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Blood Red Sundown: Evil Begins

Page 16

by Allen Gates

  “What can you tell us Doc? Anything that might help us nab this pervert?”

  “I took it upon myself to ask the profiler from the state department to examine this victim and the details of the six previous ladies and give his analysis. He’s going to execute a profile on this guy. When he’s reached a conclusion he'll call your office directly.”

  “That’s great! I’d like to have an understanding of the mind-set of this killer even if only a speculative one. Can we see the body now and get your conclusions on what went down?”

  “He definitely decided to go a little further with this lady. This was his first time to fully undress the victim. His first sexual exploration of her body appears to have caused him to become inflamed, either sexually or in anger. That explains the bruising around the left breast. If I had my choice I would hope for anger. If he is becoming sexually hungry, I think his victims will be increasing. One other thing, she has a cut under her chin which one would assume is from a watch or ring worn by the killer. Find a sharp watch or ring on a suspect and there will be her DNA on it.”


  HE WAS FEELING fully satiated as he viewed himself nude in the full length mirror. He could find no scratches or marks of any kind. This examination was an important key to his remaining unknown to those who seek him. Feeling confident that he had been perfect once again, he went to his closet to dress.

  Recalling the feeling that energized his body when he was touching her overtook him once again. The heat began to surge as it had the previous night and he leaned against the side wall for support. He closed the closet door and walked to another room where he removed the picture from the wall and removed the under garments he had collected from the special lady of the previous night. He placed them under the pillow and laying down he began to fantasize her being there. He could not concentrate on her as all of his girls began appearing in his fantasy all at once.

  They seemed to flash in and out of his mind and he felt panic setting in, and then the urge over rode his fear as he fondled the items under his pillow. He felt the sensation subside and he slept.

  He awoke later in a sweat and total exhaustion. When he rose from the bed he was wobbly and his knees felt weak as he walked to the cubicle to place the trophies and re-hang the picture.

  “It will be even better next time with her. I have her identity deeply embedded in my mind and know her nightly patterns, and I have a plan ready to carry out. I’ve waited long enough for her.”


  TERRY WAS FILLED with anticipation knowing Anne had returned from her trip to Nevada. I know she’ll be expecting to see me at the usual spot, but my plan is to stay away for a day or two and in so doing make her wonder why I haven’t been around. His desire to see her and to hold her was strong and he knew it was going to be a struggle to keep from giving in to his desire.

  A knock on his office door startled him.

  “Terry, your appointment is here. Her name is Cassandra Jones.”

  “Thanks, Jill, give me a minute.”

  Opening the door, Jill ushered in an attractive middle aged lady. Terry was delighted.

  “Mr. Ryan, I am Cassandra Jones. I made this appointment with you because of the conversation we had at a party one evening. I do not expect you to recall such an occasion, however you impressed me with your knowledge of investments.”

  “I must confess I do not recall our conversation, but I assure you I do remember you, he lied.”

  “Sounds like flattery to me, Mr. Ryan. However, I will accept it graciously.”

  “Now to the point at hand, I inherited a sum of money and need advice.”

  “Can I get you something to drink, before we start?”

  She recognized the appreciative glances he was giving her crossed legs. This can be to my advantage and I will take those advantages as far as I can, she thought.


  “THIS GUY HAS got to be stopped, Lon. That lady and all the others did not deserve to die like that.”

  They stopped at Lon’s desk still concerned that there had been no breakthrough to go on by the coroner’s autopsy report.

  “A watch or a ring with DNA possibly on it is the closest we have to a clue. There can’t be more than 500,000 such rings in Santa Barbra. The one thing we do have working for us Anne is his newly acquired sexual desires. Sex may be his downfall. Sex usually means DNA.”

  The chief knocked on the window and waved for them to come to his office.

  “What did you come up with at the morgue? I need to hear something with facts not conjecture.”

  “Well chief, we know he wears jewelry. We have a profile report coming in and it should give us a better picture of what we are dealing with. I know you want more, but until he makes a mistake it’s all we have. We’re interviewing a computer expert today. He has been going through the hard drive of Marie Radford’s lap top. He’s able to go back in her erased files and emails and with luck something may tie it to someone on the other end of the communication.”

  Senator Radford recognized the concerned look on his secretary’s face as he entered the office.

  “I do not want to overstate this senator, but I feel it is my place to warn you, that you are falling behind on your senatorial duties. There is correspondence to answer and your computer is loaded with work that needs to be completed.”

  He stood over her somewhat perturbed at her tone, but realized she was right. He had neglected his official role as senator for days. He remained calm and smiled at her when she continued.

  “You need to accept or reject requested speeches at various organizations. In short you have neglected your office. I know you have been through some rough times, but getting back to work will help ease your mind.”

  Nodding in agreement and with a polite thank you he turned and entered his office and began digging through papers and telephone messages. He arranged them by priority and began to eliminate them one-by-one. Many were merely responding to messages on an answering service. Some were from constituents needing to vent their concerns about his handling the vote on some insignificant bill. He listened and conceded to their concerns and hung up.

  Marge came into the office, “There’s a detective on the line for you Senator.”

  “Thank you Marge. Please close the door.”

  Hesitating while he gathered his composure, he picked up the phone.

  “This is Senator Radford, detective. What can I do for you?”

  He relaxed when he heard the voice of the female.

  “Sorry to bother you Senator, but we need to meet with you one more time. Would you prefer your office or your home?”

  “I will be leaving very shortly for home if you want to meet me there.’

  “Let’s say one hour. See you then.”

  Leaning back in his chair he pondered their intentions, but convinced himself not to get flustered over a minor thing like officers simply doing their job. There is nothing to worry about. He looked at the framed picture on his desk.

  “You’ll be there Mother? I will need to feel your comforting way around me to deal with the angry emotions I may feel and need to hide.”

  He looked up to see Marge standing in the open doorway with a concerned look on her face.

  “I hope everything is alright Senator. You sounded troubled.”

  He assured her everything was fine. She turned and closed the door both confused and worried about who he was talking to.

  Sitting at his desk staring at the name plate Senator William Radford, III he knew he had become too lax in his very important duties. Marge was right in chastising him for his negligence. He changed his mind-set and determined he was now on a new course as Senator. Checking the desk for anything he may have overlooked, he rose and walked out of the office.

  “Good night. Marge. I will not be in tomorrow.”


  “I NEED TO make up my mind on the guilt or innocence of Senator Radford, Anne. I have decided he had nothing to do with the se
rial killings, but I can't seem to convince myself that he isn’t hiding something. Two things are bugging me. First, I’m not convinced that he didn’t kill his wife and top that off with the mother-son incest thing.”

  She waited for his next critique of the senator not wanting to change his chain of thought. “I hate that this man is in such a powerful position and I have these doubts about him. I need something concrete to appear to satisfy my mind that I’m wrong.”

  “It sounds like you have at least decided to stay on the fence about him until it is settled through our investigation.”

  “Listen, Anne, I need your complete support in this interview with him. I’m going to try and get him into a corner, and see if he reacts like I think he will. We’re going to come at him from several directions. If you want to play good cop, that’s fine, but keep the pressure on and follow my lead. If he comes through with satisfactory answers and behavior, I’ll back off.”

  “Don’t worry Lon I’m all-in with you on this. Standing there at the morgue and looking at that last woman lying there on that gurney has broken any need for sympathy for someone’s feelings. I want to rid the world of this SOB at any cost.”

  “Glad to hear that you’re at least open to consider the senator as a potential. Grab a hand recorder and the Beth Radford file and let’s head over to mama boy’s palace.”

  The look by Anne made him regret he had said that after asking for her support.

  “If we leave now we should arrive at the estate about the same time as our boy.”

  When they pulled through the open gate they saw Senator Radford standing with an elderly lady apparently in a very intense conversation.

  “Who do you suppose she is, Lon?”

  “I never paid any attention to her at the funeral, but I can assume she was the lady that walked out of the church next to the Senator. I remember her face was covered with a black veil. She seemed to disappear after that.”

  As they continued around the circle drive they saw the woman turn and walk away around to the side of the house. Coming to a stop just short of where the two had been standing, the senator seemed irritated. Unlike his normal polite greeting he walked to the door waving for them to follow.

  “He seems to be in a rather unfriendly mood, wouldn’t you say, Anne? He definitely is not wearing his usual phony smile.”

  Anne laughed at him in such a way as to say, well you’re decision to give him a chance didn’t last long, and continued out of the car.

  Shaking his head at her continued protective attitude toward the man, he followed her as she walked to the open front door.

  “Come in detectives. Go right on into the den to your left and I will be with you shortly. I have something I need to attend to that will take about five minutes.”

  At the top of the stairs he turned and looked down to see that they had done as he had directed and then continued on to his mother’s room. Opening the door slightly he peered in. She was lying on the bed.

  “William! Who are the man and woman downstairs?”

  “It's the same detectives that were here the last time.”

  “Be very careful. They will try and trick you. Stay strong and remember that I'm here waiting for you.”

  She held out her arms and he leaned over and kissed her. At the door he turned back and smiled and left the room.


  STEPHANIE WAS LAUGHING as she ran to her car with Hobo in pursuit for their daily trip to the shore. He stopped short and stood staring and making low growling noises toward the side of the house. Stephanie walked back and picked him up gently and looked around to see what was causing him concern.

  “What’s wrong boy? You’re making me nervous again.”

  He continued to struggle trying to get free as she was placing him in the front seat and when she closed the door he immediately scratched at the side window wanting out.

  She searched carefully around the area as she fastened her seat belt. She could see nothing that should cause his obvious anxiety as he continued to jump back and forth between the front and back seats of the car.

  “What’s wrong with you? What is it you sense?”

  He continued to whimper and paw at the side window. As she pulled from the curb, he jumped to the back seat and then back to the front and lay down on the seat, but he continued to whimper until they had turned the corner and were out of sight of the house.

  He watched them disappear and had become concerned when the dog became aware of his presence close by. He then stepped out of the high bushes along the side of the house and walked along the line of shadowed shrubbery to his parked car. He knew where she was headed.

  “You can’t hide. I know where you’re going,” he said. “It’s just a matter of time.”

  Stephanie, unaware of having been observed, arrived at her destination and pulled into her usual parking spot. The sun was about rear view mirror high on the horizon which told her she had about half an hour until it set. The sky was a mixture of orange, yellow, and red and a hint of purple splayed above the blue of the ocean and surrounding the reddish hue of the sun. Magnificent, was all she could think. Hobo’s whimpering, brought her out of her thoughts.

  “Okay boy, we’re out of here.”

  As always when she opened the door, the dog lept out and ran ahead. She was taking her time walking down the incline and for the first time since discovering this spot she felt a pang of fear come over her. Her instinct was asking her, “Should you be here alone?”

  As she arrived at the water’s edge she remembered she had forgotten to lock her car and her purse was in the back seat. So, she walked back up the hill to the car. As she neared the car ready to push the automatic lock she eyed a white piece of paper protruding from the driver side wiper.

  “Strange, I didn’t notice that being there when I arrived.”

  Somewhat reluctant to know what she was going to see she withdrew a one page note folded in half.

  “I KNOW WHERE YOU GO” is all it said.

  An internal voice told her to get your dog and leave this place.

  It resonated within her and she called out to Hobo who came running. As she was backing out she glanced back at the beach area and noticed a man standing looking out over the horizon. He remained there as she left the area.

  Was it a coincidence that he was suddenly there? Did he write this note, is he stalking me?

  Her new found fear made her realize she needed to talk to the detectives about her situation again. She periodically glanced over at the open note on the consul and it made her uneasy.


  WHEN THE SENATOR finally entered the den he walked over to a chair turned and motioned for them to sit. As he took a seat he began smiling at Anne.

  “I guess I should apologize for keeping you waiting detectives, but then I'm sure you’re aware that I’m not thrilled with your being here. I’m also sure you have your reasons. So, let’s get this over with. How can I be of assistance?”

  “I guess we should likewise apologize to you Senator for this inconvenience, but then again like you said, it’s our job. You’re the surviving husband of a woman that was murdered and I know a learned man like yourself must realize that the spouse is always the first suspect. Now that we both have expressed our positions, I suggest we begin again.”

  “Fair enough Sir,” he responded in a smugly defiant way sitting back in the chair and again smiled at Anne.

  She took the lead to prevent her partner from angrily responding to the senator’s obvious attitude shown in his last response.

  “Senator, I think you should know we have just returned from Sutcliff, Nevada.”

  “You went to see Beth? Why would you do that? It makes no sense as she has been out of my life for years. What kind of fulminating information did she provide you, detective?”

  He was obviously rattled or irritated and not talking in his usual slow, careful style.

  Lon looked over at Anne and smiled with a I’ve got him smi

  “Before we begin to answer that question Senator I’d like to know what fulminating means. I collect words and I’d like to be able to use it in the future.”

  “It means detective, to provide vicious, verbal attacks about someone. Does that describe your conversations with the former Mrs. Radford?”

  He was obviously uncomfortable at the thought of Beth Radford talking to the two of them and Lon seeing a weakness in his protective armor beginning to surface watched him shift nervously in the chair. He intended to keep him worrying about what in particular she may have disclosed about their married life.

  “She did give us some interesting revelations we need to discuss with you.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she did.”

  “We didn’t find her overly vindictive toward you Senator, Anne interjected taking the lead back from Lon. In fact, I would say she seemed respectful of your senatorial position and was most concerned at the news of the death of your wife. I found her quite a personable and caring person.”

  “How did your mother die,” Lon asked abruptly, hoping to catch him off guard.

  The look on his face went from concern to deep contempt and flushed with dislike for Lon.

  “What does my mother have to do with anything we are discussing? She died, and that is all the information you need to be concerned with.”

  “I’m afraid not sir. I have every right to question you on every minute portion of your life in order to get to the bottom of the murder of your wife. If a subpoena becomes necessary that can be arranged.”

  They watched the redness wane from his face and he settled back in the chair.

  “I understand detective, I guess the news about Beth entering the equation upset me.”

  “You remember the question, how did your Mother die, let’s start there.”

  “The night she died, she called me from a bar and I could tell she had been drinking heavily. I told her to wait there and I would come and drive her home. However, she convinced me she could drive the short distance to the beach location and would wait for me there. I have to live with the fact that I gave in allowing her to drive that car.


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