Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne

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Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Page 9

by Catharina Shields

  Only then did she feel his fingers gently rubbing between her clasped thighs. They’d cleverly slipped down her body, and were moving sensually over the swollen, sensitive mound right through her swimsuit . . .

  She trembled as powerful emotions tumbled through her like a tidal wave, confusing and embarrassing her at the same time. With painful clarity of mind—how was that even possible at that moment??—she realized what had happened, and how she reacted.

  And what part her younger brother played in it all.

  “Let me GO, Aidan!”

  She finally found the strength to shove him back. She did it hard enough to have him release his hold on her. She successfully broke free of his embrace, but without his support, she discovered much too late that she really wasn’t as steady on her feet as she first thought!

  With a squeal, her arms flew up flailing wildly just when her foot caught behind his, and she briefly teetered on the edge of the pool, sure to fall one way of the other! In a split second she realized she still had a choice: an unforgiving concrete surface, or a forgiving, sparkling blue surface.

  Forgiving, sparkling blue surface it was.

  With a quick snap of her body, she launched herself off the edge of the pool, and dived in at an angle that would make the impact with the water less painful. In no time flat the water closed above her head, drowning out the singing of birds, the buzzing of the insects, and the rustling of leaves in a world where she left her embarrassment and Aidan behind; a world she desperately wanted to flee.

  But it was a brief visit in that underwater world.

  Much too brief.


  Chapter Seven: No Fighting Fate

  Her lungs wouldn’t let her stay under water all too long, and she quickly torpedoed herself to the surface, breaking the surface with a loud and greedy gasp. Familiar sounds burst into her ears; the sounds of singing and chirping birds, low buzzing insects, rustling tree leaves . . . Aidan.

  “Are you all right, Dionne?”

  With a cry, she snapped her drenched head around and saw Aidan had dived in after her! He was looking at her with a concerned frown, and with eyes more crystalline and blue than the rippling water around him. His sooty, impossibly long lashes—lashes he had no business having as a guy—were now drenched, making his eyes appear like shining, blue stars.

  “Wh-What?” She croaked, feeling this uncontrollable need to just . . . flee! She needed to get OUT of there, as in, yesterday.

  “You’re not going to pass out on me, are you?” he asked, concerned.

  Did she look that horrible?

  “I, um, no,” she answered, thoughtfully, and then her gaze caught sight of something. It paused on the pool ladder, not noticing how her brother’s gaze followed.

  She also didn’t notice the clever twinkle in his eyes.

  Aidan, quickly but quietly, dunked his handsome head under before he swam under the crystalline surface, watching her body move through the water’s surface as the sun flickered high above. She was heading for the pool ladder.

  He was certain she had no idea he’d moved from where she left him. He swam skillfully under and around her before slowly emerging behind her with a big grin. She didn’t notice him right there behind her until he slipped an arm around her, making her stiffen before she belted out a scream of surprise and a little bit of fright, too.

  “Aidan!” Dionne cried shrilly. The grinning buffoon had moved so stealthily that it seemed as if he had just astral projected! Then she became aware of his arm wrapped around her scantily clad body, bringing their scantily clad bodies tightly against each other while keeping them both afloat.

  But feeling her brother’s hard body bobbing against hers, feeling the way she’d been feeling for much too long, it was more than she could handle at that moment.

  “Aidan! Let me go!” she snapped, but he thought she was fooling around because he laughed as he tightened his hold. Her struggles didn’t seem to faze him although she was frantically struggling in earnest to get free.

  “You know you don’t want me to!” he said with laughter.

  “No! I mean it! Let me go!” she hissed, struggling to shove his arm away.

  She so wanted to get angry with him. She so wanted to bite his head off and hit, kick, and toss him out of the pool not to punish him, but just to put a safe gap between their bodies. At the same time, though, and much to her shock, she also wanted to keep feeling his incredible body bumping against hers under the water.

  As she struggled with this emotional paradox, she saw and heard him laughing, still under the impression it was all just a joke when nothing could be further from the truth.

  At least, not for her.

  She nearly moaned when she felt his smooth, naked torso, his powerful legs, and his arms, touch, rub, and bump almost every inch of her body, and she ignited with a renewed surge of lustful fire accompanied by raw panic.

  To her fright she discovered it was impossible to escape him in the pool.

  “Aidan . . .” she moaned in distress, “please let go.”

  “Why?” he responded with a chuckle, but it faded as she turned her head and looked up at him with big wet eyes filled with anguish.

  His impishly sparkling azure blue eyes twinkled like nothing she’d ever seen. It was undeniable. Aidan’s eyes were the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen, and although she was sure many girls would disagree with her, his eyes were also his most fantastic physical attribute.

  “Damn, Aidan . . .” she said breathlessly before she could think. “You’re very pretty.” But the moment she spoke the words, she knew she suffered another error in judgment, and her hand flew out of the water and covered her mouth as she stared at her beautiful, younger brother in horror.

  Aidan’s arm dropped, but neither of them noticed as he smiled with a curious frown. “What did you say?”

  “You heard me.” She backed away, but he moved closer.

  “No, I really didn’t,” he said, with a curious gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes, you did!” she blurted before she threw herself back and swam away from him, not seeing how his eyes narrowed before he immediately followed her, catching up to her with aggravating ease!

  Completely forgetting he was the most skilled swimmer in their family, she cried out in shock when she turned her head and saw his drenched head suddenly pop up in front of her, grinning ear to ear.

  To make matters worse, she’d locked herself into a corner and he just closed in. When she tried to side-swim” him, he blocked her way, grinning even brighter when she shot him a withering glare, but she blinked big, surprised eyes when she felt the wall of the pool at her back, realizing, much too late, that she was effectively cornered, and that he not only corralled her there, but he was taking full advantage of it, too.

  His sinewy arms shot out of the water on either side of her, and he grabbed hold of the edge of the pool before he moved his body closer. She was sure she was about to faint.

  “So . . . what did you call me again?” he asked.

  Dionne tried a stern look, but he wasn’t the least bit impressed. In fact, he even chuckled, enjoying his win to the max. She tried an even sterner look, but to no avail, and before long, she realized their bodies were touching nearly shoulder to shoulder, knees to knees.

  “Come on, Dionne,” he said with a teasing chuckle. “Be a big girl and just admit you said I’m pretty—although I’d rather have you say I’m ‘handsome”. Or sexy. Or good looking. Or—”

  “—Arrogant? Conceited? Egotistic?” she said coolly. “What? Your huge ego isn’t bloated enough that you need to hear how perfect—”


  “—you are, again, and again?” She arched a snooty brow, but again, to no avail.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say I’m perfect—”

  “—Good! Because you’re not!”

  “—But I do recall you saying I’m “very pretty”,” he continued, undisturbed. “And
that’s good enough for me.” Then he flashed a grin, but her glower didn’t quit. Then he sighed. “Look,” he said, “I’m just surprised to hear you say you think I’m attractive, that’s all.” He drifted a little closer. “It’s a pleasant surprise, Dionne, because you can’t know how much it means to me to hear you think of me in that way.”

  “Just me?” she could barely breathe, let alone speak! But she had to keep trying. “Or everyone in the whole wide world?”

  “We’re the only people here,” he said, drifting so close she could feel his chest bump lightly against the hardened tips of her breasts. She immediately caught her breath and stiffened, feeling a fire erupt inside her by that simple touch.

  “I’m-I’m just s-stating the obvious,” she barely got out as he began to tower over her, rising a little in the water as he gazed down at her through his thick, long lashes.

  “Not really,” he said; his voice deeper and more intimate. “At least, not obvious to me. But I can tell you what is obvious.”

  Shivers curled up and down her stiff spine.

  “Aidan . . . you need to move back—”

  “—But I’m gonna state the obvious,” he cut her off as his gaze dropped, admiring his sister’s shining, pink lips, “and tell you, you’re not so bad yourself.” His gaze slowly lifted as he looked into her big eyes. She was dumbstruck, he knew, and she was a little more than just a little affected by him. He knew that, too.

  Strike while the iron was hot

  “I always thought you were pretty,” he continued. “Ever since I could remember caring about things like that. As I got older, I realized just how beautiful you really are.” His smile faded as he stared tightly into his sister’s big, uncomfortable eyes as she struggled with her own attraction for him. She even tried to look unimpressed. “You don’t believe me?” he asked, quietly. “You don’t believe I think you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen?”

  Dionne’s lashes finally dropped. The mascara that had gotten wet wasn’t as waterproof as it was advertised, and it stained her skin a little. “Of course I do,” she finally answered, but unconvincingly. Then she looked up at him with a harder glint in the golden depths of her eyes.

  His own narrowed.

  “No, you don’t’.”

  She stared quietly back. She wasn’t offended or in any hurry to defend her statement.

  “If you don’t mind, Aidan,” she said instead, “I’m a little hungry. I haven’t had breakfast. So, if you can do me a huge favor and remove your arms and yourself?” She arched a brow. “I need to get out.”

  She made a move to put deed to word, but his arm stiffened and wouldn’t budge. She flickered up wet, annoyed eyes, as he looked back with an expression that made her heart skip a beat.

  Captivated by it, she fell silent and didn’t move. It was as if time suddenly stood still. He now looked at her as if, yes, as if she were the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen. But then again, she thought skeptically, that look was probably honed and perfected over the years, and it always got him what he wanted when he wanted it.

  That thought struck her deeply, and it hurt. “Aidan, move back—”

  “—Did you know your eyes always remind me of the eyes of a little bunny?” he said softly.

  She immediately felt goose-bumps cover her skin as she forced herself to focus; to keep as stern and terse a look as possible. “You’re being silly—”

  “—I’m being truthful,” he cut her off.

  She frowned as she searched his eyes only to discover what a mistake that was. His gaze was unflinching. They stared right back, making something deep inside her stir. She finally averted her eyes, but she couldn’t stop a telltale color from rising in her much too pale complexion.

  “Now it’s your turn to be truthful with me,” he said quietly.

  She felt him looking at her, but she couldn’t lift her eyes to look back.

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” she said, trying to sound stern. “I really don’t have time for this. So just move back—”

  But that’s as far as she got.

  She caught her breath and froze when his hand rose and tenderly flattened against her neck. His large, warm hand moved slowly upward, and a tremor passed through her. She felt as if she’d entered another world, a world where she really was as desirable as he made her feel.

  With his thumb gently putting pressure against her jaw, he effectively got her face to turn and move upward to face him. Against everything inside her, and as if her body grew a mind of its own, knowing this would only weaken her resistance to him, she finally raised her eyes to look up into twin pools of dark blue fire.

  She should’ve stopped him then and there. Hindsight being what it is, she could’ve dissuaded him if she only gave it half a try. But at that moment, with the sun warming them from above, the melodious chirping of birds hidden in the blossoming bushes, and the tall cypresses softly rustling in the wind, everything felt so magical. So surreal.

  It was as if they were in a world of their own; a world where it was okay to indulge in sensual, sexy touches with each other; a world where they were soul mates, not siblings. She was lulled by that magic and she didn’t stop him. She didn’t feel as if she had the strength or a choice anyhow. This was what she wanted. This was what she needed. He was what she desired.

  For Aidan, this was a dream come true. An impossible dream come true. Dionne wasn’t trying to pull away or bite his head off. She didn’t even make a half-assed attempt to shove him away, as he half expected, even though he was sure she could feel and see what he wanted. It didn’t seem to scare her anymore. Or was that just wishful thinking on his part?

  Wishful thinking or not, he knew she could see the unbrotherly desire burning in his eyes. He knew she could feel his arm tighten possessively around her waist under the sparkling surface of the water, and he knew she could definitely feel the bold outline of his granite-hard erection pressing against her tummy.

  For a few, brief moments, he allowed doubt to rear its ugly head. Is this a trick? Was she trying to teach him a lesson again, or was she playing cocktease by turning him on only to shove him away so he could suffer in silence again?

  No. This was real. He recalled how hard she’d climaxed against him just before she threw herself into the pool. He was sure she had no clue he already had a painful erection hard enough to break stone the moment he felt her shudder against him; caught in the throes of her beautiful orgasm that he helped make happen.

  This was real. Even though her kisses had already told him she felt as attracted to him as he to her, there was always that little bit of doubt miring his self-confidence. She was the only person in the world who could rattle that supposedly invincible confidence he was known for.

  Even the chilly pool water and her struggles weren’t able to get that goddamn erection down. God knows he couldn’t take much more of simply looking at her without kissing her, or just touching her.

  Only the cosmos knew how close he’d come to disintegrating when he masturbated while fantasizing about her because it was more than mortal lust. It was more than a passing fancy. It was deep, more profound, and more powerful than anything he’d ever known.

  It was true love.

  He could barely breathe just feeling her body against his. Her body was all he’d ever need. It was his sanctuary. His temple. His everything. They fit so perfectly together, and she was as soft and yielding as he was hard and determined.

  It was a body he knew so well, too, yet at the same time, one that seemed new to him now they were older. Her body was the only one he’d ever want to curl up against at night, and stretch out to the limits of his muscles and tendons in the morning. It was now the body he desperately wanted to make love to.

  But she hadn’t shown any clear interest in going that far, yet.

  Now, however, things felt different between them. Things had evolved.

  He wasn’t blind. He saw how she’d let her big bunny eyes run down his body ma
ny times before. Like, when he stood in his Speedos for practice, or soccer shorts during a game. Having seen her interest, no matter how fleeting it was then, he discovered always trying his best to get as much of his clothes off in front of her as he possibly could.

  He now knew he did that merely because he desperately wanted to show his big sister he was no longer the baby brother he once was.

  For all the effort he’d put into the subtle seduction of her in the past months, he’d been getting disappointing results. Up until now, and up until he felt her shudder, over and over again; caught in the throes of a spontaneous orgasm as he held her in his arms.

  Damn! She’d just raised her bunny’s eyes, and he discovered he could hardly breathe. He suddenly felt tiny and insecure like the little boy he wasn’t any longer. He suddenly felt a little afraid, too, because he was almost sure he’d made her angry. He didn’t want her angry. He wanted her passionate and . . . needing him.

  He gazed into Dionne’s bunny eyes and noticed they didn’t have that experienced look in them as if she had a lot of experience in anything. Yet, they were more potent than all those fake, flirty batting eyes of other girls who had come on to him over the years.

  His hand tenderly stroked up her arm as his smoldering eyes silently stared; waiting, watching, and hoping. Then his heart sank when she turned her face and looked down at his hand against her wet skin. He paused as if time stood still, expecting a gentle but firm rebuke. None came.

  When he realized she wasn’t about to chastise him, he felt his painfully hard cock twitch in his Bermudas. He felt adrenaline surge with excitement and anticipation And when she lowered her lashes in an oh so sexy, demure, and intoxicatingly shy way, he finally felt his confidence soar, and he made his move.

  His hand resumed gently stroking her arm. His palm slowly caressed up then down, repeating this gentle, stroking action as his thumb came into play, and trailed along the sensitive skin on the inside of her arm, close to her breast.

  He whooped inwardly when he felt her shudder softly, her lashes briefly drifting to a soft close before they rose to him, revealing honey brown eyes glowing with rising passion. His subtle but insistent seduction was having an effect.


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