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Be Here Now: A Cedar Creek Novel

Page 22

by Julia Goda

  “Let’s watch our son,” Jason said, his voice full of anticipation. Then he sat up and took me with him.

  “It’s fascinating how much he was the perfect blend of you and me.”

  We were still sitting on the floor, now hunched over the computer while we were watching a video of Jesse and Chris and I during a water gun fight at my dad’s July 4th barbeque. Jesse and Chris had snuck up on me with their water guns—not surprising since they were always in cahoots together—and had mercilessly attacked me. But when Chris had me on the ground, Jesse had turned traitor on Chris and protected his mom. He tackled him and emptied his whole water gun in Chris’ face.

  Jason chuckled. “He was protective of you.”

  “Yeah. He was a great kid.”

  “The best.”

  “The best,” I repeated.

  “And we’ll have lots more.”

  I laughed silently. “How many more are we talking?”

  His eyes came from the screen to mine. “At least three.”

  My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “At least? What does that mean?”

  “It means I liked what I saw in those pictures of you pregnant.” His voice was low and full of meaning. His eyes had turned dark and promising.

  Oh my.

  I remember being extremely horny when I was pregnant. Not having a partner to get that type of release with had been more than frustrating. My vibrator had seen a lot of action during those months.

  My eyes glazed over and I licked my lips. It had only been a few hours since we’d last had sex, but I wanted him again. It felt like my body needed to make up for lost time. And I could tell that Jason had the same need. But before either of us could do something about it, my phone rang.

  I jumped and looked at the screen to see who it was.

  “It’s Rick,” I said, puzzled. Jason’s jaw tensed either at the mention of Rick or the interruption, I wasn’t sure, but he gave me a small nod to answer the phone.

  “Rick? What’s up?”

  “You forget something?” He sounded put out. I scowled.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “You forget what happened last night?”

  Oh shit. I had.

  I had been so wrapped up in Jason and Jesse that I had completely forgotten about going into the station to press charges.

  “Ivey came down already to give her statement, but I can’t hold him much longer without yours.”

  Shit again. I hadn’t thought about that.

  My eyes darted to Jason when he made a move to get up, then went to his hand when he held it out for me. He must have heard what Rick said. I took his hand and let him pull me up.

  “I’m sorry, Rick. We’ll be right here. Give us ten minutes.”

  “All right. I’ll be here. Bring coffee.” Then he hung up.

  “He’s not happy that I forgot,” I told Jason. He was pulling me towards the front door.

  “He’ll get over it.” He sounded annoyed.

  “You okay?”

  Jason sighed. He stopped in front of the door and turned to me. His hands clasped my face and he leaned his head down until our foreheads touched.

  “I’m fine. Just annoyed at life interrupting our moment.” He kissed my nose. “I enjoyed our little family bubble.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my lower body into his, keeping our foreheads connected.

  “Me, too. We’ll be a family soon enough and have lots more of those moments, I promise.”

  His lips came to mine where he murmured, “We’re already a family.”

  My heart melted and I surrendered to his kiss.

  We were at the police station. Rick had just told us that it wasn’t likely that Brad would actually stay in jail for much longer.

  “I reckon he’ll get out on bail, so you gotta be careful, Lore.”

  “You telling me she’s in danger from that asshole?” Jason was tense beside me. He had gotten more and more tense by the second as I gave my statement and rehashed the events from last night.

  “She could be. Brad is a proud man and he’s holding a grudge. If you had asked me last week, I wouldn’t have believed he would seek her out with the intent to put his hands on her after what happened last week with me as a witness. It was stupid, but he has proven before that he’s not necessarily the sharpest knife in the drawer. So I want her to be careful just in case.”

  “I’ll be careful,” I said at the same time Jason said, “She’ll be safe. I’ve got my bodyguard fly in this afternoon. He’ll keep an eye on her and so will I.”

  “Good. I’ll keep an eye out, too.”

  Jason didn’t respond.

  This had the potential of turning into yet another pissing contest. I couldn’t blame Jason for wanting to mark his territory so to speak, especially after what had happened last night with Nick, so I decided to not comment and stay out of it other than to squeeze Jason’s hand in reassurance.

  We left shortly after that.

  When we stepped out of the police station, we were greeted by a couple of paparazzi.

  “Remember what I said,” Jason murmured into my ear, “Ignore them. Don’t look at them or answer their questions. Pretend they’re not here.” I nodded. Jason had his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the sidewalk. It was hard not to look when I heard the shutters on their cameras click.

  “I’m starving.”

  I turned my head and looked at Jason’s profile as we kept walking. He met my eyes and grinned.

  “I could cook us lunch, but we don’t have any food in the house. We’d have to stop at the grocery store before we head home.”

  “How about I take my fiancée to lunch?”

  I smiled at him, loving it when he called me his fiancée. Judging by the huge grin on his face, he loved it just as much.

  “Your fiancée would love that.”

  “Then lunch it is.” He gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Where to?”

  “Have you tried the shakes at the diner yet?”

  Jason shook his head, smirking. “Nope.”

  “Then let’s go there. You’ll love them. Tom’s got all the flavours you could possibly imagine and you can mix and match as many as you want.” Jason chuckled at my excitement and kissed me again.

  “They’ve got all the flavours you could possibly imagine and you pick chocolate?” Jason sounded amused but not surprised.

  “Double chocolate. But what can I say? I’m a sucker for anything chocolate.”

  “I remember,” he muttered as he perused the menu.

  “All right, folks, what can I get you today?” Martha was standing beside the table, pen at the ready.

  “I’ll have the double chocolate shake and a burger with fries.”

  “Ever thought of mixing it up a bit, darling? Maybe try something new?” Martha asked dryly. Jason chuckled.

  “Nope,” I said. “I like what I like.”

  “Ain’t that the truth?” She murmured through a small smile then looked at Jason and waited for his order.

  “I’ll try the strawberry banana shake and the BLT, heavy on the B.” Jason said.

  “Coming right up.” Martha took our menus and headed towards the counter.

  “I want you to come with me this afternoon.”

  I frowned at him in confusion. “Come with you where?”

  “To pick up Frank from the airport.”

  Ah. Frank, the bodyguard. “What airport?”

  “He’s flying into Denver. There wasn’t a flight open to Boulder until tomorrow and I wanted him here as soon as possible.” Denver was almost a two-hour drive away, which would make it a trip of at least four hours if it wasn’t busy at the airport.

  “I’d love to come with you but I’ve got to catch up on all the paperwork. I didn’t really get much done this week.” Jason didn’t like that. “I’ll be okay, Jason. Brad is still in jail and I’ll be safe in my office. Mark is gonna be there, too. It’ll be okay.” Jason sighed. He still didn’t like it but
he was giving in.

  “When do you have to leave?” I asked.

  “In about an hour. I’ll walk you to the bar from here. Do you mind if I take your car?” My girl was still at the bar from last night. We hadn’t gotten around to picking her up yet.

  I shrugged. “Sure. I don’t mind.” I wouldn’t need it anyway.

  “Promise me you’ll stay inside the bar. I don’t want you alone with those weasels.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I promise.”

  Jason glared at me. “I mean it, Loreley. They can be mean motherfuckers and I don’t want you alone with them.”

  “I know. You’ve said that already. Though honestly, I don’t know what the big deal is. Yeah, I was a little overwhelmed at first last night, but I think I can handle ignoring them when you’re not around, now that I know what I’m dealing with.”

  “I’m not doubting you can. I don’t want you to have to.”

  Luckily, Martha came with our milk shakes and we dropped the subject.

  Chapter 15


  “Yo Lore!”

  I lifted my head from the computer screen where I was finishing up the schedule for the coming week at hearing Mark’s call. I had caught up on all the paperwork that had accumulated over the past week. Writing up the new schedule was the last thing on my list. Jason had been gone for almost five hours now and should be back soon. Mark appeared in the door. “Someone’s here to see you.”

  I frowned. “Who?” I didn’t have any appointments or meetings today. Mark shrugged his shoulders. “No clue. She didn’t say.” He turned around and headed back the way he came without saying anything else. I looked back at the screen to quickly finish the schedule and smiled to myself. Jason would be pleased. I had decided to take a little break and only schedule myself in when nobody else was available, giving me most of the week off. I couldn’t wait to spend time with each other to catch up and just be together.

  I printed off a copy and tacked it to the board before I switched the computer off and left the office, locking the door behind me.

  When I turned into the bar, I saw Mark talking to a pretty blonde. He was leaning on his elbows on the counter and flirting his face off. I shook my head and smiled. Mark loved all women and never hesitated to make that obvious. They never admitted to it, but I knew that he and Chris had a little competition going about who could bag women the fastest. It was disgusting, but I couldn’t help but be amused at how they all threw themselves at the two men even though they knew the score. This one though didn’t seem to be interested in Mark’s advances at all. She looked bored and annoyed as she sat on the stool in front of him and tapped her manicured fingernails against the wood of the bar. I couldn’t say why but I instantly disliked her. It could be the way she was made up with her blond hair curled to perfection and her face smothered in make-up, or maybe it was the snarky and uppity expression she had on her face. Whatever it was, she seemed like an arrogant bitch.

  I looked away from her and scanned the room, trying to figure out who it was that needed to see me. It was still early, especially for a Sunday, but there were a few people already milling about, chatting over a bottle of beer. Nobody seemed to be waiting for me though.

  “Hey Mark, who was it you said wanted to see me?” I turned my eyes back to him and saw that the blonde was now looking at me. She was studying me from top to bottom with a sneer on her face.

  What the hell was her problem?

  I ignored her and fixed my eyes on Mark. He tilted his head and jerked his chin in the direction of the blonde, indicating it was she who was waiting for me. “This beautiful and charming young lady asked to speak to you.” I raised my eyebrows in disbelief, not only at Mark calling her charming and a lady when anyone with eyes could see that she was anything but, but also in confusion as to why she would want to talk to me. I didn’t think she was looking for a job and even if she were, I would never consider hiring her. She had bitch written all over her and would undoubtedly cause more trouble than she was worth.

  I walked behind the bar to stand beside Mark and faced her. She was still looking at me with that sneer on her face, but there was also a small smug smile tugging at the corners of her lips that I did not like.

  “What can I do for you?” I asked as politely as I could, which wasn’t very polite at all.

  “I don’t get it,” she murmured as if talking to herself while she looked me up and down once more.

  “You don’t get what?” I really didn’t like her and the way she eyed me. She met my eyes. They were filled with hatred and bitterness. I flinched involuntarily.

  “I’m not really here for you. I’m here for Jason.”

  I stiffened at her mention of Jason. Did he know her? Had he been with her? The way she eyed me certainly made it seem like he had. She was still studying me as if she was scoping out her competition.

  “If you need to speak to Jason, then why did you ask for me? Why come here?”

  She shrugged her bony shoulders. “I was curious.”

  “Curious about what?” I prompted when she just kept looking at me down her nose without saying more. I could imagine what she was curious about, but for some twisted reason, I wanted to hear her say it.

  “Curious as to why he left L.A. in such a rush. I have to say, I’m disappointed. How he can go from someone like me to someone like you in less than two weeks is beyond me.”

  My heart dropped and my stomach twisted. Her words confirmed it. Jason had been with this woman and the way she made it sound, it had been for more than just a one-night stand. She talked and behaved like the scorned ex-girlfriend who wouldn’t go down without a fight. I took a deep breath through my nose and told myself to calm down, to tamp down the jealousy that was slicing through my body like a hot vice. Jason had said that none of the women he had been with meant anything to him; that he had been in love with me this whole time. I was the only one who had ever been his girlfriend, the only one he had ever spent the night with and woken up with. And I believed him.

  I lifted my chin and gave her a dismissive look. “Well, you can leave now that your curiosity is satisfied. Jason isn’t here.” I said through clenched teeth. I wanted this woman gone. I knew she was no threat to me. Still, knowing Jason had had sex with other women was one thing, but seeing one of them face to face and having to talk to her was another. It hurt like a bitch and was shredding me on the inside, but there was no way I was going to let her see my inner turmoil. So I locked my face into what I hoped was an impassive expression and held her eyes.

  “But he’ll be back, won’t he?” I didn’t say anything, couldn’t say anything for fear of either taking a lunge and bitch slap her or letting my hurt get the better of me and let the tears I could feel at the back of my eyes come out—and I would not give her that satisfaction. “He’ll be back soon enough. And I’ll be waiting right here.”

  Oh, no.

  She was not waiting here. And I wasn’t going to watch while she threw herself at my man, which I knew without a doubt was her intention. I wouldn’t be able to control myself.

  “You want to talk to Jason, you can wait for him outside.”

  She smiled that knowing little smug smile at me that I did not like and made my stomach clench in foreboding. “You’re not going to kick me out.” She sounded sure. Too sure.

  “I’m not?” I asked sarcastically, my eyebrows raised.


  “And why is that?” I really didn’t want to know the answer to that but I wouldn’t give her the pleasure of backing down.

  Her smile widened and I stiffened further. “Because if you do, I will find someone who will be more than happy to break the story of how the famous rock god Jason Sanders got me pregnant.”

  My whole body locked in shock and hurt. My heart stopped beating and my stomach dropped. I couldn’t breathe. The word pregnant was repeating itself over and over in my head, ripping me apart. I stood, unable to move or say anything, and watched as she
rummaged through her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. She laid it on the bar in front of me and I knew immediately what it was.

  It was proof.

  An ultrasound picture.

  I couldn’t look at it, couldn’t look at the baby that was Jason’s but not mine.

  I started swaying and had to put a hand out to catch the edge of the bar so I wouldn’t fall. Someone grabbed my arm and said my name, but I couldn’t place who it was. My mind was consumed with the knowledge that Jason was going to have a baby with someone else. The bar door opened and I immediately caught Jason’s eyes as he walked in. His were smiling but turned into worried and alarmed the instant he took me in. Before I could blink, he was behind the bar and I was in his arms.

  “Loreley? Baby, what’s the matter?”

  The arms that only a few hours ago had given me love and comfort and safety now felt constricting and suffocating, so I pushed him away and took a step back.

  “What—” Jason asked, confused. I saw his blurry body step toward me as tears were running down my face.

  “Well, well, well,” I heard the bitch taunt. I kept my eyes on Jason. I couldn’t look at the woman who was going to share her future with Jason, who was going to be bound to him for the rest of his life. I was going to lose him. As soon as he found out he was going to be a father, he would walk away from me to be with his child’s mother. He had lost out on Jesse. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Jason’s head whipped around to her and I saw recognition and horror hit his face.

  Oh God. It was true. He knew her.

  “What are you doing here?” He sounded angry. “I told you I wouldn’t talk to you unless my lawyer was present.”


  “Well, I couldn’t let you shack it up with your old flame while I carried your baby, now could I?” She sounded like Jason already knew she was pregnant.

  “You fucking bitch!”

  “You knew?” My voice sounded croaky and was little more than a whisper, but Jason heard me. His head whipped back to me, his eyes softening.

  “Loreley, baby—”

  “You already knew she was pregnant?” My voice was getting stronger, since with the realization that he had known and hadn’t told me came my anger.


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