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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

Page 10

by Lexi Archer

  “Water park it is,” I said. “I can’t wait for you boys to see my new suit.”

  “Yeah we’ll see about that. You’re not the only one with a new suit,” Teresa said.

  Oh yes. The game was on! I couldn’t challenge her directly, but I gave her a look that made it absolutely clear that I wasn’t going to give up easily. At least I think she got the message from the way she rolled her eyes and dragged Devin away towards the water park.

  12: Turnabout

  “Something weird is going down here,” Kirsten said.

  “Yeah? You’re a regular Sherlock fucking Holmes,” I replied.

  “I look a hell of a lot better than some old British guy could ever hope to look in a bikini, and on top of that I’m pretty sure his middle name wasn’t Fucking,” she replied.

  I rolled my eyes. “Did you really just make that supremely lame joke?”

  Kirsten looked up at me and for a moment there was fire behind her eyes. Fire that burned bright enough that I took a step away. That was the sort of angry look that made me want to be somewhere else when she decided to start slapping.

  “Are you saying how I look in a bikini is a fucking joke or something?”

  The glower cracked at the edges. I saw the corner of her mouth twitch ever so slightly. A sure sign that she was trying, and failing, to keep a straight face. Not that she lasted very long. The quirk turned into a full smile after a moment.

  “Nice try baby,” I said. “Now do you maybe want to tell me what you’re going on about?”

  Kirsten leaned in closer and looked to Devin and Teresa who were walking well ahead of us. Teresa was still all over him. She had her arm around him and was running her hands all over his chest. She definitely didn’t look like a girl who’d been cheating on him earlier in the day, gotten dumped shortly after, and then spent the better part of the afternoon arguing with my wife about how big a piece of shit she was for cheating on my best friend.

  No, she was walking along as though nothing was wrong at all. As though she didn’t have a care in the world. As though they were just a happy couple enjoying one another’s company.

  It was fucking weird.

  “Teresa is acting too nice. She’s up to something,” Kirsten said.

  “Well I could’ve told you that. It’s obvious she’s trying to get him back long enough to dump him,” I said.

  “Yeah, I figured the same thing. The thing I can’t figure out is why he’s going along with it. Why would he humiliate himself like that when she did what she did?”

  “Maybe because he’s going for the revenge bang?” I asked.

  Kirsten’s eyes flashed as she regarded me sidewise. “You think that’s what he’s going for?”

  I stared ahead to Teresa and Devin. More particularly I found myself focusing on the way her posterior was moving back and forth in a most hypnotic way in her extremely tight shorts. I’m talking a pair of shorts that were so tight that I could clearly see the curve of her ass sticking out from the bottom.

  Her dressing in something that scandalous wasn’t completely out of the ordinary, but her doing it in a very public place like this was a little odd.

  “I have a feeling we’re going to get dragged into this before the day is over,” I said.

  Kirsten regarded me with a neutral expression. I wasn’t sure quite what to make of that. My wife had one hell of a poker face when she wanted to, and she was certainly showing that off now.

  “Would you like it if we got dragged into it?”

  “I already told you how I feel about that. The question is are you up for it?”

  Kirsten tapped a finger against her lips and seemed to be giving this some serious consideration. Which was one hell of a surprise. After everything that passed between her and her former friend earlier in the day I figured that bridge was well and truly burned. Burned and then drowned in the river down below.

  Or maybe my wife was just up for a little bit of revenge as much as Devin was. Maybe she was willing to be Devin’s co-conspirator. I didn’t care what her motivation was as long as I got to watch her with another guy. Or girl. More and more interesting possibilities were opening up with every passing moment.

  Teresa couldn’t keep us away from Devin forever, though. When we got to the water park her plans for keeping him separated from me and Kirsten were laid low by something as simple as locker rooms divided for the two sexes. She stood with her arms crossed as she looked up at the men’s locker room.

  “Well I guess I’ll see you in a few,” Devin said as he grabbed my arm and we went in there away from the prying eyes of his ex-girlfriend.

  As soon as we were out of sight and out of earshot I wheeled on him. “So you want to tell me what the hell’s going on here?”

  Devin smiled a secretive smile that told me he was up to something. I was the sort of smile that usually showed up when we were about to do something that could potentially get us in trouble. A lot of trouble. And I found myself shivering in anticipation.

  This day had already been going so well. I’d worried things might be falling apart when his ex showed up, but that smile reassured me. That smile told me I didn’t have to worry at all. He had something planned just as surely as Kirsten had a plan when she was teasing the ever loving fuck out of us earlier in the day.

  “I figure Teresa is probably angling to get back with me so she can dump me. She’s just crazy enough that she’d pull something like that so she can look like the good guy,” Devin said.

  I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Thats about what Kirsten and I figured too.”

  “Thanks for the vote of confidence, asshole,” Devin said.

  “Hey, it’s not that you’re not a fine hunk of man,” I said. “At least I’m sure I’d think you were a fine hunk of man if I was into that sort of thing, which I’m not. It’s just that she’s been cheating on you for months, right? Doesn’t make much sense that she would start sniffing around for a piece of you now when she had months to get with you if she really wanted to.”

  “Yeah, well, if she’s really that desperate then I guess we’ll see how far she’s willing to go to try and win me back, won’t we.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “That could be a dangerous game.”

  “Not like I’m going to make her do anything she doesn’t want to. I just have a feeling that things might get a little fun before the day is over,” Devin said.

  I shrugged. “You’re the one who knows your ex girlfriend. I’ll go along with whatever you think works.”

  Devin grinned and reached out to slap me on the back. “Trust me. By the end of the day I think both of us are going to have some new experiences with each other’s woman to talk about.”

  I grinned right back at him. That sounded nice. I still didn’t believe it was actually possible. I still had a hard time believing Teresa would actually go for that sort of thing. Still, there were possibilities.

  I shivered as I stepped out of my clothes and into my suit. It was a little more difficult to get the suit on because I had a raging hard on. It was a damn good thing there wasn’t anyone else in the locker room with us right now. Otherwise I would’ve looked like a first rate pervert.

  Still, it had been one hell of a day. I felt like I was justified in being this worked up. First I had a fantasy I’d been thinking about for years fulfilled, and now there was the added wrinkle of Teresa showing up looking like she did and both my wife and my best friend acting like something might happen.

  Yeah, I’d like to see any guy not get worked up if he was thrust into the same situation!

  “So what’s the plan when we get back out there?” I asked.

  Devin looked towards the exit and got a far away look in his eyes for a moment. Only a moment, and then he was back. “I figure we just go out there and see what happens. We are in the middle of a very public place, after all. I don’t know how much we’ll be able to do out there. You might have to wait until we get back to the hotel to take care of your little pr

  He glanced down to where my swim trunks were tenting out because of the awkward situation that had arisen. I flipped him off.

  “Little problem my ass,” I said.

  “You keep that little problem as far from my ass as possible man!” he replied.

  From there we headed out of the locker room and my jaw immediately dropped when I saw what was waiting for us outside. Both of the girls stood their in their bikinis, and both of them looked incredible. They were a study in contrasts what with Kirsten and her petite frame with a set of tits that looked huge on her, and then Teresa with her athletic and toned frame. Both of them looked absolutely mouth watering. I wanted to take both of them right there, though of course that probably would’ve just gotten us kicked out of the park and maybe arrested.

  Kirsten didn’t waste any time stirring the pot either. She walked straight over to Devin and started running her hands up and down his arm. He didn’t do anything to stop her, either. No, he just stood there with a goofy grin on his face and suddenly I wasn’t the only one who had an awkward tenting situation coming up in my pants.

  “You look so good in your suit Devin,” she said. “I can’t imagine any woman who’d think you weren’t man enough for her.”

  Kirsten turned and looked straight at Teresa as she said it. Meanwhile her hand had moved down to his stomach but stopped just short of doing something that would certainly risk getting us kicked out of the park. Already I could see someone in a park uniform giving us the eye, though they weren’t making a move. Yet.

  They certainly would if the girls got in the middle of a cat fight, though. I figured it was time to break this up before the fire in Teresa’s eyes translated to actual kicking, biting, and scratching.

  “Maybe we should head into the park and have some fun? Go down a slide or something?”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Teresa said.

  My eyes nearly bugged out of my head at what she did next. I figured she’d go after Kirsten, and I suppose in a way she did. Just not in the way I expected with spitting and clawing and tearing at bikinis. None of the good stuff you think about when you think of two insanely hot chicks fighting each other. Her reaction was still very interesting, though.

  She walked over to me and put her hand on my shoulder in a mirror of what my wife was doing with Devin. She ran her own hand up and down my arm and I felt goose bumps rising. Meanwhile Kirsten and Devin were looking at her with goofy grins on their face. They looked like they were almost to the point of laughing.

  I probably would’ve been almost to the point of laughing too if I wasn’t so distracted by what she was doing. It was obvious she was trying to get a rise out of them. It was obvious she saw Kirsten feeling up her man and she’d decided she was going to try and create a bit of jealousy of her own. It was also obvious that she was the only one who wasn’t in on the joke. She was the only one of the three of us who didn’t know this was exactly what we were hoping for.

  I guess Devin was right. We weren’t going to have to force Teresa into anything. She was going to play right into our hands in an attempt to make Devin jealous. If only she knew what we’d been up to earlier in the day. If only she knew that we were playing her for a fool.

  Then again that would’ve ruined the fun if she did know.

  Either way I was having a hell of a lot of fun. And I figured it was time for me to surprise Teresa as well. I reached down and put an arm around her, and my hand moved down and cupped her ass. She gave a little squeal that sounded downright delighted at that. I couldn’t tell if she was delighted because I was squeezing her ass or delighted because she thought I was playing right into her hands trying to make Devin and Kirsten jealous. I didn’t give a fuck as long as I got to feel her up.

  “How about we skip the slides and go to the lazy river?” she asked.

  I arched an eyebrow at Devin and Kirsten but they both nodded.

  “That could be fun,” Devin said.

  And so a short walk across the water park and we were stepping down into a lazy river that was surprisingly empty. I don’t know if people just weren’t out at the park this early in the season or if there was something going on to keep the crowds light, but we had the unique situation of having our choice of fat yellow tubes that were floating through the river without any of the usual annoying kids or teenagers splashing around and getting in the way.

  No sooner was I in my tube than I felt someone coming up behind me. I figured it was probably Kirsten, but when I turned around I saw Teresa there staring at me with an intensity that surprised me. That wasn’t a look I’d seen from her before, but I’d seen the look of a woman on a mission often enough to know that things were about to get very interesting.

  “Can I help you Teresa?”

  “That depends,” she said.

  I licked my lips and glanced around. There was a lifeguard on a stand down the way just a bit, but it didn’t look like said lifeguard was doing a very good job of keeping tabs on the place. No, the guy seemed more interested in staring down at a pretty young thing in an orange suit that made the hottest girl from Baywatch look positively frumpy in comparison.

  “What does it depend on?” I asked.

  “On what your wife and my boyfriend are doing up ahead of us,” she said.

  I turned and my cock twitched. Stepping into the moderately cool water, at least it was cool compared to the warm air with the sun beating down on us, had taken care of my hard problem from the locker room rather nicely. A hard problem that had only gotten even harder when Teresa got up close and personal with me.

  Only that hard problem came roaring back with a vengeance when I saw what Kirsten and Devin were up to. It seemed that Devin had decided he was going to ignore his ex-girlfriend completely in favor of spending his time flirting with Kirsten. Which was just fine with me, but I could understand where Teresa would be a little miffed that her plans were being interrupted by my fantasy life.

  Not that any of that was my problem.

  Kirsten and Devin were right beside each other. Staring at one another pretty damn intently. And I couldn’t see their hands above the water. They definitely weren’t holding onto the helpful hand holds on their inner tubes. I could only imagine what was going on under the surface over there. I’d seen firsthand what they could get up to in the FairyLand Forest ride, after all. I also could imagine how that looked to Teresa. I wondered how she felt getting a taste of her own medicine up close and personal like that.

  “What do you think is going on over there Teresa?”

  “I think something’s going on with your wife and my man,” she said.

  I know I should’ve said something seductive to get her attention, but all I could focus on was her referring to Devin as her man. I knew in my heart that what I was about to say was both stupid and counterproductive, but I couldn’t help myself even as I saw the accident happening in slow motion. Even as I opened my mouth and the words escaped my lips.

  “Last I checked he wasn’t exactly your man, you know,” I said. “There is the whole thing where you were cheating on him.”

  I figured that would piss her off. I figured that would be the end of the fun before it even started. Here Devin was having loads of fun with my wife and I was opening my mouth and putting my foot firmly in there before I had a chance to have any fun with his ex. Damn it.

  Only she didn’t react that way. No, she moved in closer so her own tube was close to mine.

  “I think something’s going on here. Something that you guys are all keeping a secret from me. So do you maybe want to spill?”

  Well then. Apparently she’d given up on Devin and was laying it on pretty thick with me now. I glanced over to them again. Kirsten was looking back at me and her mouth was open as though she was gasping or breathing heavily. It was hard to tell from this far away. Either way, she seemed to be having a very good time with whatever it was Devin was doing under the waves. She locked eyes with me for a moment and winked
with a knowing smile.

  Okay. It seemed that I still had the go ahead. She was enjoying herself up there. I guess I could enjoy myself back here with Teresa. Only I had to wait a moment while we passed under the lifeguard stand. I didn’t want to get caught or anything, after all. Again, getting kicked out of the park would put an end to the fun before it even started.

  “So why would I want to tell you anything?” I asked. Then I figured, belatedly, that I should maybe try to be a bit mysterious. “Assuming anything is going on.”

  I felt something under the water. Something pressing against my leg. Her hand. She was moving it up. Up until her fingers wrapped around my cock. I took in a sharp breath and just went with it, but it was difficult. I was fighting every instinct I had as a married man. I was used to politely pushing women away when they acted interested, and yet now here I was with another woman’s hand on my cock moving back and forth.

  I glanced around but the sides were pretty high on the river here as we passed through a waterfall. No one was going to see what was going on. It was just me, Teresa, a lifeguard in the distance, and of course Devin and Kirsten up ahead of us probably doing something similar to this.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me anything?” she asked.

  “I’m still pretty sure,” I replied. I looked ahead again. Kirsten and Devin had stopped. Both were looking back at us and grinning, and I suddenly understood why. We were in an area that was the perfect spot for a little bit of secluded fun. Under an artificial waterfall with chlorinated water spilling down over us, there were trees on the other side of the river hiding us from the crowds moving around out there. Even better, there was a lifeguard chair up ahead of us, but it wasn’t occupied for whatever reason. Maybe someone was late getting to their shift or something.

  Either way, it created the perfect scenario for us. We floated towards them, but as we got closer I discovered that Teresa was far from done with her torture. No, she moved forward and I felt something else running up my body. She leaned back in her tube and suddenly her legs were wrapped around me. I felt her pussy press against me and it was so fucking hot and inviting.


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