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Color Him Gay: The Further Adventures of the Man from C. A. M. P.

Page 7

by V. J. Banis

  “My brother?” Jackie repeated, puzzled.

  “Well, that’s what he called himself,” the operator told him with a knowing grin. “Don’t worry, I fixed it with one of the maids. No one else knows about it except us.”

  Jackie nodded his head. “I see.” He removed his billfold and took out two five dollar bills, slipping them into the ready hand. “Thanks for your trouble and tell the maid the same.”

  In the hall upstairs he paused and felt under his jacket. The Derringer was still there, undiscovered by the thugs he had tangled with earlier. He drew it and advanced stealthily toward his room.

  There was no way of unlocking the door noiselessly. The key grated loudly in the lock. Holding his breath, Jackie moved to one side and kicked the door open with his foot. Nothing happened. With a quick movement, he stepped into the opening.

  Bruce Hamilton smiled at him from the bed. “Don’t you think you’d better come in and close that door,” he said, “Before someone comes by and sees me?”

  It was a good suggestion. The attractive blond had made himself at home. The bedclothes were turned down and Bruce was stark naked upon the white surface of the sheet. The soft light from the lamp played seductively upon his pale skin.

  Jackie came into the room and closed the door after himself. “Very cute,” he said sarcastically, the gun still drawn. “Let’s have an explanation and make it fast.”

  Bruce rolled his eyes innocently. “I told you the other night I liked you.”

  Jackie moved across the room warily. “You mean you need some more pictures for your collection?” he sneered. He opened the closet door but it was empty except for his clothes.

  “If you’re looking for Fred,” Bruce said, “he isn’t here. I’m alone, doll.”

  Jackie glowered at the naked young man, trying not to let his eyes be dazzled by the pink-white flesh that was all the more inviting as he began remembering the feel of it against his own.

  “Okay,” he said, returning the gun to its holster. “Let’s have it. Why the hell are you here, like that?”

  “If you mean naked when you say like that, I thought it was a lovely idea. Saves a lot of time undressing after you arrive.”

  “What makes you think I’d have asked you to undress,” Jackie demanded, although he knew full well his voice wasn’t very convincing. “And what brought you here in the first place? Did your friends cut you out on the pay off?”

  “Did you pay?” Bruce asked.

  “I didn’t have much choice.”

  “You know, it’s peculiar, but I wouldn’t have thought the other night that you were the sort to carry a gun.”

  “I have to, playing around with your kind of friends. Did they send you?”

  “They’d kill me if they found out I was here,” Bruce said, sounding as though he meant it. “Will you believe me if I say I’m sorry?”

  Jackie sighed and forced himself to look the other way. “It’s a little late for that, isn’t it?

  “I guess it is,” Bruce said, discarding his flippant tone. “But you see, I had no choice. They have a very extensive collection of pictures of me, to say nothing of a few other items that cause a lot of trouble for me. I have to do what they tell me to do, even if I don’t like it.”

  It was a typical B.U.T.C.H. tactic, Jackie knew. He relented slightly, although he couldn’t help feeling a little angry.

  “Okay,” he said, “You’ve made your apologies. Now you’d better put on your clothes and beat it so I can get some rest.”

  “You don’t really want me to go,” Bruce said.

  Jackie looked back, wetting his lips with his tongue. Bruce’s hands were busy making himself all the more conspicuous—and desirable.

  “Stop that,” he growled. His own trousers were beginning to feel uncomfortably tight as he watched.

  “I will,” Bruce told him with a knowing smile. “If you do it for me.”

  Jackie weakened. Even if he had been duped the last time, he had gotten his money’s worth sexually. And here it was being offered to him again, for free this time. He stepped closer, standing by the edge of the bed to stare down at the inviting expanse of male beauty.

  Bruce pulled himself up on his elbows. One hand reached for the zipper of Jackie’s trousers and Jackie’s leg trembled slightly as the searching hand found him. It was a winning argument. He unfastened his belt and allowed Bruce to pull his trousers downward. Together they got them off. The rest of his clothes were not far behind.

  Bruce’s thick thighs parted as Jackie lowered himself to the bed, his own flesh as solid and as ready as Bruce’s.

  “I want you there,” Bruce whispered, guiding him with his hand. Jackie was only too happy to comply. He thrust his hips forward and felt the yielding softness of warm flesh. Bruce groaned, his legs lifted high, his body bent almost double.

  Jackie didn’t try to be kind. He was venting what was left of his anger on the tender, fleshy bottom turned up to him, his thrashing hips moving with speed and violence.

  Not that Bruce regarded it as punishment. He squirmed and moaned deliriously, arching his back to raise himself, meeting each energetic push.

  Jackie bent, his hands clasping Bruce’s wriggling hips and lifting until his eager lips reached Bruce’s towering flesh.

  It was a whirlwind of motion and sensation as they struggled together, their bodies’ white hot with passion and surging lust.

  Jackie felt the warning stirring within himself as their ardor approached its zenith. He strained to control himself until Bruce’s breathing had become a succession of labored gasps, his flesh swelling and trembling in a telltale manner. Then, together, they exploded in a flood of searing pleasure.


  It seemed an eternity later that they finally stirred and separated. Jackie sat up and lighted a cigarette.

  “All right,” he said. “Now suppose you tell me what all that was about?”

  Bruce grinned and sat up as well, snuggling close against Jackie’s nude body. “I wanted to see if it would be as great a second time with you as it was the first.”

  That was an answer Jackie could understand. He knew without conceit that he was good in bed. Sex was, after all, his favorite pastime as well as an essential tool in his arsenal of weapons and he had devoted himself to mastering the subject.

  “Still sore at me?” Bruce asked finally in a sober tone.

  “No, I guess not.” Jackie said, rubbing one hand affectionately over the soft buttocks. “I believe what you said about not having any choice in the matter.”

  “I can make it up to you,” Bruce said, raising himself on one elbow. “I could get the pictures back. I was hoping maybe I could get to you before you paid them.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?” Jackie asked, his interest aroused.

  “Not if they don’t find out who took them,” Bruce explained. “If I’m careful no one will be wiser. But of course it’s too late to worry about the pictures now, since you’ve already paid them.”

  “There’s something else more important than those pictures.” Jackie said thinking of Dingo Stark and the diary. “Something I want to get badly. Can you show me where they are kept?”

  Bruce frowned and shook his head. “That would be dangerous. If anyone saw you there they’d suspect me at once. But I could get it for you if you let me know what it is.”

  “It’s a diary,” Jackie explained. It was a gamble he knew, but he had to trust someone and Bruce was his only link now with the ring. He described the notebook to the silent blond.

  “Are you a cop?” Bruce asked finally.

  “Of sorts,” Jackie admitted. “I’m an agent for C.A.M.P.”

  Bruce’s eyebrows went up. “So that’s it. No wonder you had the gun and all. Hell, I would get killed if they knew about this.”

  Jackie frowned. “You’re right about that. It’s dangerous for you to be helping me.

  Bruce gave him a smile as he stood and began to dress himself. “I
can be pretty cagey myself, you know. I’ll get the diary for you. I owe you that much at least.”

  “How will you get it to me?” Jackie asked.

  “You’ll have to pick it up at my place,” Bruce said. “Don’t worry. They rarely come around there unless it’s to take pictures. There’s a back stairs to the building. Come in that way. It’s safe. I’ll have a Do Not Disturb sign tacked to the door.”

  Bruce, dressed again for the street, came back to the bed and bent down to kiss him. “Of course,” he said softly. “I’ll expect a reward. A repeat performance.”

  “You’ll get it,” Jackie assured him and meant it. “Tomorrow night?”

  “Make it afternoon,” Bruce said. “I’ll have the book by then. Come around at two o’clock.”

  Jackie sat for a long time in the bed after Bruce had left, contemplating this turn of events. At least if things went well he would have Dingo’s diary back. And, if he played it right, he might yet persuade Bruce to lead him to the B.U.T.C.H. headquarters. By this time he owed those hoods, especially Bruno Scotto, quite a few lumps on the head. And that was one debt he was eager to pay off.

  * * * *

  First thing when he awoke in the morning, which was not until almost noon, Jackie called Dingo at his hotel. It was not the singer, but Steve who answered the phone.

  “Jackie,” Steve greeted him with obvious delight, “Did you get the diary?”

  Jackie could not help wishing that the excitement in the other’s voice were for him and not for the prospect of getting back the diaries.

  “Yes and no,” he answered. “I lost my boys last night but I have a new lead. Unless I’m mistaken I’ll have it this afternoon.”

  “Oh, how wonderful! I can’t tell you how pleased I am to hear that. Will you be bringing them over here to the hotel?”

  “I’ll call first,” Jackie told him. “Tell Dingo to stick around. One way or the other, I should have some news by three o’clock.”

  “He’s out just now but I’ll tell him,” Steve promised.

  With that out of the way, Jackie ordered breakfast and showered while he waited for the food to be delivered. His body still tingled with the memory of Bruce and the prospect of still another torrid session with the devilish blond. He could not help hoping that somehow he could free Bruce from the clutches of B.U.T.C.H. as well. No one who could be so divine sexually could be all bad, after all.

  He moved his soapy hand away from the spot where it had lingered almost too long. It was just such thoughts that had awakened him this morning in an aroused state and his blood was still warm with eagerness.

  His food was there by the time he stepped from the steaming shower. He wrapped a towel around his hips and ate wolfishly. Sex always increased his appetite and unless Bruce had cooled down quite a bit he would need a lot of energy later.

  With breakfast out of the way, Jackie dressed and began packing his clothes. Barring any snags he might be ready to leave the hotel before the day was out. Then, with still some time to kill, he left the hotel and wandered about on the streets, an innocent looking tourist enjoying some of the sights of the city.

  * * * *

  A little before two, he caught a cab and gave the address of Bruce’s apartment. His excitement mounted with each passing block. If only Bruce hadn’t failed or slipped up in any way.

  Following Bruce’s instructions, he circled around to the rear of the building and entered from that way. At Bruce’s door, he saw the Do Not Disturb sign fastened to the door with a thumbtack. With a sigh of relief, he rapped lightly on the door.

  Bruce greeted him with a pleased grin, motioning him quickly inside.

  “Did you get it?” Jackie asked anxiously. As much as he was looking forward to seeing Bruce, the diary was still his first concern.

  “I told you I can be cagey,” Bruce reminded him. He opened a drawer of the desk and pulled out the notebook. Jackie recognized it at once as Dingo’s diary. Luck was running with him again!

  “Wonderful,” he said enthusiastically. He threw his arms around the blond and hugged him happily.

  “Now, do I get my reward?” Bruce asked with a flirtatious smile. “You promised me a repeat performance.”

  “That’s a promise I’ll be happy to keep,” Jackie assured him. His lips sought and found the sweet full ones waiting for him. Bruce’s tongue, a fiery sword, searched his mouth, darting about sensuously.

  “I half expected to find you waiting for me naked again,” Jackie whispered, his tongue tickling one pink ear.

  “That can be quickly taken care of,” Bruce assured him. Their bodies, crushed together in an embrace, were both rocklike with anticipation.

  They walked together into the bedroom. Jackie was pleased by the way Bruce watched him as he undressed, his eyes gleaming more brightly as each article of clothing was shed.

  There was no rush this time. They took it slowly, kissing one another tenderly, hands stroking healthy, young bodies. Jackie lay entranced as Bruce’s flicking tongue examined all of him, starting smoldering fires in countless places. Bruce’s hands tugged at him, turning him over and Jackie consented silently. Tit for tat, he reminded himself. The tongue explored his back, moving lower until his buttocks too were treated to delights. He felt the first, cautious attempt of Bruce to take him and raise up to meet the advance. There was a moment of pain that grew into an intense thrill as Bruce pushed against him. Bruce’s fingers closed about Jackie’s throbbing flesh, stroking slowly at first and then with increasing speed and fervor.

  Their sweating bodies slapped together and rolled until Bruce was on his back and Jackie atop him. Jackie closed his eyes and flung his head back, his nostrils flaring. He twisted, seeking Bruce’s mouth. There was no pain now, only the blinding heat of their furious loving. Beneath them the bed creaked and groaned with the frenzy of their movements.

  Bruce was frantic, raging beyond control now. Jackie welcomed his thrusts, felt them grow more violent as the end neared.Their finish was a torrent that swept through them wildly, a shuddering, choking eternity of spasms that died away slowly, its sweetness lingering.

  * * * *

  Afterward they showered together, playfully teasing one another. Their wrestling ended in an embrace and a long, happy kiss that resulted in renewed excitement. With the water of the shower pouring about him, Jackie stood with his legs braced apart. Bruce, kneeling before him, once again paid homage to his true master. When it was over, Jackie was beginning to ache with the exertion.

  “Come on,” he said, whacking the blonde’s naked buttocks with a towel. “I need to catch my breath.”

  They lay happily in one another’s arms across the bed. Music from a nearby radio drifted in through the open window.

  “Haven’t you ever thought about leaving the organization?” Jackie asked finally, making his bid for Bruce’s future assistance. Now that the diaries were in his possession he was eager to deal with B.U.T.C.H. further. “Like going straight?”

  Bruce seemed sad as he thought of the question. “Oh yes, I’ve thought about it. But it isn’t possible, you know. B.U.T.C.H. doesn’t allow anyone to resign.”

  Jackie knew what he meant. When one left the ranks of the outfit he was never able to tell anyone about the group.

  “I could see that you’re protected,” Jackie assured him. “C.A.M.P. would look out for you, get you out of town if necessary. Besides, there wouldn’t be any danger if we were able to break them up.”

  “No one can do that,” Bruce argued. “They’re too wily and too strong.”

  “C.A.M.P. could do it,” Jackie insisted, determined to sway the young man. “If you’d only tell me how to find their headquarters.”

  Bruce studied him for a long minute. “If I did, would it mean that I could continue seeing you? On a serious basis?”

  Jackie leaned over and planted a kiss in the vicinity of Bruce’s thighs. “It’s sweet of you to ask that,” he said, meeting Bruce’s eyes evenly. “But I couldn�
�t promise you that, not even as badly as I want to get hold of those beasts. I’m not the sort to settle down, even with someone I like as much as you.”

  “But I could see you some times?” Bruce pursued his eyes wide and hopeful.

  “I’m always in the mood for your sort of entertaining,” Jackie told him.

  Bruce was silent and thoughtful for a moment. “All right,” he said finally in a nervous voice. “I’ll do it, for you and for myself.”

  Jackie was beside himself with excitement. “You’re great,” he exclaimed, hugging him ecstatically.

  Bruce’s smile was pleased but still anxious, “I think I’d better have a drink,” he said, getting up from he bed. “This is the most difficult decision I’ve ever made in my life.”

  “And the wisest,” Jackie said somberly. “Make that two drinks.”

  He watched as Bruce crossed the room. The nude cheeks jiggled and bounced bewitchingly with each step and Jackie found his excitement returning, his body rising to action again.

  The knife seemed to come from nowhere, appearing in the center of Bruce’s wide back as though by magic. There was a second of frozen motion as Bruce stood rooted to the spot. Then, as Jackie jumped to his feet in horror, the blond crumpled and fell to the floor.

  Jackie dived for his gun, throwing himself low. There was no one at the window now. With the gun in his hand he raced to it and stuck his head out in time to catch a glimpse of a familiar figure just jumping from the bottom of the old, iron fire escape. Jackie lifted the gun but there was no time to aim and fire before Fred had disappeared around the corner of the building.

  With an oath Jackie turned and hurried back to the figure on the floor. The aim had been perfect. Bruce was already breathing his last.

  His eyelids fluttered and he looked up into Jackie’s face with glazed eyes. The ghost of a smile played over his lips.

  “Don’t talk,” Jackie warned with a breaking voice, although he knew it was too late to do anything now. “I’ll get a doctor.”

  “Fisherman’s Wharf,” Bruce managed to whisper. He tried to say something else but the sound he produced was only a sputtering gasp. His head rolled on Jackie’s arm, his body jerked once and he was dead.


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