If Only in My Dreams
Page 5
The air inside the unheated cabin was cold enough that Quinn's breath puffed from her face in tiny white clouds. She sat on one of the backless benches near the front window and sipped at her coffee, feeling the past-familial as well as personal-nipping at her heels. It had been in that very doorway she had stood watching for Cale's beat-up old black pickup truck that day, this exact bench on which she had sat and sobbed, her heart breaking at the truth she had had to face. Not once since that day had she entered this room without imagining that she could sense the vestiges of her own heartache, as if the walls had absorbed her sorrow and held it tbere, along with Elizabeth's.
"I suppose more than one of us has wept our share of tears here," she said aloud, as if to include the spirit of her grandmother in her reverie.
She drained the last bit of cool liquid from the cup and returned it to the top of the thermos, where it served as a lid. Pulling her jacket around her against the chill that seemed to seep through the thick walls, she gathered her things and snuffed out the candles.
"Good- bye, Grandmother, and merry Christmas to you. I’ll be back in the spring. I hope your birthday is a happy one, and that wherever you are, Grandfather Stephen is with you to share your anniversary."
Quinn opened the door, and stepped into a swirl of white wind that all but lifted her from her feet. While she had cleaned Elizabeth's cabin, the storm had hit with a ferocity she had not seen in years. She put her head down against the driving wind, her feet seeking the path she had made, grateful that she had shoveled so narrow a trail, because only by following the path she had made was she able to find the car, so dense was the snowfall.
How could I have been so oblivious, she chastised herself. How could I have been so foolish to allow myself to lose track of time like that?
She climbed into the cab and huddled against the seat, trying to decide what to do. Perhaps if she waited a few minutes, the storm would subside as quickly as it had struck. For a long fifteen minutes, Quinn sat staring out through the windshield, but the storm only seemed to intensify. Some heat would be welcome right about now, she thought, as she turned the engine on and shivered heartily as the frigid air filled the cab. Knowing it would be some minutes before the vehicle wanned up, she decided to call home and let her family know where she was. Cold fingers punched the number on the cellular phone that she had dug out of her bag.
"Trevor? Hi," she said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
"Quinn? Where are you? You sound so far away."
"I'm sitting outside of Elizabeth's cabin. The storm came up so quickly. I never even heard the wind pick up."
"Really? There's a storm up there? Hasn't hit the valley yet," he told her. "Are you all right?"
"Right now, I am. I thought I'd give it a few minutes to see if things settled down before I headed for home. Is it snowing there at all?"
"Not a flake. I guess it'll move down the mountain soon. Which means I should probably leave now if I'm going to make it to the airport to pick up Sunny and Lilly and whoever else is flying in today." He paused thoughtfully. "'You're sure you're okay, Quinn?"
"Well"- she hesitated-"the snowfall is pretty dense right about now."
"On a scale from one to ten…" Trevor asked, his standard barometer.
"Thirteen," she replied grimly.
"That bad, eh? Maybe Sky should take the truck and come up for you…"
"No. No sense in both of us being stuck up here. Look, tell Mom and Dad I'll keep in touch. I do have some gas left, so I can keep the heater running, and I have some hot coffee, so I can stay warm."
For a while, anyway. She bit her lip. What to do when the gas tank is empty and the coffee is gone?
"Well, then, as soon as the snow lets up even a bit, head back on down slowly. Just keep the pines on either side of you and try to make it down to the hanging rock. If you can get that far, you can probably make it to the old McKenzie cabin. Val's been fixing it up…"
"So I heard," she said wryly, thinking back to Sky's reaction to the mere mention of Valerie's name the night before.
"Yeah, well, if you can get to the cabin, you should be fine. Get a good fire going and wait out the storm."
"I think Val must already be there. I saw smoke from the cabin when I drove past. I just hope there's enough wood to get us through the storm."
"There's plenty." Even through the phone line, she could see Trevor's lopsided grin. "Seems like Sky spent most of the past six months chopping wood and stacking it next to Val's back door."
"I see. Well, then, the cabin should be nice and warm, and I can sit out the storm safely with Valerie."
Assuming I can get there.
"Quinn?" Trevor asked as she was about to say good-bye.
"Call back when you get there so we know that you made it."
"I will. Tell Mom not to worry," she assured him. "I'll be fine."
Or I will be, once the snow lightens up.
It was almost twenty minutes more before the storm appeared to ease. She opened the car door tentatively, then slammed it in the face of the vicious wind. Another fifteen minutes passed before she tried again. This time the wind had died down a little, and so she grabbed the ice scraper from under the front seat and set about cleaning off her windows. In so brief a time, a blanket of snow had wrapped around the car, and it took her several minutes to clean the windows sufficiently to allow her to see. With the defroster on full steam, she shifted into first gear and headed toward the void between the towering shadows of the pines that marked either side of the makeshift road. Inch by careful inch she crept along through a snowfall as thick as clotted cream, straining her eyes to distinguish shape from shadow, keeping her speed slow but steady as she made her way down the mountain. It seemed that an eternity had passed before she could distinguish the hanging rock there in the distance. If she could make it just a little farther, she would find shelter in the old McKenzie cabin.
The car continued its tedious crawl until she was close enough to the rock to touch it. She pressed a little harder on the gas pedal until she had passed the landmark, then eased her foot onto the brake. The car rolled to a soft stop, and she slid the gearshift into neutral. Rolling down the window, she looked out onto an icy world that had suddenly turned totally white. The cabin could be but twenty feet from her face and she could miss it in this blizzard. She sighed glumly and turned off the engine, hoping to preserve what little gas she had left, and had started to roll the window back up when movement just slightly to the left caught her eye.
Quinn squinted, trying to get a better look through the churning white, thinking perhaps she had not seen anything after all. But there, there again, just off the front of the car to the left…
She leaned half out the window, certain that she was hallucinating. Who in their right mind would be out in this storm?
nbsp; A tall, slender woman stood straight against the wind, and appeared to stare directly at the car. Quinn could not see her face clearly, but she could see the dark slash of braided hair that hung to the woman's waist A dark blanket wrapped around the figure, which, even as Quinn watched, pulled the blanket up around her head like a hood. Quinn knew instinctively who the woman was, and why she was there.
Elizabeth. Come to lead me through the storm.
Without a second's hesitation, Quinn cut the engine, pulled the hood up on her down jacket, grabbed her bag, and stepped out into a swirl of white. All she could see with any certainty was the woman, who appeared to be waiting patiently for her to catch up, but with each tedious step that Quinn took through the deep snow, the woman seemed to take three. No matter how quickly Quinn tried to walk, her guide managed to stay ahead of her. With the wind whipping around, stinging her face with keen icy needles, Quinn tried to keep up, but soon found herself near exhaustion and totally disoriented, questioning her sanity as she stood in the midst of a world so white that nothing appeared to exist beyond the tip of her nose, which right now was in serious danger of frostbite. And suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Elizabeth was gone.
Stunned to find herself totally alone, Quinn's eyes searched frantically for the figure she had unquestioningly followed, but there was neither form nor shadow to be found in the endless white landscape that surrounded her. The figure that had guided her had vanished without a trace.
"Elizabeth!" She screamed, but not even an echo returned. More frightened than she had ever been in her life, she desperately scanned the white for the shape of the woman in the blanket.
What in the name of heaven had come over her, that she had gotten out of the car in a blinding blizzard to follow a… a what? A spirit? Who in their right mind would leave certain shelter, guided only by something or someone who may not even exist, to venture into a world where nothing was certain but snow and wind?
Looking over her shoulder, Quinn sought her car, but knew, even as she squinted into the wind, that she would not find it. She was too turned around to know from which direction she had come, and in the storm, the white car had totally disappeared.
She had, she realized, two simple choices. She could remain where she was, where she would most certainly freeze to death on the spot, or she could search for shelter. Cursing her stupidity for giving credence to what was, after all, merely family legend, she lifted her right foot over the high snow, and fell face forward onto the wooden steps of Jed McKenzie's cabin.
"Thank you, Grandmother," she half laughed, half sobbed through a mouthful of snow as she pulled herself up. Her legs heavy with fatigue, she climbed the other three steps and crossed the porch to the front door. She tapped lightly, then looked through the windows. There did not appear to be anyone there. Turning the door handle, she pushed slightly, and was surprised to find it swing open quietly.
"Hello?" she called into the unlit room that opened up before her. "Val?"
When no one answered, Quinn closed the door against the storm and stepped inside. A big deep fireplace of native stone ran along one wall, and it was there that she automatically headed. Glowing embers in the firebox gave testimony that someone had been there recently enough to have had a fire going.
Val must have headed into town not knowing about the storm, Quinn thought. I'm sure she won't mind if I wait here till it passes.
Shivering and cold clear through to the bone, Quinn stacked several logs and fanned the embers until the warm glow began to grow and the flames came alive to warm her. As her hands began to thaw, she removed the gloves and held her hands up close to the fire. The warmth felt so good. She had thought she would never be warm again.
She rummaged in her bag for her phone, and punched in the numbers with fingers that were still stiff and stinging with cold. When the answering machine picked up, she left the message she knew her family would need to hear, that she was safe and warm and out of the storm.
Sitting on a low stool, Quinn removed her boots and wet socks. Her jacket came next, and she hung it on a hook she found inside the front door. She stacked another few logs, on the fire, then wrapped herself in the two afghans that she found, one on each end of the sofa. Having fought her way through a piercing wind, she was as exhausted as any soldier fresh from battle. Shivering with the lingering cold, she snuggled down into the cushions and closed her eyes. That she was trespassing into a quiet cabin in the woods made her feel a little like Goldilocks, and her last conscious thought was of looking for something to drink, something not too hot, not too cold. And she would, as soon as she slept off the cold.
Chapter Five
Quinn's deep sleep and vague dreams were interrupted by a foreign tugging somewhere in the area of her feet She tried first to kick it away, then to turn over, but somehow, she could not, and her groggy mind struggled to move against something that seemed to hold her. A panic crept over her, and through the dense fog of sleep, she heard voices, deep and gravelly whispers in the near-darkened room. Forcing her eyes to open, she saw two small figures-dwarfs or demons, very possibly both-watching her, their arms folded across their chests in a gesture of gleeful satisfaction. She tried to sit up, but could not.
She had to be dreaming.
Attempting to speak, Quinn found that something thick and soft filled her mouth, which was now desert dry. She started to gag, her throat constricting against the presence of the alien thing that stuck to the sides and the roof of her mouth. She began to choke, and the two dwarflike creatures jumped back in surprise.
"What are you two doing?" a male voice asked from somewhere in the dark.
A tall figure stepped out of the shadows and leaned over the back of the sofa to peer down at her.
"Look what we caught!" one of the gravel-voiced demon-dwarfs answered with obvious pride.
Cale's breath caught in his throat, and for a long minute, he thought he must be dreaming. His heart pounding in his chest, he leaned closer, not trusting his eyes. Even in the dim light, he knew her.
Miracle of miracles. It was her. Here. In his cabin.
Twelve and a half years late.
"Well, then," he said, forcing a nonchalance he did not feel. "Look who stopped by to say 'hey.'"
She glared up at him, her auburn hair spread around her head like a soft fog.
Yep. Those were her eyes, all right. Big and green and throwing off sparks when she was angry. Just like now.
"Mmphfmprhm." She seemed to be speaking directly to him. Through her teeth.
Frowning, Cale leaned forward to take a closer look. Something white protruded from her mouth.
"What in the…?" He tugged at the white thing until her mouth released it, then held up the small white sock and asked
with studied patience and practiced composure, "Whose is this?"
Eric pointed at Evan. Evan pointed at Eric.
"His," they both said.
"How did it get into her mouth?" Cale asked sternly.
"He did it," they both replied.
"Well, I guess it could have been worse." Cale held the sock up to examine it. "At least it's clean."
"That makes me feel so much better," Quinn told him dryly. "There aren't five more of them, are there?" She eyed the two boys warily, certain that they, too, were part of this ridiculous dream. And it was, of course, a dream, wasn't it?
How could it be otherwise?
"What?" Cale asked. He sounded real enough. Looked real enough…
"Weren't there seven dwarfs?" she heard herself ask.
Cale's laughter was unexpected.
Good grief. It wasn't a dream. It was him. She'd know that laugh anywhere.
Mortified, Quinn straightened herself up and, going for dignity-as much as one could muster when the man who'd dumped you twelve years ago had just removed a tinty sock from your mouth-cleared her throat and leveled her chin.
"Well then, if you would just untie me and get me a glass of water so that I can rinse the cotton out of my mouth, I think I'd like to mosey on back to the ranch about now." Quinn sought to sound as nonchalant as possible, searching for just the right note, trying to ignore the fact that her heart was attempting to pound its way out of her chest in heavy, erratic thumps.
Pulling back the afghan to reveal rope looped tightly around her wrists and ankles, Cale scowled, then turned to his sons. "Would one of you like to explain this? And it had better be good, fellas. This one had better be real good."