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Page 3

by Toya Richardson

  Taking the key from her jeans pocket, she opened the front door. She went from room to room, savouring all the happy memories that came back to her. She noticed the upstairs windows were slightly open. Simon had told Annie Smithson and her husband that she was coming so it was no surprise.

  Annie looked after the interior of the house while her husband, Sam, saw to the gardens and general maintenance. There was a note on the kitchen table welcoming her back and telling her there was tea, coffee and milk in the fridge to get her started.

  After bringing her cases in, she made a cup of tea and sat outside in the back garden to enjoy the early afternoon sun. Picking up her mobile, she rang Simon.

  ‘Hi, I got here in one piece and without the aid of the Sat Nav.’

  She listened while he told her to take it easy.

  ‘I will, I promise. I’ll call you in a couple of days.’

  After finishing the call, she made a list of groceries she would need. She locked the door of the cottage and walked down towards the village store.

  It was only a ten-minute stroll to the centre of the village; she took her time so she could appreciate every moment. When Amberley was younger, she used to close her eyes and walk to the shop finding her way by different sounds along the route. The noise of the rooks on the right would be the church. Laughter and clinking glasses on the left would be from the Red Dragon public house. Then further down, on the left, would be the tiny garage where Mr Walker used to whistle tunes all day long while he worked. The last sound would be the ping of the shop door.

  Her hair began to irritate her, she realised that it was still in a ponytail. She pulled it free and ran her hands through it. The rich auburn curls cascaded down past her shoulders. Amberley was aware of an approving wolf whistle. Looking up, she spotted three young men sitting outside the pub. Normally, such an action would annoy her but today she laughed and curtseyed before walking on.


  ‘Who is that? She is gorgeous. Do you know her, Greg?’ asked one of the men.

  ‘I think Greg’s in lust, Paul.’ The other man laughed jokingly.

  Greg did not respond. Even without seeing her red hair, he would have known her laugh anywhere. He watched her as she went into his mother’s shop, and wondered if his mother had known she was coming to the village. If she did, she had neglected to tell him.


  When Amberley stepped through the door, the doorbell pinged as it had in the past. The smell of apples still hung in the air, along with a mixture of newsprint and fresh bread.

  ‘Won’t keep you a moment.’ She heard Kath say from the back.

  Amberley suddenly felt edgy. It had been a long time since she had seen her. A large smile spread over Kath’s face when she appeared behind the counter. She appeared genuinely pleased to see her. She came from behind the counter and hugged her tightly.

  Grasping her at arms length, Kath looked her up and down. ‘Oh my goodness, you’ve hardly changed,’ she said, still holding on to her arms.

  Amberley couldn’t help but smile back. Kath’s warmth and exuberance put her instantly at ease. She took this opportunity to look at Kath, whose appearance was similar to how she remembered all those years ago. She was a well-rounded woman with an open, jolly face. Her hair, which had been long last time she had seen her, was now cut to shoulder length and greying slightly.

  ‘This is a lovely surprise; I didn’t expect you for another couple of days.’

  ‘I decided to come as soon as I could; I needed to get away from the city for a while.’

  ‘You look as beautiful as ever, a bit on the skinny side mind you, but I’m sure I can fix that.’ Kath paused for a moment. ‘So much has happened in the village, you wouldn’t believe.’

  ‘Tell me.’ Amberley leant against the counter and smiled, as Kath went into detail about the events in the village.

  ‘And then there’s Margaret Lewis’ daughter, you remember her, she’s just given birth to…’

  It was at this point Amberley stifled a yawn.

  ‘My dear girl, here I am nattering away, you must be very tired after your long journey.’

  Amberley looked at her apologetically. ‘I am so sorry, Kath, I don’t mean to appear rude. I really do want to know everything that’s been happening here, but I’ve been under a lot of pressure recently. I think the drive down here has finished me off.’

  ‘I’m sure it has, dear. Now,’ she said, becoming businesslike, ‘let’s sort out some food for you. We can have a chat another time.’

  When her order was complete, Amberley took a step back, hands on her hips. She let out a low whistle. They looked at each other and laughed.

  ‘I don’t think I’ll manage this lot. I’d better get the car.’ Amberley headed for the door.

  ‘No need for that, I’ll get them delivered to the cottage.’

  ‘Are you sure, it won’t take me long?’

  ‘No,’ said Kath, putting her hands up. ‘It’s not a problem. Would five-thirty be okay?’

  ‘That will be perfect.’ As Amberley opened the door, she turned around. ‘I nearly forgot to ask, how’s Greg?’

  ‘He’s very well, love. Actually he’s only recently come back from his travels.’

  ‘Oh, what’s he been up to?’

  ‘Well, he’d been at an Australian University. He had decided to stay on there, make it his home, but… well, things didn’t quite go according to plan.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ she said, wondering why Kath had hesitated.

  ‘Everything has worked out well for him here though. He has a new venture; I’ll let him tell you all about that himself.’

  ‘Wow, it sounds like he’s doing really well. I’ll look forward to hearing all about it.’

  ‘I’m sure he’d like that. Anyway, enough chatter. Go home and rest, I’ve kept you long enough.’


  Amberley noted that the three young men were still outside the pub and wondered what comment she would get on her return journey. Two of the men waved and called her over for a drink, the third remained quiet. She wondered if she knew him from somewhere. He looked vaguely familiar. She discounted the theory, because she would have remembered someone that good looking.

  ‘Thank you for the offer but I’ve had a long journey and feel a bit tired now,’ she said. She kept walking.

  ‘That’s a real shame because our mate here,’ one of the men said, indicating to the good looking one, ‘would love to talk to you.’

  ‘I’m flattered really I am. Maybe some other time,’ she called after them.

  ‘What the hell did you say that for, Keith?’

  ‘Because,’ Keith replied, putting his arm around his shoulder, ‘it’s about time you got back in circulation again, mate.’

  When she got back to the cottage, Amberley noticed that there was a message on the answer phone. It was Simon.

  ‘Amberley, call me back as soon as you get this message. I need to speak to you urgently. Steve Jackson has disappeared.’


  She dialled Simon’s number, her fingernails digging deeply into the arm of the sofa. ‘What do you mean he’s disappeared? Surely he can’t have known the police were coming. How has he managed to just vanish in to thin air?’ Her voice sounded high-pitched in her ears.

  ‘An officer rang to advise me that they’ve called at his home to find he’d done a runner. His family and friends have been questioned about his whereabouts, but no one has seen him for a couple of days. At least that’s what they say.’

  Amberley gripped the receiver tightly in her hand, she felt dizzy again.

  ‘Are you still there?’

  ‘Yes, Simon, sorry it’s just a bit of a shock. I never expected this. What did the police say will happen now?’

  ‘They’re going to send out his description to the Devon and Cornwall police and keep a watch on his flat. One thing they did want to know though.’

  ‘And what’s that?’

sp; ‘Did you ever tell Steve about the cottage?’

  Amberley felt sick. She thanked God that they had never been there together.

  ‘Yes, he knows it’s in Cornwall but that’s all.’

  ‘At least that’s something! You will get a visit from the local police at some point. It’s just to be on the safe side okay? I’m sure you’ll be fine,’ Simon assured her.

  ‘Thanks for telling me I know I’ll be safe here. Look, I am bushed and need to have some sleep. I’ll keep in touch.’

  She dropped the phone down, knowing that until Steve was located she could not put closure on any of this. Sinking down onto the sofa, she thought back to how her relationship with Steve had started out with such promise.


  Eighteen months earlier…

  Normally it fell to Simon to attend exhibitions. However, he had another appointment and so Amberley had gone in his place. She visited the stands that he suggested would be of most interest to their company. By the time she had seen all of them it was almost closing time.

  ‘Excuse me,’ she heard someone call out to her.

  She ignored the voice in case it was yet another exhibitor trying to entice her to his stand. At that point, she felt a hand tap her lightly on the shoulder. Amberley turned; ready to tell the person to go away. Her eyes connected with deep brown ones, slicked back brown hair and a most amazing smile.

  ‘Sorry to startle you but you dropped this. I thought it might be important,’ he explained, handing her a folder that had slipped her grasp without her knowing it.

  ‘Oh, thanks, I would have been in big trouble with my brother if I’d left this behind.’

  ‘No problem, my name’s Steve by the way, Steve Jackson.’ He held out his hand.

  ‘Amberley Masterson.’

  They shook hands, Amberley went to turn away, and he caught hold of her hand again.

  ‘I know this will sound very forward of me, but would you have dinner with me tonight?’ he asked her.

  ‘I don’t even know you. Thank you for the offer but I’ll have to decline.’

  ‘Why, do you have another date or a jealous husband at home?’

  His eyes were almost hypnotic and his smile was irresistible. It had been a while since anyone had shown any real interest in her and she was flattered.

  ‘No,’ she laughed.

  ‘What have you got to lose then? If you don’t enjoy yourself I’ll take you straight home. Do we have a deal?’

  ‘Okay, you win.’ She laughed.

  ‘Great! I’ll pick you up at seven. Where do you live?’

  Without even thinking, she gave him her address. He wrote it down, kissed her hand, and walked back into the exhibition centre.

  Simon was happy for her when she told him, although he added, ‘but it isn’t like you to give out your address to a virtual stranger. Call me when you get home, will you please?’

  ‘Of course I will.’ She pecked him on the cheek. ‘Thank you for caring.’

  ‘That’s what older brothers are for. Plus I don’t want you late for work tomorrow.’

  She playfully swiped his head.


  Amberley went through her wardrobe, searching frantically for something to wear. It had been ages since she’d had a date with someone who appeared genuine and she wanted to create a good impression. Holding several dresses against her skin, she finally decided on a midnight blue, silk cocktail dress.

  The buzzer went at dead on seven o’clock.

  ‘Hi, it’s Steve.’

  ‘Give me one minute and I’ll be down.’

  She grabbed her coat and went to meet him. He stood leaning against a very sleek, black car. However, that wasn’t what caught her attention. The smile he greeted her with was dazzling. The restaurant he took her to was exclusive, with private booths so couples could be in their own little worlds. He took her coat and handed it to the waiter.

  ‘Wow! You look breathtaking.’

  Amberley blushed as she watched the appreciative expression on his face. ‘Thank you.’

  He helped her into her seat and sat opposite her. They were silent whilst a waiter poured the wine.

  ‘So tell me,’ he said after the waiter had gone, ‘why is a beautiful woman like you still single?’

  She clutched at the stem of her wine glass, searching his face for any trace of mockery. She found none.

  ‘I work for an advertising agency. The hours are long and leave little time for a social life. Not many men cope with the opposition,’ she laughed bitterly.

  ‘But you’ve made time for me tonight, why?’

  She swirled the wine around in her glass and took a sip. ‘I don’t know really. I’m not known for being very trusting; it’s a mystery to me.’

  After another moment of silence, she said, ‘let’s turn this around. Why did you ask me out?’

  He held her gaze with one of sincerity. ‘Because you looked sad and I felt I wanted to look after and protect you, and hopefully make you smile.’

  He ran one hand through his hair and smiled. ‘Sounds a bit pathetic huh?’

  ‘No, no actually it’s really very sweet. Thank you.’

  ‘So, Amberley, tell me what it is that makes you so sad?’

  ‘Why?’ She put the cutlery down on her plate and folded her hands under her chin, watching him.

  ‘Because I really do want to make you happy.’

  She laughed nervously, rubbing her hands on her napkin.

  ‘Are you for real, Steve, or are you going to let me down like every other guy I’ve dated?’

  He took hold of one of her hands across the table, gently caressing it as he did so. ‘I know we’ve only just met, but I have a good feeling about us. I promise we’ll take things slow. I want to get to know you well and I promise I will never, ever hurt you.’

  She smiled and gently squeezed his hand.

  ‘Well, get to know me then, although it will take me a while to trust you.’

  ‘That’s fine by me. You take all the time in the world. Now, tell me all your likes and dislikes.’

  ‘Phew, tall order. Okay here goes, my favourite flowers are peach carnations, I love walking in the rain, can’t stand rudeness and…’

  Her list went on and on but Steve listened intently, occasionally asking her a further question. When the evening ended, she didn’t want to leave. Standing at the entrance to the apartments where she lived, he kissed her hand.

  ‘Thank you for a perfect evening, Steve, I’ve had a great time.’

  He smiled. ‘And I promise you there will be plenty more to come.’

  The following day at work, he sent her dozens of peach carnations. With Steve, it was first class all the way. He even managed to prise her away from her work for a couple of romantic weekends. And when they made love, he was a considerate, skilful lover.

  She met his parents. His father was cold and his mother eyed her with pity. Although she couldn’t understand why, his sister, Kate, appeared very protective of her younger brother and watched Amberley with suspicion. However, she didn’t care, she loved Steve and that’s all that mattered to her.

  He was a loving, warm person – someone she felt very safe to be with. Unlike Simon and her, he had never had to work hard for his money. His family were owners of a merchant bank in the City; Steve had a seat on the board but did very little to earn his pay.

  Their first year together passed in a blur and Amberley felt she had never experienced such happiness. He began to pester her about moving in together.

  ‘I think we should make our relationship more permanent. Move in with me, Amberley,’ Steve said one evening, as they walked hand in hand by the Thames.

  ‘I’m not ready for that yet, Steve,’ she said.

  She loved him, she was flattered, but something held her back.

  From then on, he spoke about it every time they were together, as though he was trying to wear her down. ‘But we would be great together; we love each other s
o what’s the problem?

  ‘Please, Steve, you said you would never put pressure on me. Just let me do it in my own time.’

  One night, they attended a glitzy party being hosted by his parents. She found these affairs trying because Steve always flaunted her as if she was some kind of trophy. Amberley watched people interacting in the room, trying to keep the look of boredom from her face. Steve was talking to some banker about a deal he was hoping to clinch. Whilst looking around, her eyes connected with that of a pretty brunette. She stared at Amberley with concern. Steve followed her line of sight. He tightened his grip around her waist, almost painfully. The woman scowled at Steve once, and then turned her back on him in an insulting manner.

  ‘Who was that, Steve?’

  ‘I had a relationship with her. She turned out to be severely jealous, a real nightmare.’ He laughed it off but to Amberley the laugh seemed forced.

  ‘Ah, I guess that’s why she appeared angry then.’ She didn’t feel convinced by her own words.

  Steve held her face in his hands. ‘The reason she’s angry is because I am with the most beautiful woman in this room.’ He kissed her lips softly.

  ‘When she got too possessive I dropped her. Totally neurotic, but that’s all in the past. I’ve got the woman I want to share my life with now.’

  She felt elated. At last, she had found the man of her dreams.

  A short while later, she nipped to the powder room to freshen up and escape from all the boring conversations she had to listen to. While she put some more lipstick on, she saw Steve’s ex watching at her in the mirror, sympathy standing out in her eyes.

  ‘Hi, you’re with Steve Jackson aren’t you?’

  She turned to face her and nodded slowly.

  ‘Yes I am why do you ask?’

  She took a few tentative steps towards Amberley and then stopped. She put a hand on her arm. She attempted to shake her arm free.

  ‘Look, I don’t know what he’s told you about me but please be careful. He’s a very dangerous man.’

  She moved out of her grasp and looked angrily at the woman.


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