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Gateway To The Universe: In Bad Company

Page 19

by Craig Martelle

  “Okay?” Nathan said, making it sound like a question. “It’s great for maintaining a military force that stays out of the limelight. It’s a little off the beaten path. The only way to get there is with a ship that can gate itself.”

  “Military, big ships only,” Terry replied.

  “Exactly. We control most of those and keeping the station’s coordinates secret means no uninvited guests.”

  “Logistics and comm in place?”

  “Only the best that money can buy. You’ll find a support station with over a thousand people, manufacturing, ship construction and repair, extra forces to choose from.”

  Terry pursed his lips, leaned forward, and looked intently at his new boss. “More forces are good. What kind of engagements do you think we’ll find?” Terry asked.

  “All kinds, but don’t take any missions that look like protracted land wars. I think you’ll want to stick with those that can be accomplished in a month or less using hit and run tactics. Win the war and move on.”

  “We can do that.” Terry took a long drink from his beer. “Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics. Will I be getting a regular supply of beer? And since you’re showing off, Pepsi, too?”

  “What would a man be if he couldn’t take care of his friends?”

  “So, no. We have to fly back here and pick up our own beer?”

  “I’ve sent a couple pallets to the War Axe for you and we send a resupply fleet once a month. You’re on the regular route, although the station is a black hole on the star maps, not literally, mind you,” Nathan explained. “I have one more request. I’d like to keep the Pricolici here with me so I can train them, along with a small detachment of your FDG. We need a legitimate fighting force on this station.”

  Terry wasn’t pleased with the final request. “The four Pricolici. That makes sense. We were doing the best we could, but they’ll be better off with you and your family.” Terry remained noncommittal about the detachment, but Nathan wasn’t going to let go.

  “And one platoon of your warriors.”

  “That’s why the extra forces in the Dren Cluster. You knew you were going to take the FDG platoon.” Terry was less than tactful. He leaned forward, hung his head, and looked at the floor.

  “Yes. I’m not going to leave your ass hanging out. You’ll be doing the Federation a great service. More importantly, I will owe you.”

  “Always nice to have an intel guy in your pocket,” Terry said. Nathan wasn’t a fan of the terminology based on the expression on his face. “I’ll let our people know. We’ll look for volunteers first. I hope we get them. Damn. I came up here for a beer, not to have the FDG gutted.”

  “Easy now,” Nathan warned.

  Terry locked eyes with his boss.

  “All right. We will make it work. I’ll dial Jean to eleven, and we’ll wreak havoc on the unwary on behalf of the unworthy.”

  “It’ll be your job to make sure the client is worthy. I can’t see you helping despots just because they offer the bigger purse.”

  “Narcissists unite!” Terry called out. He smirked and settled back into his chair. “You already know that you can count on me. Even if it was only Char and I doing the work, we’d find a way to get it done.”

  “You have your pack, your family, and some of the most well-trained forces in the known universe. You will be just fine, Terry Henry Walton. Get your people ready. You leave for the Dren Cluster tomorrow.”

  Terry drained his beer and handed Nathan the empty bottle. He drained his Pepsi and chucked both bottles in the recycler.

  “One more thing, TH.”

  Terry froze in place and sighed. He wondered what other bomb Nathan was going to deliver.

  “I think I have a new recruit for you.”

  Terry didn’t bother to ask. Nathan would tell him in his good time.


  Christina looked at her parents from under a troubled brow. “I miss my friends,” she started, having difficulty continuing.

  Nathan and Ecaterina waited patiently for her to continue.

  “There is nothing more important to me than family, but I need to move on, try something new. I’ve heard the stories of Terry Henry Walton’s exploits. What if I could learn leadership like that? His people love him, and he loves them. He orders them into battle, leading the charge, and then welcomes them home.” Christina looked determined as she stood proudly. “I want to join the Direct Action Branch.”

  “I suspected,” Nathan replied.

  “I didn’t,” Ecaterina said softly, looking at her husband. “Where they’re going, you may not come back. I don’t know if I like that.”

  “Mothers throughout history have felt the same as their children went off to war. It is my responsibility that we don’t send TH into an unwinnable fight.”

  “I need you to give me a chance. I need me to give me a chance,” Christina whispered.

  “You better catch the shuttle to the War Axe. It’s leaving soon,” Nathan told her.

  “I’ll help you pack, dear,” Ecaterina offered.

  Christina looked at a backpack on the chair. “I have everything I want.”

  Ecaterina gripped Nathan’s hand tightly as she searched for the right words. Christina hugged them both and walked out without looking back.

  “Good-bye,” Ecaterina said to the closed door, before turning to her husband. “You make sure TH takes care of my daughter without her knowing it!”

  “He knows.”

  Nathan was two steps ahead, as always.

  The War Axe

  “I’m going to miss them,” Sue said, crying. She’d worked with Felicity starting in New Boulder one hundred and thirty years earlier. They’d spent more time together than most married couples.

  Felicity was having a hard time making her feet move. Tears streamed down her face. Ted looked uncomfortable. He couldn’t wait to leave. He wasn’t bothered with what he was leaving behind. His whole focus was on what was ahead.

  “Dammit,” Terry said, blinking rapidly. Char was doing the same thing, trying not to cry. With Ted’s departure, she was down to five total Werewolves in her pack.

  Felicity laughed softly. She waved the purchase card she’d been given. Ecaterina had loaded it up for her. The two had hit it off. Maybe at Nathan’s request because he was always two steps ahead of everyone else, but if he had gone to that extent, then Terry appreciated the effort.

  She turned and entered the shuttle. Ted looked relieved and waved awkwardly as he climbed in behind her. Char shook her head. “Fucking Ted.”

  “He can’t wait,” Terry added.

  Kurtz saluted as he waved the others aboard. A full platoon, without their weapons or armor. They’d get outfitted with equipment from the station. Once the last was aboard, the door closed and the shuttle lifted into the air. It rotated and headed through the forcefield into space.

  The great doors started to slide shut.

  “Sergeant Garcia, dismiss the platoon,” Terry ordered.

  “This is the hand we’re dealt to tame the galaxy,” he said.

  “Bring it in!” he called and the warriors who had been dismissed, and were heading for the stairs, ran back to form a semi-circle around the colonel. The inner circle fell in beside the warriors.

  “Look around you. This is the hand we’ve been dealt. Our job is to fight other people’s battles and we’ll do it for damn good money. That makes us mercenaries, but we get to pick the side we’re on. Right over might!

  “Fifty of us to take on the whole fucking galaxy. You know what, people? The galaxy is going to learn what it’s like to be afraid. On the wrong side? Live in fear. They can bend over and kiss their own asses good-bye! We will compromise none of our ideals. Honor. Courage. Commitment. In all things, we will have our integrity. Think about it and get ready. Tomorrow, we go to war.”

  Marcie screamed her war cry. Kaeden and Kimber were next, followed by the cacophony from the platoon. Terry barked back
at them.

  “Dismissed!” he yelled over the cries and cheers.

  The Dren Cluster

  The War Axe materialized through the gate closer to the space station than he thought practical, but there it was. Big as life filling most of the view through the hangar bay access.

  >>Colonel Walton, if you would report to the captain’s conference room, we’ve received a significant amount of data for your eyes only.<<

  On our way, Smedley, Terry replied, refusing to cut Char out of any of the Bad Company’s business.

  “We’re needed in the captain’s briefing room.”

  Char shrugged and took Terry’s hand. Dokken appeared. “Where the hell have you been?”

  You didn’t even miss me, did you, Dokken accused.

  “You’re right. I didn’t. And I feel appropriately bad about that, if it’s any consolation.”

  It’s not.

  “Where have you been?”

  I almost caught him, sneaking out of the captain’s quarters, but he eluded me with a dastardly maneuver.

  Terry looked at Dokken’s face. A scratch trailed from the top of his head, between his eyes, and down the side of his muzzle.

  “Wenceslaus scratched you.”

  The cretin! Doom on him. Until next time, arch enemy, when you won’t be so lucky, Dokken declared.

  “Uh huh,” Terry mumbled. He took off running with Char close on his heels. Dokken was left in their dust. He took off, but found they were faster than he was.

  Dog speed! he called out as he pounded after the humans.

  Terry and Char were waiting for him at the conference room.

  My humiliation is complete, Dokken intoned. Terry held the door for him and the dog hung his head as he went inside.

  Micky greeted them as they entered.

  Terry furled his brow. “What’s up?” he asked innocuously.

  “A small mission, high risk, low reward, but needs done as a special favor for Bethany Anne.”

  “As with everything since we entered this galaxy, I don’t see where we have a choice.”

  The captain held his tongue.

  “Give me what you’ve got,” Terry said.

  The files appeared as a holographic image over the table. Terry used his hands to manipulate the files, perusing them until he found the meat of the packet.

  “Singlaxia. A female has been entered into the Kost games, a contest of one-on-one combat to the death. Seems that the Bad Company thinks there are good sources of intelligence with the fight promoters. Fragments collected hint at a coup, one that we can infiltrate in order to sway Singlaxia to favor the Etheric Federation.”

  “They’re hostile at the moment?” Terry asked.

  “Neutral, but it’s a hostile planet. Former prisoners turned military, many of them still involved in shadow operations, and the blackest black markets and darkest corners of their galaxy. We’re to infiltrate, collect the intel, and then win the contest to gain credibility within the military leadership involved, as part of a permanent cover so that we’ll be ready to make our move when the time comes. Let’s see who the opponents would be,” Nathan said, eyeing Char as the contestant, although he wasn’t sure about the to-the-death part.

  “Looks like, holy crap! Look at this fucking lineup. Is that one made of metal? How in the fuck do you fight aliens built like that? Son of a bitch!” Terry read further.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Char asked. Terry nodded once.

  “I suspect so.”


  Valerie and Robin were draped over a couch as they watched the two-dimensional screen play a movie from before the WWDE. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

  Christina perched on the arm as she watched intently.

  “Valerie, please report to the captain’s conference room,” Terry said over the intercom.

  “This is amazing,” Valerie said, barely hearing him. “You think Earth will ever have technology like this?”

  Robin just made an “hmmmm” sound, too engrossed in the movie to fully respond.

  “Ladies,” Terry continued.

  “Dammit, TH!” Valerie hissed, leaning forward to hear the next part of the movie. “How about a little peace?”

  “Piece of what?” Terry replied.

  “He heard you!” Robin whispered.

  “So?” Valerie looked put out, but then thought better of it. With a sigh, she stood, forcing herself to remember that she was here to make a difference and be part of a team, not lose herself in the amazingness of this contraption.

  Before she could walk out, Robin grabbed her leg, not taking her eyes off the screen. “Hurry up, because I’m not taking the time to tell you what you missed.”

  Valerie laughed. “I’ll do my best.”

  She led the way into the corridor, to the steps, and climbed to the top where they found their way to the conference room.

  Once inside, Valerie flopped down on the chair. Christina had followed and dropped heavily into the seat next to Valerie.

  Terry thrust the digital file at her. “What do you think of that?”

  She took her time reading it, not as a ploy but because she found it fascinating.

  “You need a woman who can kick the shit out of that freak show. You and I both know that means me.” She looked at Char knowingly.

  Char wasn’t too proud. She knew that she couldn’t take the Vampire.

  “The brief says each contestant gets a three-person support staff. You can take Robin and a couple warriors,” Terry said.

  “I’m going,” Christina butted in.

  “No,” Terry said without explanation.

  “I’ll go wherever the fuck I want!”

  “Christina,” Terry started as he leaned back to appear less aggressive. “You are a member of our family now. I’m responsible for you, just like your dad was, even when you thought he wasn’t around. He was still responsible. I know you can fight, that’s not in question, but can you join our family and be on the inside, help us all to do a little bit better. Valerie has this. She’s going to be undercover and the mission is high risk.

  “Valerie proved to me that she is the best fighter we have. This contest is going to be tough. Not that you can’t handle it, but this is going to be theirs. You’ll get your turn and soon, but it’ll be with me and my people, and you’ll do great.”

  “I want Garcia,” Valerie said. “And the guy that rivaled him in the ring, Corporal Flynn.”

  Terry looked at Char. They agreed. “Done. And take the Singlaxian Grandeur. Nathan rigged it so one person can fly the thing. It’s a little bigger, but what the hell. It’s the only ship we’ve got that’s not military. We’ll take the Axe, gate you to another system where you can use one of the fixed gates to jump to Singlaxia. Then you’re on your own, a situation that I don’t think you have a problem with.”

  “Not at all. When do we leave?”

  “In due time, Valerie. From the looks of these other files, we’re going to spend very little time on Keeg, our space station in the middle of nowhere.”

  Terry and Char left Valerie to her study of the file. They joined the captain on the bridge. The screens showed the space between the War Axe and Keeg to be filled with an ion storm.

  The sky filled with ghost white splashes, hazing the stars beyond. In an instant, the star field returned, unimpressed by the solar wind-driven mists.

  Streaks and cascades, rivers and lakes. Ghosts flashing on the star field's canvas. Erased in an instant. Forever etched in their memories.

  The End of Gateway to the Universe

  This isn’t a cliffhanger because the missions that follow will be their own full length books. This is Book 0 for four different series.

  Follow Terry and Char as they build the reputation of the Bad Company’s Direct Action Branch in Craig Martelle and Michael Anderle’s upcoming series, The Bad Company.

  Follow Valerie’s exploits in Justin Sloan, PT Hylton, and Michael Anderle’s up
coming series, Valerie’s Elites.

  Follow Kurtz, Edwin, Samantha, and Nick in Amy DuBoff and Michael Anderle’s upcoming series, the Uprise Saga.

  Follow the exploits of the FDG in JN Chaney, Sarah Noffke, and Michael Anderle’s Ghost Squadron.

  Don’t stop now! Keep turning the pages as Craig, Justin, & Michael talk about their thoughts on this book and the overall project called the Age of Expansion.

  Author Notes - Craig Martelle

  Written September 18, 2017

  Thank you for reading beyond the end of the book and all the way to the author notes. You are the bomb!

  If you haven’t read any other Kurtherian Gambit Universe books, then welcome aboard. This is a great ride across a huge universe with twenty authors collaborating and creating.

  There will be forty three books that could be considered a prequel to this one. HOLY CRAP!

  How did Terry Henry Walton and Charumati get together? How did they gather such an eclectic mix of individuals who happily joined them on this journey? You’ll find that in the ten-book long Terry Henry Walton Chronicles. Do you like Valerie? You’ll find her back story in the Reclaiming Honor Series. The Second Dark Ages which details Michael’s return, but of course the series that started it all and the one that needs to be read first – The Kurtherian Gambit which will be twenty one books long.

  Millions of words of back story. If you only want to move forward, we have plenty coming in the Age of Expansion, at least forty books over the next year spread between six authors. Pick your favorites and keep reading.

  Shout out to Diane Velasquez and Dorene Johnson who helped name the EI on board the War Axe. We went with a USMC Medal of Honor winner – Major General Smedley Butler, Smedley for short, although Terry will call the EI “General” on occasion. Micky Cocker is one of our stalwart beta readers. She helped me best capture BA’s voice before turning those sections over to Michael for his final approval. So I named the captain of the War Axe after her.

  Never hesitate to drop us a line – we love to hear from you. The customer is always right, right? We listen and do the best we can to keep things happening in a way that doesn’t throw you out of the story. It’s important that we keep you engaged from the first word to the last.


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