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Dark Operative_A Glimmer of Hope

Page 8

by I. T. Lucas

  The problem was that to stop now, even for the couple of seconds it would take to sheath himself in a condom, was out of the question. Maybe he could ignore Julian’s advice?

  Just this once?

  No. Julian was right. It would be wrong to induce Sharon’s transition without letting her know what was going on. It was different when he hadn’t known there was an alternative, but now he couldn’t use ignorance as an excuse.

  Mind over body. He could do that.

  Spearing two fingers inside her, he closed his lips on the most sensitive part of Sharon’s body and sucked in gently. The eruption that followed was like a mini earthquake, the epicenter of which was right there between his lips. Sucking and pumping with his fingers, he prolonged it until Sharon pushed on his head to stop him.

  “No more. I can’t.”

  He lifted his head and kissed the top of her mound. The feeling of gratitude and satisfaction swelling inside him was mostly about the pleasure he’d given Sharon. But a small part was about the strength of his restraint. It had taken a Herculean effort, but he somehow made it without coming in his pants.

  Sharon caressed his head, then cupped his cheeks. “I knew you’d be good, but I didn’t expect this. You blew my mind.”

  Chapter 18: Sharon

  Hello, Robert.

  Wow. Talk about blown preconceptions.

  Sharon thought herself an excellent judge of character. In fact, she was never wrong in her initial assessment of people. But she’d been wrong about Robert.

  Either that or lust had overridden his reserved and careful attitude, making him into one hell of a lover.

  First times were never like that.

  Heck, she’d been with plenty of men and had experienced everything from those who were awkward and timid and needed her to tell them exactly what to do, to those who thought that they were all that but had ultimately come up short.

  Neither was satisfying.

  Accepting that the perfect lover didn’t exist, she’d convinced herself that this was as good as it was going to get.


  Robert’s approach was perfectly balanced—hot male dominance that was still considerate and didn’t take anything for granted.

  It was as if he was reading her mind.

  He’d asserted his will, which was totally unexpected, but hadn’t forced it. By going slow, he’d given her the option to refuse or redirect. Sharon didn’t doubt for a moment that he would have obeyed her wishes without hesitation and without the disgruntled attitude guys usually threw at her when she didn’t want to do things their way.

  Robert was the best… and he was tearing the third condom wrapper. The sounds she’d been hearing finally pierced through her hazy, dreamy state.

  He’d either gotten a defective batch or was having trouble putting the condom on. Sometimes when a guy was too eager, he became clumsy, and the thing tore.

  Feeling for him with her hand, she found Robert sitting on the bed with his back to her. “Do you need help with that?”

  It was too dark for her to see, but she felt his back muscles contract as he turned her way. “They keep tearing.”

  “Let me do it.” She lifted up to her knees and hugged him from behind. “May I?” She put her palm out, at the same time finding his hard shaft and giving it a little up and down caress.

  It was a shame the room was so dark that she couldn’t see anything. Given how the smooth, hot flesh pulsing in her hand felt, it must’ve looked magnificent. Maybe next time. It seemed Robert was still a little shy despite his display of assertiveness.

  He tore another wrapper and put the condom in her palm. As she rolled it on him, it was obvious that there was nothing wrong with the condom. Robert must have been nervous.

  Or could it be that he was out of practice? He sure knew what to do as far as pleasuring her, though.

  “It looked so easy when you did it.” He sounded embarrassed.

  She kissed his shoulder. “I already had my orgasm, so I wasn’t as impatient.”

  He turned around and threaded his fingers through her long hair, cupping the back of her skull before smashing his lips over hers.

  Yeah, definitely impatient.

  A moment later, her dress that was still bunched up around her middle got pulled over her head and tossed away, her bra joining it a second later. Evidently, lust impaired Robert’s dexterity only when dealing with rubbers, it didn’t affect it as far as getting rid of clothing went.

  With one gentle push, he lowered her onto her back and got on top of her. It felt so good, having his big male body blanketing hers. He wasn’t too heavy, only substantial, and every part of him that touched hers was muscled and smooth. The only hair she’d felt on his torso was a light smattering between his pectorals and a delish goodie trail.

  Cupping both her cheeks in his large hands, he kissed her, gently at first, just a little nibbling on her lips, but soon his talented tongue was making love to her mouth the same way she wanted the hard length wedged between her thighs to do below.

  Why was he waiting?

  Wasn’t he desperate to be inside her?

  Because she sure was. She’d been waiting for this moment for so long the anticipation was already too much.

  He was so much taller than her that she had to stretch her arms to reach his ass. As soon as she got a good grip, she sank her fingernails into the solid flesh and arched up, rubbing her needy center against his hardness.

  Robert groaned, lifting just enough to reach between them and guide himself inside her.

  Bracing, Sharon closed her eyes, but the hard thrust she’d anticipated didn’t come. Robert inched into her as slowly and as carefully as if she was a virgin.

  Should she tell him she’d given away her virginity years ago and had never looked back?

  The snarky side of her wanted to do just that, but she bit her tongue. Not only would it have been offensive, but the truth was that she was starting to feel a slight burn as he stretched her.

  Apparently, after several weeks without sex, she was back to an almost virginal state. Or maybe Robert was thicker than what she was used to.

  He was certainly longer.

  As he reached the end of her channel, she had to lift her legs and spread them wider for him to fit all of that inside her. And she wasn’t a small woman.

  As he kissed her again, the drop of sweat that landed on her forehead revealed how hard he was straining to hold back.

  But why?

  She was drenched and more than ready for him. “What are you waiting for?” The question left her mouth before she could put a lid on it.

  “Patience, my sweet. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  “Patience,” he repeated, pulling out a few inches and pushing back.

  “That’s good.” At least he was moving.

  He thrust again, harder this time, then pulled all the way out and surged back in.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s it, baby.” She clasped those broad shoulders of his, ready to hold on tight as he pounded into her.

  Her words acted as scissors, snapping the line that had tethered Robert’s natural instincts to his formidable will, and he went all out.

  She wanted a pounding, and she was getting one hell of one. Clutching Robert’s shoulders, Sharon tried to meet his hard thrusts with her own, but pretty soon it became obvious that all she could do was hang on for dear life and take the pounding because she was no match for his size and his strength.

  Getting taken like that was hotter than hot. But only by Robert. On some subconscious level, she knew that he was the only man she would ever trust to possess her like that—the only one she would enjoy letting go with and not feel threatened by the potential destructive power of her own lust.

  Chapter 19: Robert

  He bit her when she came again.

  Robert had wanted to save it for another round, but the impulse had been too strong.

  Sharon cried out, fighting
his hold on her, but a moment later, as the euphoria hit, all the fight left her. His own climax went on and on, spilling his essence into the condom until he was sure it overflowed the rubber’s capacity.

  Orgasming again, Sharon milked the last drops out of him and then passed out with a blissful expression on her face.

  For a few moments, he stared at her peaceful face, admiring her flushed cheeks, the long lashes fanning over them, and the lips that were still swollen and red from their kisses. She was so beautiful.

  With a sigh, Robert retracted carefully, remembering at the last moment to hold on to the condom as he did. Tying it off, he padded to the bathroom where he dumped it into the trashcan. Collecting several washcloths, he wet them with warm water before going back to the bedroom.

  Sharon was still passed out, not moving a muscle when he cleaned her and then covered her with the blanket. When he returned from the bathroom after tossing the washcloths in the laundry bin, she was still sleeping.

  As he examined her neck, he was glad to see that the bite marks were gone already. She should be waking soon. In the meantime, he could watch her for a little longer, memorizing every little freckle on her beautiful face. He didn’t want to forget anything about this. About her.

  Tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that, she might decide he wasn’t the one for her and leave. But at least he’d have her features memorized for eternity.

  There was a concentration of freckles on the bridge of her nose, shaped like a crescent moon, and a few others dotted the creamy-smooth skin of her flushed cheeks. Her lips were parted a little, revealing a hint of white teeth.

  Robert freed a long strand of hair from under her arm and wound it around his finger. It was thick and yet soft to the touch, the deep brown interwoven with a more reddish color—chestnut he believed it was called.

  Her beauty wasn’t stunning like Amanda’s, or tempting and alluring in its fake cherubic innocence like Carol’s, but he could stare at her face forever.

  Was she going to stay asleep until morning?

  He hoped she would. Maybe she’d think she’d dreamt the bite and he wouldn't have to thrall her. Spending the night with her in his arms would be the perfect ending to their perfect date.

  Gently lifting the blanket, Robert joined Sharon under the covers, pulled her into his arms, and repositioned her head, so it rested on his pectoral.


  Sleeping was not on the agenda for him. He planned on staying awake, watching his beauty, and savoring every moment she let him hold her close.

  She shifted, making herself more comfortable by dropping an arm around his middle and a leg over his.

  Several long minutes passed before her eyelids fluttered open.

  “Hi,” he said. It was lame, but he didn’t know what else to say.

  “Back to you.” The hand on his torso started moving in slow circles.

  “Are you okay?” Another lame thing to say, but he needed to find out if she remembered the bite and if he needed to thrall her.

  “I’m awesome.” Her other hand reached for the spot where his fangs pierced her skin, two fingers checking the skin. When she found nothing, Sharon shrugged. “Weird-ass dream.”

  Robert closed his eyes and let out a breath.

  “I want to ask you something,” she said.

  He tensed. She was going to ask if he’d bitten her. “Yes?”

  “Would you marry me?”

  The girl was still high on endorphins. “Ask me when you’re sober. You’re not thinking straight.”

  “I’m not drunk. I hardly had anything to drink at dinner.” She looked up at him with her big hazel eyes. “I wanted to be sober for this, and I’m glad I was. You’re the best lover I ever had.”

  “You’re high on endorphins. Orgasms have that effect.”

  She chuckled. “That’s why I want to marry you, silly. I want orgasms like that every night for the rest of my life. And sleeping in your arms is a nice bonus.” She wiggled closer and put her head on his chest. “You smell so good.”

  He was still trying to come up with something to say when the hand on his middle went limp, and her breaths became deep and even.

  It was a shame Sharon would remember none of that in the morning, and if she did, she would think she’d dreamt it. Nevertheless, he would cherish the memory of her proposal forever. It was the closest he’d get to being loved.

  Chapter 20: Bridget

  “Who is flying the plane?” Bridget asked as soon as she and Turner boarded the clan’s private jet.

  “I think it’s Charlie,” Syssi said.

  “Ugh, I hoped it was Morris.”

  “Charles is a fine pilot.” Kian dismissed Bridget’s concerns. “We are not going on a military mission. Charles is good enough to fly us for a family vacation.”

  Bridget crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t care what you say, I still prefer Morris. Charlie thinks he is still a teenager. Would you want a teenager to drive your limousine? I think not.”

  Anandur tapped her shoulder. “The young are better trained. I prefer a teenager who spends most of his days playing video games to fly the plane to some old timer who reads books about aerial battles.”

  Bridget rolled her eyes. “That’s nonsense. It might be true for humans, but not for immortals. We don’t lose our reflexes over time because our bodies don’t age.”

  “I was thinking of taking a ballet class,” Callie said from behind her. “Before my transition, I thought I was too old to start, but if what you’re saying is true, I can take it up at any age.”

  “Go for it, girl.” Bridget high-fived her.

  “I will. I’m so excited about Hawaii. It’s my first time going.”

  Syssi looked apologetic. “It’s a shame Brundar is going to be on guard duty, but you can hang out with us. Knowing Kian, he’ll be working most of the time anyway. You and I are going to have fun on our own.”

  “I’m just glad to tag along. Brundar and I will go on a vacation together when he can take some time off.”

  Bridget didn’t remember Brundar ever missing more than a day or two of work, but that was before Callie. He wasn’t exactly a changed man, but his life was about more than work now.

  Anandur slapped his brother’s back. “My bro is taking his lady on a romantic getaway.”

  Brundar grunted and flicked Anandur’s hand away.

  Callie laughed. “It’s not like we made actual plans. Brundar is too busy right now.”

  “Not more than usual,” Kian said.

  Charlie poked his head into the cabin. “Buckle up, people, we are taking off.”

  “I’ll probably fall asleep as soon as we are in the air,” Bridget said.

  Turner looked away from the window. “Do you want to lie down? I can move next to Anandur.”

  She shook her head. “No way. This is our first vacation together, and we are going to act like a couple.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her closer. “It’s not exactly a vacation.”

  “Questioning the Russians shouldn’t take too long. We have most of the weekend to ourselves. Is there anything you want to do? Other than sightseeing that is?”

  “Just sightseeing. Parasailing is anticlimactic compared to parachuting, and driving an ATV behind a tour guide is not my definition of fun either.”

  “Do you like swimming?”

  “I do.”

  “Then let's plan on hitting the beach. Sunbathing and swimming sounds heavenly to me.”

  “Add to that a waiter serving margaritas and you have my definition of a dream vacation,” Syssi said, reminding them that their conversation wasn’t private.

  As soon as the plane gathered speed, Bridget felt her eyelids droop. She’d stayed up late last night working on her presentation. So much was riding on it that it needed to be perfect. The problem was that no matter how many times she’d revised it, she wasn’t completely satisfied with the results.

speech needed to be effective, which meant a careful balance. The material needed to tug at the heartstrings but not be so overly dark or dramatic that it would turn people off.

  Immortals, just as humans, tended to shut off when things got too hard for them to process. Except, that might have been true for the females, but not for the males, especially the Guardians.

  The hardened warriors probably needed something more jarring than the rest of the participants of the big assembly. But she couldn’t gear her entire presentation just to them. After all, the clan’s approval of the project was even more important than getting the retired Guardians to come back.

  She needed to test it.

  Maybe she should have Turner, Anandur and Brundar listen to her revised version, and then have Syssi and Callie do so separately. It was a crappy testing method. They might be inclined to say things for her benefit, or their familiarity with the project could influence their reactions. But a double-blind study, the kind they used to test the effects of new drugs, was not possible.

  No wonder she was driving herself crazy. Perhaps Kian had been right. Maybe she wasn’t ready to shoulder that much responsibility. And it didn’t matter that she wasn’t shouldering it alone, or that Turner and Kian’s input had shaped the presentation as much as hers had. Bridget would be the one to stand in front of the entire clan, trying to convince them to shift resources from pushing progress forward to a humanitarian effort.

  There was a nagging suspicion in the back of her mind that she was forgetting a crucial component. But what was it?

  Bridget had spent every available moment examining all the possible angles and deciding which would work best. What else was there?

  The answer came to her out of the blue, just landing in her head as if someone had dropped it there.


  If she could get the goddess’s support, the rest of the clan would fall in line. Why hadn’t Kian thought of that? It seemed like such a natural thing to do. Once the plan had been hatched, it should have been the first item on their agenda.


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