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Between Friends: A Hotwife Novel

Page 15

by Lexi Archer

  Kate was responding by opening her mouth, by letting out little gasps that were lost in the noise of the convention center and would've been lost on me if I hadn't been looking at her so intently. If I hadn't been looking for any sign that she was having a naughty time while she was sandwiched in between these guys.

  As I got to the last camera, an actual DSLR camera that looked like the real thing, not just one of those little point-and-shoot numbers, I got the biggest surprise of this little naughty photo session. Instead of my wife's eyes going wide I saw muscles look down at the top of her head in surprise.

  So I zoomed in with this new camera and its optical lens and viewfinder that made it easy. This was an old-fashioned camera with an old-fashioned viewfinder, so I didn't have to worry about the picture being obscured by digital artifacts or anything like that. And the clear magnified picture I saw took my breath away.

  I couldn't see Kate's hand. It was somewhere behind her. Back where muscles was standing with a surprised expression that surprised me. I also felt my cock twitch and I very nearly came in my pants as I realized what must be happening. My wife had her hand behind her and she had to be rubbing this guy's cock. There was nothing else that possibly be going on unless she was helping him with his zipper, but something told me that barbarian loincloth on his costume didn't have a zipper.

  The feeling that washed over me as I realized what was happening was so fucking intense that I very nearly dropped the camera. I verily nearly fainted. This was so much more than we'd talked about when it was just her teasing some guys and having a good time, but it was so much hotter because it was so unexpected and beyond anything I'd dared hope for!

  Luckily I didn't drop anything. This camera looked way too expensive for me to be dropping it anyways. I did find myself wishing that I had my own phone out so I could get a picture of this incredible sight, and that gave me an idea.

  I zoomed out and snapped a couple of shots and then handed it to the shy dude who came up without being prompted by his buddies. They were starting to reluctantly break apart, Muscles in particular looked frightened and annoyed that this was ending so soon which made me wonder what would be revealed when my wife stepped away, when Kate looked at me and cocked an eyebrow. An unspoken communication passed between us. I called it our marriage telepathy.

  "Hold on boys!" she said.

  All of them stopped and stared. Well, almost all of them stopped and stared. Muscles was completely checked out of reality staring off into the distance as though he couldn't believe my wife was running her hand up and down his cock. Assuming I was right and she was touching his cock, which seemed pretty fucking likely all things considered. Kate looked at me and licked her lips, obviously trying to conceal how hot she was feeling but there was no way she was concealing that from me. Not with how well I knew her body and exactly how she reacted when she was turned on. She had to know I was well aware of what she was doing, and yet she kept it right up. Damn. She was being such a naughty slut!

  And I loved it.

  "You guys have all been so good to me," she said. "I'd love it if hubby could snap a quick picture for me to remember you by."

  And so I found myself pulling out my phone. The camera on my phone wasn't as good as a DSLR but it was still pretty nice as far as smart phone cameras went. I could afford a little nicer than the freebie giveaway the budget-minded college student would default to.

  I lined it up and then I zoomed in to that spot where my wife had her hand hidden behind her. And I was close enough now that I could see Muscles breathing heavily. His chest was positively heaving and it was a wonder that his friends couldn't see what was going on. And through it all Kate had that same smile on her face as though she didn't have a care in the world while she was doing something naughty to Muscles.

  I snapped a couple of shots. One wide, and then a few close up of her hand disappearing behind her. Then on a hunch I pulled out slightly so I was just getting a shot of her and Muscles. T-shirt guy was blocking the shot slightly in front, but it was as good as I was going to get. And at that moment something magical happened.

  Muscles suddenly squeezed his eyes shut and it looked like he was trying very hard not to make any noise. He actually bit his lip. Damn!

  It was abundantly clear from the way he was gasping and trying not to make any noise that he was blowing his load. I wished I could see what was going on, but I consoled myself with the knowledge that Kate was sure to tell me all about it after this naughty photo session was done. I snapped a couple of shots of them standing there like that. My wife with an innocent smile on her face. Muscles standing behind her with his eyes squeezed shut, his breath coming in quick gasps as he tried to keep control and didn't do a very good job of it.


  Then his eyes opened and he looked down. He started to blush. I wondered if there was a situation going on down below that was going to make it difficult for him to continue wearing his costume throughout the day. That look quickly turned to panic as my wife started to pull away from him. Clearly he didn't want her moving away and giving everyone an unobstructed view of his downstairs mix-up. Only he didn't have any choice. Kate pulled away and then he was turning to the side and trying his best to avoid being seen.

  Only I was looking, and I was ready with the camera for one last shot. A shot of my wife's hand buried in his loincloth for the briefest of moments. That sight was exposed for just the briefest of moments as she pulled away from him.

  Snap. Her hands down his loincloth. Snap. Her hand pulling away from his loincloth. Snap. Something long and sticky trailing from his bottoms up to her finger, and then it snapped back to where a stain was spreading on his costume.

  I couldn't believe it. I very nearly passed out and dropped my own damned phone as I watched. It was obvious he'd come in his costume, and not only had he come in his costume, but he'd also done it all over my wife's hand and some of it had snapped back. I'd caught all of it on camera. Fuck!

  Even if nothing else happened over the course of this convention those pictures alone were going to be enough to fuel the spank bank for a long time to come!

  No pun intended, of course.

  Kate walked straight for me and she leaned up to give me a kiss. Then she pulled back and lifted her hand to her lips in a quick motion. I had just long enough to catch the familiar scent of semen, and then her tongue was moving out and swirling around her index finger, running up to her knuckle and back. She opened her mouth ever so slightly and I saw something that very nearly made me blow my load. Another man's load on my wife's tongue. She must have kept what she could on her finger and waited to give me this naughty little show, and I loved it!

  "Damn baby," I said.

  "Did you enjoy that as much as I did?" she asked.

  I was like a broken record. My brain was short-circuited and I wasn't thinking clearly. And so all I could get out was another "damn baby!"

  5: Invitation

  I figured that was going to be the end of our fun, but as I looked over Kate's shoulder I saw the guys standing and talking with each other as they glanced over to my wife. They seemed to be involved in a pretty vigorous conversation and I had a pretty good idea exactly what it was they were talking about.

  Muscles was looking over at her with particular interest. I saw him pulling down his loincloth and the other two guys laughed, but then they grew silent. All of them turned to give my wife a considering look that she missed completely, but I was watching. I was waiting for that look. And my cock was so hard. Both because of the way they were looking at her and because she was right up against me now instead of being sandwiched in between those guys.

  "I think you've made some fans," I said.

  Kate arched an eyebrow as she looked at me, then she turned to look over her shoulder at the group of college jocks who'd been surrounding her and feeling her up.

  "It seems that I do!" she said.

  As though Kate looking at them was the prompt to break some spell t
hey all started moving over. They looked hesitant at first, but they were also eager. There was an undercurrent of arousal and anticipation that I felt like I could reach out and touch.

  Katie took it all in stride. She turned to smile at them as though she expected nothing less than for these guys to approach her after the naughty time they'd just had. And I had to admit that after everything I'd just witnessed I wanted nothing more than to see where this was going. A group of guys getting up close and personal, hell her giving a hand job in the middle of the convention floor, was a hell of a lot more than I'd bargained for when I first decided to indulge in this fantasy, but you bet your ass I was going to roll with it!

  "Can I help you boys?"

  To my surprise the one who spoke up was the guy who first grabbed her ass. He looked away and then back to my wife. Then he got nudged by the guy that had gotten the jerk off fantasy of a lifetime and that seemed to give him some encouragement. The third guy stayed back not saying anything, but he occasionally glanced at my wife.

  "Well you know the Live Dungeon?" he asked.

  Kate cocked an eyebrow and looked to me then back with a blank stare as though she had no idea what they were talking about. Of course she knew what the Live Dungeon was. Everyone who came to this convention knew what the Live Dungeon was. It was one of the attractions of going to a convention this big.

  Basically it was just what it sounded like. A dungeon, like from the game of the same name that featured dungeons and giant flying lizards in equal measure, only it was set up in the convention center like some sort of geeky playground. People could rent out time in the thing and have fun, and there were also open exhibitions where people could go through it to see but not play. There was also supposedly a big tournament, though I hadn't paid particular attention to that when I was signing up for the convention considering gaming hadn't really been our geeky cup of tea for a few years now. Too busy with work and all that.

  "Well it's this place where…"

  Suddenly Muscles elbowed his friend who let out a surprised and annoyed yelp, but the result was the same now as it had been earlier when they were jockeying for position next to my wife. The T-shirt dude, as I was now thinking of him, moved aside and rubbed a spot on his shoulder where he'd been elbowed.

  "It's this really cool thing where you go into a real dungeon," he said. Then he frowned. "Well I guess it's not a real dungeon, but it's sort of like a real dungeon. They probably use foam and stuff. The point is…"

  Only he was interrupted by his friend elbowing him.

  "The point is that we have a session scheduled in there later today, and it would be really awesome if you could come along and join us!"

  Kate tapped a finger against her lip, a sure sign she was considering the offer. She also turned to wink at me which let me know she was more than considering it. This definitely sounded interesting, though I didn't think any of the fun I'd like to see my wife getting up to in the Live Dungeon would actually happen. Something told me it was pretty heavily regulated to keep people from doing exactly the sort of things that were running through my head on repeat.

  "That sounds like it could be fun," she said. "What do you think honey?"

  I shrugged. I didn't want these guys to think we were too eager. No, they needed to work for this. "It could be fun," I said. "If you're up for it then I'd consider it."

  "What time will you be there boys?" she asked.

  "We're scheduled for three o'clock," Muscles said.

  "We'd love to have you there!" the shy one finally piped up. I was surprised to hear him talk, though he couldn't be too shy considering his shyness hadn't stopped him from running his hand up my wife's side earlier.

  "Well I'll certainly think about it boys," she said. "You'll have your answer if I show up at the dungeon at three o'clock."

  Their faces fell just a little. It was clear they were disappointed at not getting the answer they wanted right away, but they also weren't about to say anything and ruined their chances completely. Kate gave one final wave and took my hand. My cock twitched as I realized it was the hand she'd been using to jerk Muscles off, and she obviously hadn't washed it.

  The thought was driving me wild. We walked away, and I noticed she was putting some extra sway into her step. I was sure that was all for the benefit of her new friends. I looked over my shoulder and sure enough they were all standing there staring at my wife, slack-jawed. The one she'd just jerked off was particularly enamored of her backside as she walked away.

  I could only imagine the thoughts running through their heads as they watched my wife walking away. I was sure each and every one of those college studs was thinking about how much they would love to have her bent over. How much they would love to rip that costume off and have their way with her. It sent a shiver running through me thinking about them thinking about her like that. Thinking about using my wife for their pleasure.

  The question was, were we going to be at that dungeon when it came time for their scheduled appointment? I didn't know. It was all up to Kate. She was the one calling the shots with this game. Although it was starting to get very serious, and I wasn't sure how far it would go if we did end up meeting with them.

  "I'm hungry," she said. "What would you say to getting a bite at the food court?"

  I tried to sound nonchalant. I had a feeling we were about to have a conversation about whether or not she was going to be at that Live Dungeon. About what she was going to do or willing to do if we did show up at the Live Dungeon. "That sounds fine to me."

  Getting lunch ended up being more difficult than I would have imagined, mostly because I was preoccupied with the pesky fact that I had a raging hard on. No matter what I did to try and get rid of the thing it refused to go away. Thinking about baseball, Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day, nothing was working. No matter what I thought of to try and get my problem to go down thoughts of my wife under one of those guys, my wife sandwiched in between them, my wife getting felt up, ran through my head on repeat and it was all I could do to keep from having an orgasm in my pants right in the middle of one of the food courts that dotted the convention center.

  Through a combination of using my convention swag bag and the tray that the cheap but very overpriced convention center food was put on I managed to hide my conundrum long enough to get to a table where Kate was waiting for me. She was looking absolutely stunning even doing something as simple as sitting at one of the cheap convention center tables. And she also had an audience even here. People were walking by and doing double takes as they saw her in that outfit. I saw at least one creepy neck beard on the other side of the food court who was trying to take a surreptitious picture of her with his iPhone, but he quickly put the phone away when he realized I'd spotted him being a creep.

  I almost laughed and shook my head, but didn't. Conventions brought out all types, creepy as well as nice.

  "So what did you think of that photo you took with your phone?" she asked.

  I cocked an eyebrow. "You mean what did I think of you jerking off that guy?"

  Kate looked up at me with her best innocent expression that was anything but. "I don't know what you're talking about baby!"

  She said it in a breathless rush, as though I was accusing her of something. She quickly grinned and then we were giggling. She knew I wasn't mad. Not really. I knew I could never be upset with her for doing something nice like fulfilling my fantasy, even if it did mean that she was stretching the boundaries of traditional fidelity in a marriage.

  Yeah, where most men would be pissed off, I was just turned on.

  "Oh really?" I said with mock severity. If she was going to play up the sweet and innocent angle then I was going to really play up putting the screws to her. "It's interesting you would say that, because I happen to have photographic proof of your little indiscretion."

  "Oh really? I'd like to see that!"

  I fished in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I tapped a couple of times to pull up my photo
gallery I looked up at her and winked. "I bet you would!"

  I scooted around the small circular table and leaned in close. Chances were nobody would walk past and happen to glance down at my screen. Even if they did there was a good chance they wouldn't realize what they were looking at. Still, there were enough people walking by and taking a second look at my wife that I decided I wasn't going to take any chances that one of those second looks might also lead them to realize they were looking at a picture of my wife jerking off some stranger right in the middle of the convention floor.

  I pulled up the first shot. Her hand down the guy's pants. The next shot. Her pulling her hand away. The third shot where a string of his come was trailing away from her hand.

  "As you can see, I have incontrovertible evidence right here! You can't deny it!"

  She let out a noise that was halfway between a gasp and a sexy little purr. God I loved it when she made that noise.

  "I suppose this is undeniable proof," she said. "So what are you going to do with it now that you have this evidence of your wife being such a naughty girl?"

  I locked eyes with her. Licked my lips.

  "That depends. I guess the question is really what do you want to do?"

  Some of the playfulness left her face and she was serious for a moment. Her shoulders slumped down and she looked like she was actually having trouble with this decision for the first time all day.

  "I don't know," she said. "I just don't know. What I did out there while you were taking those pictures was hot, but it seems like going to that dungeon would be taking things too far. I'm afraid if we went there things would go too far…"


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