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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

Page 1

by Lexi Archer



  What's A Hotwife?

  1: The Breakup

  2: Third Wheel

  3: Sneaky Peek

  4: Flirting

  5: A Friend in Need

  6: Negotiations

  7: The Tease

  8: Dark Ride

  9: Moment of Truth

  10: Enter Teresa

  11: Adventurous

  12: Turnabout

  13: The Other Side

  Keep Reading!

  More from Lexi Archer

  Bonus Novel! Kate's Naughty Costume

  1: Inspiration

  2: Scandalous Cosplay

  3: Mistaken Identity

  4: Naughty Pictures

  5: Invitation

  6: The Live Dungeon

  7: Role-playing

  8: Crossing Lines

  9: Bigger Fish

  10: After-Action Action

  11: Devious Plans

  12: Queuing Up

  13: Diversions

  14: Costumed Dalliance

  15: Threesome

  16: Skilled Seduction

  17: Bar Hookup

  18: Star Struck

  19: Action!

  20: New Friends

  More from Lexi

  Between Friends

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2016 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, April 2016

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  What's A Hotwife?

  What is a hotwife? It's more of a lifestyle than a term. Put simply, it's a committed couple who has decided to let the woman stray, usually while the husband watches her straying!

  The term is "hotwife," but really it's much broader than that! Married, engaged, or just dating, the only constant is a committed couple who decides to change the traditional rules of that commitment to allow for a little extracurricular fun!

  There are two things that separates the hotwife from cheating or cuckolding: love and respect. The hotwife couple puts their relationship first. The excitement comes from watching the sexiest woman in the world get it on with another guy in the most intimate and personal live porn performance that's possible for two people committed to one another mind, body, and soul!

  My stories are for the couples who are thinking of opening up their relationships. For the men who fantasize about their wives with other men but could never put that feeling into words. For the ladies who think it would be so hot if their fella watched them with another man. For anyone who's ever had an interest in opening their relationship for a little sharing!

  These fantasies are for you. These stories are yours. I hope you enjoy them!

  1: The Breakup

  I whistled a happy tune as I got off work and moved down to my car. Leaving the day job was always worth whistling that happy tune, but now more than ever I had a lot to look forward to. I patted my front pocket to make sure the box was still waiting there.

  Yeah, tonight was going to be a hell of a night. This whole weekend was going to be a hell of a lot of fun. A weekend away with Teresa, the love of my life. Add in Trevor, my best friend for as far back as I could remember, and Kirsten, his smoking hot wife, and you had a recipe for fun.

  Yeah, it was going to be a fun weekend. The fact that we were going to everybody’s favorite regional amusement park just added to that fund. It was a trip we’d made every year on the regular since we were old enough to drive. Something of a tradition with Trevor and me, and the girls had started coming along with as soon as they entered our lives in college.

  I particularly wouldn’t mind going to the water park. I always saw the way Trevor stared at Teresa in her skimpy bathing suits, and that was a big part of the reason why I never felt too bad about giving Kirsten one hell of a once over on my end. She was the kind of girl who looked damn good in a bikini, let me tell you, and looking at each other’s girls had become a highlight for both of us on these annual trips.

  Of course there was going to be another highlight on the trip this year. I patted my pocket again. Made sure everything was still there.

  I was leaving work a little early, but I figured it would be worth it to get a head start. I know Trevor and Kirsten had both taken half days today, and Teresa should already be home. She was in grad school, exercise science which kept her in excellent physical condition let me tell you, and so it was the perfect opportunity for us to get a jump on the weekend.

  So I kept right on whistling a happy tune as I hopped in my car and pulled out of the office parking lot. I kept it up as I maneuvered over to the apartment we shared. We’d moved in together right after getting out of college, and we’d been happily living there for a couple of years now. Living in sin, as my mom put it half seriously, but I would be taking care of that this weekend.

  Once more I tapped my front pocket. This was starting to become a nervous habit. Almost as bad as constantly checking to make sure my wallet was in place, but at the same time I wanted to make sure I didn’t lose a couple of month’s salary because I had a hole in my front pocket or something.

  Talk about an awkward conversation with Teresa. All that money gone and nothing sparkly to show for it on her ring finger. At least I hoped my surprise would be on her ring finger by the end of the weekend. I figured there was a pretty good chance she would accept my proposal, but I figured you could never be entirely sure.

  I pulled into the apartment and noticed something odd. Usually the place was empty during this time of day. I knew because my job kept to every banker’s holiday so I tended to be home on holidays when everyone else still had to work.

  So why were there two cars in front of our apartment building? One was obvious enough. That was Teresa’s car. I’d recognize the beat up old junker anywhere. I fully planned on buying her something nicer as soon as we got hitched, though she seemed happy enough with it for now. It was good enough to get her to campus and back which was more than enough for her for the moment.

  What was with that other car, though? It didn’t belong to any of our neighbors. I was sure I’d never seen the thing around here before. I was usually pretty observant about that sort of thing. A holdover from my college days when we lived in a pretty sketchy part of town where you kept an eye on things if you wanted to keep your stuff.

  “Okay then. Who the hell are you?”

  It’s odd. I know what I should’ve been thinking in this scenario. A strange car pulled up right next to Teresa’s when I was coming home from work? I think we all know where that scenario ends, but to be perfectly honest that was the last thing on my mind as I pulled my car in and looked around.

  No, the only thing I could think was to wonder which of our neighbors were getting robbed and to worry about Teresa being home. I don’t know why that’s what I thought. The car was way nicer than anything a robber would be driving around in anyways.

  I stepped out and took a look around. No one was marching out to the car with a stolen television. I felt an itch on the back of my neck. I just had a feeling all of a sudden. A feeling that I didn’t like one bit. I looked at the stairs leading up t
o our apartment and then over to the floor to ceiling window that looked in on our bedroom.

  Usually that window was open. It led out to a balcony that Teresa liked to sit on while she was studying on nice days. Like today. It just added to my suspicions that she wasn’t out there smiling and waving down at me.

  Definitely out of the ordinary. Everything was coming together, and I wasn’t like the picture being painted. So I quietly made my way up the stairs, sure to skip the fifth step that always creaked loud enough that I could hear it in the living room and know when someone was coming up.

  I had a feeling that I didn’t want to interrupt whatever was going on up there. I also had a feeling that whatever was going on up there was happening in the bedroom and not the living room, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

  “I really hope this day doesn’t end with me killing a motherfucker,” I muttered to myself. “Jail isn’t going to be nearly as fun as a weekend at the park.”

  Then again, whether or not I ended up beating the crap out of a guy for getting with my girl I had a feeling the park wasn’t going to be in the offing this weekend. Not now. Not if Teresa was doing what I thought.

  I pulled the door open slowly. If I opened it more than a foot there was an annoying squeak I’d been meaning to call the apartment about for awhile now. I really wished I’d done that now, because it was a pain in the ass to squeeze through a one foot opening lest I alert anyone in the apartment that I was here.

  I still didn’t want to believe there was any need for all this secrecy. Who was I kidding, though? I knew what was going on here even if I didn’t want to believe it.

  I heard noise coming from the bedroom. How much more cliche could you get? I crept down the hall, knowing what I was going to find there even before I arrived. As I got closer and closer I figured those noises were either Teresa watching one hell of a vigorous porno, something that didn’t seem likely considering I had to bother her almost constantly to get her to watch that sort of thing with me, or she was having fun with someone back there.

  I suppose I could still hold out hope that she was in there with another girl and I was about to embark on that threesome I’d been bothering her about for a couple of months now, but again that didn’t seem very likely. I knew in the back of my mind exactly what was going on here. I didn’t like it, but I had to face facts.

  I peered around the corner and got a good look at what was happening in my bedroom and on my bed. Sure enough Teresa was in there. She was the source of those noises that sounded like something straight out of a porno, and judging from the way she was bouncing up and down on some strange guy’s cock it was pretty obvious what was the source of those moans.

  I collapsed against the door frame. It made a loud bump but they were so busy fucking in there that they didn’t even notice the sound. They were so preoccupied with pleasuring one another that neither one of them noticed someone standing at the door.

  Not that I could blame them. Teresa was facing away from me bouncing up and down on him, after all, and the guy could be forgiven for being a little preoccupied. I knew just how distracting it could be enjoying the pleasures of my girlfriend’s body.

  I figured this weekend I might be able to enjoy the pleasures of my fiancee’s body, but it looked like that wasn’t going to be in the cards now. No, this was going to be the start of one hell of a big fight.

  And yet.

  Watching them in there. Enjoying the sight of Teresa fucking from an angle that I never got to enjoy since I was usually more directly involved in the festivities, let’s just say that it was causing one hell of a reaction down below. I hated that I was reacting this way to the sight of my girlfriend cheating on me, but at the same time I was just a guy.

  I guess I was going to get a hard on watching a hot girl fucking even if it was my girlfriend cheating on me. In fact there was something about it that was strangely compelling precisely because I was watching my girlfriend cheating on me!

  I don’t know what it was. I couldn’t explain it. I’d been interested in watching her in a threesome. I’d been interested in watching her with another woman. I guess I was taking some of that interest and transferring it to watching her fuck another guy, as fucked up as that seemed.

  Still, as interesting as this was, I was more angry than I was turned on. All those times I tried to get her to be more adventurous? All those times she acted like any sort of fun along those lines was somehow gross or disgusting, and now here she was having sex with another guy? In my bed? The bed that I paid for seeing as how I was practically supporting her through grad school?

  Yeah, there was just too fucking much here that was unforgivable. It stung even more because I’d genuinely been in love with her. I truly thought we’d spend the rest of our lives together. I thought we were partners in crime.

  So much for that. Damn it. I cleared my throat.

  The reaction was as immediate as it was hilarious. Teresa screamed and pulled the sheets up around her. The reaction was enough to make me snort with laughter. As though she had anything to hide from me. I’d seen everything. I’d seen it all.

  Then again maybe she thought I was a burglar making my way through the apartment and I just happened to come across her fucking some other guy. If that was what she was thinking then she was very quickly disabused of that notion as she turned and her eyes went even more wide as she saw me there with a grin on my face shaking my head.

  I don’t know why I was grinning. Probably for the same reason I didn’t know why I had this fucking hard on straining against my pants. The situation was just so fucking ridiculous that I couldn’t think of any other response. I always laughed when I was nervous or on the spot, and this was way fucking beyond any stress I’d ever had to deal with before.

  “Shit. Devin!” she shouted. “What are you doing here?”

  I stepped into the room. I figured that was my cue. I looked down at the guy on my bed. He stared up at me with defiance. Well then. The asshole was going to try and be big and bad even though he was the one lying back in another man’s bed with his cock in another man’s woman. This guy was a real winner.

  “You want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing Teresa?” I asked. “I thought I’d come home so we could get a head start on our weekend, but it looks like you already got one hell of a head start without me!”

  “Devin, I…”

  “Why don’t you fuck off so I can finish with your lady asshole,” the guy below her spat.

  Well then. Apparently he was stupid as well as ballsy. And an asshole. Couldn’t forget the part where he was a first rate asshole. An asshole who needed to be put in his place.

  In a flash I was down by the bed. I didn’t even realize what was going on until my fist was raised and the guy threw his hands up and screamed like a little girl as he tried to get away from me. In the process of trying to get away from me he also managed to throw Teresa off which resulted in her going spilling off the edge of the bed and landing with a thump on the carpeting beyond.

  The whole thing was so hilarious that I started laughing even louder. I sat down on the bed and looked over at the badass who was suddenly a little less threatening when he was confronted with someone actually going for him.

  I locked eyes with him and jerked my head towards the door. “You maybe want to get the hell out of here?”

  He didn’t waste any time scrambling out of the bed. I frowned. I was going to have to burn these sheets. Luckily I had one of those plastic piss sheets down under all the layers of bedding because Teresa’s stupid cat had a problem with marking territory that definitely wasn’t his.

  Hey, there was another silver lining! I wasn’t going to have to deal with that stupid fucking cat ever again after this argument!

  “Uh, yeah. I think maybe that would be a good idea,” the asshole said.

  As he got out of the bed I realized there wasn’t a chance this guy would be able to take me in a fair fight. Not unless he did some stupid marti
al arts bullshit or something. He was a little on the scrawny side, if toned. Seriously, this is what Teresa cheated on me with? It was a fucking insult.

  The guy ran out of the room, not even bothering to pull his clothes on. He just scooped them up and ran. I heard the front door slam and waited a moment, then went out to the living room to make sure he’d left. Once I was sure he’d vacated I locked the door and took a moment to pour myself a shot from my favorite whiskey. Usually I mixed it with something, but today seemed like a day to drink it straight.

  A moment later Teresa came out into the living room. She’d taken the time to pull on some shorts and a T-shirt, and I couldn’t help but think how beautiful she looked even though I’d just caught her fucking some other guy in our apartment. My dick did the thinking for a moment, but then Teresa opened her mouth and my dick stopped doing the thinking as lust was replaced by burning anger.

  “Look, I know this is bad, but really can you blame me with the way you’re working all the time?”

  Oh. Oh my. So she was going to try and pin the blame on me because I was working at the bank providing the money for her to go to grad school and do all that artsy fartsy stuff? She was going to try and make it seem like it was my fault she fell on some other guy’s dick?

  My eyes narrowed and she took a step back. It was on.

  2: Third Wheel

  "Are you ready to go?"

  Trevor's voice drifted up from downstairs. I growled in frustration as I grabbed a couple more things and stuffed them into my bag. Really more of a bit of luggage than your traditional vacation bags. One of those things that had the handle that allowed you to roll it around. Damn convenient if you asked me, even if we weren't flying.

  I wasn’t looking forward to a couple of hours on the road even if I was looking forward to the destination. One more thing adding to my already sour mood.

  "Almost honey," I said. "Hold on!"


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