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Heaven Hill Series - Complete Series

Page 25

by Laramie Briscoe

  “Whenever you wanna talk about it, we can. I won’t pressure you. You have my promise on that.”

  Taking her hand, he led her into the house and flipped on the living room light. It was surprisingly clean, very much a bachelor pad. A huge sectional couch was the only piece of furniture besides a large screen plasma TV. A gazillion video games systems were hooked up to it and a large wooden case held DVD’s.

  “Not much, I know, but it’s mine.”

  She glimpsed regret and possibly embarrassment in his eyes. “No, not at all, I’m just taking it all in. This is so much different than your dorm room.”

  “Well c’mon, I’ll give you the tour.”

  Comfortably, she put her hand in his again, and he led her through the house. He showed her the kitchen, the bathroom, a spare room that he obviously did a lot of painting in, and then his bedroom.

  “This is the room I’ve done the most work to.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “So you’re remodeling?”

  “You could say that.”

  He opened the door to his bedroom and she gasped. New carpet covered the floor, thick and plush. She immediately wanted to take off her shoes and sink into it. Three walls were painted a dark gray and one was covered in what looked like restored boards. His bed was larger than any she’d ever seen. It had to be custom made, given how tall he was. A chair sat in the corner with an ottoman along with a chest of drawers. She saw a picture on the chest of drawers and wondered immediately who it was. She’d never seen a picture at his dorm, and he’d never been one to pull one out of his wallet.

  “This is gorgeous,” she breathed. “That wall is amazing, what kind of boards are those?”

  “There was an old barn behind the house, over a hundred years old. When I decided to tear it down, I decided to re-purpose the boards. I refinished them and used them on the wall. Eventually, I want to add a bathroom in here, but that’s gonna take more money than I’ve got right now.”

  It filled him with pride that she’d said the room was gorgeous. He was proud of the work he’d done, and it warmed his heart that she seemed to like it too. When he’d first started remodeling this house, it had been for himself only, but he could quickly see it being for her as well.

  “I’m sure that no matter what you do, it’s going to be amazing.”

  He turned to face her, bringing his hand up to her jaw. “Do you really have that much faith in me?” his voice was hoarse as he asked the question.

  “I do, Tyler. You’ve had so much faith in me that I can’t help to return that to you. If we support each other, there’s nothing we can’t do.”

  Bending down, he took the bag she’d held in her hand since they’d gotten off the bike and set it on the chair in the corner. “I have faith in you that you can do this,” he told her.

  Her mind swam, was she supposed to do this on her own? Was he supposed to watch? Would he want to watch? Would she want him to watch?

  “Hey, don’t freak out on me,” he calmly stroked her hair. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I don’t know,” she sniffed, tears coming to her eyes.

  This was not what he’d wanted. He didn’t want her to tense up so much that she wouldn’t or couldn’t enjoy what she’d been so set on doing before. Decision made, he stood in front of her, spreading his legs so that he was almost eye level with her and cupped her face in his large hands. Forcing her to look into his eyes, he spoke slowly and concisely so that she would understand every word.

  “If I do something you don’t want me to do, you tell me. No matter what. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable, but we have to be honest with each other here. Why don’t you go take a hot shower and relax? I’ll be here waiting for you when you’re ready.”

  She let the tears spill over her eyes and nodded slowly. He left her, going over to the chest of drawers and pulled out a shirt.

  “You can wear this.”

  Taking it, she left the bedroom and went to the bathroom, her smile tremulous. As she cranked the hot water, she took a deep breath. Without a doubt, this would make or break their relationship, and regardless of what the outcome was, she knew she had to at least attempt to get through it. Squaring her shoulders, she stepped inside the shower and willed herself to relax.

  After Meredith left, Tyler let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. He was scared to death that she’d run screaming. He felt things for this woman he’d never felt for another human being before – ever. It was damn scary, and he wasn’t sure he was even equipped to handle it, much less deal with it. Pulling out his cell phone, he texted Liam to let him know that he would be off the grid for a couple days at the most. The protection runs he’d been tapped to participate in would have to wait. He knew mentioning Meredith would get him an immediate out. In the time she’d been at the clubhouse, she’d gotten under everyone’s skin, regardless of how she’d started out.

  When he got the affirming text that told him that everything was taken care of, he turned the phone off and set it on top of the dresser. Taking off his cut, he put it on the chair and went to work taking off his motorcycle boots. Quickly he disarmed himself, putting his gun within reach, but where Meredith wouldn’t be likely to spy it and stowing the knife he also carried in the drawer of the bedside table. Like most of his brothers, he wore a ring on his hand that read HH, and he took that off as well. When he’d disrobed himself as much as he dared, he had a seat on the bed and propped himself up against the pillows that lay there. Feigning an air of disinterest he didn’t really feel, he waited.

  After an hour, he wondered if Meredith would really be able to go through with this and was getting up to tell her that she didn’t have to when he heard the door to the bathroom open. Putting his hands behind his head, he waited anxiously.

  “You alright?” he yelled when she didn’t appear for a few moments.

  “Close your eyes,” she instructed.

  He couldn’t help but grin and close his eyes as she asked. “They’re closed.”

  Meredith stepped into the doorway of the bedroom and bit her lip, she wondered if he thought her too forward. But she’d come to the conclusion in the shower if she was going to do this, she was going to have to do it right. “Okay, open ’em!”

  “Holy shit,” he whispered. She stood there, naked as the day she was born.

  Chapter Twelve

  She had to give it him, he lay on the bed with his arms behind his head, never once flinching as she walked towards him.

  “Whatever you feel comfortable with,” he reminded her.

  She’d taken the time in the shower to shave and do all the things she’d hadn’t felt the need to do in the past weeks since her attack. She’d found some girly shampoo and body wash and had treated herself like she’d been at a spa. It had been on the tip of her tongue to ask if the girly stuff had been for her or if he’d had another woman at this place before, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood.

  Her hands shook as she made her way over to where he lay. Her brain screamed at her to run the other way and never look back, but she knew that she had to do this. She knew that she couldn’t let this defeat her anymore.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  The smile that came to her face was so genuine it made him want to cry. It seemed to give her the push she needed. Without hesitation that he had suspected, she lifted herself over his body and straddled him. It surprised her how much she wanted his hands on her, but she knew that unless she told him or showed him, he wouldn’t touch her. Placing her hands on his shoulders she situated herself on his lap to make sure she wouldn’t fall.

  Once comfortable, she leaned forward and put her mouth on his, kissing him with everything she felt. Of its own violition, her tongue plundered his mouth, getting swept up in the feel of their bodies against each other. His taste was an aphrodisiac. He always tasted of coffee and tobacco, even though she’d never seen him smoke. With other men, it would have been a turn off, on him
it was sweet and earthy. Reaching behind his head, she put her hands on his and directed them to her breasts, conforming them around the globes that dangled without the restraint of a bra.

  “Please,” she whimpered.

  His long fingers massaged the aching flesh as she put her arms around his neck and pressed their bodies closer together. The hardness of his manhood crushed against the wetness that was quickly building at her core. It felt good to her, better than it ever had before. She’d never had these kind of out of control feelings with any other man. It was quickly becoming out of hand, but she went with it. Maybe she wouldn’t have to use those toys just yet – that’s how wound up he made her.

  “You feel so good,” she told him, grinding her body against his.

  He leaned forward, letting his lips trail down the column of her neck, leaving a wet line before he pushed himself forward enough to take a nipple into his mouth. She moaned loudly as his tongue swept over the hard tip, a caress all its own.

  Meredith opened her eyes, watching him. He was just as beautiful as he made her feel. His long dark lashes were stark against his skin and the stain of arousal rose on his strong cheeks. His expression was intense as he worked her nipple with his tongue, using his teeth to nip gently. She shivered, fisting her hands in his hair, holding him tighter against her. With a mind of its own, his other hand went to where her bottom rocked against his cock, showing her the rhythm that he knew instinctively would get her off. He knew that if she was in the moment, she might be completely free to let herself go.

  “What do you need me to do?” he asked, his voice rough.

  The tone may have scared her if his touch wasn’t still so soft and smooth. No matter what he had to be feeling, he still kept himself in check. She had figured that when she got this far into it, the crazy feeling of her body releasing its tension in orgasm, she might panic. It surprised her how badly she wanted it, how badly she wanted to experience the little death with this man.

  “Just keep doing what you’re doing, don’t stop,” she panted as she increased the speed of her hips against the hardness of his cock.

  His body tightened as she panted with each lift of her hips, each grind of her pussy against him, he wanted this so badly for her. Her breath came faster and faster as she wound her arms tighter around his neck, using them to help the up and down motion.

  “Give it to me, c’mon baby,” he encouraged her.

  Her nails cut into his neck so hard, he was sure she drew blood, but the bite of pain was fine with him. He held her body, strung tight as a bow as she fought for the orgasm that appeared to be just out of her reach. Frustration was beginning to take over, he could tell. It set just beyond the cusp of her reach. Her face screwed up, and he could see tears come to her eyes.

  “Touch yourself,” he instructed her. “Don’t worry about me, get yourself off.”

  His deep voice was a caress against her skin, causing goose bumps to appear along her arms and legs. Before, she would have clammed up, embarrassed to do this in front of someone else, but she needed this so bad. Unclasping her hands from around his neck, she brought her finger to his mouth, pushing it against his lips. He swirled his tongue around it, sucking before letting it go with a loud pop. Hooded eyes met his as she took the finger and moved it down to the middle of her body. He could feel it, her finger strumming against her clit, and it made him hot, hotter than anything else ever had.

  With a growl, he clamped his teeth and shut the door on his own needs. This was completely about her. He could feel her body tightening again as her finger increased its speed. Bringing his hands up around the back of her body, he dropped her back in a dip, closing his lips again around her nipple. The angle did it and he knew as soon as he shifted her that it did.

  “Oh Tyler,” she cried, the tension flowing from her body as she tightened her thighs around his hips.

  “Give it to me,” he instructed and held her as she rode it out.

  When she was finally done, she collapsed against him, tears streaming down her face.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Tyler felt the warmth of the tears that Meredith continued to shed on his bare chest. She had immediately collapsed against him and had snuggled up so tightly to him, he didn’t want to let her go. Even though she still cried, it had slowed considerably and her breathing had evened out, matching his.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, running the back of her hand across her nose.

  “Hey,” he caught her chin, tipping it so that he could look into her eyes. She felt his hand come up behind her head and tangle in her hair to keep her steady. “The pleasure was all mine. You are one hot piece of ass,” he teased.

  She gave a very unladylike snort that caused a smile to spread across his face. “I can still feel how hard you are,” she wiggled against him.

  “Doesn’t matter,” he shook his head. “This has been the most pleasure I’ve ever had. You let me worry about how hard I am.”

  That didn’t sound fair to her, almost like he was taking something away that should be hers. “What if I wanted to help you, the way you helped me.”

  For the first time, panic flared in his eyes. “I think maybe this time, I should work this out on my own,” he told her carefully, reaching down to adjust himself.

  It was cute, as a smile curved along her face. Her eyes looked up to him and just like that she took on the role of seductress. “Do I at least get to watch?”

  Good God, she was going to kill him. “If you want.”

  Untangling her body from his, she lay on her stomach facing him, obviously ready for a show.

  “You’re making me feel like I’m just a piece of meat,” he joked as he stood up and took off his shirt.

  “What a fine piece you are,” she went right along with him. It was on the tip of her tongue to ask if she should run and get a dollar bill when it hit her right in the gut. Her attacker had thrown that dollar bill at her in disgust.

  “You alright?” he asked, noticing her face lose its color.

  This was important. This was one of those times in life when a conscious decision is made about your past and future. Would she continue to let her past affect her present, thereby affecting her future? She couldn’t let it anymore and she knew she had to let it go.

  “I’m fine. You just keep stripping your hot body bare,” she whooped, hoping to cover up the misstep she’d just had.

  He hadn’t missed the dead look in her eye, the panic and despair that had resided there for just a split second. Whatever it was, he wouldn’t question it and he’d do whatever she asked. He wondered if he had triggered her by accident and tucked that question in his pocket for a later time. He didn’t need to know what it was, but he wanted to know if he did something involuntarily to cause her pain. Moving his hands to the button his jeans, he raised his eyebrows.

  “You sure you can handle this?”

  The teasing was everything she needed. Laughing she sat up on her knees. “Show me all you got.”

  He made a big show of taking his jeans off and throwing them on the chair next to his cut. The boxer briefs he wore underneath outlined his manhood well. She could tell he was gifted, hopefully he was talented to. When the time came for that. The little joke caused her to giggle.

  “You’re killin’ me here baby. I’m strippin’ and I’m down to my underwear and I’m hard as stone and you’re laughin’? My self-esteem just took a huge nose dive.”

  His southern accent was much more pronounced now, a true indicator of just how turned on he was.

  She shook her head, “Just a little joke I told myself. As big as you look, I realize you’re gifted, but are you talented too?”

  Taking off his underwear, he flicked it behind him and sauntered over to the bed. “I have no problem showing you just how talented I am at a later date,” he promised, his large hand going to where his cock stood at attention.

  She watched, not taking her eyes off his hand. When she’d told him that she wasn’t ve
ry sexually experienced, she hadn’t been lying. This was one of the things she’d never watched, never participated in. Embarrassment rode high on her cheeks, but she promised herself she would see this through. His large hand stroked up and down along the smooth skin of his shaft, gathering the drop of clear fluid that had beaded on the end and smearing it back along as he stroked down.

  The heat in her eyes was enough to burn him. She was so intent on what he was doing that he felt like he could explode at any moment. Her tongue came out to wet her bottom lip, and he felt it on the tip of his dick. He moaned, throwing his head back.

  Meredith wondered if he realized how gorgeous he looked standing there in front of her. His feet were planted apart, his stomach muscles tightened in anticipation of what was to come, the veins on his arms sticking out as his hand gripped the hardest part of him. It was like the two of them were in a haze and it made everything that much hotter.

  “You’ve got me so worked up,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “I’m glad I didn’t get a chance to get inside you, I’d have embarrassed myself.”

  That burned her hotter than anything else he could have ever said to her. At this moment in time, she wanted him inside her, but she knew it’d be a mistake. Using her knees to walk over to him, she pressed them together so that the tip of him rubbed against her belly. She wasn’t sure how this would feel, but she knew she wanted to feel him. As much of him as she could, regardless of the feelings it brought to the surface.

  She leaned down, running her tongue around his nipple, much in the same manner as he’d done with her. The hiss that left his mouth gave her encouragement to do it again, this time using her teeth to nip at the tight skin.

  “Goddamn,” he mumbled, his hand moving faster along his length.


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