourself.”

  Tyler looked back at Lori. “You wanna stay with Moby Dick here? Fine! Toss away love for sex...he’ll dump you by his next patient!” Tyler exited the office.

  Lori called out to her husband. “Tyler! We’re here because I do love you! Why can’t you see that?” The door shut, as Lori collapsed in tears. Dropping upon her knees, she cried, “This is my fault, I broke us!”

  Joshua wrapped her in his arms. A million thoughts raced his mind, ranging from guilt to opportunistic. He silently wondered, Their marriage can still be saved, I know it. The only question I want to save it? Or do I want to steal her for myself?


  They arrived at a pricy hotel, exiting a quiet car ride. Taking one look around, Lori wondered, He’s taking me to a hotel? Sure, it’s nice and all, but am I not good enough to go to his home? Was Tyler I just a fling? Maybe I should’ve just gone on with life as bad as normal was.

  Heading through a grand lobby, the hotel clerk said, “Good evening, Mr. Stone.”

  “Hello, James,” he said, heading into a hallway of rooms.

  He comes here so often, they even know his name? Lori silently wondered. If the maids pre-placed a condom on the pillow...I’m outta here! I know I’m obviously not the first patient he’s had sexually, but this is a bit extreme.

  The two entered an elevator, heading up to the top floor. Another trip down the hallway brought them to a sole room. Upon entrance, Lori was impressed. The ritzy suite was adorned with marble, plush carpets, and feather beds. There was a kitchen, and master bath. Though as lavish as it was, the museum-like feel led to a coldness. It just didn’t match the comfort of a true home.

  “This is beautiful,” Lori said.

  “It’s OK,” Joshua Stone said with little emotion.

  “I’m sorry for putting you out like this...I’ll go back home tomorrow, after things calm down. I never meant to cost you really didn’t need to rent a suite for me. A regular room would’ve been fine. Actually, your home would’ve been fine too...”

  “This is my home,” he said. “For now, at least. I move around every few years.”

  Shock filled Lori. “But...isn’t it...a hotel?”

  He walked into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of wine. Pouring it in two glasses, he said, “It is.” He handed her one.

  She took it, examining the sheen on crystal clear glass. “How do you get this so spotless? My dishwasher leaves rings...well, that’s rather random and not important. Sorry.”

  “I don’t. They clean it.”

  “Of course, they do,” she said, sipping the wine. “Wow, that’s good.” Lori took another big gulp.

  “At 100 dollars a better be,” he said, winking with a smile.

  “Sorry, I’ll drink slower,” taking a tiny sip.

  “Drink up. It’s been hiding in that bottle for decades, it wanted out. It’s been a long time since I shared wine anyway. Company’s rare,” he said, clinking her glass with his.

  “You don’t bring other patients here too? Wait...that’s rude of me. I have no right to’s your business.”

  “Never. You’re the first.”

  “Really? You mean I’m...”

  “Special,” he said boldly. Elation filled Lori’s face, as Dr. Stone moved towards the bed. “Come...sit down.”

  She carefully crept towards the plush mattress. Looking upward, she witnessed him undoing his tie. Next, his shirt was unbuttoned. A hard-bodied chest and rock hard abs were revealed for the first time.

  “Hope you don’t mind,” he said. “I figured you’ve already seen the bottom half, the top wouldn’t be a big deal.”

  Oh, it’s a big deal, she thought. Though she said, “I don’t mind at all, doctor.”

  After removing his pants, only boxer shorts remained. Lori unpeeled her dress, revealing a lingerie-less body. Bra and panties were left at the office. I guess we’re gonna have sex now, she thought. With Tyler not here, is this cheating? It’s not even in the office setting. Should I even do this? I can’t take it back...once I do it. It feels so wrong, but oh, I bet it’ll feel so good. Taking another gaze back at his muscular body, she thought, Tyler said we were least for tonight. So I’m technically single. I’ll go with that.

  Dr. Stone plopped into the bed. Sitting down slowly, Lori went to join him. A soft landing turned into a sinking. Flopping into the feathery abyss, she hung onto her drink, afraid of spilling it on expensive sheets. Her fall was stopped by Joshua Stone’s hard chest. He caught her in his strong arms.

  “Sorry. I’m kinda a klutz after drinking...even a few sips,” she tried to form an excuse.

  “No need to apologize,” he said, taking her glass away. Returning to her, they gazed in each other’s eyes. He moved towards her, she shut her lids, puckering her lips. Her kiss arrived, though not where she expected it. His lips kissed her forehead. Then, he placed a hand on her head, slowly bringing her blond-hair to his broad chest.

  She was surprised, though not upset. In fact, she was relieved. In reality, as much as she wanted to feel his cock inside her, she didn’t want to do it without Tyler around. They’d dated since the age of 16.

  Lori remembered him bringing her a partially wilted rose on their first date. He shyly snuck a handholding at their movie. Then there was the nice surprise of him pulling out her chair at dinner. He wasn’t suave or smooth, but he cared about her. The memories reminded her that not everything in life was about sex.

  Joshua’s thoughts were much different. I want to cum inside her so badly. I can please her in ways she’s never imagined. I can make her fall in love...forget her husband with one endless passionate fucking. But...that would make me no better than my brother. I’d be no better than my ex-wife.

  Burying his lips in her hair, he inhaled deeply. It was something he used to do with his ex often. She wrapped her arms around his broad chest, squeezing tightly. He hadn’t felt such warmth since his divorce. Encasing her in his own bear hug, the two just absorbed each other.

  “Can I ask you something, Doctor?”

  “Anything,” he answered.

  “You don’t have to answer, if you don’t want to.”

  “Thank you mistress. I thought I was the Dom here?”

  “Oh right, sorry. Why do you live in a hotel?”

  He paused, thinking about an answer. In reality, he wasn’t fully sure anymore. “Because, my home was stolen from me.”

  “Stolen? How does someone steal a house?”

  “Not literally, of course. Truth is...I don’t give a damn about the house. I tried renting a place. The sight of domestic furniture, appliances, neighborhoods...made me ill. I went to hotels...moving around often. This is my 5th. Right when I start to feel at home, I have to run. So, it wasn’t really my house that was stolen. It was my belief in fidelity.”

  “You’re married?” she asked in newfound fear.

  “I was once. Haven’t
been for years, though it still stings like yesterday.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Can I ask...what happened?”

  “She cheated...with my brother of all people.”

  “Ouch...that must’ve hurt.”

  “More than you could ever imagine.”

  “I don’t mean to be mean or anything, but...shouldn’t a marriage therapist be...successfully married?”

  “We’re all divorced.”

  “Well...why’d she leave...if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “Believe it or not...I wasn’t sexually dominant enough.”

  Lori’s mouth dropped open. “What did she want? To be clubbed over the head or something? Could you be any more dominant than I’ve already seen?” Joshua laughed, something Mrs. Hale hadn’t seen him do. “Well, well...the doctor has a sense of humor, after all. I thought your lips were a smiley way, at least. Not other ways, of course.”

  “Come to think of it...I’m not sure the last time I did laugh.” Sadness came over him. “I wasn’t always this dominant. It wasn’t until I learned what makes people sexually tick...when I changed. I discovered that the thoughts society says should turn us on...are rarely the things that do.”

  Seeing the pain in his eyes, Lori quickly chimed in to cheer him up. “Maybe that’s why you’re so good at this.”

  “Because I’m a miserable fuck?”

  “No, doctor. I mean, because you know what not to do, as much as you know what to do.”

  A light suddenly shined upon his face. The more he thought about her words, the more he realized how correct his patient was. “Thank you for that,” he said, kissing her head again.

  “For what?”

  “For teaching me.”

  “What could...little ole’ me...teach a therapist?”

  “That my pain wasn’t for nothing. That my ex-wife...even my brother, served a larger purpose. Are they still assholes? Damn right they are. But...for the first time...I realize...I’d never be the man I am without their betrayal. My marital failure...saved so many others. At sacrificed happiness...was worth it.”

  “Who says you can’t save them...and be happy too? Everyone deserves a place to call home.”

  “My office is my only home...the one place I feel alive...feel worthy. I wouldn’t even know where to start these days. Besides, if I pursued happiness, I’d end up falling in love with a patient.”

  She turned and looked in his eyes. “Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”

  “You know it is. You know we can’t do this,” he said.

  “But what if we want this?” she told him. “You heard my husband...he doesn’t even wanna try to fix this. He walked out on our marriage. Don’t leave me alone, doctor.” She moved into his lips, as he B-lined for her forehead again, gently kissing it like a father to daughter.

  She sighed in embarrassment, thinking, he doesn’t feel the same as me. He doesn’t want me, after all!

  Quickly rising from the bed, she put on her clothes. “I obviously misread your feelings...I’m sorry.”

  Dr. Stone got up, heading to comfort her. “No,’s not true. This is about me...not you. At least, let me take you home,” he said.

  “I’ll call a cab!” she shouted.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. She pulled it off. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why couldn’t you kiss me...then or now? Tell me I was just part of the job...I’ll go away.”

  “You know that’s not true. There’s a reason I can’t kiss you.”

  “What reason? Will you develop actual feelings for me? Is that what scares you so much?”

  “No!” he shouted back. “I already have feelings for you, damn it! A kiss...will take me to a place I can’t go. My job is to fix your marriage, that’s what you paid me to do. I swore to save...not destroy.”

  “And you failed.”

  “Yes, I did. I crossed a line I shouldn’t have crossed.”

  “Great, so I’m just a mistake to you,” Lori accused. “That’s why you didn’t want to kiss me.”

  “I wanted to...damn it!” he shouted, grabbing her arms in frustration. “That’s what I’m telling you! I wanted it more than anything! I still want it! For all I’ve done to cure a couple...I’ve never come so close to breaking my oath!”

  “Don’t you wonder why that is, doctor? I need to hear you say it,” she said, turning the tables on Joshua like he did Tyler.

  Because I need much as you need me, he silently thought. Though he couldn't speak the words. Instead, he said, “It doesn’t matter why...when we can’t be together.”

  “No,” she said in anger, freeing her arms from his grasp. “The only mistake was trusting you to fix my life. Instead...all you did was wreck it.” She headed for the door.

  “Lori!” Joshua shouted, as she kept going. By the time he said, “It wasn’t a mistake,” he was gone. A deep exhale exited his lungs, as he grasped his hair in regret. “I’ve ruined their marriage...and my only chance at happiness.”

  Chapter Five

  Having checked into the hotel next door, Lori eventually called a cab to take her home. As she stepped into her driveway, the early morning twilight began to paint the sky. Dried trails of brine streamed her cheeks, having cried through the night. She didn’t know what hurt more: losing her husband or her therapist.

  Apprehensively stepping from her car, she crept towards her house. What will he say? Do? She silently wondered. What should I say or do? Pulling out her keys, she inched towards the door lock.

  Slowly creeping in, she heard quiet. The house was still dark, faint light filtering in. A sudden panic filled her. What if he hurt himself? I can’t lose him...I love him! I’d never forgive myself!

  Rushing into the living room, a sad, defeated voice stopped her. “Was it everything you imagined it would be?”

  A sigh of relief sailed from Lori’s lungs. She rushed towards him, hugging his neck. “I’m so sorry.”

  He pushed her off. “Answer me!” he shouted in frustration.

  “I didn’t have sex with him.”

  “You expect me to believe that?”

  “I didn’t.”

  “You’re in love with him,” Tyler accused.

  “He doesn’t love me.”

  “I don’t care what he feels. I said you!”

  After a pause, she unconvincingly said, “I’m not in love either.”

  “Then what was it...that made you choose him over me? You didn’t even follow me...didn’t even try.”

  “It was...lust.”

  “I see what you truly value now.”

  “It’s not that, Tyler. I wanted to fix our sex life. I wanted to fix us...all.”

  “Choosing another man over your husband isn’t fixing anyone,” he accused.

  She got defensive. “You walked away from me! The therapy was working.”

  “Working for you alone!”

  “Tyler, it worked for you too!”

  “Bullshit! Where’s your proof?”

  She looked over at the many crumpled tissues beside him. Grabbing one, she held up the crusty evidence before his eyes. “Here’s your proof. All these tissues, in fact!”

  He grabbed his cum filled rags from her, “It proves nothing!”

  “It proves that you pleasured yourself all night...thinking of me with him! Pleasure...Tyler. He’s fixed you...even if you refuse to admit it.”

  “No!” he shouted.

  “Yes! Even though you hid it from me...I’ve seen you secretly masturbating every night. I heard your moans in the shower...multiple times of day! In all the years of knowing’ve never done that once. Not until...Dr. Stone.”

  “What do you want from me?”

  “Accept who you are. Admit that your pleasure comes from me being pleasured by another! You don’t have to hide anymore. You don’t have to avoid me...feeling guilty or odd. Until you accept that...we’ll never b
e right!”

  “That shrink’s filled your head with lies! He’s brainwashed you with witch doctor voodoo!” he shouted, rising to grab his car keys.

  Lori rolled her eyes. “Where are you going? Don’t let pride destroy our marriage!”

  He headed towards the door. “Go marry that therapist! I’ll never be able to compare.”

  “Sexually...but you meet my emotional needs! That’s every bit as important to me!”

  Placing his hand on the doorknob, he said, “I asked you to choose. You chose him!”

  “Where are you gonna go?”

  “As far from Joshua Stone as I can get,” he proclaimed, opening the door. A sudden gasp sounded from his lungs. Right before his eyes, Dr. Stone appeared. Still in his prior day’s suit, Joshua stood strong and tall. “Hello, Tyler.”

  “Get out of my way!” Tyler said in a fit of momentary courage.

  “Raise your hand when addressing me,” Joshua said firmly. The dominance in his voice matched the strength in his eyes.

  All the rage evaporated from Tyler Hale’s soul. His hand slowly rose. Watching from afar, Lori was floored by the commanding presence of her dominant. It was just another sign that Dr. Stone was the perfect Dom for them both. “Speak,” Joshua permitted.

  “Get out of my way...please, doctor?” Tyler asked in humiliation.



  “The subject is no longer up for discussion, Tyler,” Dr. Stone said, entering through the doorway. With every forward step inside, the humiliated husband backed-tracked towards his wife. Before he knew it, Tyler was back by Lori’s side.

  “Hi, Dr. Stone,” Lori said. A hopeful smile crossed her lips, as she wondered, Did he come back for me? Turning and gazing at her husband, her question evolved. Or did he come back for us both?

  “Hello, Lori. Although house calls aren’t my usual’re not my usual patients. Drastic times call for a strong hand. Remove your clothes...both of you. Afterward, Tyler...sit on the couch.”

  Tyler wanted to run, though was too fearful to do so. As angry as he was, relief also filled him. Unable to save him from himself, he needed Joshua Stone’s dominance to set him right. He followed his wife’s lead, getting naked. To no one’s surprise, a stiff 4 inches spilled out. Then he went to the couch.


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