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DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6)

Page 5

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I looked at Michael who nodded while he rubbed his eyes.

  "Good, let's go," Marissa suggested, carrying me. Michael left first and Marissa followed him. I lifted my head to see Father still in the exact spot he had been in before. I stared into his gold eyes and watched a tear roll down his cheek.

  It was the first time I'd seen him cry.


  "The damage was caused by the dangerous chemicals in the bleach. Because it was laced with magic, there's no way for us to heal it, your Highness."

  I stared into the mirror, tilting my head with the new pair of glasses on my face. I clenched my fists and glared at my reflection.

  A priority for Angel shifters was maintaining physical perfection. From the clothes that cloaked our body, to each little strand of our hair, we were taught being perfect was essential for the moment angels would be called to assist the Starlight God Jehovah in proclaiming justice and help Yuikimiru, the Starlight Goddess of Life, in rejuvenating a new world.

  Now with glasses, I was no longer considered perfect. I didn't have 20/20 vision, all because of one selfish person who called herself my 'mother.’

  Michael appeared behind me with a guarded expression. He placed a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently. "We'll figure it out. Maybe another healer in a different realm can fix them," he whispered to me, but I knew those words were just that: words.

  I turned away, ignoring the looks that came from Marissa, Father, and the doctor, striding out of the medical office. After a short time, I heard a set of footsteps following me; I knew without looking it was Michael.

  We reached the private section of the castle and entered the living room where Claire was humming away and reading a magazine. She lifted her head when we entered and her eyes lingered on the glasses on my face.

  "Aww. Look at this? What imperfection is on that angry face of yours?" she mocked. Michael growled and took a step forward, but I tugged on his long sleeve shirt to pull him into the kitchen while I ignored Claire completely.

  I wasn't in the mood today and Claire knew it. This was her fault. What kind of mother would make fun of their child for something they caused? I got a mug from the counter and set the kettle on to boil water.

  I had recently started drinking tea. Marissa said it would help soothe my anger and keep me relaxed. I didn't know if it really worked, but I did like drinking the hot liquid.

  "You okay, Daniel?" Michael inquired.

  I didn't answer and continued to stare at the kettle.

  He doesn't understand my anger. In a world full of perfect angel shifters, I would never fit in. I already didn't have friends. Why would someone want to spend time with me now? I'd be bullied too, like Michael. What if he leaves me? I'll be alone and people would make sure to let me know what an outcast I am.

  I wasn't perfect anymore and that was exactly what Claire wanted for me.

  I thought Michael had left the room, but then he sighed and arms wrapped around me; I felt his chin rest on my head.

  "Listen. Just because you have glasses, doesn't mean you're a nobody. Your vision doesn't define you. That isn’t what tells the universe that you are Daniel Moore. You said I shouldn't listen to the bullies. You shouldn't think someone won’t like you because you have glasses," Michael lectured.

  "How could a girl like me with glasses? They're ugly," I grumbled.

  "They aren't ugly. You just need the right ones," Michael countered.

  I lifted my head up to stare into his gold eyes. A part of me envied him. He'd find a beautiful lover to match his perfection, yet no one would want to be with me because of my flaw.

  I still didn’t regret defending him, though. He'd been protecting me before I could even crawl. I just hated the situation I was in.

  "I asked Marissa if she can take us to get a few pairs. We'll get ones that compliment your face. Does that sound a little better?" he questioned.

  "I guess," I replied sullenly, lowering my head to stare at the kettle as it began to whistle.

  "I'll get a pair too," Michael offered.

  "Why? You don't need them," I pointed out.

  "I'll start a fashion trend. Like in those magazines. They'll envy our looks."

  I chuckled and looked back up at him. "You’re awesome, brother."

  "I know. It's all thanks to my little brother," Michael replied with a wide smile, stepping away to get his own mug.

  "You don't like tea," I reminded.

  "That's because Marissa always gives me some weird herbal shit," Michael complained.

  "If Marissa hears you swear, she's putting soap in your mouth again," I cautioned.

  "It's all good. At least my mouth will be clean and fresh." He laughed.

  I smirked and he took the box of tea from the cupboard, giving me a bag to put in my mug. He poured boiling water in each cup, and I watched him pour an excessive amount of sugar and milk in his before we moved up to his room.

  "You know, just because we're angels, doesn't mean you can have that much sugar," I pointed out when we entered his room.

  "You can drink your plain orange pekoe tea. I need my sugar and milk to save my taste buds," he retorted.

  We laughed and sat on the floor, glancing at the window above Michael’s bed. The blinds were still open and the sun was beginning to set, giving us a glimpse of the little twinkle of stars that were moments away from making their grand entrance as the sun began to disappear beyond the horizon.

  "Soon, Daniel," Michael whispered.

  I turned to meet his gaze and saw the confidence in his eyes. "Two and a half cycles more and we can go," he confirmed.

  "Why two and a half?" That would mean I'd be nine seeing as my seventh birthday was coming up. I didn't see why we couldn't leave now. As royal children, we were far more intellectually advanced than the average human our age.

  Adding the extra knowledge Michael and I gained through books, we would be fine on our own. It wasn’t like we had issues with money. If Marissa came with us, she'd ensure we were taken care of, at least until we got old enough to find some type of job.

  "You'll be nine and I'll be eleven. I heard the knight program in Heila begins accepting students at age eleven. I think I'd be able to enter. Or figure out some way to continue my training. Heila welcomes every race. Even some humans live there. They wouldn't bully us. We'd finally be accepted," Michael revealed excitedly.

  "Really? Even with my glasses?" I wondered, tilting my head.

  Michael's smile widened and he nodded. "Yup. I looked it up with Marissa. There's a place there that has an entire store filled with glasses." He set his cup of tea down and spread his hands out wide to indicate the size of the building. I gawked at him.

  "A whole store? Not just a wall?" I asked. I was lucky to have the silver basic glasses that sat on my face now because we didn't have such stores. Everyone was perfect, so why would you need eyeglasses?

  "An entire store filled with glasses on every wall from top to bottom," Michael affirmed.

  I grinned. "I can't wait!"

  We turned back to the window, relaxing in silence as we continued to sip our tea. I lowered my mug back to the floor and pondered what living in Heila would be like.

  Would I have friends? People who would play with me and eventually train with me too? I blinked and the room before me shifted to a balcony.

  It was spacious and thin gold and pink curtains fluttered in the wind behind me. I turned my head and spotted a boy who was the same height as me. He had short black hair styled to one side and wore a maroon dress shirt and black pants.

  He looked to be a little older, maybe nine or ten, but I could tell right away he was someone who would lead a nation. The very image of a future King.

  He turned to face me and bright tyrian eyes met mine. He blinked as if he was unsure who I was, but then a second later a smile formed on his pink lips. A wide, teeth showing smile that felt genuine, making me wish he would one day be my friend.

"Let's be friends, Daniel Moore!" he exclaimed.


  I blinked and looked up to see I was back in Michael’s bedroom. I looked at Michael who now knelt in front of me. My glasses were in his hand and he had a worried look on his face.

  "What?" I asked, feeling confused by his anxious tone and concerned expression.

  "Did you just have a vision?" Michael asked.

  I frowned, unsure what he was referring to. "What's that?"

  Michael frowned and placed my glasses back on my face. "It's when you get a glimpse of the future. It's called foresight, but some angels only have little traces of it while others can see anything from the past to the future."

  "Like...a fortune teller?" I questioned, remembering I'd read something like that in the past.

  Michael nodded. "Yes. Hmm... I could be wrong, but I think Mom used to be able to do that. Well...that's what I heard Father tell Marissa once when I was snooping for books in Father's library."

  "Is it bad?" I asked.

  "No. It's a pretty cool gift." He smiled, reassuring me. "What did you see?"

  I looked at the remaining bit of tea left in my mug and smiled. "I made a friend."

  Michael looked puzzled, but he relaxed and sat back on his heels. "Did you now?"

  I smirked and nodded quickly. "He said we should be friends. He looked like a leader. Like he'd rule a country one day. He had purple eyes too!"

  "Well then. Guess we'll have to wait and see what the future holds when we go to Heila,” Michael hummed.

  I nodded in agreement and we both returned to finishing our tea.

  A friend. Maybe I'd finally find my calling as well?

  "I’M FUCKING DONE!" Michael yelled.

  I rushed downstairs, still half asleep and entered the lounging room right as Michael stormed out. He had tears in his eyes and his face was red with anger. Michael rarely cried so I knew Claire must have said something that really hurt him.

  I bit my lip, wondering if Father was awake. He was home and should have heard the loud commotion from his room just as I had.

  I looked back to see Claire fuming, pacing back and forth and muttering under her breath. I entered the room cautiously, my instinct telling me I needed to be here for some reason. Claire always destroyed things when she was this mad, so often I was shocked she hadn't destroyed anything yet this morning. Maybe because Father would see the true side of her?

  "Why do I have to continue this babysitting nonsense? They aren't even my children. Why aren’t the gods giving me a bloody child? If I had a child with Eric, he'd have no choice but to stay with me. He'd abandon these useless children from that woman. She's dead, yet everyone shows her respect! Why can't I get the same treatment?"

  I grimaced, trying to put her words together, but even with my intelligence, it felt like she was speaking in riddles. She stopped in her tracks and turned her head to stare at the glass table next to the sofa.

  I followed her gaze and my eyes landed on Michael's pocket watch Mother had given us before her disappearance. In each royal family, everybody had a family heirloom given to them.

  When I was born, Mother had instructed Father to give ours to us when we understood the value of it. I had mine stored away in my room, but Michael normally carried his around with him. He must have been really upset to have forgotten it.

  My gut did a flip when I noticed the glint in Claire's eyes as a small wicked smile formed on her lips.

  "Look what we have here," she whispered and I shivered.

  I immediately walked up to the table and snatched the watch, placing it in my back pocket before she could make a grab for it.

  Claire blinked out of whatever daze she was in, meeting my eyes with a glare. "What are you doing? Give it to me!" she demanded.

  I took a step back. "No. It's Michael's. Not yours." I returned her glare with one of my own.

  "You will do as I say! I'm YOUR mother now! Give me the watch!" Claire snarled as she began to approach me.

  I bit my lip and slowly backed away, my eyes darting around the room. I wanted to run back into the house, but then the air began to grow thick with magic and it became hard to breathe.

  Fear coursed through me as I noticed Claire's eyes glow gold. I didn't know what spell she was going to cast and I didn't know what I could do to defend myself. I darted to my left and pressed my body against the wall.

  "I'll ask you this once more, Daniel! Give. Me. The. Watch! I'm your mommy, and you WILL obey me," she declared.

  I knew without a doubt that she was using magic to try and manipulate my actions.

  If she really was my mommy, why would she want to hurt me? Why would she beat Michael for years? Why would she want to destroy the one thing we had left of my real mother, Isabelle? WHY!

  “I hate you, Mommy! I wish you’d disappear!” I screamed, closing my eyes when she moved to tower over me.

  “DANIEL!” she screamed.


  I slowly opened my eyes and stood there speechless, my hand slowly covering my stinging, red cheek. It was the first time I'd be hit in the face by Claire and it hurt. Tears began to form as the pain pulsed continuously.

  “You can’t go saying things like that, Daniel! How many times have I warned you of your gift? You know what? I’m done. That stupid wench should come and take her pathetic children! But of course, she’s DEAD! Why do I have to be burdened with such things?”

  I hadn't realized I'd used my gift. I'd learned how to control it and Michael had been testing me every day. There's no way I could have used it without realizing. Why was she accusing me of such things? I didn't use my gift...

  "Daniel! Get out of the room!" Azriel shouted in my mind but in that moment, I couldn't move and my train of thought felt altered, as if I didn’t know who was before me.

  My mind was telling me she was my mother, but my instincts told me otherwise. My internal battle between Claire as an evil woman versus her being my mommy continued and the more I tried to resist, the clearer the thought of her being my mother was. She was my mommy; I couldn't leave after I'd said such a horrible thing to her.

  “You’re my mommy... I’m sorry. Don’t go.” I tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled away like I was a poisonous insect.

  “Don’t you dare touch me! You should just die!” she roared. She lifted her hand up, and something black began to form at her fingertips.

  "DANIEL!" Azriel screamed.

  My head hurt as he tried to take over, but I wouldn't let him. I was horrified by Mommy's words.

  Die…? Why do I have to die? I didn’t do anything! Why does Mommy say such mean things to me? I want Michael. Michael loves me. I hate Mommy. Mommy doesn’t love me. I wish Mommy would disappear. GO AWAY!

  I clenched my small fists as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I noticed Claire began to stagger before she turned and walked toward the balcony. I was confused as to where she was going. The exit wasn’t that way. Why would she be going out there?

  “Mommy, wait. Don’t go.” I looked at her figure as she shuffled to the balcony. Panic burned through me and I began to breathe rapidly, my chest constricting.

  “MICHAEL!” I called out at the top of my lungs. I was afraid to be left alone like I just had been. I was scared I'd fade away and die. I began to cry uncontrollably.

  Father and Michael both rushed into the room and Michael was by my side in seconds. I was hyperventilating and trembling as tears continued to roll down my flushed cheeks.

  “Daniel? Wha –" Michael began but was cut off.

  “CLAIRE!” Father's voice boomed through the room. Our heads whipped over to see Father looking over the edge of the balcony; Claire was nowhere to be seen.

  Marissa dashed into the room. Her wide eyes focused on the King first before they darted around the room and landed on us. She took one look at me and came immediately to my side.

  "Ma-Marissa. I... I didn't..." I tried to explain through pants, but couldn't get the words out. I didn
't know where Claire went. What had I done? Marissa pulled me into her arms and picked me up.

  "Michael! Get the other maids and guards outside now! Call the medical team and say it’s an emergency," she ordered.

  Michael was out the door in seconds and Marissa carried me upstairs to my room.

  She sat me on the bed and shut the door with her magic, locking it. I sobbed and continued to try and breathe. The air in this room felt clean compared to where I was with Claire.

  "Marissa!" I cried.

  She removed my glasses and wiped away my tears, giving me a sweet smile. "Listen to me, Daniel. We’ll figure everything out, but I need you to breathe for me." Her voice was soft and helped me focus.

  I took one breath after another and Marissa rubbed my back soothingly. There was a knock at the door and I tensed up, fearing it was Claire.

  "Daniel! It's me!" Michael yelled.

  Marissa extended her hand and unlocked the door with magic. Michael opened it and quickly shut it behind him. Marissa closed her hand into a fist, locking it once more.

  "Michael. I didn't…she was going to destroy your watch!" I cried.

  Michael looked stunned at first and then quickly checked his pockets. His eyes grew wide with panic as he stared back at us. "Did she..." he began but trailed off; fear flickered in his gold eyes.

  I quickly shook my head from side to side and pulled the watch from my back pocket. Michael sighed in relief and came up to me, taking the gold pocket watch from my hand. He pressed it to his lips as he closed his eyes.

  "Thank you, Daniel," he whispered, blinking back tears.

  "But... I did something wrong. I used my gift. I... Claire... she...I don't know what happened. Azriel told me to run, but I couldn't move. I was scared," I whimpered and used my hands to rub my eyes. I could barely see Michael or Marissa at this point, my tears nearly blinding me.

  "We'll figure it out, Daniel. Let me go see what's going on. You two do NOT leave this room until I come and get you, understood?" Marissa ordered.


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