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Sarah's Playmates

Page 9

by Virginia Wade

  “Give it a suck, honey.” Isabelle dropped to her knees, taking him in her mouth. “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “Let’s move like this,” whispered Brack. In the next instant, I straddled him, and he was in me. “There. That’s better.” His cock felt enormous in my tight tunnel. “Tell me how much you like me.”

  “I don’t even know you.”

  “Lie to me. Pretend you know me. Pretend I’m your fiancé.”

  “Oh, Brack.”

  “We don’t have alotta time, darlin’. Tell me what you want. Tell me I’m the one you want.”

  “This is going to sound awful, but you remind me of my dad.”

  A bark of laughter filled the room. “Now I’m really worried.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that! I mean…the way you say darlin’ and your manner. I can tell you’re a good man. I don’t know how you got yourself involved with robbing trains, but you’re not a bad man.”

  “After my crops failed and my wife died, I had no choice. I got two kids, and they need food, Sarah.”

  “You have children?”

  “They’re with my sister. I send money to support them, but…shit! I’ve made alotta mistakes. Too many. I can’t turn back now.”

  “How old are your kids?”

  “Jessie’s five, and Melanie’s four.”

  “You have a little girl?”

  “Yes, I do.” A flash of pain glimmered in his eyes, and then it was gone. “I’ve let ‘em down. I’ve dishonored our name.” His head dropped. “Now’s not the time to talk about this.”

  “You wanted us to get to know each other.”

  “Pretend you love me,” he whispered fiercely. “Lie to me. Tell me you love me.”

  “Oh, Brack.” His earnest expression softened my heart. “Something like that might not be a lie.” I shouldn’t feel so emotional about a stranger. “I do love you.”

  “Now that’s what I want to hear.” He kissed me, sliding his tongue past my lips, seducing me thoroughly.

  “It’s a shame.”

  “What is?”

  “That I’m engaged and you’ll be hanged.”

  “It is.”

  My nub rubbed against his pelvis, creating a buzz that produced delightful tremors. I had all the control in this position, and I found that I enjoyed working him at my own pace. It wouldn’t be long before I let it all go and gave in to the orgasm that inched its way closer by the second.

  “That’s it, suck me,” moaned Jimmy. “Oohhh…yeah. Open up, you pretty thing.” Isabelle waited beneath him with her tongue out, while he massaged his rounded tip. “Oohh…Jesus…ooohh…” A stream of white spunk jetted, catching her forehead and splattering over her tongue.

  Millie moaned, flinging her head against the bed. Buck had satisfied the fiery redhead, bringing her to completion with a lengthy and talented tongue. The scene in the shack was wildly erotic and so debauched, I almost didn’t believe it was happening.

  My hips thrust harder. “That’s it. You’re gettin’ it. Work me, honey,” groaned Brack. “Use me.”

  “Are you gonna suck my dick or what?” asked Buck.

  “I guess, if I have to,” muttered Millie.

  “There’s the spirit.”

  “Don’t expect me to swallow it.”

  “Just suck me, you Irish bitch.”

  “Oh, Brack.” My fingertips dug into his shoulders, while I rode him, feeling him deep. The heat in the small dwelling had become oppressive, leaving a thin sheen of perspiration on my body. It smelled like sex, potent and musky.

  “That’s it. Work me.”

  I kissed him, our tongues battling sensuously. His arms went around me, holding me close, our slick skin rubbing, straining for release. I moaned, and shuddered from the pleasure that rocked my system. “Oh, my Lord!” I trembled and convulsed with each contraction, my pussy compressing his cock. “Oooohhh…Brack…”

  “Oh, Jesus.” He thrust up into me, stiffening. “Ooohhh…Sarah…” We clung together, our mouths fused, as we rode out the tiny, blissful aftershocks. “It was so good, honey.”

  “It was.” I sounded exhausted.

  Buck groaned, spraying cream into Millie’s face. “Yeah! Now you’re getting it.”

  “Ugh. That’s disgusting.”

  He chuckled in reply.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Breakfast was stale bread and dried jerky, but I didn’t mind. Brack and I wandered down to the lake for a swim. Afterwards, we sat in the grass, and I appreciated the way the sun hit the water, producing thousands of brilliant flashes. I was cradled between his legs, leaning against him.

  “How long have you been robbing trains?”

  “About a year.”

  “What did you do with my engagement ring?”

  “Nothing yet. I got a jeweler who melts the gold down and sells the stones. He’s in Pennsylvania. I haven’t been able to see him.”

  “That ring was in Edmund’s family for a hundred years.”

  “Sorry about that. I still have it, if you want it.”

  “No. Never mind.”

  “Are you in love with him?”

  “I thought so.”

  “What about now?”

  “He might be dead for all I know. The Indians attacked the train after they derailed it. He…could have passed away.”

  “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  I turned to stare at him. “You’re sorry? You robbed my train! You pointed weapons in people’s faces and stole their possessions. Now you say you’re sorry?”

  He shrugged, looking sheepish. “It’s my job. Some people work in banks or in offices. I just happen to be a robber by profession. Scaring the tar outta innocent people is a part of the job.” He grinned crookedly. “Sorry.”

  “That’s a horrible justification.”

  “It is, but it’s the only one I got.”

  “Can’t you do something else with yourself? Can’t you study a trade or work for a legitimate business?”

  “Robbing is lucrative. I was a lousy farmer.”

  “It’s dangerous.”

  “It is.”

  “Then stop it.”

  “It’s too late. I made a bad decision a year ago. Buck asked for help. He and Jimmy had the idea that robbing one train would set us up for life. We had our guns out before we even boarded, and the passengers hid their valuables. We only got about three hundred dollars and some watches that weren’t worth nothin’. We had to rob another train to make up for it, and, by that time, it was too late. I was a wanted man.”

  “Now you can’t walk away.”

  “No ma’am. They’d find me. I could run for a while, but it would delay the inevitable. My kind don’t fare so well in the courts, and with good reason.”

  “What if you had a lawyer?”

  “Can’t afford one.”

  I had a trust from my grandmother. “I could get you one.”

  “Don’t bother. It wouldn’t do any good.”

  “You’re awfully pessimistic.”

  “No, realistic. The odds are stacked against me. I have no one to blame but myself.”

  The fact that he had given up bothered me. “But don’t you want something better for your kids? Shouldn’t you be fighting for them? Maybe you could leave the country? Start over somewhere new.”

  “They’re in Missouri with my sister. She’s taking care of ‘em. It’s all I can ask for.”

  Anger pricked me. “You son of a bitch! Those kids deserve to have their dad. If you were to ask them, they’d say all they want is you.”

  “Then what do you recken I do?”

  “Let me hire a lawyer. He’ll get you off with as little prison time as possible, and you can start over.”

  “With you?”

  “I-I don’t know.” That question had surprised me.

  “So you ain’t a part of the package, huh?”

  “I don’t know about Edmund. I…he might be alive.”

  “If he’
s dead?” A thick, dark brow lifted.

  “Then I suppose…”

  “Suppose what?”

  “I might go with you.”

  “You’d marry a train robber? You’d raise an outlaw’s kids?”

  This had to be the craziest notion I had ever entertained. I couldn’t believe the words that came out of my mouth. “Yes.”

  “I think you bumped your head pretty good in the crash.” He grinned.

  “My mother’s going to have kittens.” I couldn’t possibly break my engagement to Edmund to marry a convicted felon, could I?

  He moved hair out of my face. “Honey, I appreciate your concern, but my messes…my disasters are my problem. Be grateful for that. You don’t have to fix me.”

  “Somebody should. You’re incapable of helping yourself.”

  His thumb moved over my lower lip. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I’m glad I robbed you. You were my favorite job.”

  “You make it sound like it’s over.”

  “Sweetheart, it never began.” Tears stung my eyes. “Don’t do that. I hate it when women cry.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Let’s stay here for as long as we can.”

  “We’ll run outta food. Our provisions were low to begin with. Your family’s worried sick about you. I’m sending you to town. It’s due east.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  He sighed, his arms tightening around me. “I’ve no right to fuck up your life like I did mine. I won’t let that happen.”

  I wanted to argue, but I swallowed my disappointment instead, burying my face in his neck. We sat out by the lake and talked for hours, until the sun began to dip behind the trees. The need for food eventually brought us back to the shack. He held my hand, his thumb rubbing my palm, as we walked towards the dilapidated building. The time we had spent together had been easy and relaxing. Nothing about our conversation was forced, and neither of us had to hide our feelings or pretend to feel more than we did. The sun had set, the sky tinged in orange and red streaks. We neared the door.

  He drew me into his arms. “I can’t wait to make love to you tonight.”

  “Me either.”

  “If I wasn’t starving, I’d take you right here.”

  “That’s barbaric,” I giggled.

  “Yeah? I’ve got a bit of Viking in me. It’s on my father’s side.”

  “I’m not surprised.”

  He held open the door. “After you.”

  “Thank you.”

  I was surprised by how dark the interior was. It didn’t seem as if anyone was there. “Millie?”

  Brack was a step behind me. Something moved out of the corner of my eye, and a thunk sounded. I spun around, shocked. My lover had collapsed to the floor, the result of a rifle striking his head. The man who had hit him glared at me.

  “I’m Deputy Sheriff Blain. Are you all right, ma’am?”

  Men stepped from the shadows, dressed in uniforms, and they grabbed Brack, lifting his unconscious form off the floor and dragging him from the house.

  Alarm raced through me. “What are you doing?”

  “Apprehending a wanted man, Miss.” His eyes roamed over me, missing nothing. I wore a torn and soiled nightgown and little else.

  “Where are you taking him?”

  “The county lockup.”

  “Where are my friends?”

  “At a hotel in town. I’ll escort you to them.”

  Bile rose in my throat. “Thank you.” I had to send a telegram. He needed a lawyer.

  “You’re one of the survivors of the train wreck. Your parents and Senator Lakewood will be relieved that you’re no longer a hostage.”

  “T-thank you.”

  “You’ve had quite an ordeal. You’re a lucky lady.”

  “Do you know anything about Senator Lakewood’s son, Edmund? He was on the train. Is he alive?”

  “Yes, ma’am he is. Walked away without a scrape.”

  I hated the fact that this bit of news disappointed me. “Thank you.”

  “My men will escort you to town. Someone needs to look at your forehead. You might need stiches.”

  “Yes, Sheriff Blain.”

  Millie and Isabelle were waiting for me in a tidy room on the second floor of the Bromly Hotel. The doctor had treated me in the manager’s office, and I had required two stiches. I burst through the door, ready to let the tears that threatened for the last hour overwhelm me.

  “There she is!” exclaimed Millie. “Thank the saints!” I collapsed on the bed, the springs creaking, and began to cry. Millie sat next to me; her hand touched my back. “What’s the matter, honey? Why are you crying?”

  “What happened?” I sobbed. “We walked into an ambush.”

  “The lawmen were clever,” said Isabelle. “Jimmy went out to use the facilities, and he didn’t return. Then Buck went after him, and the same thing happened. They were waiting for them. Then they knocked on the door and took us to town. We didn’t tell them you were at the lake.”

  “The house must’ve been watched,” said Millie.

  “They have Brack. They took him into custody.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. I know you were growing fond of the scoundrel.”

  “They’ll hang him!”

  Millie sighed. “He’s a thieving train robber. I imagine they will.”

  “Are you hungry?” Isabelle sat on the bed. “We can have food brought up.”

  An idea suddenly hit me. I sat up, wiping the tears away with the back of my hand. I noticed the trunks on the floor, although they looked damaged. “Is that our luggage?”

  “Yes. Thank goodness.” Isabelle smiled kindly. “You can change into some—”

  “Good.” Determination had a steely grip on me. “I need to wash up. Help me with my hair?” I glanced at Millie.

  She looked confused. “I…suppose so.”

  “I need you to do something for me, Isabelle.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I need a revolver.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Oh, dear.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  I sashayed into the jail wearing a cream-colored jacket over a full skirt with draped fabric and an enormous bow at the back. A black hat with fake pink flowers sat askew on top of my head.

  “I’m here to see the prisoner.”

  The man in spectacles behind the counter glanced up, clearly astonished to see me. Wanted posters graced the wall, and I recognized a poorly done drawing of Brack Corbett, which hardly did him justice. He was far more handsome in person.

  “Which prisoner, Miss?”

  “Brack Corbett.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What would a pretty lady want with a no good train robber?”

  “It’s personal, Mr…?”


  “It’s none of your business, Mr. McCormick.”

  He scrunched up his face, which made him look peculiar. “Fine. I’ll take you back, but I gotta search you first. The last time a woman visited a prisoner she brought in a gun. Can you imagine that?”

  “That’s shocking.”

  “The man she gave it to used it on my deputy. Shot him in the arm, and then he got away. It made us all look bad. Real bad. It was another six months before we caught up with him.” He smiled, revealing stained teeth. “My deputies shot him to death. Getting even sure is satisfying.”

  I smiled, but it didn’t reach my eyes. “I’m sure it is.”

  “So, if you’ll step over here real quick, I can search you.”

  “I can hardly wait.” Nervous bundles of energy sent my heart racing.

  He patted me down, lifting my skirts, searching for a weapon. His hands brushed against my thighs and over my bottom. Several deputies came and went, casting interested looks our way.

  One of them muttered, “Don’t know why outlaws always get the best lookin’ girls.”

  When he was satisfied
that I hadn’t concealed a weapon, he led me down a narrow hallway, opening a door, which revealed a dingy looking room filled with metal bars, spanning floor to ceiling.

  “Here we are.”

  I recognized the three men sitting in separate cells. “Well, look who came to visit,” said Jimmy. Brack stared at me; his look was vague.

  “You got ten minutes.” He pointed at Brack. “No funny business, you hear?”

  “No, sir,” he drawled. “Wouldn’t think of it.”

  “I’ll be checking on you.”

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.”

  “Smart ass,” he muttered.

  I wrapped my hands around the bars. “Brack.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  I glanced over my shoulder. We were alone. With deliberate hast, I unpinned my hat. The item hidden underneath had given me a cracking headache. I handed him the revolver. “I brought you a present.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ!”

  “This is for you too.” I gave him a thick roll of twenty-dollar bills. “And, this.” A small piece of paper appeared. “This is my address in Sacramento. I want you to escape and find me. Do you think you can do that?”

  His grin was enormous. “You’re somethin’.”

  “Somebody’s gotta rescue you.”

  “Honey…I don’t wanna burst your bubble, but…” His look was wistful. “They’ll catch up with me sooner or later. This’ll only bide us a little time.”

  “Fine. I don’t care.” I glanced at Jimmy and Buck. “You boys look comfortable.”

  “You’re an angel, Ms. Collins.”

  “You got another chance. What you do with it is up to you.” My eyes met Brack’s. “And you. I’ll never forgive you, if you don’t find me.”

  “This is foolish.”

  I pointed a finger in his face. “I’ve risked everything for you, you filthy train robber.”

  His hand thrust through the bars, grabbing me. I was pressed against cold metal. His hot, sultry breath fanned my face. “I’ll find you all right. You got a deal, honey.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.” I kissed him, his tongue sliding into my mouth. “Oh, Brack…”

  He pushed me. “Now get the hell outta here! Get outta town. I don’t want you anywhere near when this goes down.”


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