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DANIEL (The Starlight Gods Series Book 6)

Page 8

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Who are you?" Ryder asked.

  The rest of us, including myself, were rather speechless. Either because of her silent approach, or the power that flickered off her once we acknowledged her presence.

  All I knew for sure was this woman had lived for cycles beyond the average one hundred. The woman's violet eyes softened as she smiled.

  "My name is Saikikku Madore, and I'll be your mentor, Star Knights of Princess Rosalina Mackenzie Heart, future heir of Heila and savior from the darkness."

  "So...let’s just clarify this. You're a fortune teller and the Starlight gods showed you that we, as in this group of boys and I, are star knights for the stolen Princess of Heila, Rosalina Heart and she's going to be Heila's future queen and we’re going to go on a trip to fight darkness? Darkness as in when the sun goes away and everything becomes black? An element rather than a human or shifter we can physically fight."

  I pulled off my glasses and pinched my nose. We were currently having a meeting with Saikikku Madore in the private corridors of the castle.

  We'd rushed Elias back and he had been admitted to the medical center, receiving treatment from a woman named Karen Knightly. She looked to be very kind and I could tell from her aura alone she was powerful in the healing department.

  She'd stabilized Elias and was watching over him, giving us a little bit of reassurance he'd recover just fine. I felt there was something different in Elias compared to everyone else, but I didn't have time to ponder on it as we were directed to go with Saikikku.

  Michael was being watched by the King of Minato, Ryder's father, and the King of Phentailia, Kai's father until Marissa arrived at the castle and was informed about what was going on.

  I glanced over to Ryder who was resting his head on the back on the cream sofa we were sitting on. Marcus was sitting to our right in a chair and Kai was opposite of him. Saikikku stood before us and was listening to our exchange.

  "You're one of those people who take a while to be convinced, huh?" Marcus stated plainly. He looked exhausted but was still calm after the hour-long informative lecture that made my head spin.

  "This doesn't sound even a little crazy to you?" Kai stressed, looking irritated.

  I glanced at Ryder who'd been quiet the entire time and frowned. "Ryder?" I asked, but he remained silent.

  "And Mr. Leader fell asleep. Great," Kai grumbled.

  "If you used that thick skull of yours, maybe you'd realize you’re the problem," Marcus commented.

  "What? Don't go pointing fingers at me. What did I do?" Kai snarled.

  I zoned them out for a moment, staring at Ryder and allowing my healing power to show me what was going on with him.

  "He's overstimulated by something," Azriel announced.

  Overstimulated? By what?

  "Hmm... he's the opposite of what we can do," Azriel revealed.

  "Opposite of what we can do?" I wondered out loud, eyeing Ryder carefully.

  "What, healer boy?" Kai asked.

  "Can you calm your emotions for two fucking seconds? You'd have your answer by now," Marcus huffed, glaring at Kai.

  "Ryder Carter, son of Alexander and Violet Carter, has the gift to feel anyone's emotions," Saikikku revealed.

  "What?" we all spoke in unison, shocked at her words.

  "His gift is a rare one. I haven't seen it in a while. He can feel all of your emotions. Your anger, sadness, fear, and hope. The more emotions that surround him, the harder it is for him to concentrate. If you weren't so naive, you’d know he passed out fifteen minutes ago," Saikikku explained calmly like it wasn't a big deal.

  "Aww shit." Marcus got up and came over to Ryder's side.

  I went to my knees on the sofa and lifted Ryder's eyes to check their movement. My eyes glowed to life and I began trying to regulate his senses as my hand hovered over his chest.

  Kai was completely quiet watching us, and I took a quick glance and saw a hint of regret in his expression before he masked his face.

  "Ryder? Can you hear us?" Marcus asked.

  It took a few minutes of me working on Ryder before he finally woke up, looking even more exhausted than the rest of us.

  "Are you guys done with Emotions 101? I don't think I can handle you guys until I take another nap," Ryder complained weakly, glancing my way when I sat back on my heels and retracted my energy.

  "Our bad," Marcus apologized.

  "We didn't know. Sorry, Ryder. Why don't I help you back to your room so you can rest?" I suggested.

  He lifted his hand slowly and ruffled his hair. "That sounds good. I think I'll go to bed. I don't feel good," he confessed.

  Marcus and I nodded, feeling bad that we'd ignored his pain this whole time.

  Saikikku sighed. "I don't want to continue until you are all rested and present. You may go. I'll talk with your family members and let them know they are welcome to stay in the castle for as long as they need to. I've already received permission from the King and Queen."

  "Thank you, Saikikku." Marcus bowed his head.

  Kai and I exchanged a glance before we too bowed in thanks.

  Saikikku left us, giving us directions to our rooms. Marcus and I helped Ryder stand up and he put his arm around Marcus' shoulder. I was going to help him but then Kai gestured for me to move, lifting Ryder's other arm over his shoulder.

  "I'll help. You're probably tired from using that healing juju of yours," Kai grumbled.

  I smirked and thanked him before we made our way to our sleeping corridors. Once Ryder was in bed and asleep, we said our goodnights and went to our respective rooms.

  I stirred awake later, having dreamed about a beautiful girl. I'd never met her before, but she had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. Her smile was radiant and made me feel happy just at the sight of it. Now that I was awake, staring at the ceiling above, I realized it was Princess Rosalina.

  We were much older. Or at least, that’s how it felt in the dream. The Princess' hand was in mine and she smiled up at me. Her beauty had no bounds, and the sight made my heart pound against my chest like I had been running for hours.

  How could such a beauty be taken away? The castle looked heavily guarded in comparison to our castle in ArchAilennia. No one would think of committing such a sin of kidnapping unless they were willing to face death.

  I began to think of how I'd be able to contribute to either this mission or prophecy. Instead of getting answers, I was left with even more questions. Tossing and turning, I tried my best to fall back to sleep, but couldn't. I didn't usually struggle to sleep unless I had nightmares, but as the clock continued to tick, I knew I wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon.

  I sighed, sitting up and stretching my arms. I reached for my glasses on the nightstand to my left and slid them on, looking around the dark room.

  Ryder and I were sharing a room and Marcus and Kai were sleeping next door to us. Elias would stay in the medical center overnight for monitoring, but Marcus said he'd go check on him early in the morning. He didn't like the idea of leaving him alone for too long and wanted him to wake up to someone he knew at his side.

  We all could tell he had been through something traumatic; I just wished we could help comfort him and reassure him that he'd be safe with us. I looked to my right and noticed the empty bed that was neatly made.

  "Ryder?" I looked around the room again and noticed the door just slightly open, a tiny crack allowing the light of the hall to seep through. I got out of bed and made my way out into the empty hallway.

  The large floor to ceiling windows allowed the moonlight to illuminate the hall, making the need to have lights on pointless. My gut told me to turn right so I followed it, making my way up the quiet hallway. It wasn't long before I reached a room with the doors open. I peeked inside and saw Ryder standing by a bookshelf, as he was returning a book back to its slot.

  "Ryder?" I called out.

  He slowly turned to look at me. "Daniel? Hello," he greeted, focusing back on the bookshelf as if he didn't
want to lose sight of what he was going to read next. He picked up another volume with a gold spine, pulling it from its spot before giving me his full attention.

  "Can't sleep?" I asked, walking into the room.

  Ryder nodded, placing the book on the table and meeting me halfway.

  "I was asleep for a while, wasn't I?" he inquired.

  I nodded. "You missed dinner."

  "Hmm. I'm not hungry, anyway," Ryder replied. Now that I stood before him, I could see he looked troubled.

  "What's wrong?" I hoped he didn't feel unwell again.

  He gave me a small smile and turned away, walking over to the balcony.

  I wanted to follow him but froze, needing to take a steady breath. This isn't Claire. He won't go over the edge because of me.

  Ryder paused, looking over his shoulder with a worried look. "Why are you scared?" he asked.

  I looked away, feeling guilty as I swallowed the lump in my throat. Scared was an underestimate. I was terrified.

  Since Claire's incident, I couldn't even go near a balcony. Every time I tried, the image of Claire falling over the edge haunted me and I would begin to tremble. The doctor said it had something to do with post-traumatic stress disorder, but I wished I could conquer it.

  Ryder walked back and stood before me, placing a hand gently on my shoulder. I lifted my gaze to him, knowing from the way they began to blur with tears that he would be able to see how afraid I was.

  "Did something happen that involves the balcony?" Ryder asked perceptively. He looked genuinely concerned unlike all those angel shifters back home that loved to tease and laugh at my distress.

  I nodded. "Back stepmom passed away. I...she..." I struggled to explain, wanting to put the story into words, but was frightened Ryder would judge me just like the others had.

  If he hated me, my vision of becoming his friend would never come true and I'd be alone. I didn't know where this mission or training would take us, but I didn't want to ruin a potential friendship because of my past.

  Ryder squeezed my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. It wasn't painful, more like a little pinch to bring me back to reality from the spiral of dark thoughts that yearned for my company.

  "You don't need to explain. Everyone has fears," Ryder whispered.

  "Even you?" I asked quietly.

  He gave me a sad smile and nodded. "I have sleeping problems," he confessed.

  "Huh? But you slept just fine before?" I countered, confused by his confession.

  "That's because all of the guys’ emotions drained me out. Aside from that, I don't sleep. I guess you could say I'm afraid too," he admitted.

  "Afraid to sleep." I pondered that, curious as to why that would be the case. My curious nature begged for him to answer my internal thought, but he hadn't asked me about Claire. I didn't have the right to request for his past if I couldn't even share my own.

  He grinned. "I knew the Princess for a long time," he began, walking over to the table where he'd placed his book. He picked it up and stared at it as he continued. "She was so different...unique even. She wasn't like the other shifters who always seemed to be in competition with each other or knew they were rich and felt entitled as my father would say. She didn't play by anyone's rules but her own and I loved it...I loved her."

  He turned to look at me. "Weird, right? Ten years old and yet I loved a girl. But I knew I had to be by her side. I should have protected her from harm's way...I promised Rosalina to give her a gift before the maids woke her up in the morning. I had gotten up earlier than the set time, but I was so tired. Something told me I should go check on Rosalina. Just a little peek to make sure she was okay. But I didn't. I went back to sleep. That morning, she was taken."

  I frowned, feeling the sadness in his low voice. I could hear the agony and pain in his admission and it made my heart clench for him.

  "That's my biggest regret," Ryder finished, placing the book back on the table and returning to my side.

  "So, I'm scared of sleeping. No one really knows about it. When I wake up, I just go to the library and read until I can sleep again. People think I'm dedicated to learning. To one day become an amazing leader like my father, but it's as simple as the fact I'm afraid if I close my eyes, I'll lose someone else."

  I didn't know what to say to make him feel better, but him telling me about one of his fears made me feel I could trust him. He wouldn't make fun of me or look down on me. All his words were true and it took courage to admit your fears. Courage I wanted to display too.

  "I'm afraid of going near balconies. If I'm with someone...I can. It’s still hard, but I'm not as frightened. Someone in our family...she died. She wasn't the best shifter out there and I knew if I hadn't defended myself, I would have died instead. I know it deep in my bones. But, everyone blames me and seeing a balcony makes the hateful glares, whispers, and the image of the woman falling over the edge, all resurface. It's hard."

  It felt nice to tell someone outside your family about your personal problems. Especially someone you hoped wouldn't judge you.

  "It is hard. But Heila has the best view of the stars at night, especially in this spot. You can see all the stars and the city lights and it looks really magical. It helps me relax when I'm anxious. We can go together if you’d like?" Ryder offered, presenting his hand to me.

  "You don't mind? I don't have to. I can just go back to sleep," I suggested. I didn't want to be a burden to him, but I did wonder what the stars would look like, especially after he stressed how beautiful they were.

  "You say that, but I can tell you're excited. It's more fun when someone’s with you anyway. We'll take slow steps and you just tell me if it's too much," Ryder encouraged.

  I stared at his open hand and took a deep breath before placing mine in his.

  As promised, we took slow steps and Ryder paused whenever I tensed up. Step by step, and after a minute of deep breaths and reassurances, I was on the balcony. My eyes grew wide at the scene.

  It was mesmerizing. The stars looked so close, making me reach up as if I'd be able to touch them with my fingertips. The light breeze was perfect, not too hot or cold. It tickled my skin as it passed by and the various colors that twinkled in the dark sky made me feel alive.

  Back at home, I rarely got to go outside with Michael. All it lead to was hateful glares and whispering about what a disgrace we were. Marissa said we didn't need that negativity in our life, but it was hard to be cooped up all the time.

  The smell of flowers rode on the gentle breeze and I took a big inhale, smiling. "This place is perfect," I whispered.

  "I agree. I love home, but there's something about Heila that just speaks to you when you're here. The stars, flowers, people. Everyone is different, but it's not frowned upon. You're accepted for who you are and get to enjoy everything. You can go to training without the worry someone will bully you over having a different marking or for wearing glasses," Ryder revealed.

  "They're okay with people wearing glasses?" I asked in astonishment, lifting mine up slightly so they sat better on my face.

  "Why wouldn't they? Not everyone has perfect vision. I mean, no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws. Why make someone feel bad about it? Seems stupid to me," Ryder announced as he stretched.

  "I wish more people thought that way," I spoke wistfully.

  "One day they will. I already told Father that when I rule, being different won't be frowned upon in Minato. Everyone deserves to experience what acceptance feels like and live a life without worrying about such primitive things. Hmm...but if my sister rules I'll have to persuade her. Maybe with chocolate. She likes chocolate," Ryder pondered.

  I laughed. "You have a sister?" I wished we had a sister. I'd get to play with her hair and make her super pretty every day, not that she wouldn't already be perfect.

  "Yup. Her name’s Anya. She's silly, but I love her." As he spoke, Ryder’s expression softened with compassion.

  "I have an older brother. He's more of a fr
iend than anything. Well...I don't really have any friends in my realm other than him," I admitted, turning away to stare at the sky. I felt a little depressed admitting it out loud. After all these cycles, I didn't have a single person to turn to, aside from my brother.

  "Why not?" Ryder inquired.

  "People don't like my gift," I admitted.

  "But it's your gift. The Starlight gods bestowed gifts on us because they know what will help us in our lifetime. I sometimes hate my gift because it's hard to handle, but I'm learning how to control it. People don't hate me for it."

  I turned to meet his gaze. "Angel shifters aren't like everyone else. They care about perfection. If you aren't perfect…you’re unworthy of anyone's acknowledgment other than their scorn. I don't wear my glasses outside the castle if we have to go out because I'd be made fun of."

  "That puts you at risk though. Can you see without them?" Ryder questioned.

  "Not really. Everything is blurry. I can focus with a little magic, but I can't sustain it all day long. It's very tiring."

  "That's stupid. Your father should put a stop to that. Mine would," Ryder grumbled, returning his gaze to the sky.

  "Father is more concerned about his people than Michael and I. He said he has to do what's best for his realm and listen to whatever they want," I defended.

  "If the people wanted you to starve shifters who weren't angels, would you do it?" Ryder asked.

  "No. That would be wrong," I countered.

  "Then why is it fair for an entire realm to tell your father that unless someone is perfect in their eyes, they don't matter? Just because someone is different, doesn't mean they deserve to be an outcast. That's what I've learned from Father and Mother," Ryder concluded.

  "I wish my father could hear that." I chuckled and returned to stargazing.

  We were both silent for a time, enjoying the scenery and peacefulness Heila delivered without effort. It was such a magnificent change from what I was used to, as if I'd walked out of a dungeon and entered paradise.

  "You know what?" Ryder broke the silence.

  I looked at him and my eyes widened at the wide smile on his face as he stared up at the stars. He met my stunned gaze with those bright tyrian eyes. He blinked, maybe curious as to why I looked so shocked, but then the smile on his lips widened and I got a glimpse of his straight white teeth.


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