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Off the Ice (The Penalty Kill Trilogy) (Volume 2)

Page 6

by Lindsay Paige

  “Right now, I suggest you stop yelling. Do you want to know the story? Do you? Fine. I’ll tell you. Trevor was gone and I was so upset. Zack was there for me and protected me. So, we started dating. Then one night, after a party,” she takes a deep breath, “we just did it. I mean, it happened. After dating a little bit longer, we realized it wasn’t working for us. We were better off as friends. We have remained friends ever since.”

  “Is that why you don’t care for parties?” I grit out. God, I’m so pissed about this! How much is he going to be around since he’s not studying abroad this semester? This is so fucked up.

  “Well, that’s one of the reasons. Plus, I don’t feel in control at a party. People are everywhere, always acting crazy and drunk. I just don’t like it.”

  I stare at her for a moment and then decide I’m done talking about it. For now, at least. “Let’s just go find my dad, Presley.”


  “This conversation is over, Presley. I’m not going to keep arguing with you in the middle of a festival. I’m going to find my dad. Are you coming?” I dare her to say no.

  “Yes, Levi, and I don’t want to argue either.”

  “Then c’mon.” I take her hand, and we turn around to head to where we last left Pops. Sure enough, he’s still there. I don’t even want to be here anymore, but we can’t just leave, so I plaster on a smile.

  “See anything fun?” Pops asks.

  “It all looks fun,” I answer. “Ready to walk around some more?”

  My dad stands, nodding his head. The day pretty much turns into Presley and Pops hanging out while I pretend not to be angry. Dad wins her a little penguin on a ring toss game and pokes fun at her about it.

  “Levi,” my dad says exasperated when I don’t laugh at one of his jokes. “I don’t know who got your panties in a bunch, but untangle them. You’re sucking all the fun out of today.”

  “Sorry, Pops. Want me to win you a penguin?” I grin.

  He laughs. “That’s better. But no, I’m fine. You can buy my supper, though.”

  “Mine too,” Presley adds with a smile.

  Some of the tension falls away with just her smile. I sling an arm around her shoulders and then another around my father’s. “Where to?”

  “Let’s just grab a quick bite on the way home. Winning that thing for the lovely girl wore me out.” Pops smiles, but he does look tired. It seems like he gets exhausted easily nowadays, and it doesn’t help with my worrying.

  “Let’s go then,” I say before we head to my car.


  Pops goes to bed shortly after we arrive home and Presley and I soon follow. She’s in the bathroom changing, and I’m sitting on my bed, looking at the wall with the hockey sticks and all my accomplishments that my mom put together. It’s gotten easier to be home and see it, but with my current mood, it doesn’t help.

  I decide that I don’t want to think about it still and to make sure that Presley doesn’t try and make me, I’m going to lay down and ‘fall asleep’ before she comes back. My eyes stay closed as I hear her enter, crawl into bed behind me, and whisper my name. I don’t budge an inch. Smarty sighs, moves to get comfortable, and is out within thirty minutes. I, on the other hand, can’t sleep for shit.

  Throwing back my covers after a few hours, I go to the kitchen. Maybe a glass of water and a change of scenery will help. With the flip of a switch, I turn on the light and fix myself a drink.


  Whirling around, I see my dad wearing a robe over what is probably a shirt and underwear.

  “What are you doing up?” I ask.

  “This is my house. I can be up whenever I want to. What are you doing up?”

  “This is my house too,” I point out.

  “Yeah, yeah,” he says, pulling out a chair at the table. “Answer my question, son.”

  After I take a seat at the table with him, I tell him. Mom was always my go-to parent, but Pops and I were just as close. Momma made sure we were, especially after we found out she was sick.

  “Presley and I just got into an argument is all.”

  “That was obvious. Go ahead and spill, son. I’d like to go back to sleep at some point.” He tries and fails to hide his smirk. Crazy old man.

  “Hey, I’m not stopping you.”

  “Indirectly, yes you are.”

  “Fine. We ran into Allie. You remember her, right?”

  “Mhm. Haven’t I already told you that my memory is fine?”

  I chuckle. “Right. Well, I was joking with Presley about being jealous and then it all just blew out of proportion. Presley kept asking questions, so I thought if I asked her, she would leave it alone, you know? Instead, she answered like it didn’t even matter that the guy she was talking about is still friends with her! I knew something was up with him because he’s a lot smaller than me and I couldn’t even intimidate the guy, even mad.

  “So when I found that out, I got pissed, uh mad,” I correct. “I was fed up and told her I was done talking about it, so we went to find you. I even faked sleeping so I wouldn’t have to talk about it with her yet. All of it just seems messed up and I can’t make up my mind about it.”

  Pops shakes his head. “Son, I wish you took after your mother in situations like this, but you’re more like me. When you get angry, you hold on to it for too long and you should know all that does is cause problems. You are the type of person that absolutely must talk about it to settle things, because if not, you won’t let it go. So tomorrow, you get your act together, talk to that girl, and get over it. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir. Thanks, Pops.”

  He stands and pats my shoulder. “You’re welcome, son. Don’t make me get out of bed before morning again.” He grins.

  Laughing, I say, “No promises.” After I go back to my room and climb into bed, Smarty rolls over to snuggle up to me. An idea forms in order for me to follow Pops’ advice as I hold Presley to me, loving the simple fact that she’s here with me.

  “Levi, love, mmm,” she mumbles incoherently.

  “Forever yours,” I whisper into her hair before falling asleep.


  Breakfast with my father goes smoothly, great even. “Okay, Smarty. Are you ready?”

  “For what?” she asks, turning in her chair to look at me as I put the last of the dishes in the sink.

  “We’re going out for a little bit. Is there anything you need from my room?”

  “My phone, but where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” I smile and kiss her temple as I walk past her. After I grab my keys, wallet, and both of our phones, I whisk Presley away to my vehicle. A couple of minutes pass and Presley sits up a little straighter in her seat.

  “We’re going to your dad’s land?”

  I nod and leave it at that. Once we arrive, I park the car, walk around to open the door for Smarty, and take her hand to lead her to the edge of the frozen pond.

  “Wait a second. Please tell me we’re not going to skate on this?”

  “You said frozen water didn’t scare you, Presley,” I remind her.

  She glances back at the ice. “Yeah, but…”

  Hooking my fingers into two belt loops, I pull her to me. “We’ll have fun, I promise. First, we need to talk about yesterday.”

  “Levi,” she sighs, “I don’t want to argue.”

  “We aren’t going to either. But I need for us to talk about this.”

  Her light brown eyes study me before giving in.

  “You completely threw me for a loop when you told me your first was Zack and I probably could have handled it better. But Presley,” I cup her flushed cheeks in my hands, “I don’t buy the just friends shit, not for Zack anyway.”

  “Levi.” Her lips part.

  “Let me finish. And the fact that he still hangs around? Definitely don’t like that, but if you want him around, fine. I don’t have to trust him, and I sure as hell don’t. But I trust you and that’s good enough for me. Just
for curiosity’s sake, how would you like it if I hung out and talked to Sunny still? Knowing that I slept with her.”

  Smarty frowns her cute little pout. “You’re saying you aren’t friends with any of the girls you slept with?”

  “No. Would I help them if they needed it? Probably. Would I talk to them regularly or anything more than a passing acknowledgment? No. The closest of a friend to me out of any of those girls would be Sunny. And even then, friend seems to be too strong of a word. I had her back and she had mine, but that’s it. Look, Presley, I’m not trying to open a new can of worms here.”

  “I guess I see your point.”

  “That’s all I wanted. I’m sorry for blowing up at you.” I give her a short and sweet kiss. “Are we okay now?”

  “Yeah and I’m sorry for throwing numbers in your face. Sorry for the whole thing, really. I was maybe just a little jealous over Allie.”

  I dip my head and nibble on her neck. “Who?” My girl laughs, bringing out a smile from me. “Let’s skate, Smarty.”

  While we exchange our shoes for a pair of skates, Presley keeps talking, worried.

  “Are you sure this is safe? I mean, what if we fall in?”

  “If it wasn’t safe, I wouldn’t let you be out there, Presley.”

  “Let’s do this then.”

  I can’t help my grin as she props her hands on her hips, looking a little excited, but a little nervous too. Without waiting for her, I skate onto the ice and then around a few times. Holding out my arms, I say, “See? Completely safe!” I glide to a stop in front of her, that beautiful smile taking my breath away as I take her hands and lead her onto the ice with me. She’s a little wobbly at first, trying to get used to the difference, but soon we’re skating along, enjoying ourselves.

  Chapter Eleven



  “Okay, let me understand what you’re saying. You went on a date with my twin brother?” I’m taken aback when Marley, who’s sitting across from me, tells me Trevor and she went out last night.

  “Are you mad?” Marley asks quietly.

  “I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I’m happy and confused. Are you happy?” A huge grin comes across her face, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eyes light up like that before. “Well, as long as you two are happy then I am.”

  Marley leaps up and hugs me. “I was so worried.”

  “Don’t be worried. I’m just a little shocked, but enough of that nonsense.” I wave her off. “Tell me everything, just leave out the sex. ” Marley tells me how she’s liked Trevor for a long time and with tutoring him, they’ve become close. Finally, he asked her out. They had dinner and a great night together, and she didn’t even mention sex.

  “I didn’t realize that you liked Trevor for that long.”

  Marley nods.

  “Well then, I’m so happy for you.”

  “Who are we happy for?” Levi and Trevor sit down at the table with us.

  “Trevor and Marley are dating.” I smile at Levi.

  “I already figured that out.” Levi grabs a fry from my plate.

  “You did? When?” Trevor asks confused.

  “That night we all went to dinner with your parents. Your mouth dropped open and drool was everywhere when you saw her.”

  “Shut up, Carr.” Trevor puts his arm around Marley. I can see that they are both looking very happy. So, I’m so happy for him and her.

  “How are things with your parents?” Marley asks

  “Okay, I guess.” In reality, we’ve only talked a couple times since that night I blew up at them. Our conversations have been short and to the point.

  “Let’s talk about something fun.” Trevor waves the waiter down and changes the topic. He must realize that I don’t want to talk about it.

  “How about we discuss spring break.” Levi hops into the conversation.

  “Yes, let’s talk about that.” Marley claps excited. “Where are we going?”

  “Well, Trevor and I were talking-,” Levi starts.

  “Woah,” I interrupt him. “Trevor and you?” I look between them both.

  “Easy, Smarty. We’re not exchanging friendship bracelets or anything.” We all bust out laughing at the table.

  “Fine. Where are we going?” I ask.

  After we all discussed our own ideas, we came up with flying down to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. None of us had been there before and the flights seemed cheaper than other places. We talk a bit longer, eat some food, and then we head our separate ways.

  Standing outside my car, Levi wraps me in his arms. There is still snow on the ground and it’s freezing, but in his arms, I’m perfectly warm.

  “Wanna come home with me?” Levi asks.

  “What? We hardly ever go to your place.”

  “Yeah, but I figure change is good. Besides, I have a better selection of beer and DVDs than you do.” He smirks at me.

  “Yeah, right.” I slap his shoulder, which doesn’t do anything since he has a hoodie and a jacket on. “But, yeah I’ll come over. I need to grab some stuff from my apartment.”

  “About an hour then?” I nod and he leans down and kisses me.

  I head back to my place and begin to pack an overnight bag. I’m almost done when there is a knock.

  “Hey, you.” I greet Zack on the other side and let him in.

  “I thought I would come over and see what you’re up to. I haven’t talked to you in forever.” He gives me a hug.

  “Are you drinking?” I ask as I push away from him.

  Zack shrugs. “A few beers.” I know better than that. His words are slurring.

  “Oh.” Zack always drinks. He loves partying, and that’s something I’m not into at all. I head back to my bedroom, and he follows. “I’m heading to Levi’s tonight. What are you doing?”

  “Well, I thought we could go out tonight.”

  “Sorry, maybe we can grab lunch sometime this week.” I zip up my bag and turn to look at him. He seems angry. “Zack?”

  “What the hell, Pres? We’ve hardly spent any time together since I’ve come back. It seems like your little boyfriend doesn’t want us hanging out.” He’s shouting at me, and he is growing angrier.

  “First, I’m busy with classes. Second, Levi isn’t little. Third, stop yelling at me.” I count out to him.

  “Whatever. If you want to follow your boyfriend around like a lost puppy, so be it. But that’s bullshit. I thought you wanted to be your own person.”

  “Get out, Zack. Just go.” I don’t need to listen to him putting down Levi or me.

  “Fine. Just forget it.” Zack turns and walks out.

  I roll my eyes on how he was acting like a jerk. I grab my bag, keys, and head out to Levi’s.


  “Hello, Presley.” Nichols opens the door for me.

  “Hello.” Even though Nichols and I had issues, I know that Levi and he have made up. I’m not going to hold a grudge either. “Where’s Levi?”

  “He ran to grab the pizzas. He said that he’ll be back shortly. We’re in the living room getting ready to watch a movie if you want come in there.”

  “Sure. Let me put these in Levi’s room.” I motion to the bags in my hand.

  I take my bags and drop them on the bed. I put my purse on the desk, and it falls over, spilling my contents everywhere. I curse and begin to pick up my items. I accidentally move the mouse on the pad, and the computer wakes up. On the screen is an email. I look and see a Pittsburgh Penguins logo.

  As I began to read the email, it states that Levi has an option of being drafted in June and there is an invitation for prospect camp in July. This June. Levi is going to be drafted in June. He’s going to Pittsburgh. Why didn’t he tell me? I look at the date, and it’s dated for today. He’s known about this all day and didn’t tell me. My heart is beating so fast with excitement, worry, and nervousness. What will happen to us if he gets drafted and leaves? Will he finish college? Will he get signed right away? My
brain is trying to process this information as I stare at the screen.

  “You’re so nosey,” Levi’s voice brings me back to reality.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He smirks. “Well, I was going to tonight. I just got done telling Pops.”

  “I’m so proud of you.” I rush to him and wrap him in my arms. My eyes fill with tears of happiness and anxiety of the future.

  “I wanted to tell you the second I got the email.” He looks down at me. “Hey, why the tears?”

  “I’m happy, Levi. I know you’ve worked so hard. Plus, you’ll be playing with Sidney Crosby and I’m a little jealous about that.” He busts out a laugh, and I’m glad that I can break some of the tension.

  “Well, the guys don’t know yet. Let’s keep it between us right now.” I nod. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  The guys and a couple of other bunnies have pizza spread out everywhere. I grab a slice, a soda, and sit next to Levi. I’m in no mood to eat since my nerves are bouncing everywhere. Finally, they start the movie. I stare at the screen and try to pay attention, but that doesn’t happen.

  I excuse myself and was going to go to the bathroom, but instead I go to Levi’s room. I sit on the bed with my head in my hands and try to regain my thoughts.

  “Smarty, what’s wrong?” Levi comes in and shuts the door.

  I can feel the tears building up, and I just shake my head.

  “Hey, tell me.” He kneels down in front of me and lifts my chin to meet his eyes.

  “It’s silly,” I choke out.

  “Smarty, are you worried I’m going to out-play Sidney Crosby?”

  I can’t help but laugh as a single tear releases down my face. “A little, but that’s not it.”

  “I figured. So tell me.”

  “What about us?” I whisper it in hopes that he doesn’t hear.

  “Wait, are you worried about our relationship if I go to Pittsburgh?”


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