by David Barrie
Doe, Nicholas A., 308n18
dolphins, 22, 137, 193, 218, 267, 275
Donkin Cove, 203
double-reflection principle, 30, 31
Drake, Francis, 194
Du Vivier, Alexa
and arrival in England, 269
and departure from Halifax, 13
and food on board Saecwen, 193
and music on board Saecwen, 193, 219
and North Atlantic weather, 111–13
and preparations for Atlantic crossing, 8, 10
and routine at sea, 17, 22, 48, 239
and sail repairs, 137
and watch schedule, 48, 85, 218
dung beetles, 23
Dunn, Richard, 108n
Dutch East Indies, 43, 51
Dutch States General, 64–65
dysentery, 43, 52, 103, 175
early humans, 23–24, 284–85
Earnshaw, Thomas, 68
East India Company, 76, 82, 88, 168
East Indies, 120
Easter Island, 90, 126
echo sounders, 5, 46
eclipses, 169
electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS), 282
electronic navigation aids, 265, 286
Elephant Island, 247, 249, 251, 256, 261
Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB), 302n3
emperor penguins, 245–46
Endeavour, 88–89, 96–97, 98–101, 103, 107, 167, 264
Endurance, 241–50
England, 2–3
English Channel, 5, 32–33, 50, 51, 166–67
Entrecasteaux, Joseph-Antoine Bruny d’, xvi–xvii, 133–34
ephemeris tables, 60, 63, 219
equal altitude circles, 220–23, 222, 280, 311n6
Eratosthenes, 4
Escures, Charles d’, 127–28
Euler, Leonhard, 73
Europa, 138
European Union, 280
evolution, 212, 217
Falkland Islands, 114–15, 210
Falmouth, Maine, 8
Fame, 138
Far East, 168
Fidget, 6
Fiji, 40, 134
Fitz Hugh Sound, 152
FitzRoy, Robert
on “Breaker Bay,” 206–7, 232
on natural navigation methods, 262
navigational skills, 219
and timekeeping challenges, 225–26
and voyage of the Beagle, 200–210, 210–17
and weather prediction, 170, 206
Flinders, Matthew
and Bligh, 157–59, 162
captivity, 182–85
chart-making skills, 185–88
explorations with Bass, 159–63, 170–71
financial difficulties, 188–89
and meteorology, 215
personal papers, 189n
and Phillip King, 195
and place-names, 189–90
shipwreck, 177–82
survey of Australian coast, 163–76
and Trim (cat), 190–92, 277
and weather prediction, 206
Flinders, Samuel, 167, 174, 187
Flinders bars, 170
Flinders-Petrie, William, 189, 189n
Forster, Johann, 91, 93, 106
fothering, 97
France, 85
Francis, 181
Franklin, John, 167–68
French Frigate Shoal, 129
French Revolution, 133, 142, 183
Frisius, Gemma, 59
fur trade, 139
Fury Island, 231
Galapagos Islands, 211
Galiano, Dionisio Alcalá, 147, 147n
Galileo Galilei, 59, 64–65
Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de, 196–97n
Ganges, 200
geography, 60–61
geometry, 69
George III, 68, 155
George’s Island, 229
George’s River, 160
Gilbert, Humphrey, 14
Gillray, James, 155
Gladwin, Thomas, 263
glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GRP), 46
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), 299n11
Global Positioning System (GPS), xix–xx, 265, 279–83, 313n27
global warming, 87n
GLONASS (Russian satellite navigation system), 280
Glorious First of June (1794), 159
Gloucester, Massachusetts, 8
Godfrey, Thomas, 32
Godin, Louis, 60–61
Gooch, William, 146, 152
Grand Banks, 14, 22, 22n
Grand Manan Island, 9, 227
Grand Tour, 142
gravitational field of earth, 303n6
Great Barrier Reef
and Bligh’s explorations, 39, 41, 43–44
and Cook’s explorations, 96–97, 98–102, 104
and Flinders’s explorations, 173
Great Britain, xvii
Great Circle route, 33
Greek culture, 58, 303n1
Green, Charles, 102–3, 103–4
Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA), 69
Greenwich meridian, 15, 59, 80
Greenwich Time
chronometers synchronized with, 70, 104, 144, 251
and “clearing the distance,” 77
and determining longitude, 59–60, 64, 69, 70, 186–87, 220
Grenville, William, 1st Baron, 155
growlers, 11
Guadalcanal, xv
Guadeloupe, 65
Gulf of Carpentaria, 120, 173–74
Gulf of Peñas, 198
Gulf Stream, 18
Gulliver’s Travels (Swift), 168–69n
H4 watch, 66–67, 78–80, 102, 104
Hadley, John, 31–32, 74
Hadley’s quadrant, 31, 31–32, 82, 89, 114, 299n8
Hakluyt, Richard, 14
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 10, 11, 229
Harbor of Mercy, 196–98
Harrison, John, 66–68, 68n, 72, 77–80, 82
Harrison, William, 67–68, 78
Hawaiian Islands, 90, 94, 140, 143–44, 152, 154
heaving to, 171, 214–15, 241, 256–57
Heelstone (at Stonehenge), 24
heliocentric view of the universe, 17
Hermite Island, 208
Heywood, Peter (“Pip”), 44
Hicks, Lieutenant (Cook expedition), 100
Hilleret, Paul-Gustave-Eugène, 222
Hipparchus, 4
Hiva Oa, 236n
Hobart, Tasmania, 135, 162–63
Hogarth, William, 66
Hōkūle’a (double canoe), 263
Holland, Samuel, 10
Homer, 16–17
homing pigeons, 23
honeybees, 23
Hood, 36, 45, 301n1
Hook, Robert, 300n12
Hope, 180
horizontal sextant angles, 147, 239
Horror Rock, 257n
hourglasses, xv
Houtman, Frederick de, 51
Howard, Trevor, 1, 37
hurricanes, xv
Huygens, Christiaan, 59
hydrography, xvii, 61, 85, 108, 166, 185–88. See also specific explorers
icebergs and pack ice, 11, 15, 90–91, 243–50, 261
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 241. See also Shackleton, Ernest; Worsley, Frank
Inca civilization, xiv
Indian Ocean, 51, 59, 87, 90
Industrial Revolution, 86, 285
“intercept method” of celestial navigation, 223, 311n6
Inuit people, 313n27
Investigator, 163, 166–68, 171, 174–75, 182, 186–89
iPhone apps, 224n
Ireland, 5, 6
Isle de France (Mauritius), 117, 123, 182–85
Isle of Wight, 168
Isles of Scilly, 50
Isthmus of Panama, 193
Jakarta, Indonesia, 103
Jamaica, 158, 304n16
Jamaica Planter, 157
James Caird, xviii, 251–59, 25
2n, 262
Janetta, 122–23
Japan, 126
Jellicoe, John, 301n2
Johnstone Strait, 151
Jovilab, 64
Juan Fernández Island, 54–55, 232
Jupiter, 16, 64, 98, 169, 274
Jutland, Battle of, 45, 301n2
K1 watch, 103, 106–7
K3 watch, 146
Kamchatka, 126, 129
Kealakekua Bay, 94
Keats, John, 193
Kendall, Larcum, 68, 103, 107
Kepler, Johannes, 59
Kermadec, Jean-Michel Huon de, 133–34
King, Philip Gidley, 177, 181, 211
King, Phillip Parker, 181, 195–98, 200, 211
King Haakon Sound, 257, 259, 260
King’s Lynn, England, 138
Kingston, Jamaica, 146
Korea, 126
La Bâture de Diane (Diana’s Bank), 119
La Boudeuse, 113–21
La Boussole, 125–27, 132–36, 179
La Caille, Abbé de, 114
La Hire, Philippe de, 60, 65
La Maire, Isaac, 194
La Maire Strait, 52, 209
La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup, comte de
and Alaska, 127–28
background, 123–25
and Bougainville’s explorations, 121
and currents of Pacific Northwest, 143
and Isle de France (Mauritius), 184
and location of Solomon Islands, xvi
at Maouna (Tutuila), 129–33
and Mariana Islands, 128–29
scientific goals of expedition, 125–27
search for lost ships of, 133–36, 162, 173, 179–80
La Pérouse Pinnacle, 129
La Recherche, 133–34
Labrador Current, 18
Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis de, 304n17
landfalls, 267, 275–76
landmarks, 3
Land’s End, 62, 193, 239
Langle, Paul-Antoine Fleuriot, vicomte de, 129–32
L’Astrolabe, 125, 129–30, 133–36, 179
latitude, determining
and altitude of Polaris, 25, 25–26, 26n, 57
and Bligh’s navigational skills, 39
and latitude sailing, 33, 233
and meridian altitude, 32–33
and Polynesian navigational skills, 264
and Slocum’s circumnavigation, 220–21
and Vancouver’s explorations, 147–48
laws of motion, 60, 73
Le Géographe, 171–73, 183
Le Monnier, Pierre-Charles, 73
Le Roy, Pierre, 68
lead-lines, 5, 96
Lecky, S. T., 226–27
leeway, 34
Les Malouines, 114–15
Les Minquiers, 15n
L’Espérance, 133–34
Lesseps, Barthélémy de, 129, 135
L’Étoile, 115, 119
Lewis, David, 313n22
lighthouses, 7
line of equal altitude, 220–23, 222, 311n6
Lituya Bay, 127
Lizard Point, 268
Lloyd’s Register of Ships, 219n
Local Hour Angle (LHA), 69
local time at ship, 69
Loch of Stenness, 303n7
loglines, 39, 39n, 48, 48n
longitude, determining
and Anson’s circumnavigation, 52, 53–54
and Batavia wreck, 51
and Cook’s explorations, 89–90, 98, 104–7
and discovery of Solomon Islands, xvi
and Flinders’s navigational skills, 185–88
and the Isles of Scilly, 50
and La Pérouse’s explorations, 128–29
and operation of sextants, 300n6
prior to celestial navigation advances, xvii
pronunciation of, 15
scale of errors, 299n4
and the Shackleton expedition, 248
and Vancouver’s explorations, 140, 148, 308n18
Longitude Board
and La Pérouse’s explorations, 125
and Maskelyne/Harrison conflict, 77–79
and rival solution methods, 82
and standards for longitude prize, 63, 66–68
“longitude by chronometer” method, 312n10
LORAN (Long Range Navigation), 46, 283
Louis XIV, 60
lunar-distance method
and Bougainville’s explorations, 114, 119
and Campbell, 303n21
and “clearing the distance,” 77
and Cook’s explorations, 103–7
development of, 72–77
and the East India Company, 82
and Flinders’s navigational skills, 186–88
and La Pérouse’s explorations, 125–26
and Maskelyne/Harrison conflict, 77–79
and the “new navigation,” 227
and precomputed distance tables, 80, 81
shortcomings of, 84
and Slocum’s circumnavigation, 233–36
and Vancouver’s explorations, 140, 144–45, 148–49
The Lusiads (Vaz de Camões), 28–29
Lyell Sound, 201
lying ahull, 112–13, 113n, 122
Lyme Bay, 7
Macassar Strait, 121
Mackenzie, Murdoch, Sr., 61–62
Madeira, 52, 168
Magellan, Ferdinand, xiv, 299n4
magnetic compasses, 34, 45–46, 169–70
magnetic north, 4, 23, 27
Maine, 8
Malaita, xv
malaria, 43, 103
Malaspina, Alessandro, 147n, 299n9
Mannicolo (Vanikoro), 134–35
Maori culture, 215, 264
Maouna (Tutuila), 129
Marcq St. Hilaire, Adolphe, 221–22, 224
Mariana Islands, 128, 129
marine chronometers, 68, 125, 226
mariner’s astrolabe, 28, 266
Marquesas Islands, 232
Martha’s Vineyard, 238
Martinique, 65
Maskelyne, Nevil
and Green, 102
and location of Lizard Point, 268–69
and location of St. Helena, 82, 106
and the longitude problem, 75–80, 76n
and lunar-distance method, 80–82, 81, 104, 126
Mason, Charles, 106
Maui, 263
Mauritius, 117, 121, 182–83, 211, 238
Mayer, Tobias, 73–74, 76–77, 79, 126
McMullen, Colin
and arrival in England, 269
on the Azores, 271
background of, 5–7
on Battle of Jutland, 302n2
on Bligh, 36–37
and departure from Halifax, 12–13
and food on board Saecwen, 13, 17, 122
and message bottle, 218
military experience, 227, 301n1
and music on board Saecwen, 193
navigational skills, 15–16, 19–21, 70, 72, 137, 177, 219, 221–22, 225, 268
and North Atlantic weather, 57, 110–12, 122–23
and operation of sextant, 18–21
and preparations for Atlantic crossing, 8–9, 10, 11
and radio communication, 219n
and routine at sea, 48–49, 239
and Saecwen’s chronometer, 68
and sailor’s songs, 33n
and satellite navigation, 279
and watch schedule, 48, 85, 157
World War II experience, 45, 301n1
Mediterranean Sea, 86
Melville, Herman, 34–35
Mendaña, Álvaro de
and Bougainville’s explorations, 121
and dangers at sea, xiii–xvi
and dead reckoning, 34
errors in longitude estimates, 299n4
and mariner’s astrolabe, 266
and Port Famine, 196–97n
and the Santa Cruz group, 134
meridian altitude (“mer alt”)
r /> and Alcyone’s crossing to Azores, 272, 274
and Bligh’s explorations, 41
diagram of, 19
and latitude sailing, 32
and line of equal altitude, 220
in Moby-Dick, 34–35
principle of, 19–21
and Saecwen’s Atlantic crossing, 137, 177
and the Shackleton expedition, 248
and Slocum’s circumnavigation, 221
Meteorological Office, 215–16
meteorology, 215–17
micrometers, 19–21, 30
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 193
migrations, 23, 285
Milet-Mureau, Baron, 136
Milky Way (celestial), 16, 284
“Milky Way” (in Straits of Magellan), 207, 231
Miquelon, 11
Mirfak, 16, 137
missionaries, 95
Mitchell Library, 189n
mobile phone technology, 224n
Moby-Dick (Melville), 34–35
modern modes of travel, 270
monarch butterflies, 22–23
Mont St. Michel, 15n
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph de, 10, 113
Montevideo, 114
moon, 59–60, 65, 233, 274. See also lunar-distance method
Moore, John Hamilton, 237
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 9
Mount Sarmiento, 207–8
Mount Skyring, 207–8
Mowbray, Louise de, 8, 10
Mulvin Rocks, 268
Mutiny on the Bounty (1963), 1, 5, 36
Napoleon Bonaparte, 126, 136, 183–84
Napoleonic Wars, 86
Nassau-Sieghen, Prince de, 114
native populations
and Bougainville’s explorations, 115–19, 116n
and Cook’s explorations, 95–96
and dangers of exploration, xiv
and Flinders’s explorations, 160
and La Pérouse’s explorations, 129–33
and natural navigation techniques, xix, 118, 262–65, 265–66, 313n27, 314n27
and Vancouver’s explorations, 143, 148, 150, 152, 154
and voyage of the Beagle, 207–8, 215
natural selection, 212, 217
Nautical Almanac
and Cook’s explorations, 104
errors in, 148–49, 308n18
importance of accuracy, 187–88
and La Pérouse’s explorations, 126
and the lunar-distance method, 77, 81, 82, 84
and the “PZX” Triangle, 69
and Saecwen’s Atlantic crossing, 225
and the Shackleton expedition, 252, 255
and star charts, 16
and sun’s declination, 21
Navigator Islands (Samoa), 129
Necker Island, 128
Neckham, Alexander, 27
Neolithic monuments, 24
New Caledonia, 179
New Guinea, 120–21
New Hebrides, 105
New Holland, 119–20, 168
“new navigation,” 222–23, 226–27, 280
New South Wales, Australia, 159–60, 189
New Zealand
and Cook’s explorations, 90, 106, 264
and Flinders’s explorations, 164–65
and Vancouver’s explorations, 144