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Blind Date (Dating Series Book 7)

Page 15

by Monica Murphy

  Within thirty minutes we’re seated at her tiny kitchen table, sharing a pizza and drinking wine, making small talk. She tells me funny stories about the endless stream of demanding customers who come into their store, and I tell her about the crazy requests people make when they’re asking for a Christmas tree.

  “We get lots of people wanting us to just lop off the top of the tree,” I say, her eyes wide as she listens to me, sipping from her wineglass. “It’ll be this gorgeous twelve-footer, right? Majestic and just freaking gorgeous while they’re like, ‘We only want you to take three feet off the top, please.’”

  “A travesty,” she says, a smile teasing the corner of her lips. She might be teasing me, but she gets what I’m saying.

  “You’re damn right,” I agree with a firm nod.

  “And what do you do when they make that type of request?” she asks.

  “What usually deters most is when you have to charge them for the entire tree, regardless if they’re only taking three feet,” I explain. “If they only take the top, they ruin the rest of it, rendering the tree unsaleable. Charlie’s solution is to charge them full sticker no matter what.”

  “Charlie is a very smart businessman,” Amelia says thoughtfully.

  “He sure is,” I readily agree.

  “So do most customers actually agree with that offer?”

  “Nah.” I shake my head. “It’s hella pricey. But sometimes they’re so damn rich, they don’t care. Like today. We had a man with his wife, and she had—expectations.” She was rude as fuck, but I don’t bother saying that. I did my best to please that woman, and couldn’t help but feel sorry for her husband having to deal with her all the time, but hey. He’s the one who chose her, so that’s on him. “One of those expectations was the top four feet of a gorgeous fourteen-foot tree. It had perfect symmetry, like one of the best trees I’ve seen all season. She didn’t care if she was ruining it. She wanted the little tree for her tabletop display she was creating in her kitchen or some such shit. I don’t know.”

  I used to worry about going on way too much, but I know Amelia doesn’t mind listening to me. Just like I don’t mind listening to her when she needs to unload. Now that I’m the customer service manager, I’m realizing that constantly dealing with rude customers is a test of my patience level. I can’t believe some of the things people want us to do.

  Then again, I can.

  “You’re so passionate about Christmas trees.” Amelia giggles, making me smile. I think she’s had too much wine. I also think she likes it when I grumble and curse. It always seems to make her laugh.

  “It’s dumb, I know. I shouldn’t care what they do. It’s not like I own the place, or the tree they’re taking home,” I say.

  “I like that you care so much. That’s what makes you so good at what you do,” she admits, her voice soft, her gaze locking with mine. “And your honesty is so refreshing. You always just tell it like it is, never holding back your feelings. I like that about you.”

  I glance down, feeling a little bashful and not sure what I should say next. I’ve never been one who knows how to deal with a bunch of compliments.

  “You’re definitely not a game player,” she continues.

  I lift my head, making a face. “No way. That shit sucks.”

  She laughs. “Yes, it most certainly does. I’ve dealt enough with it in the past.”

  “Well, you won’t have to anymore,” I say vehemently. “What you see is what you get.”

  “I like what I see,” she admits, her voice downright sultry.

  Well, well. I like the direction this is taking. “You already know I like what I see.”

  “Are you finished?” She gestures toward the open pizza box and the measly two pieces left inside.

  “Yeah. I was starving.” I lean back and pat my flat stomach. I’m the one who ate the majority of it, so I’m glad I paid. “Hauling trees all day wears a man out.”

  “I bet,” she says amusedly. “Come on, let’s go to the couch and watch something. You want more wine?”

  “No thanks. It’ll just make me fall asleep.” Not quite sure if it’s true, but it sounds good. I’m tired, and I don’t want to crash out too early. After all, I’m going to have a gorgeous woman curled up next to me on a couch.

  Talk about an early Christmas present.

  Once we’re cozied up on the couch with a thick, soft blanket wrapped around us, I settle my arm around her shoulders as she aims the Roku remote at her TV and scrolls through Netflix. “You want to watch a holiday movie?”

  “Sure.” I don’t even care. I won’t be paying too much attention, since I’ll be too entranced by the woman next to me.

  She puts on some cutesy Christmas movie and leans into me, her head on my shoulder, her hand on my chest. My entire body starts tingling the longer she lays draped across me like this, and after about ten minutes, I shift uncomfortably, trying to ignore the semi-erection I’m currently sprouting.

  I’m trying to be patient. What if she thinks all I want is sex? I mean, not going to lie, that is a lot of what I want, but I also enjoy spending time with her. Talking to her. Holding her close. Laughing with her. Usually during the Christmas season I get so caught up in work, I forget how to have fun.

  Not this year. I’m working hard and spending time with an amazing woman. I’m getting the best of both worlds.

  “You okay?” she asks softly.

  I glance down to find her watching me. Damn, she’s pretty. I lean down and drop a kiss on her lips. “I’m great.”

  Amelia smiles. “I like you a lot, Isaac.”

  “I like you, too.” I touch her face, my fingers drifting down her cheek. I like her so damn much it’s almost scary.

  “As long as you’re patient with me, I’m pretty positive we could make this work.”

  I raise a brow. “You think so?”

  She nods. “I have to warn you, though. My parents have—expectations. About who I should be with.”

  “Your mom loves me,” I tell her arrogantly. “I brought her a Christmas tree. And I make her daughter happy. She said so.”

  Amelia laughs. “True. But they’re very…traditional, especially my father. They already expect me married and thinking about babies.”

  I wince. That is the last thing I want to think about. “Babies are not a part of my current agenda.”

  “Mine either,” she says in agreement. “I’m just warning you about what you might have to deal with when we pursue this thing between us.”

  I normally would’ve mentally told myself not to get my hopes up, but we’re beyond that now.

  My hopes are way, way up.

  “What thing?” I tease.

  She gently pushes my chest. “Dating. We’re going to date, you know.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I salute her with a grin. “Isn’t that what we’ve already been doing?”

  Amelia laughs. “Yeah, fine. You’re right.”

  I drop a kiss to the tip of her nose. “You’re cute.”

  “And I think maybe…you could be the one,” she whispers, her eyes suddenly wide. “I’m probably rushing things.”

  My heart expands to twice its size. “I like rushing things.”

  Amelia’s brows shoot up. “You do?”

  Nodding, I tilt my head toward hers. “Though I have a question for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I thought you believed that love at first sight thing was bullshit.”

  “You’re the one who said that,” she reminds me primly. “And that wasn’t a question.”

  “Whatever,” I say dismissively. “But you’re right. Well, let’s give this a chance then.”

  I keep my voice, my outward demeanor purposely light, though deep inside, I want to jump around and yell like I just won the freakin’ Super Bowl.

  She’s quiet, seemingly content as she watches me.

  I’m suddenly nervous, needing confirmation. “What do you say?”

  Her smile
is soft, as is the glow in her eyes. “I say…that’s a good idea.”

  I dip my head, my mouth brushing hers. “You really think so?”

  “Yes. I really think so.” Her lips part, and we’re kissing. I take it deep. Deeper, curling my tongue around hers, a low groan coming from me. Damn, I could kiss this woman forever, she tastes so damn good. She’s responsive and she fits perfectly in my arms.




  “Pretty sure I’m rushing things,” I announce to my friends.

  They look at me oddly just before they all start digging into the food that’s laid out on Caroline’s kitchen counter. It’s December 23rd, and she’s having a little get together just for our friend group. No men allowed. God knows where her husband Alex is, but she’s banished him from their home for the evening, which she has somehow turned into a magical winter wonderland.

  The decorations are abundant but tasteful. The food is catered and looks delicious. There’s even a holiday-themed drink for the night—cranberry mimosas for all. And they are spectacular.

  “What are you talking about?” Candice asks with a frown. She’s still glowing from her tropical honeymoon in Hawaii, her face faintly tanned. How she convinced Charlie to get away for even a few days during the busiest season of the year for his business still blows my mind. She must be really persuasive.

  And he must really love her.

  After witnessing the two of them at our dinner at Tuscany, I know they really love each other. Their relationship is true goals. Could Isaac and I ever achieve that?

  I’m probably getting way ahead of myself.

  A sigh leaves me, and I reach for a slice of cheese from the elaborate charcuterie board set out for us to nosh on. “My relationship with Isaac.”

  They all make an “oooh” noise as if they planned it, and I can’t help but laugh.

  “I want all the deets!” Stella shouts.

  “Are you still seeing him?” Sarah asks.

  “Please tell me you two have had sex,” Kelsey says.

  Caroline nibbles on a cracker. “I just want you happy, Amelia. You’ve suffered enough with the likes of Joe these last few years.”

  The ooohs turn to screams of agony, most of it coming from Stella.

  “You’re not allowed to repeat his name!” she shrieks at Caroline. They’re best friends and former roommates, so Caroline isn’t offended.

  “Oops.” Caroline sends me a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry.”

  I’ve been thinking his name for weeks. I even said it in front of Stella that one day at Sweet Dreams, and it’s funny to me that she’s the one who’s currently freaking out the most.

  I remain quiet for a moment, really letting it sink in, that his name was said out loud in front of everyone.

  Joe. The bane of my existence. My ex-boyfriend, who I was with for so long, and who treated me terribly for the majority of our relationship. I thought it might hurt, hearing someone else say his name, even though it’s probably one of the most common names out there.

  “It’s okay,” I finally say, my voice soft. “It doesn’t bother me, hearing his name.”

  They all watch me with surprise filling their gazes.

  “Really?” Candice is the first one to ask.

  “That’s such a good sign,” Stella says with a firm nod.

  “I said it in front of you a few weeks ago,” I remind her.

  “I figured it was just a slip. A one-off. And I didn’t want to bring it up,” she says. “But now that it’s been said again, I think this means you’re over him.”

  “I’ve been over him,” I say, but the skeptical looks they send my way tell me they don’t necessarily believe it.

  Maybe they’re right. It takes a while to get over someone you’ve been with for that long, even if the relationship was total crap.

  “I think it helps, having Isaac around,” Sarah says encouragingly. “Have you two been seeing each other often?”

  “As much as we can, considering how busy we both are at the moment.” A sigh leaves me at the memory of our last night together. We forgot all about the movie and made out on the couch like teenagers until I finally dragged him back to my bedroom. Where we proceeded to have sex three times.


  And I had four orgasms.


  How is the man going to live up to this? He’s set the bar so high.

  Again, he snuck out of my bed in the very early morning hours, delivering a blistering kiss to my lips that had me reaching for him, eager to beg him to stay just a little longer.

  But I didn’t. I let him go, and I missed him terribly. I still miss him. I think about him constantly. Just thinking about him right now has me smiling, wishing I could see him again.

  “And you’re not sick of him yet?” Sarah asks.

  “Not even close,” I say, my voice filled with longing.

  “You really like him,” Kelsey says with a smile.

  I suddenly feel silly, admitting all of this. “We’re probably moving too fast.”

  “There is absolutely nothing wrong with moving too fast,” Eleanor declares. She just got in tonight on a flight from Las Vegas. She and her boyfriend, Mitch, are staying at her mom’s house for Christmas, and both are returning to Vegas the day after because he has a game the upcoming weekend.

  “You should know,” Kelsey says dryly. “Considering what a fast track you and Mitch were on.”

  “Still on,” Eleanor corrects, just before she lets forth a dreamy sigh. “I am so in love with that man.”

  How can she be so sure? “I wish I had your confidence.”

  “Oh honey, trust me. I wasn’t confident with Mitch at all at first. I didn’t understand how he could be so—horny for me all the time,” Eleanor admits.

  We all start laughing. Eleanor’s relationship with Mitch was purely based on sex at first, and I remember thinking at the time that I wanted a man to love me for more than just my body.

  But now I realize having someone horny for you all the time is heady stuff. Isaac is hot for me constantly, and I feel the same way about him. And having a man who’s always trying to get you naked is…



  Addicting even.

  “Have you and Isaac had sex yet?” Sarah asks, lifting her brows.

  My cheeks turn red and they all start hooting and hollering. They are so obnoxious.

  “You don’t even have to answer,” Stella says, laughing as she points at me.

  “Whatever,” I tell them with a dismissive wave and a shake of my head. Just before I start to laugh.

  My mind immediately drifts to last Saturday night. Isaac kisses like a master—he does a lot of things very, very well. He’s skilled with his lips and tongue. And those wandering hands. The low moans he makes and how he knows just where to touch me is sexy too.

  Everything about him is sexy.

  “I’m guessing having sex with Isaac wiped you-know-who permanently from your brain, once and for all,” Stella says. “I think he imprinted on you.”

  “What in the world are you talking about?” I reach for a slice of prosciutto and pop it in my mouth. I’m suddenly starving. Maybe it’s all this sex talk.

  Sex talk about me, which I’m totally not used to.

  “When you have sex with someone, they can actually imprint on you. Like, the sex is so good, you can’t think of anything or anyone else. Only him. Or her. Whatever.” Stella waves a dismissive hand. “From the look on your face, I have a feeling Isaac imprinted on you.”

  “I’m not complaining,” I tell them, making them laugh.

  “You sure this guy isn’t a rebound?” Sarah asks. “I can tell you really like him, but…”

  “It’s definitely more than that,” I say firmly.

  “That’s so great,” Sarah says, reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. “You look so happy.”

  “Look, I have to ask a question,” S
tella says, her gaze on me.

  “What is it?”

  “Is he better than Joe?”

  “Better than Joe…what?” I ask, playing dumb. I know what she’s trying to get out of me.

  “In bed,” Stella says. “Is he better at it? Bigger dick? More orgasms?”

  Candice makes a strangled noise. Eleanor laughs so hard she snorts. Caroline can only shake her head while Kelsey and Sarah giggle nervously.

  I think of the last time Joe and I had sex, which was hardly memorable. I know it was right before the toothpaste incident. He got mad at me for something else, I can’t even remember what, and we argued. Nothing major, but just enough to kick the passion up between us and send us both lunging for each other. It all happened so fast, and he only cared about his orgasm by that point, so I was left unsatisfied.

  I had been for a while.

  Making a face, I push the thought of having sex with Joe completely out of my head. Once and for all.

  “He’s definitely better than Joe,” I admit. “More orgasms for sure. And regarding his size—let’s just say it’s more than satisfactory.”

  That sends them all into a tizzy again. They’re so ridiculous.

  I wouldn’t trade these women as my friends for the world.

  “But I don’t want to rush things,” I tell them quickly. “I should take it slow.”

  “Why? Rushing things can be really fun,” Eleanor says.

  “It really can,” Candice confirms. Now that I think about it, her relationship with Charlie moved at a pretty fast clip. They only met a year ago.

  “Having sex early in the relationship is not a bad thing,” Sarah adds, a playful smile on her face. “Jared and I, we moved pretty fast.”

  “Am I the only one who feels like I wasn’t on the fast track to love?” Caroline protests.

  Kelsey raises her hand. “You’re not alone. I was stuck in the friend zone for a long time.”


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