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Inferno: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

Page 4

by Wilder, L

  “So, are you gonna tell me about Mr. Steamy Pants on the motorcycle or not? You know I’m not gonna let it go, so you might as well tell me all about it,” Courtney urged as she gestured over to the bartender.

  “There isn’t much to tell really. He had to meet with me at school when Myles got in that fight in my class last week.”

  “Yeah, you told me about the fight. What happened with his dad? What did he say?”

  “We came up with a deal for Myles to help with the fair, and that’s it. Now, I’ll have one more drink, but that’s it. I’ve gotta drive home tonight.”

  “There’s no way that’s it. There is so much more to it than that. I saw the way you looked at him. You got that dreamy look in your eyes when you saw him. I know you’ve got a thing for him, and you need to do something about it before your girlie parts dry all up and crumble away,” Courtney said emphatically.

  “Yeah, you’re right. I do think he’s good looking in that rough, don’t-bring-him-home-to-momma kind of way. What am I going to do with that? I have two kids to think about, Court.”

  “Well, damn. That’s no fun. Why don’t you just try and live a little? I’m not asking you to marry the dude. Just go have some naughty time with him so you can tell me all about it. I need something to get me through 5th period study hall. You know that class bores me to death,” Courtney said as she ordered their next round of drinks.

  They talked a little longer before they headed back out to the dance floor. Just as Tessa was about to turn to Courtney to tell her she was leaving, she felt a man’s arms slip around her waist. He pulled her in close and began to press himself against her behind. He began to sway to the beat of the music. Courtney was smiling at her with a goofy grin on her face, so she went with it. When the song ended, she turned to him, smiled, and said, “Thanks for the dance, but I’ve gotta head home.” He was handsome and tall with a large athletic build. His green eyes seemed to smile at her as he reached for her hand and gave her a light tug.

  “Aw, don’t be like that. You know you wanna stay. It’s still early, and I still need to buy you a drink,” he said still holding her hand. He gave her a sexy grin encouraging her to stay.

  He couldn’t have been over twenty-five years old, but he was a real charmer. It was a shame she had to turn him down. “I’m sorry, but I really do have to go,” she said pulling her hand from his.

  “Whatever, babe. Your loss,” he sighed as he rolled his eyes and turned to the girl next to her without missing a beat. He began dancing close to the stranger without giving Tessa’s rejection a second thought. His dismissal stung more than she wanted it to. Tessa motioned over to Courtney to let her know that she was leaving, grabbed her purse, and headed to her car.

  Chapter 9


  “This whole thing sucks, Prez. It pisses me off that those motherfuckers didn’t have more respect than they showed last night. There has to be some kind of retribution for that shit. Just tell me what you want me to do,” Renegade said, slamming his beer bottle on the bar.

  “I appreciate it, Renegade, but we need to play it smart. We don’t want to lose more brothers. We’ll set up a meeting with their president. I want you and Goliath to be there. This might get ugly. I need you to be at your best.” Bishop grasped his shoulder as he stood to leave. “I know I can count on you, and I appreciate you coming to me. I need to clear my head. Gonna go take a ride.”

  The barbeque was over, and the party was going strong. The brothers were enjoying their time together drinking and telling stories about Ace by the fire. The music was blaring and the Fallen girls were dancing seductively with each other. Some of the guys began to join them. It wouldn’t be long before they started to take them back to their rooms for the night.

  Bishop needed to break away from things for a while. He needed to get lost in his own thoughts. The pressure of the week and the loss of his friend were getting to him. He needed to feel in control. When he was on his bike, he didn’t have to listen to any more talking or see any more sad faces. He could just break free and watch the world pass him by. He climbed on his bike without a destination in mind, and it didn’t take long for the tension of the day to start slipping away.

  After about an hour of driving, Bishop noticed red blinking hazard lights coming from a car pulled over on the side of the road. As he got closer, he saw that the hood was up and a woman was bent over the engine. He could see the bright light of her phone as she held it out towards the car. His first thought was to just keep driving, but his gut told him to see what he could do to help her.

  He pulled his bike up to the rear of the car and began walking up to the woman. He heard her having one hell of a fit.

  “Well, goddamn it! Stupid car! Now what am I going to do? Shit! Shit! Shit!” she yelled as she started kicking the fender. “This is the last damn thing I need in the middle of the freaking night!” She never even noticed him walking up. As he got closer, he tried not to startle her.

  “Umm, excuse me, Miss? You need some help?” he asked. When she peeked around the hood of the car, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Myles’s teacher stood there looking hot as hell. She had obviously been out for the night in her tight jeans and sexy tank that showed off her awesome tits. He was surprised at the twinge of jealousy he felt.

  “Mr. Bishop? Oh my god! I didn’t even hear you come up. This piece of junk just died on me. You own a repair shop, don’t you? Would you mind looking at it? I have no idea what’s wrong with it,” she asked with her hand on her hip.

  He held up his hand to stop her. “Enough with the Mr. It’s Bishop. Just Bishop,” he said firmly. “Now, what’s up with your car?”

  “Well, Bishop,” Tessa said. Even under these circumstances she couldn’t hold back her smile. “I was driving home and all the lights went out. Everything just shut down. No lights. No radio. The damn thing just died. It won’t start back up, and it makes this weird ticking sound when I turn the key.”

  He climbed in the front seat and turned the key, and she was right. It looked like the battery was dead. He got out and checked all of her cables.

  “It looks like your alternator has gone out. Your battery is completely dead. Sorry, but it’s not going anywhere tonight. I can give you a lift home and have one of my guys fix it in the morning if you want,” he offered. He was hoping she would say yes. He’d like to have her up close to him tonight even if it was just for a ride on his bike.

  “That would be great. I’m sorry for the trouble, Bishop. I really appreciate it.” She watched him close the hood of her car. They grabbed her things and locked it up before heading to the bike. Bishop stowed her stuff and helped her onto the bike.

  “Ummm, but… I’ve never been on a motorcycle before, Bishop.”

  “Nothing to it, Teach. Just hold on and lean with the turns. I’m sure you’re a natural.” He guided her hands around his waist and said, “Hold on tight. Don’t be nervous. I’ll go slow since this is your first time. Now, where are we headed?”

  “I’m about six miles down on your right. Turn on Antioch Lane. It’s a brick house down by the lake. And don’t go too slow. I’ve been wanting to take a ride for a while now,” she said with a smile.

  Her perfume filled the air as they took off on the main road. Her grip tightened as he increased the speed, and he could hear her laugh from time to time as they passed cars along the way. Her body fit perfectly next to his, and she quickly fell into the rhythm of the ride. He was right; she was a natural. She felt good on his bike. He liked having her there.

  She had a nice place. The brick house had a wrap-around front porch with a white swing and a great view of the lake. He pulled into her driveway and helped her get off the bike.

  “That was incredible! I’ve always been so scared of motorcycles. I never dreamed I would actually ride one. I loved it. Thanks so much for bringing me home and helping me out,” she said bashfully.

  “No problem. We’ll have to do it again sometime.”

  “Would you like to come up for a drink? My kids are at my mother’s, so we can sit out on the porch and have a beer if you have time.”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. I’d like that.”

  He followed her up onto the porch and watched her go in the house. He decided to just wait for her outside. She quickly returned with two cold beers in her hands. She smiled up at him, handed him a beer, and motioned for him to sit with her on the swing.

  “You have a really nice place here. Great view of the lake.”

  “This used to be my parents’ place. They sold it to me after my divorce. It’s been great for the kids. They love to fish and swim out by the dock, but I’m partial to the porch and this swing. I love to sit out here at night and just have some time to myself,” she replied thoughtfully.

  “When did you get divorced?”

  “It was about two years ago, but things weren’t very good from the start. Steven was never really happy, and I just finally gave up trying. I think it was the best thing for all of us.”

  “Must be hard to start over somewhere new all by yourself.”

  “Actually, it’s been pretty great. I love my job, and my kids are awesome. It’s been a fresh start for all of us. We’re meeting new people every day, and this feels like home to us now. Moving here was the best decision I’ve ever made,” she said as she took a drink from her beer. “So, tell me a little about yourself. I know about Myles, and he’s a great kid, but there has to be more to your story.”

  “Basic stuff, I guess. I’m a single dad. Myles’s mother died several years ago, so I’ve been raising him on my own. I’m lucky to have my club though. They’re our family and help out whenever I need them. I run a motorcycle shop in town that does really well. I’ve got it pretty good I guess.”

  “Sorry to hear about Myles’s mother. That had to be tough on you both.”

  “Yes and no. She was never happy with us. She got pregnant when we’d just started dating. She really just wanted to get away from her parents. She moved into the clubhouse when he was born, but she left when Myles was four. She was into drugs and slept around…. Honestly, I was glad to see her go.”

  Bishop paused and seemed lost in his thoughts for a moment before he continued. “She came back later trying to fix things with us, but she was a mess. She couldn’t break free from the drugs, and eventually it caught up with her. I hated it for Myles, but she wasn’t a great love lost for me.”

  “Well, I’m glad you have your club and Myles. Everyone needs something they’re passionate about,” she said as her hand reached over and covered his. “Myles is a great kid. He’s lucky to have you in his life. I was wondering…do you ever get a chance to really talk to him?”

  “What do you mean? I talk to him all the time. The kid never stops talking.”

  “I don’t know. He seems so happy one minute, and then something sets him off and he loses his temper. Sometimes he seems so withdrawn in class, like he has a lot on his mind. I was just wondering if you had any idea why.”

  “I guess he’s like his dad,” Bishop shrugged.

  “I think there may be more to it than that,” Tessa said apprehensively. “Have you considered letting him talk to someone? Maybe talking to a counselor would help.”

  Bishop stood up quickly as his body filled with tension. “You’re kidding me, right? All boys get pissed off about one thing or another. Myles is no different than any other kid!” Bishop shouted, turning to leave.

  “Wait! You’re taking this the wrong way,” Tessa shouted with concern in her voice. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up like this. Myles is such a great kid, and I was only trying to help him. I don’t know what I was thinking. Really. I’m just worried about him.”

  Tessa reached out and grabbed his arm and said, “Please, don’t go.” Her face pleaded with him to understand.

  He immediately felt a loss of self-control. She looked so beautiful at that moment, and he just couldn’t help himself. The day that had been filled with so many emotions finally caught up with him, and she was his escape. He took a step toward her and slid his arm behind her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her body fit perfectly against his tall frame. He placed his hand against the brick wall behind her and leaned in close. He spoke quietly, his warm breath near her ear. “I get it. You’re right. I’m worried about him, too. I like that you care about my kid.”

  He moved his lips closer to her earlobe as he said, “I also like how your arms felt around me when you were on the back of my bike. And I like how I haven’t been able to get you and those damn skirts out of my head. Now,” he continued as he moved his body closer to her, “I’m about to kiss you. I’ve wanted to taste those lips since that first day in your classroom, and I’m tired of waiting.” The grit of the brick marked his hand as he leaned in and claimed her mouth. She pressed her breasts against his chest and submitted to the kiss. The taste of the beer still clung to her lips, and the smell of her strawberry shampoo had him reaching for her hair. When her tongue met his, it sent a shock straight to his cock. He couldn’t help the growing bulge in his jeans. This woman had him twisted in knots. Her body was made for his, and he couldn’t get enough.

  When she noticed his arousal, she quickly pulled away from him. She placed her hand on his chest and said, “We need to stop, Bishop. There are so many reasons why this is wrong.”

  He stepped closer, closing the gap she created. “I know you feel just how right this is.”

  Her hands quickly swept across the back of his neck. She pulled him in closer as she whispered, “I don’t want to feel it, but I do.” She gently ran her fingers through the back of his hair as she began kissing him again. She moved her body closer as she moaned into the kiss and his knee pressed between her legs. His hand was cupping her breast, when his cell phone rang. He ignored it and continued rubbing his thumb over her taut nipple. She arched her back towards him as he began to pull the strap of her tank down her shoulder. He had just started to kiss and suck the curve of her neck when his phone began ringing again. He groaned loudly as he pulled away from her body. “Goddamn it!”

  He looked up at Tessa as she gave him a frustrated look. “Sorry, but I gotta take this call. It’s late, and something might be up with one of the brothers.” When he checked his phone, he saw that it was Goliath calling. “This better be good, man!”

  “We need ya back at the clubhouse. Get back here as soon as you can,” Goliath said.

  “On my way,” Bishop told him as he thrust his phone into his pocket. His fiery eyes locked on Tessa’s. “I hate to leave you like this, but something is going down at the clubhouse that I have to take care of. I’ll have one of my guys take care of your car first thing in the morning. Get some rest, and I’ll be in touch.” He gave her one more kiss, slow and hungry, and then left for the clubhouse.

  Chapter 10


  Tessa gathered the empty beer bottles from the porch and headed into the house. The past few minutes were still replaying in her head. As she made her way into the kitchen, her mind kept wandering back to how good his mouth felt on hers. It amazed her how quickly things had become so heated between them.

  She still felt the warmth of his body on her skin as she entered her bedroom. As she brought her fingers to her lips, she noticed they were slightly swollen, and she smiled. She could still smell a hint of Bishop’s cologne surrounding her, and she hesitated to change into her pajamas. Just having his scent around her made their time together linger just a bit longer.

  She slowly slipped into her camisole and silk shorts wishing that he hadn’t been called away so soon. It had been such a long time since she had been with anyone. She hadn’t even really been kissed like that since her divorce. Tonight, she couldn’t imagine ever wanting a kiss more, and she was disappointed that it had ended so abruptly. Her thoughts led her to worry about what might have been wrong. She began to wonder what kind of things actually happened at his clubhouse, and what could have been so
important that he would have to leave so quickly. What do these motorcycle guys do anyway and why do grown men need a club?

  She finally got herself settled in bed when her phone rang. She figured it was Courtney calling her back.

  “Hey, Tess, you okay? I saw that you called my phone like twenty times earlier tonight. I tried calling you back, and you didn’t answer. Then, on my way home I saw your car on the side of the road. What the hell? Are you alright? Did you make it home okay? Do you need me?” Courtney asked frantically.

  “Courtney, I’m fine. Chill out. I had to get a ride when my car broke down on my way home. The battery died just after I left Matt’s, and I had to leave it on the side of the road. I tried calling you first. When you didn’t answer, I figured you just couldn’t hear the phone ringing at the bar.”

  “Well, that sucks monkey balls! I bet you were freaking out. You could’ve been out there all night by yourself. That’s why we just need to ride together, Tess. From now on, you’re riding with me when we go out. Wait!… How did you get home?”

  “Bishop,” Tessa said as a large smile spread across her face. She couldn’t help but think of their kiss when she said his name.

  “Oh my god! You’re shitting me! You know this has to be fate or something. My 5th period daydreams just got a whole lot more interesting. Did he take you home on his motorcycle? I’m totally jealous right now! I wish I’d been there just to see it. Well? Spill it already!”


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