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Inferno: A Devil Chaser's MC Romance

Page 8

by Wilder, L

  As they crossed the Paris Landing Bridge, she was astounded by the absolute beauty of the night. All of the stars seemed brighter under the darkness of the night. The reflection of the moon bounced across the water. It was absolutely breathtaking.

  Bishop pulled into the boat dock and cut the engine. He got off the bike and took her hand. “Let’s go for a walk.”

  She followed him over to a bench facing the water. She felt so comfortable just being there with him, holding his hand. Without thinking, she nestled into the crook of his arm. He was still quiet, but she wasn’t bothered by his silence. She looked around at all the boats at the dock. She was amazed by the size of several of the larger houseboats. They must have cost a fortune and seemed so out of place here in their small town. They were beautiful nonetheless.

  Tessa asked Bishop, “Do you have a boat? These houseboats are out of this world. I can’t imagine who could afford something like this. Must be nice to have that kind of money.”

  “Yeah, we have a ski boat, but nothing like these. We haven’t been out on the water lately. I’ve just been too busy with club stuff to take it out on the water. Maybe we can take the kids for a ride sometime soon before it gets too cold.”

  “They would love that. My parents have a pontoon boat, but they don’t get it out much anymore. It’s harder for them now that they are older. My brother, Sam, and I loved to come visit here in the summer. We would spend every day out on the water. We used to be really close…. I miss spending time with him.”

  “What happened? Why don’t you see him anymore?”

  “We grew apart back when we were younger. He started getting into trouble when he turned eighteen, and even got arrested a couple of times. After I had the kids, he slowly stopped coming around. I’m pretty sure he was dealing drugs the last time I saw him. I haven’t heard from him in years. Mom has been heartbroken about it, but my dad still believes he’ll come back around one day.”

  “Stranger things have happened.”

  Bishop pulled her closer as they continued to sit quietly, looking at the boats. They were enjoying the comfortable silence when Bishop’s phone began to make a strange buzzing sound. It reminded her of the alarms they had at school for fire drills.

  He quickly removed it from his pocket and panic spread across his face. “I gotta get back. There’s a fire at the garage.”

  They quickly made their way back to his bike. Before he pulled out, he punched several numbers on his phone, and shouted, “You at the garage? Good. Is everyone alright?” He paused before he said, “I’ll drop Tessa off and get there as fast as I can. Any idea how it got started?” He paused briefly before saying, “Well, fuck. Get Bobby on it. I’m on my way.”

  As they raced away from the dock and entered the highway, Tessa held on tightly to Bishop’s waist. The muscles in his body were tense as he sped across the highway. He didn’t speak as Tessa tried to keep her focus on holding on. When he pulled into her driveway, she hopped off the bike as quickly as she could.

  “I hope everything is okay,” Tessa said backing away from his bike.

  “It’ll be fine. Keep your phone with you. I’ll text you when I know more about what’s going on.” He pulled her over to him and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

  Courtney was waiting at the door when Tessa made her way to the porch. “Whoa, where’s the fire?” Courtney chuckled as she listened to Bishop’s bike roar as he sped away. “You okay? It’s late, but not late enough.”

  “I’m fine. Actually, there’s a fire at his clubhouse. His phone had some alarm on it that let him know there was something wrong, and he had to get back to make sure everyone was alright,” Tessa told her with concern in her voice.

  “Wow, that’s crazy! Well… I’m sure it’ll be fine,” she continued, trying to comfort Tessa. “It’s cool that his phone could let him know that there was a fire. It’s amazing what those things can do now. I heard they have stuff like GPS’s to locate you just by your cell number. You know you can actually track your kids with those things. They’d never even know you were doing it. I would have never survived high school if my mother knew how to track me. It kinda freaks me out.”

  “I just hope everything is okay. He looked really worried.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll be able to put the fire out. You know how crafty men can be. How ‘bout a beer while you tell me about the date? The kids seemed to have a really good time at the game. Izzie has been telling me all about it. I think she really likes Bishop.”

  “If you don’t mind, I’d really like to get some sleep. I’ll tell ya all about it in the morning.”

  “That’s fine. Get some sleep, and I’ll call you tomorrow. I’m going to head home,” Courtney said as she gathered up her purse. “I have to ask. Did you have a good time? Were the guys nice to you at the club?”

  “I had a really good time. Better than I ever thought I could. The guys were very nice and funny, and I’m looking forward to going back. It’s just a lot to take in. I didn’t really plan to feel like this about a guy so soon. He’s got me all worked up and confused. I feel like I’m going out of my mind. We just met a few weeks ago, and now I start missing him as soon as he pulls out of the driveway. That seems crazy to me. I just need to get my shit together.”

  “Nope, that’s definitely what you don’t need to do. For the first time since I met you, there’s a spark in your eye. You actually seem really happy, and I can tell you actually really like this guy. Enjoy the moment, and see where it takes you. This is a good thing. Now, go on to bed and call me when you wake up.” Courtney gave her a big hug before walking out the door.

  Tessa went to check in on the kids before she went to bed. She sat the phone on her nightstand in case Bishop called. She was worried about the fire and wondered if anyone got hurt. She thought back to his reaction to the phone call. He was pretty upset with whatever they told him about how the fire started. She needed to get a better understanding of how things worked in his club. She got the feeling that things might be more dangerous than she thought.

  Around 2:30 a.m., Tessa’s phone beeped with a text message. She glanced at her phone and saw that it was from Bishop. Her heart raced as she opened it.


  Hey. Everything is okay. Fire is out. Wasn’t as bad as I thought. Sorry the night got cut short.

  Tessa replied:

  Good. I was worried. I had a really good time tonight. :)


  Me too. Need to get this fire thing sorted. I’ll be in touch.

  “I’ll be in touch?” Tessa scowled to herself.


  Hope so. I’d hate to have to get my hedge clippers after your family jewels. ;)


  That’s my girl. Thinking about my balls again. Must be doing something right. Sleep tight.


  Goodnight Cole.

  Chapter 17


  Bobby pulled up the surveillance video for Bishop. It was easy to see that one of the construction workers had planted the explosives. Bishop didn’t recognize the older man that had started the fire, but the video was clear enough to see the small Diablo tattoo on the back of his hand. He watched the asshole place a wooden crate beside the new framework of the shop. He poured accelerant on the tarps, so they would easily catch fire after the explosion. The DCs were lucky that their new surveillance equipment caught the fire before it caused major destruction to the garage. They’d lost most of the new exterior, but the bike garage only had minimal smoke damage. None of the motorcycles were harmed. They wouldn’t have any problems with getting their work done on the projects they’d started earlier that week. It would take them a day or so to clean up the smoke damage, and then they would be able to get back to work.

  Bishop was pissed that the Diablos were coming after them like this, and there was no way he was going to let them get away with it. He knew Duce was their biggest issue, but Bish
op didn’t have a problem taking down the entire Diablo MC if he needed to. He decided to get Renegade to help him set up a plan.

  He found Renegade in his room at the club. When he walked up, his door was open, and his entire focus was on a picture in his hand. Bishop made his way over to him, and he noticed that the picture was of Ace’s sister, Taylor. She looked younger and had her arm wrapped around Renegade’s waist. He cleared his throat to get Renegade’s attention.

  He looked up and it took him a moment to sort his thoughts. He cleared his throat and said, “Hey, Prez. Looks like we gotta step up our game.” He quickly slid the picture into his back pocket and stood to face Bishop. “I hate to say it, but they just brought on a war.”

  “You’re right. That’s why I’m here. I need to know where your head is at, Renegade. Are you ready for what’s coming? I know you have a lot going on with Ace’s death, but we need to make a move. I need to know if I can count on you.”

  Renegade tilted his head and gave Bishop a thoughtful look. He was trying to hold back his temper when he said, “What the fuck, man? I’ve always been here when you needed me. Yeah, it’s been tough losing Ace, but that’s just another reason to make these motherfuckers pay.”

  “That’s what I was hoping you would say. I want to make you my new Sergeant of Arms. I know it might be tough taking Ace’s position and all, but I need someone I can trust. I need you.”

  Renegade was obviously surprised by Bishop’s request. He was silent for a moment, and then nodded. “You got it, boss. I’ll do whatever you need me to do. This club is my life, and I’ll do right by my brothers. I’m here for you.”

  “Good to hear it. I’ll bring it up for vote during our next meet for church. We need to get a plan together to take these fuckers out, and we have to play it smart. They’ve already shown that they can get to us. Now, we need to let them know we can get to them. We have to get them where it counts.”

  “Bobby needs to look into their dealings with the gangs in Memphis. You know he has several of them pissed because he ripped them off. We can use that to our advantage. We also need to get with the other MCs in the area and get as much information on their club as we can. The more we know about them, the better.”

  “Make it happen. Get with Bobby on it and let me know what you find out. I’m gonna make a few calls. We’ll have to handle this ourselves, but the more information we have against them, the easier it’ll be. Be ready to share what you find out with me later today. I’m calling a meeting so we can get things moving.”

  After working several hours on hacking into the Memphis City Police database, Bobby discovered that Duce was under investigation for more than they expected. Apparently, he had a thing for young girls. Very young girls. When he looked at the pictures the police had collected, he had to fight back the urge to get sick. He couldn’t imagine what kind of sick bastard could do that to a child. The police had also targeted Duce’s club for gun trafficking and dealing illegal drugs. They hadn’t made a connection to the Devil Chasers MC yet, so they were lucky they got out when they did. Duce was a sick fucker, and Bobby didn’t feel guilty at all about making him pay. He gathered his information into a file to give Renegade. He knew he would be talking to Bishop about what he found. He looked forward to hearing their plan for taking the Diablos down.

  Renegade was waiting for Bishop at the bar. He was looking over the folder of information Bobby had given him. He had also been in contact one of his friends from a MC in Memphis. Bishop was eager to see what they’d found out. He took the seat next to Renegade at the bar.

  Renegade looked away from his file and over to Bishop. “It turns out that Duce has a shitload of trouble sitting at his back door. He’s under investigation with the police for all sorts of shit. They got him for trafficking drugs, guns, and apparently he has a thing for little girls. He also owes a shitload of money to the Southwest Jackals. They’re one of the rougher gangs in Memphis. The Diablos shorted them on their last four drop offs, and they haven’t paid their half of the boot for the past two months. The Jackals are pissed and ready to make him pay up…one way or another. They might be willing to work with us. Pops knows one of their advisors. He could call him and feel them out.”

  “None of that surprises me. He’s a lowlife motherfucker. We need to get the Jackals to set up a fake drop off. With a tip to our contacts with the cops, we can get him busted. We just need the Jackals to agree to the setup. Get Pops on it,” Bishop turned to leave. “Good work, Renegade. It’s time to share what you found out with the rest of the crew.”

  Later that night the guys came to meet for church. It was their time to discuss club business. The guys all voted in agreement for Renegade to be their new Sergeant of Arms. Bishop had been confident that they wouldn’t vote against him. He was the right man for the job, and he’d proven it by working out the plan for Duce. Bishop felt good about his decision, and he knew that Renegade would make sure things were handled with the Diablos.

  It was getting late, and Bishop hadn’t talked to Tessa. A smile spread across his face when he thought about her threat to his balls. He decided he’d better touch base with her. He called her phone and it rang several times, but she didn’t answer. He decided to text her.


  Checking in. You doing okay?


  Yes. At the movies with the kids. Some cartoon with cavemen. My brain cells are dying by the minute. :)


  Have fun. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you.


  Been thinking about you all day. Hope things are working out with the clubhouse.


  Getting things taken care of. I got your buddy Crack Nut helping me.


  How do you even say his name without cracking up? That’s the worst nickname I’ve ever heard. I’m calling him Bobby!


  You might call him Bobby, but you’ll be thinking Crack Nut.


  Yeah, you’re probably right.


  Is it crazy that I’m already missing you?


  Probably, but I like it. I miss you, too. I’ll make it up to you.


  Looking forward to it. :)

  Chapter 18


  Mondays were always the longest day of the week. The kids were always grouchy, and the teachers didn’t really want to be there. The weekend was still fresh in everyone’s mind, and school was the last place anyone wanted to be.

  As the day dragged on, Tessa noticed that Myles seemed distracted. He was avoiding eye contact with his friends, and he hadn’t spoken to anyone since he’d entered the classroom.

  She called him up to her desk and asked, “Is everything okay? You don’t seem like yourself today.”

  “I’m alright. Just got a lot going on,” Myles responded without looking at her. His eyes never left the toes of his shoes.

  “Myles, if you need to talk, just let me know. If you don’t want to talk to me, I can ask Janice, the school counselor, to meet with you.”

  “No, I’m fine. I just didn’t get much sleep last night. I’ll be better tomorrow,” Myles told her as he turned to go back to his seat. He began working on his Language paper and remained silent for the rest of the class.

  Later, when the class returned from their lunch period, Tessa was called to the office to take a phone call. She wasn’t sure who would be calling her at school during the day. She walked quickly into the office, and the secretary handed her the phone and transferred the call.

  “Hello? This is Tessa Campbell.”

  “Hey, Tessa. This is Bobby. Hate to bother you at school and all, but figured I’d better let you know what’s going on.”

  “That’s fine. Is everything okay?”

  “Bishop’s been hurt, and he’s in the hospital. Can you go get Myles and bring him over here? Not sure how bad it is. Though
t he should be here with his dad, just in case,” Bobby replied with genuine concern in his voice.

  “Hospital? Oh my god! What happened to him?”

  “I’ll explain it all when you get here.”

  Tessa informed the secretary that she would be leaving for the rest of the day and arranged for a sub to come relieve her. She hurried to her classroom to get Myles. She knew this was going to upset him. His mood worried her this morning, and this was only going to make things worse.

  “Myles, I need you to grab your stuff and meet me in the hall,” Tessa said as she grabbed her purse and keys from her desk. “Class, I’m leaving early for the day, but Mrs. Janice is going to sit with you until my sub gets here. Finish your writing assignment and be ready to go over it tomorrow.”

  When Tessa met Myles in the hallway, he was pacing back and forth. His face was flushed when he asked her, “What’s going on? It’s Dad, isn’t it? They got to him!”

  “Myles, I don’t know what’s going on yet. Bobby just called and told me to bring you to see your dad at the hospital. Now, we need to hurry and see what’s going on.”

  “I knew they’d get to him,” he shouted. “The fire on Friday was just the beginning. They won’t stop till they kill him. That guy told Goliath that he’d take him out if he didn’t keep making those deliveries. Dad didn’t wanna do it anymore. And now they’ve probably killed him! I can’t lose my dad!”

  “Myles, I have no idea what you’re talking about. We can’t just jump to conclusions about this. Let’s get to the hospital, so you can see for yourself what’s really going on.”


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