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Sparked by Love

Page 17

by Peggy Bird

  Of course, if he had, his sexy good looks would have probably earned him an Oscar by now and she’d be even more annoyed with him.

  Oops. He looked like he’d said something during her mental rant. “Sorry, it’s noisy in here. I didn’t quite hear you,” she said trying to cover for her inattention.

  “I said, I’m flattered you remember me,” Nick said.

  “Reporters never forget interesting people with fascinating jobs who might be a good source for a story someday,” she said. There. That should put him in his place.

  His smile turned into a semi-serious frown. “Ouch. I was hoping I was memorable for something more than my potential as an interview.”

  Was he really flirting? She couldn’t believe it. “Doesn’t ‘interesting’ and ‘fascinating’ count for something?” Waving at the empty chair across from her, she asked, “Have you had lunch? I’m finished, but if you’d like to join me…”

  “I’ve eaten but I’ll never turn down a cup of coffee with a beautiful woman.” He draped his jacket on the back of the chair, sat and flagged down a server.

  “How did you recognize me out of context?” Fiona asked. “I’m not always good at it.” Maybe if she led by example, he’d keep his ego at bay and his flirting on a low flame.

  After he ordered coffee, he answered her question. “It would be hard to forget you. The expression on your face when my niece asked during the toasts if Jake was going to plant a seed in Danny to make a baby is indelibly etched on my mind.”

  Something she, too, had to acknowledge wasn’t easy to forget. “I thought you were the one who looked surprised.”

  With a sinfully sensuous smile he said, “No, I’d heard vague rumors about sex before then. Are you sure you weren’t startled?”

  “Not about sex—I’ve done a story or two about it in my career. Although I was surprised to find out how much four-year-olds know about the subject these days.”

  “I have a feeling my brother-in-law was not too happy with my sister for giving their daughter that little piece of information.” The server interrupted, placing Nick’s coffee in front of him with a flourish. “Are you in D.C. for business or pleasure?” he asked when the man was gone.

  “A little of both. I was coming back east on vacation, for a wedding on the Eastern Shore of Maryland this weekend, in St. Michaels, and decided to make some appointments on Capitol Hill tracking down a couple stories. On my own dime, of course. The paper barely pays for mileage to Salem to cover the legislature these days.” Unlike your foreign junkets, five star hotels, and fancy banquets with important people.

  “How long will you be here?”

  “Not quite a week, broken up with the weekend in Maryland.”

  “I just got back in town from an assignment, but when I sort out my schedule maybe we could have dinner before you leave.”

  “You’re sweet, but it’s not necessary. You must have a ton of things to catch up on.” And none of them include amusing yourself with me.

  “It would be my pleasure. Not only do I eat dinner on a regular basis, but I prefer good company while I do. Do you have a favorite restaurant in town?”

  “Actually, I usually end up eating at my hotel or having room service.”

  “If you give me your cell phone number, I’ll call and we can expand your horizons.”

  For a half hour, until he had to leave for a meeting, they drank coffee and talked about the people they knew in common and their jobs—his as a photojournalist, hers as an investigative reporter for Willamette Week, Portland’s alternative newspaper.

  It was a good thing they were covering familiar ground because in spite of the fact he irritated her with his extra helping of self-assurance, Fiona couldn’t deny how damn attractive he was, which made it hard to concentrate on what he was saying. He was a smart and entertaining conversationalist, all right. But she was more interested at looking at his mouth than in listening to what was coming out of it. With a voluptuous lower lip and a perfect Cupid’s bow upper lip, it was a mouth she wouldn’t mind having kiss her at the spot right behind her ear or the one at the base of her throat. She stifled a moan at the thought.

  Oh, God. He licked a drop of coffee off his lower lip with the tip of his tongue. How could something so simple be so sexy? Before she could rid herself of images of him tasting the inside of her mouth, his eyes caught hers with a look she could swear said he knew exactly what she’d been thinking. Which was not good.

  And which switched her attention from his mouth to his eyes. With the longest eyelashes she’d ever seen on anyone—male or female—and the gold flecks flashing in the hazel, she could get lost there, too.

  Dear God, there better not be a quiz on this conversation. I’ll flunk for sure.

  Even repeated silent reminders that he was Amanda’s much younger brother couldn’t whip her errant thoughts into some semblance of adult behavior. Well, the kind of adult behavior two grown-ups demonstrated in public. The other kind, the private kind, was what she wanted to suppress.

  She tried mental math. She was thirty-two. He looked like he was in his twenties, which, from Amanda’s comments about when he graduated from college, would make him maybe twenty-two or twenty-three. Being this attracted to someone who was practically a teenager felt…well, it felt naughty.

  Or exciting.

  Whoa, reining in imagination here.

  Even if he had spent most of the party at Amanda’s home chatting her up, she didn’t think the reason was any more complicated than they’d been the only single people there and had related jobs. Even without the age thing, she was sure someone who traveled the world for his job would find a girl from Tacoma, Washington, who’d never been out of the country, fairly uninteresting. And then there was the “I’ll call you” thing, which hadn’t happened. Was it any more likely to occur this time?

  She tuned back into the conversation in time for him to ask for her cell number, again, and to promise to call as soon as he got a couple things on his schedule straightened out.

  As she watched him walk toward the door, Fiona reminded herself not to hold her breath waiting for the phone to ring. What was more important was digging the information she was after out of the staffers she would be talking to on the Hill. She went back to reviewing her notes, the sexy, young photographer relegated to the same place she’d put him after the party in Portland—to the back of beyond.

  • • •

  Nick St. Claire left the restaurant near Capitol Hill where he’d been listening to a pitch about a possible piece of work very, very pleased with himself. He’d arrived back in town two days earlier after covering another tribal clash in Indonesia. There wasn’t much on his plate until his next assignment in a couple weeks other than the opening of a show of his work at a gallery in Alexandria. Then he got his usual “let’s-check-on-baby-brother-Nicky” phone call from Amanda, and she casually mentioned Fiona’s presence in D.C.

  Amanda couldn’t have known—at least he didn’t think she knew—how her friend, the beautiful redhead with creamy skin and blue-gray eyes, had been his mental companion off and on during several recent photo shoots. Had he met Fiona any other way than through his sister, he’d have already followed up after the party last fall to scout out the territory. But he’d been reluctant. Getting involved with someone who was friends with his sister might not be such a good idea. Much to his dismay, Amanda still babied him, felt it her duty to comment on his life, and picked apart any of the women he dated who she met or heard about through the family grapevine. In short, she interfered to such an extent, he wasn’t interested in having her know he found her friend attractive; wasn’t sure how he could ever find a way to test the waters with Fiona to see how warm they were as long as she was in Portland where his sister was.

  But Fiona was hard to forget. She was smart, she was funny, and she was great to talk to. Although he had to confess he wasn’t exactly looking for interesting conversation at the moment. After a month of living in mud, eat
ing bad food, and avoiding Toyota pickups full of roaming groups of armed rebels, he wanted something more basic: dinner at a nice restaurant with a beautiful woman followed by dessert in his bed. And Fiona might just fill the bill. Today, even in the Ms. Business Professional black suit with the lacy bit under her jacket modestly covering up her cleavage, he could see curves he wouldn’t mind exploring further.

  When Amanda said Fiona was on his turf, he decided he’d track her down if he had to call every hotel near Capitol Hill and stalk every restaurant hangout for legislative staffers. It turned out he didn’t have to search anyplace. He ran into her as if it were meant to be.

  He had her phone number. His sister was nowhere in sight. He’d have Fiona all to himself for a week. A week to play around with someone hot and sexy until he got back to his real life—the one occasionally featuring mud and armed rebels. Sometimes the planets aligned just right.

  • • •

  On her way out the door of the Hyatt on Capitol Hill next morning, Fiona’s phone rang. Sure it was either a confirmation of an appointment or a cancellation; she hurriedly dug through her purse and pulled it out. The voice at the other end of the call was a surprise.

  “Morning, Fee. It’s Nick. It’s not too early to call, is it?”

  “No, your timing’s good. I’m just on my way to the Hill.”

  “Are you free for dinner tonight?”

  “Tonight? Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t. I’ve got a reception to attend.”

  “Those things never have enough food to qualify as dinner. How about meeting after the reception?”

  What the hell was going on? Why was he suddenly so anxious to see her? He hadn’t bothered to contact her after they met in Portland. Why was he pushing to spend the evening with her in D.C.? There had to be some reason other than the need to eat dinner.

  “This one always does. And you don’t have to…”

  “I told you—I want to. Please?”

  As much as she hated to admit it, even through the phone the husky timbre of his voice sent shivers up her spine. “How about you join me at the reception? It’s open to guests. Put on by a group from the Northwest. They invite press people from all over the Northwest every year along with the entire delegation. They put on a good show I hear; lots of regional wine and smoked salmon, among other things. I’ve always wanted to attend and this year not only am I in town but I have an excuse. Some of my contacts will be there.”

  “Good smoked salmon? I’m there. Where and what time?”

  “It’s in 902 in the Hart building. I’ll be there about six-thirty.”

  “Hart building—on the Senate side?”

  “Yeah, the ever popular Hart SOB—Senate Office Building.”

  “Meet you there and then we can have dinner after.”

  “It might be late getting out.”

  “It’s okay. I’ve been allowed to stay up past nine for the past year or so. See you tonight.”

  She closed her phone, threw it in her purse, and walked toward the Hill, her step as snappy as the sound the flags on the Capitol made as they rippled in the spring breeze. It had taken way too long to get past the debacle of her last relationship. Maybe the attention of a sweet young thing might be exactly what she needed for a warm-up before she threw herself into the dating game again. Even if said sweet young thing was a bit arrogant and way too sure of himself.

  Now, if only her appointments worked out as well.

  To purchase this ebook and learn more about the author, click here.

  Also check out these books by Peggy Bird:

  Beginning Again

  Loving Again

  Together Again

  Trusting Again

  Believing Again

  In the mood for more Crimson Romance?

  Check out Just My Type by Synithia Williams at




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