
Home > Fantasy > River > Page 9
River Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  “Not at the moment.” He cleared his throat.

  “Anything new with you?”

  “No, not really,” he said. “Work never stops. But you already knew that.”

  I ran out of things to say. It was hard to talk to him. I wondered how different our relationship would be if I wasn’t so nervous around him. Or would it be different at all? “Speaking of work, we should get back.”

  It didn’t seem like he wanted to leave because he flinched. “Yeah, sure.”

  We cleaned our table then walked back into the building.

  After I sat at my desk, Nathan approached me and stared down at me.

  I looked up at him. “Did you need something, Nathan?”

  He put one hand in his pocket and rubbed his chin. “I…”

  I stared at him and waited for him to say the words I’d wanted to hear forever.

  “I…nevermind.” He turned and walked back into his office.

  I sat there, feeling disappointed. What was he going to ask?

  I met River at the coffee shop where we first met. “He’s totally different around me now. He asked me to lunch, he asked me about my day, and he asked about you—again.”

  River didn’t seem remotely surprised. He took a sip of his coffee, as if he was bored. “Why are you surprised? I told you this would happen.”

  “It’s just…” It was too good to be true. “Should I tell him I stopped seeing you? Maybe he’ll ask me out then.”

  “No.” He shook his head.

  “No? River, we accomplished what we set out to do.”

  “Not quite,” he said. “That’s still too easy of a catch.”

  I wasn’t following him.

  “You want this guy longer than a night, right?”


  “Then you can’t cave this early. You have to make sure he understands how unattainable you are. When he finally realizes that you’re this desirable woman that every guy wants, when he gets you he won’t want to let you go.”

  This sounded more complicated than I thought. “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely,” he said. “I know this stuff, sweetheart. I’ve been doing it for a long time.”

  “It just seems like a lot of work…”

  He stared at me for a long time. “It is.” Then he took another sip of his coffee. “Now he needs to see us together outside of work. Do you have a family function coming up?”

  I searched my calendar in my mind. “My family is getting together next week. Of course, Nathan and his family are invited.”

  “Perfect. You’re taking me to that.”

  “To meet my family?” I asked incredulously. I’d never brought a man home to meet my parents. The only reason why was because I’d never had a serious boyfriend so I didn’t see the point.

  “You can tell them we are just dating so they don’t start to plan a wedding and pick out baby names.”

  “I really don’t know how they’ll react.”

  “It’ll be fine,” he said immediately. “But I will be extremely affectionate with you. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Well, it’s not like I mind…”

  “I meant because of your family.” There was a smirk on his lips.

  “Oh, just don’t finger me under the table and we should be good.”

  He laughed. “Dammit, that’s exactly what I was going to do.”

  “I’ll make sure to wear jeans.”

  He took another drink of his coffee then leaned back.

  I brought up the subject he probably didn’t want to discuss. “How’s your sister?”

  He released a deep and irritated smile. “She’s still at my apartment. I had to move all my valuables to a safety deposit box at the bank.”

  “She steals?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “She’ll do anything to buy liquor. It’s pathetic.”

  It was. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I want to kick her out but I feel heartless doing that. I even want to rent her own apartment but that will just get me stuck in this situation even more.”

  Judging the look of his apartment and his offer to rent something out for his sister, he was well off. I was glad being an escort paid well. After everything he’d been through he deserved it.

  “And of course, I don’t have any privacy so that’s a pain.”

  “Because of your girls?”

  “No, I haven’t had any guests recently, besides you. She takes over the TV and the couch, and she goes through my kitchen and makes a mess. She’s just a pain. I feel like a child again.”

  “That does sound irritating.”

  “I don’t keep any alcohol in the house but she somehow finds it and brings it back. Every night she goes to sleep drunk.”

  River didn’t deserve this crap but I didn’t say it because it would make him feel worse. “You’re welcome to come over. I have an extra bedroom and you can watch whatever you want on the TV.”

  He gave me a smile. “That’s a very kind offer.”

  “And I can make you Top Ramen.” I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

  He cringed. “I’d rather eat McDonald’s. And that’s saying something.”

  “So, you want to come over?” I repeated.

  He cocked an eyebrow. “You’re being serious?”

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?” River was my friend. I’d do anything for him.

  “And you would actually let me sleep there?”

  “You got to take a break from her sometime, right?” I asked. “If you don’t, you’ll strangle her.”

  He smirked again. “I’ve definitely had the urge a lot lately.”

  “So, are you coming?” I’d never extended this offer to a guy before. But I wasn’t worried about it. I felt comfortable around him. But I noticed he hadn’t kissed me ever since that night on the couch. There were several openings but he never took them.

  “Well…there’s one thing you should know.”


  “I sleep in the nude.”

  I laughed and rolled my eyes at the same time. “Well, I do too. So, we’re good.”

  His eyes widened to orbs. And his grin stretched wider. “I always knew I liked you.”

  I opened the door and allowed River to come inside. His bag was over his shoulder and he wore dark jeans and a gray t-shirt. His eyes were brighter against the dark color he wore. I liked it when he dressed casual like this because it highlighted his frame. His muscles looked prominent. Just his arms alone were distracting. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

  He looked around and nodded in approval. “It’s nice.”

  “There’s beer in the fridge if you want one.”

  “Sweet,” he said. “I haven’t been able to drink in my own apartment.” He set his bag on the floor against the wall. “Okay, since this is a slumber party I have one request.”


  “We have to have a pillow fight in our underwear.”

  I chuckled. “Why are guys so obsessed with that?”

  “It’s hot,” he said immediately. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and downed it immediately. “Man, that stuff is good.”

  “They were in the freezer before you came over.”

  He stared at me with a shocked expression on his face. “Marry me.”

  I laughed. “Because I know men like their beer cold?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly why.”

  “So, what do you want to do?” I asked. “Order a pizza?”

  He joined me on the couch and stared at my TV.

  “I know it’s a lot smaller than yours but it’ll work just fine.”

  He chuckled. “No, that’s not what I was looking at.”

  “Then what?”

  “Is that a PS4?”

  I turned to my console system. “Yeah. Why?”

  “You like video games?” Surprise was in his voice.

  “A few,” I said. “My friend and I like to play Grand Theft Auto because we like to pick up hookers.

  He almost dropped his beer. “You’re the coolest chick I’ve ever met, hands down.” He got on his knees and bowed dramatically. “All hail, Meadow.”

  I laughed then hit him playfully on the shoulder. “Whatever. Lots of girls play games.”

  “Not hot ones.”

  “Don’t be sexist.”

  “I’m not,” he said immediately. “That’s just a fact.” He moved back to the couch. “You want to play?”

  “Sure.” I said. “Should I order a pizza in the meantime?”

  “Yeah, good idea.”

  I made the order on my phone then set up the game. Soon, we were playing and getting way too into it.

  “We need to pull off the drop so we can get that new Mercedes,” he said.

  “Why don’t we just steal it?”

  He turned to me. “I like your thinking, Bonnie.”

  “Bonnie? I’m Meadow…”

  “As in Bonnie and Clyde,” he said with a laugh.

  “Oh.” I smacked my forehead. “Blonde moment there.”

  We played until there was a knock on the door. “That must be the pizza.” I hit pause.

  “This is the best slumber party I’ve ever had.”

  “Because I’m a girl?”

  “No. Because you’re cool.” He looked me in the eye as he said it.

  The look became intense so I stood up and grabbed my wallet before I opened the door.

  But it wasn’t the pizza guy. It was Danielle. “Hey, what are you doing here?”

  “Uh, hi?” she asked. “Since when did I have to explain why I’m over here?”

  “You usually call beforehand. That’s all.”

  “Well, I left my iPod here and I’ve been going crazy without it.”

  “Oh yeah.” I opened the door wider and allowed her inside. “I think it’s in the kitchen.”

  We headed toward the table when she stopped because she spotted River. “Uh…hi.” She shot me a look that clearly said, “Who is he?”

  “Oh, sorry.” I came back to the couch. “Danielle, this is River. River, Danielle.”

  He shook her hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Then he sat down again and didn’t look at her.

  Since his back was to us, Danielle turned to me and mouthed, “He’s gorgeous!”

  “I know,” I mouthed back.

  “You better fuck him. I mean it,” she mouthed again.

  “He’s the escort I hired.”

  “What?” she mouthed.

  “The escort service.” I felt like an idiot mouthing back and forth with her so River wouldn’t hear.

  “Uh, ladies…I can see your reflection in the TV,” River said.

  Danielle and I both stopped and had guilty looks on our faces.

  “I’ll just get my iPod,” Danielle said. She snatched it from the table then lowered her voice. “What were you saying?”

  “I hired him from that escort company.”

  “Really?” she asked. “He’s fine.”

  River’s voice came to us. “And I can still hear you…”

  I sighed in irritation and didn’t bother keeping my voice down. “Yes, I know he’s gorgeous. He already has a big ego about it.”

  River chuckled.

  “He’s single, right?” Danielle asked.

  Man, she was bold. “I think so.”

  “Good.” She twirled her hair then glanced at him over her shoulder. “Give him my number, okay?”

  I didn’t want to and I wasn’t sure why. The idea of River being with Danielle…made me uncomfortable. I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Okay.” But there was nothing I could do about it. River clearly heard what she said.

  “If he’s your escort why is he here now?” she asked.

  “It’s a long story…” I didn’t want to share River’s secrets.

  “Well, I’ll get out of your hair.” She pocketed her iPod and headed to the door. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You too,” River said.

  Then she walked out.

  I sighed then wrote her number down before I handed it to him. “Here are her digits.” Of course River would want it. He probably thought she was hot just like Nathan did. I wasn’t sure why I was sour about it.

  He looked at the paper but didn’t take it. “I’m not really the kind of guy who acts like I’m going to call if I know I won’t.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I’m not going to call your friend so I don’t want her number.” He picked up the controller. “Shall we?”

  “You…don’t want her number?” I couldn’t process that. Every guy took one look at Danielle and fell under her spell.

  He shrugged. “She’s not my type.”

  “Not your type?” I asked incredulously. “She’s gorgeous.”

  He released a sarcastic laugh. “She’s okay. Meadow, you’re the one who’s gorgeous.”

  I felt the paper in my hands as my heart started to race. “What…?”

  “You really need to look in the mirror more often, sweetheart. You have a warped sense of beauty.”

  I crinkled the paper and set it on the coffee table.

  “Now, shall we continue the game?”

  I sat beside him and grabbed my controller. I was in a much better mood all of a sudden. It seemed like every guy thought Danielle was the pretty one. It was nice to be the pretty one for once. Maybe that was why I felt a surge of joy. Or maybe it was because River thought I was beautiful. I really didn’t know. But I knew one thing. River made me feel good about myself.

  We demolished the pizza box and got finger cramps from playing the PS4 for so long so we took a break and watched TV.

  “What do you want to watch?” he asked.

  “I don’t care.” I relaxed into the couch and felt tired.

  “Jimmy Fallon Show? You can’t go wrong with that.”

  “I like him. He’s cute.”

  “You think Jimmy Fallon is cute?” he asked.


  “I’m better looking than he is…”

  I chuckled. “You think you’re better looking than everyone.”

  “Because I am.” He lay on the couch then patted his chest. “Get over here.”

  “You want me to lay on you?”

  “Like a cat.”

  Without thinking I moved on top of him. Once I was there I wondered if he was going to kiss me. But he didn’t. It didn’t seem like he was even thinking about it. I settled my head against his hard chest then pulled a blanket over us.

  His arm automatically moved around my waist while the other fisted my hair. The touch was intimate but I didn’t mind it. It felt nice, actually. His fingers played with my hair gently while we watched the show.

  I hadn’t cuddled with anyone like this before. I didn’t like to share a bed with anyone. It was too uncomfortable. But lying with River didn’t feel the same way. It seemed like I was meant to lie on him and he was meant to lay under me.

  Silently, we watched the TV.

  My eyes started to grow heavy so I closed them. His rhythmic breathing lulled me to sleep. Soon, my dreams took me. I didn’t know how long I slept before he stirred me, lifting me from the couch. I felt him carry me to my bedroom and lay me down. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

  When I woke up the next morning, I was snuggling with something big and warm. My hand rested on bare skin and I felt hard abs under my fingertips. My leg was wrapped around his, and we were so close together we were one person.

  My eyes flickered open and took in the morning light. It drifted through my window and highlighted the room. When my eyes focused, I realized my face was close to River’s. His jaw was covered in scruff rom not shaving, and his hair was messy like he’d been rolling around.

  I realized he was shirtless so I stared down at his chest, noting how chiseled it was. It was like sleeping with a large beast, full of power and strength. Even when he was relaxed, his body was outlined in muscle. His arms weren’
t the only things I wanted to see. He had a wide chest and narrow hips. The sheet covered his waist and a thin happy trail disappeared underneath.

  I yawned and appreciated the beautiful sight. I had the urge to kiss the skin of his chest and taste him. But I held it back.

  River seemed to know I was awake because he stirred. “Morning, sweetheart.” His voice came out deep and raspy. He took a deep breath then released.


  He turned toward me with sleepy eyes. The look was sexy, and the fact he wasn’t doing it on purpose made him sexier. His hair was ruffled like he’d run his fingers through it countless times. “You look beautiful in the morning.”

  It was such a sweet thing to say, and so unexpected. “Thank you…you look nice without a shirt.”

  A smile stretched his lips and he released a faint chuckle. “Thank you.”

  “You sleep well?”

  “Your bed is comfy. But you’re more comfy.” He turned toward me slightly, his arms moving around my waist. When he titled his body, I felt his hips press against mine.

  Then I felt it.

  His long and hard cock was pressed right against me. And it was clear there was nothing on under the sheet.

  My eyes widened but I didn’t say anything.

  “What?” he asked quietly.

  “Are you…sleeping in the nude?”

  He smirked. “You just noticed, sweetheart?”

  “Uh…why would you do that?”

  “I told you it’s how I sleep. You said the same thing.”

  “But I was kidding.”

  “It really makes you that uncomfortable?” he asked. “Because you were all over me last night and it didn’t seem like you minded one bit.”

  “Because I was asleep…”

  He pulled the sheet back and revealed himself. “Do you mind now?”

  I didn’t look. I stared at his face.

  “Come on. I know you want to take a peek.”

  I don’t know what possessed me to do it but I did. “Holy shit…you have a huge dick.”

  “Thank you.” He covered himself again. “Now we got that out of the way in case we sleep together again.”


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