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Rendezvous with Destiny: Ronald Reagan and the Campaign that Changed America

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by Shirley, Craig

  Borko concluded, “Reagan's philosophy, accentuated by his always forceful articulation, awoke the inner American in my heart. I wholeheartedly believe that I speak for countless millions who lived beneath the dark cloud of Communism when I say that those longing for freedom had no better friend than Ronald Reagan. There is no doubt in my mind that if Reagan had been born Serbian Orthodox, he would not be referred by many merely as President Reagan, but as Saint Reagan.”

  Special thanks are also owed to Sean Kennedy for all of his fine work, especially his diligence in the chapter on Paul Corbin; Andi Hedberg Maloni for her adroit research work at the Reagan, Bush, Ford, and Carter presidential libraries, the Hoover Institution, and the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics; Erica Hare for tracking down local newspapers from the 1980 campaign; and Seaton Motley, Stephen Saunders, Maggie Lyons, Kyra-Verena Sendt, and Andreja Komnenovic for their tireless work. And to Bob Clark of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library; Jean Bischoff, Bob Clark, and Bill Lacy of the Dole Institute; Carol Leadenham and Kiz Konzak of the Hoover Institution; Marv Krinsky and David Roepke of the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs; the University of Oklahoma Department of Political Communications; and the Media Research Center. Also, thanks to Gary Johnson of the Library of Congress, Debbie Lopez of the FBI's Freedom of Information Act division, David M. Hardy of the FBI, Doris M. Lama and Lori Twardzik of the Department of the Navy, and Margaret Grafeld of the State Department for their assistance in tracking down government documents on Paul Corbin. And to Charles Brock and Paul Nielsen of The DesignWorks Group, who did such a masterful job for the dust jacket of this book, as well as to Cheryl Hendrick, formerly of The Design-Works Group, for my previous book.

  Of course, none of this would have been possible without the friendship, kind assistance, and patience of my business partner and friend, Diana Banister, to whom I am deeply indebted. And to the staff at Shirley & Banister Public Affairs, including Kevin McVicker, Meghan Snyder, Amy Haas, Dan Wilson, Hayley McConnell, Katelyn Gimbel, and others, for their support and patience over the past three years.

  Before turning the manuscript over to Jed Donahue's warm though necessarily ruthless edits, I first carefully chose three men—all professional editors—to help me along the way. Again, as with so many others, I am in their debt.

  Peter Hannaford helped immensely in the factual accounting of this story. He wrote so many of Reagan's speeches, op-eds, radio commentaries, and the like and simply knew the man's mind as well as anyone. He was at Reagan's side constantly during the tumultuous years from 1976 through 1980. And of course he knew all of the other key players involved for many years.

  Quin Hillyer, a conservative columnist of long standing for the American Spectator, the Washington Examiner, and the Washington Times, argued with me, cajoled me, pushed me, always in search of the same goal: a book that would stand the test of time.

  John Persinos is not a commonly known writer, but he can turn a phrase as well as anyone. And because John's politics are decidedly liberal, I deliberately sought him out in an effort to drain any overt bias out of this book. I simply wanted to report the facts, whether they favored Reagan or not, and John came through like a champ.

  Thanks to the following for allowing me to review their private papers covering the election of 1980. Among them are Ken Khachigian, Allan Ryskind, Tim Roper, Dr. Richard Wirthlin, J. Kenneth Klinge, Ron Robinson, Gary Maloney, Rich Bond, N. Richard Greenfield, Bruce Eberle, Richard Viguerie, Robert Novak, Michele Davis, Colin Clark, and Paul Russo. And thanks to my friend David Doll for undertaking research on James Baker at Princeton University.

  Sadly, the documents for Citizens for the Republic, the National Conservative Political Action Committee, the Fund for a Conservative Majority, and the Congressional Club were destroyed after the demise of each. Thanks, however, to Brigham Young University, where the papers of the American Conservative Union are stored.

  Some close friends over the past three years gave me advice and encouragement, read chapters, and generally put up with me, and they, too, are owed a large measure of gratitude. In no particular order, Bill Schulz, Fred Barnes, Tony Fabrizio, Becky Norton Dunlop and George Dunlop, Marc and Karen Rotterman, Dick Allen, Mark Tapscott, Ralph and Millie Hallow, Jim Pinkerton, Jim Burnley, Al Regnery, Bob Tyrrell, Newt and Callista Gingrich, Frank and Becki Donatelli, George and Susan Allen, Fred Eckert, Brad O'Leary, Bill Hecht, Jerry Eckert, Rich Bond, Tom and Lyn Finnigan, Michele Davis, Richard Viguerie, Kenny and Jean Klinge, Colin Clark, Paul Russo, Sara Davis, Dave Keene, Fred Barbash, Tom Edsall, Michael and Susan McShane, Brent and Norma Bozell, Christian Josi, Tish Leonard, Stephen Moore, Bill Timmons, Vic and Dale Gold, Pat and M. J. Pizzella, Jim Ragonnet, Ed Meese, Ron Robinson, Michelle Easton, Bruce and Kathy Eberle, Carl Cannon, Don Devine, Nancy Reynolds, Karen Spencer, Muriel Coleman, Doug Bandow, Lou Cannon, Sara Davis, Frank and Ann Lavin, Tom Winter, Allan Ryskind, Kevin and Chris Kabanuk, Floyd Brown, Howard Fineman, Dick Allen, Tom Edsall, Bill Clark, Mike Reagan, Joanne Herring, Tom Loringer, Paul Laxalt, Roger Stone, Eric Dezenhall, Chuck DeFeo, Chris Ruddy, Charles Pratt, Roshan and Perin Bhappu, Ross and Candy Bhappu, Dan and Soona Jacob, Manek Bhappu, and Ellen, Nathan, Eric, and Todd Shirley

  And special thanks to George F. Will, for agreeing to write the foreword to this book.

  Finally, I am most deeply indebted to my beloved wife, Zorine—“Reggie”—who so patiently read, edited, listened, and made superior suggestions over the past several years. For much of the time, I labored in a tiny den at home, crammed with books, interview transcripts, DVDs, CDs, newspapers, magazines, presidential library material, and other source material. So concerned was I about losing anything, no one was allowed into my sanctum sanctorum with the exception of Zorine. I understand that Mark Twain operated in much the same fashion, allowing only his beloved Olivia, “Liv Darling,” to cross a chalk line he'd drawn across the floor. This system seemed to work for us as well, but as dust gathered and I fulminated, Zorine's fortitude never wavered.

  Our four children also helped along the way, from Mitchell reviewing videotapes to Matt and Andrew (who often worked into the wee hours of the morning) and Taylor reading manuscripts, fact-checking, and offering advice to their old man.

  Thank you all.

  Craig Shirley

  Alexandria, Virginia


  ABC, 1, 30, 39, 100, 121, 133, 147, 158, 196, 201, 221, 238, 252, 492, 531, 548, 571–74

  Abernathy, Ralph, 506

  abortion, 21, 48, 58, 93, 107, 108, 135, 149, 192, 194, 234, 282, 306, 323, 327, 393, 397, 479

  Abscam scandal, 130, 306, 491, 552

  Adams, John, 336

  affirmative action, 32, 398–99

  Afghanistan, 5, 51, 80–81, 99, 103, 114, 186, 190, 244–45, 265, 310, 480, 488, 525, 586

  AFL-CIO, 106, 284, 391, 422, 501, 557

  African-Americans, 82, 179, 182, 189, 199, 326, 342, 387–88, 399, 402, 474, 518, 537, 589

  age issue, 6, 13, 23, 33, 37, 58, 72, 74, 76–77, 94, 108, 111–12, 114, 118, 119, 189

  Agnew, Spiro, 39, 97, 258, 337, 400, 474, 493

  Ahearn, Rick, 124, 162

  Ailes, Roger, 198, 390

  Air Force One, 471, 556, 563

  Air Force Two, 223–24, 264

  Alabama, 31; 1980 Democratic presidential nomination and, 177–78, 201; 1980 presidential election and, 457, 458, 499, 575; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 160

  Alaska, 51, 99, 143, 252

  Albosta, Donald J., 420, 438–41, 607, 609

  Alden, Priscilla, 243

  Alexander, Lamar, 203, 269, 434

  Alexander, Phil, 589

  Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner, 507–9

  Allen, Richard, 113, 117, 215, 332, 554; Casey and, 221; China and, 448; Debategate and, 438–39; Election Day 1980 and, 579; Reagan running mate selection and, 357–60; Sears, firing of and, 137, 166, 167, 169

  American Agriculture Movement, 79–80 />
  American Conservative Union, 23, 33, 94, 151, 292, 330, 373, 491

  American Enterprise Institute, 32

  American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees union, 461

  American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, 401

  American Revolution, 10, 255

  Americans for Change, 308

  Americans for Conservative Action, 192

  Americans for Democratic Action, 528

  Americans for Reagan, 308

  American Society of Newspaper Editors, 254

  American Spectator, The, 258, 354, 586

  Ames straw poll, 51

  Anderson, John B., 52, 133, 154, 306; 1980 presidential election and, 6, 206, 226–27, 246, 262, 270, 283, 286, 290, 298, 316–17, 319, 392, 396, 403, 420, 497, 499, 528–29, 561, 564, 588; 1980 Republican convention and, 361, 363; campaign finance and, 205, 270, 461; Communism and, 225–26; Crisp and, 296, 314; Election Day 1980 and, 572, 575, 578, 580–81; Ford and, 197; gun control and, 144; Illinois and, 200–201, 205–8, 213–17; impact of, 464; Iowa and, 111; Iranian hostage crisis and, 518; liberalism and, 52, 283, 500; Lucey as running mate of, 286, 396, 436–37, 446, 451; Massachusetts and, 183, 188, 192–93, 392, 581; media and, 92–93, 200, 319; New Hampshire and, 68, 142, 144, 146–48, 154, 158, 162; New York and, 581; Pennsylvania and, 249, 252; presidential debates and, 446, 451–52, 463, 482–83, 487, 507, 544; Republican platform and, 327; Trilateral Commission and, 138; Vermont and, 183, 192–93; Wisconsin and, 201, 241–42

  Anderson, Keke, 578

  Anderson, Marty: 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 14; 1980 presidential election and, 28, 390, 530; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 67, 81, 113, 238, 308, 332; Republican platform and, 329; Sears and, 180

  Anderson Difference, 183, 464, 482, 581

  Angelo, Ernie, 65, 123, 174, 267, 274, 371, 498

  Annenberg, Walter, 549

  anti-Americanism, 44, 46, 63, 497

  Antosh, Steve, 603

  AP. See Associated Press

  Arkansas: 1980 presidential election and, 581; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 117

  Arledge, Roone, 573

  arms control, 395, 415, 458–59, 510, 538–39

  Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 215

  Armstrong, Anne, 301, 363, 389, 392, 520

  Ashbrook, John, 338

  Associated Press (AP), 34, 50, 98, 124, 127, 141, 149, 161, 302, 366, 374, 392, 408, 479, 484, 547

  Atlantic Monthly, 50

  Atwater, Lee, 174, 197–98

  Austin American-Statesman, 267

  auto industry, 45, 324, 492

  Bachrach, Judy, 295, 406, 555, 593

  Bailey, Doug, 59, 196, 203, 430

  Bailey, John, 428

  Baker, Howard, 36, 143, 604; 1980 presidential election and, 520; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 33, 59, 71–72, 84–85; Arkansas and, 117; Brock and, 279; campaign finance and, 92; Carter briefing books and, 438; Cleveland debate and, 530; Connecticut and, 135; Ford and, 71; health of, 140; Iowa and, 86, 104, 111; Maine and, 72; Maryland and, 191; New Hampshire and, 126, 146–47, 153, 155, 162; Panama Canal treaties and, 27, 32, 59, 227, 251, 306; Reagan, attacks on by, 59; Reagan, endorsement of by, 264; Reagan running mate selection and, 218, 227, 250–51, 301, 306, 319, 329, 335, 350, 352; Reagan transition team and, 594; SALT II and, 59; withdrawal of, 196

  Baker, James A., III, 511, 512; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 18, 514–15; 1978 midterm elections and, 36; 1980 presidential election and, 392, 453, 465, 515; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 34, 36, 38, 39, 70, 141, 179, 184, 189, 257–59, 274, 278; Carter briefing books and, 420, 440, 440–41, 515–16, 607, 609; Casey and, 604; Massachusetts and, 188; media and, 38, 77; New Hampshire and, 115, 149, 150, 154, 159; Reagan running mate choice and, 355, 356; Reagan transition team and, 579; RNC chairmanship and, 18; Rove and, 605; South Carolina and, 92; Texas and, 266–67

  Baker, Joy, 59

  balanced budgets, 2; Carter and, 17; Reagan and, 107, 397, 466–67; Republican Party and, 15

  Baldridge, Malcolm, 222

  Baltimore Sun, 547

  Bandow, Doug, 66, 453–54

  Banister, Diana, 386

  Barbour, Haley, 91

  Barnes, Fred, 547

  Barnhart, Ray, 65

  Barone, Michael, 488–89

  Baroody, William J., 32

  Barrett, Bob, 353

  Barrett, Laurence, 97, 438

  Bates, David, 175, 364

  Bauman, Bob, 373, 491

  Bayh, Birch, 574

  Beard, Robin, 434

  Beckel, Bob, 498, 556

  Bell, Jeff, 69, 74, 138–39, 213, 238, 484, 485

  Bellamy, Carol, 403

  Bergland, Bob, 250, 525

  Bernstein, Leonard, 593

  Bethune, Ed, 329

  Bible, 508, 556

  Biebel, Fred, 222, 267

  “Big Momentum” (“Big Mo”), 107, 115, 116, 129, 165, 186, 222, 298, 300

  Billings, Robert, 473

  Black, Charlie, 27, 49, 55, 81–83, 94, 96, 112, 112–14, 116, 123, 135–37, 138, 147, 148, 150, 151, 164–70, 174, 180–82, 223, 292, 316

  Blackwell, Morton, 151, 308, 603

  Blanton, Ray, 433 Block, Herbert, 504

  Bloomingdale, Alfred, 308

  Blue, Bob, 87

  Bobo, the mechanical monkey, 108–9, 172–73

  Bond, Richard, 56, 70, 96, 104, 294, 605

  Bond, Valerie, 70, 104

  Boone, Pat, 131, 132, 340

  Boston Globe, 71, 120, 144, 146, 183, 188

  Bourne, Peter, 532

  Bouvier, Jacqueline. See Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Bozell, L. Brent, III, 341

  Bradlee, Ben, 428, 432

  Brady, Jim, 243, 327, 390, 528, 567

  Brandon, Henry and Muffie, 580

  Breen, Jon, 135, 150, 151–53, 157, 172

  Brezhnev, Leonid, 80, 206, 518

  Briggs, John, 35

  Briggs Amendment (Proposition 6), 35, 36

  Brinkley, David, 360, 573, 575

  Brock, William, 18, 27, 473, 605; 1980 Republican convention and, 3, 325–26, 388–89; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 279; Election Day 1980 and, 578; Panama Canal treaties and, 27; Reagan running mate selection and, 218, 251; RNC chairmanship and, 18, 179, 280, 296, 314

  Broder, David, 23, 54, 156, 202, 245, 261, 286, 306, 333, 363, 500, 546–47, 610

  Brokaw, Tom, 72, 194, 358, 367, 415, 546, 573, 605, 609

  Brooke, Edward, 521

  Brown, Harold, 395, 462

  Brown, Jerry, 30, 46, 63, 103, 140, 145, 163, 178, 225

  Brown, John Y., 402

  Brown, Pat, 46, 304, 475

  Brown, Phyllis George, 402, 407

  Bruinooge, Thomas, 262

  Bruno, Hal, 367, 573

  Bryan, William Jennings, 120, 360

  Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 137, 395, 415, 439, 576

  Buchanan, Bay, 230

  Buchanan, Pat, 103, 523

  Buckley, Jim, 341 Buckley, Pat, 72

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 24, 26, 72, 99, 169, 338, 339–40, 341, 346–47, 590, 600, 613

  Buckley v. Valeo, 308

  Bulen, Keith, 173, 279

  Bunnell, Cynthia, 339

  Burch, Dean, 71, 391, 453

  bureaucracy, 20, 22, 114, 185–86, 516–17, 567

  Burke, Edmund, 596

  Burke, Richard, 409

  Burns, James MacGregor, 588

  Bush, Barbara, 3, 57, 104, 163, 390, 570, 582

  Bush, Dorothy, 57, 163

  Bush, George H.W., 125; 1976 Republican presidential nomination and, 97–98; 1980 presidential election and, 563; 1980 Republican convention and, 3; 1980 Republican presidential nomination and, 6, 32, 33, 36, 38; abortion and, 397; Alabama and, 160; Arkansas and, 117; campaign finance and, 92, 231; CIA and, 97–98, 153; competence of, 97, 148, 164; Connally and, 56–59, 92; Connecticut and, 121, 133, 134–35, 221–22
; conservatism and, 48–49, 58, 261; debates and, 470; Dole and, 57; Election Day 1980 and, 570, 582; fitness of, 129, 138, 156; Florida and, 85, 121, 160, 176–77, 186–87, 194–95, 200; Ford and, 71; foreign policy and, 128, 331, 448; as front-runner, 110, 139, 155; Georgia and, 160; health of, 140, 204; Illinois and, 205–10, 213–17; Iowa and, 6, 40, 51, 70, 77, 85, 86, 95–96, 100, 103–5, 111; Maine and, 72, 133; Massachusetts and, 121, 133, 183–84, 188–89, 192–93; media and, 164; military service of, 48, 49, 57, 142; Mississippi and, 134; New Hampshire and, 52, 68, 85, 106, 110, 120–21, 128, 141–43, 144–45, 146–55, 156–58, 159–63; New York and, 219–21; North Carolina and, 213; Pennsylvania and, 249–50, 260–63, 262–63; Puerto Rico and, 138; as Reagan running mate, 6–7, 251, 285–86, 301, 306, 319, 330, 331, 346, 350, 356, 358, 359, 364–69, 370–75; Republican Party and, 95, 293–94; résumé of, 48, 102, 129, 164, 278; RNC and, 48, 142; South Carolina and, 92, 160, 179, 182, 197–99, 199; speaking abilities of, 77, 85; staffing and, 38–39; stamina of, 96–97, 173; tax cuts and, 475; Texas and, 265–67, 271–74; Trilateral Commission and, 56, 97, 137–38, 145, 158, 177, 273; Vermont and, 121, 133, 183–84, 188–89, 192–93; Wisconsin and, 230–31, 241–42

  Bush, George W., 3, 7, 70, 97, 267, 273, 587, 589, 596–97, 605

  Bush, Jeb, 32, 57, 70, 85, 104, 208, 294, 376, 595

  Bush, Marvin, 70, 163

  Bush, Neil, 163

  Bush, Prescott, 57, 97, 221

  Bush, Robin, 228

  Butler, Landon, 435

  Byrne, Jane, 194, 211

  Cable News Network. See CNN

  Cable Satellite Public Affairs Network. See C-SPAN


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