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Page 6

by Toya Richardson

  ‘I’m so happy for you, Greg.’

  ‘Our dream was to settle in Oz, but I can do what I want here instead.’

  She wanted to ask more but felt the subject was closed to her. Again, she noted he had mentioned ‘we’ and was left to wonder about the story behind that.

  ‘Yesterday you told me about the makeshift studio in the garage, could I take a peek?’

  Greg smiled. ‘Of course you can. Mum,’ he called out, ‘I’m just showing Amberley the studio, we won’t be long.’

  When Greg switched on the light Amberley was amazed at the amount of paintings she saw housed in there. Slowly she strolled around the room looking at all the beautiful, vibrant scenes from around Australia and Europe. There were some local scenes too, one she remembered well.

  ‘Isn’t that Porthgwidden Beach at St Ives? That was where you knocked my ice cream out of my hands and I cried,’ she said.

  He came up close behind her, so close she could feel his breath on the back of her neck. ‘Yes it is. Maybe I could take you there again and buy you another ice cream to make up for the one I made you drop. We can also visit the site where I want my studio to be.’

  Amberley turned around and smiled at him. He was as eager as he had been when he was a boy. Always so full of ideas that his words tumbled out very fast.

  Greg grinned back. ‘Sorry, you know me, always a dreamer. But this time my dreams will be a reality; this is what I want to do with my life. I love living in the country. I want to make a difference and help local artists to promote their work.’

  Amberley touched his arm. ‘Hey, Greg, there’s nothing wrong with what you want to do. I envy you; your future seems well planned. I still don’t know what I want to do with my life. I love London and all the hustle and bustle. I love it when we clinch a major deal. The buzz it gives me is amazing. But I still feel like I’m missing something and I don’t know what exactly.’

  Greg watched her as she continued walking around the room. She looked more like a lost child than the confident young woman he had seen earlier. When she spoke about London, he saw her eyes light up and realised that their lives were so completely different.

  ‘Simon and I have talked about selling the business. It’s so stressful, he doesn’t see Sarah much and I don’t have a social life. I have other complications too. I think that what has happened to me recently is a wake up call.’ Amberley realised she was giving far too much of herself away to Greg who was still virtually a stranger.

  He moved over to her and put his arms on her shoulders. ‘Look, Amberley. I don’t know what your problems are. We’ve only just met after years apart but if you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you, okay?’

  ‘Thank you, Greg, I appreciate your concern but I can deal with it.’

  He nodded. ‘I understand but if you need me all you have to do is call me.’

  She realised he still had hold of her shoulders and she shivered again beneath his touch. She wondered if he might attempt to kiss her, she almost welcomed it. She thought back to a request Greg had asked her when they were younger.

  ‘Greg, would you still like to paint my portrait?’ She felt embarrassed for even asking. She picked up one of his brushes and started toying with it; he didn’t utter a word and looked at her thoughtfully. ‘Sorry, I’m sure you’re far too busy. Forget I said it.’ She put the brush back down and focused on a vibrant scene hanging on the wall in front of her.

  ‘No, that would be a great idea. I know I used to hassle you about it when we were younger, but if you want me to, I’d love to do it. We could go up on the cliffs… if you like.’

  Amberley watched the growing enthusiasm on his face. ‘That would be great and up on the cliffs would be perfect. It’s one of my favourite places down here.’

  Greg noticed a tiny bruise on Amberley’s forehead, the result of their clash of heads the day before. He gently stroked it with his fingertips. She was rooted to the spot wanting him to do more. He placed a fingertip under her chin, gently tilting her face upwards.

  ‘I’m sorry about the bruise,’ he whispered, ‘here; let me kiss it better for you.’

  As his lips touched her skin, she felt as if she was burning up and whimpered at the contact. She put her arms around his neck bringing him closer to her. They looked deeply into each other’s eyes, their lips almost touching and the heat from their bodies scorching the air around them.

  ‘Amberley, Greg, dinner’s ready,’ Kath called them from the garden.

  They both jumped like naughty children and giggled nervously.

  ‘Guess that’s our cue to go,’ said Greg.

  When Amberley walked past him, he caught her hand and pulled her back close to his body.

  ‘I will have that kiss, Flame,’ he whispered huskily.

  Amberley was taken aback by the use of his old nickname for her – yet again – and his demand to kiss her set her whole body on fire.

  ‘We’ll see about that, Mr Winters, maybe I’m not that kind of girl.’ She winked and brushed past him enjoying the look of desire on his face.


  After the meal, Kath brought out some old photo albums.

  ‘Oh no, Mum, please put them away,’ said Greg in exasperation.

  ‘Don’t be so silly I thought we could enjoy all the memories.’

  ‘Simon dragged our old pictures out the night before I came here. I was dreading it but it turned out to be fun.’ Amberley smiled at the memory.

  It was a happy evening and the room was filled with much laughter as they flicked through them, each one of had a story behind it.

  ‘This day was hilarious,’ said Amberley, laughing aloud as she remembered the day vividly.

  ‘Let me see, which one is it?’ Greg asked her, peering over her shoulder.

  She handed it to him and he took the picture from her.

  ‘Oh I remember that one… Simon’s mud race.’ Greg laughed too.

  ‘My dear brother challenged us to roll down the hill to see who’d be the fastest. I can’t even remember who won but I know we were caked in mud from head to toe.’ Amberley was clutching her stomach; she’d laughed so much that she ached.

  ‘If I remember rightly we had to throw your clothes away too. They were beyond all repair!’ Kath added.

  Amberley had enjoyed the evening immensely, being with Kath and Greg had brought back so many of the good times. When Amberley went to leave, Kath insisted that Greg walk her home.

  ‘I’ll be okay, Kath.’ She protested, not certain if she’d be safe left alone with him.

  ‘You know my Mum, Amberley, it’s useless to argue because she won’t take no for an answer.’ He warned her, grinning.

  All right,’ she smiled. ‘If it makes you feel happy, and thank you for a wonderful evening, Kath.’

  It’s been my pleasure. So good to see you again too, love.’

  Greg was carrying a denim jacket. ‘Here, you’ll freeze in those clothes,’ he said, handing her the jacket.

  ‘Thanks, Greg. Looks like you’ve come to my rescue again.’ She smiled gratefully and put the jacket on.


  They walked in companionable silence back to the cottage. When they reached the front door, Amberley attempted to put the key in the lock. Greg was close, far too close behind her, and she felt heady from his male scent, she tried – unsuccessfully – to unlock the door. The key fell to the ground and she swore silently.

  ‘Here, let me get it for you.’ He bent down, picked up the key and handed it to her. Their fingers connected and her spine tingled with electricity. Her hands shook and she dropped the key again.

  ‘By the way, how did you get on with the crime prevention people?’ He spoke as he bent to pick the key up for her.

  Amberley looked at him in confusion, wondering what he meant. Then she remembered that Greg had spotted the police car outside the cottage.

  ‘They said it was mostly secure, apart from the doors needing better bolts. I’m going to see a
bout them over the next couple of days.’

  Nothing seemed to add up, the phone calls and the police, he was certain there was more to it. ‘Are you sure everything is okay, Amberley?’

  ‘Thanks for your concern but there’s no need to worry about me.’ She assured him.

  Greg was still unconvinced; he knew her smile was forced. He decided to let the subject go. He would wait for her to come to him if she needed to. He handed her the key. Once more, their fingers touched and they both felt the sparks of attraction skitter along their bodies. Amberley looked up at him.

  ‘Thank you for walking me home, Greg.’ She softly kissed him on the cheek and went to open the door.

  The glint of the silver pixie at her neck caught his eye again. ‘I’m glad you still wear this,’ he said, inclining his head towards the silver charm.

  ‘Do you remember what I did when I put this on for you?’ he asked, his voice husky.

  ‘What?’ she whispered to him, knowing the answer all too well – and she also realised that she would be unable to resist him.

  ‘This.’ Tenderly he cupped her face in his hands, giving her every chance to withdraw from him. Finding no resistance, he moved closer still. Their lips almost touched, the heat of their bodies igniting feelings of need inside them both.

  She knew she should refrain and go inside, but she was far too attracted to him. She wanted to feel the affection and tenderness of his kiss… just once. Sliding her hands around his neck, she looked up towards his face. He lowered his mouth to hers and gently caressed her lips with his. She felt the scrape of his stubble on her skin, teasing her into submission. Her mouth opened in invitation and he slipped his tongue inside; their tongues mating longingly.

  Their bodies pressed close together, his male hardness pressing against her soft, feminine curves; she could stay locked to him like this for eternity. It felt so good, so right. The effect on her body was electrifying; it was a new and pleasurable experience for her. The kiss intensified bringing feelings of desire rocketing to the surface. Amberley broke from the kiss feeling breathless and dizzy. She also felt frightened and vulnerable; she could not let another man get close to her.

  ‘Sorry, Greg, but we shouldn’t be doing this.’

  Greg was surprised by her reaction. He knew she had enjoyed their kiss, the desire on her face and her flushed cheeks told him that much.

  ‘What’s the matter, Amberley, I don’t understand?’ His tone was confused.

  ‘I have too many complications in my life. Look, thanks for walking me home. Goodnight, Greg, you’re a wonderful, sweet guy and you deserve better than getting involved with a screw-up like me.’

  Before he could say anything else, she shut the door. This woman had come into his life again and thrown him into turmoil. He did not regret the kiss, although in hindsight, maybe it was rash, but they had both enjoyed it.

  Heading back to the village, hands in his pockets, he thought about his past loves. Although, in all that time, the girl with the laughing blue-grey eyes and flowing red hair from his childhood, had never strayed very far from his thoughts. Now, after that passionate kiss, he knew there would never be anyone else. Greg was a patient man. He had already waited nearly seventeen years for her to reappear, so a few more weeks would be easy to deal with – until he could persuade that they would be great together


  Amberley leant up against the door, her breathing erratic. As it returned to normal, she made her way to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. She couldn’t believe how easy it had been to allow Greg to kiss her. Absently she brushed her fingertips across her mouth; she could still feel his lips moving gently over hers – his body moulded against hers. It was then she realised she still wore his jacket. The scent of Greg permeated the fabric. Instead of taking it off, she drew it closer around her drinking in the male muskiness of him. Quickly she drank her coffee and went to bed; it was probably a stupid thing to do because the caffeine would keep her awake.

  Amberley’s sleep was as restless as she thought it would be. She re-enacted the kiss with Greg repeatedly in her head, until it was burned in her memory forever. Perhaps if she avoided him for a few days, the feelings would go. Hugging her duvet tightly about her, in her heart she realised that their kiss would be impossible to forget.


  She woke late, having tossed and turned all night, thinking about Greg. She yawned and stretched, rising groggily from her bed. After showering, she went for a long drive. At least if she stayed away from the village she’d avoid bumping in to him.

  She visited the Minack Theatre at Porthcurno, one of the most magical places she had been to in her early years. Pulling up in the car park, she had forgotten how beautiful the outdoor theatre was. The backdrop for the stage was the cliffs and the open sea. She recalled how they used to watch all manner of plays and musicals on balmy summer evenings.

  Whilst resting on one of the stone seats, she studied the waves in an attempt to spot dolphins. Along with her family, she was fortunate enough to have seen them perform an impromptu show of their own. Today though, she was not so fortunate. Greg used to come with them on the odd trip. He had tried to sketch the dolphins, before they disappeared beneath the surface of the water with little success.

  Thoughts of Greg came to the fore. She was still astounded at how quickly they had fallen into each other’s arms. If only she could be with him, she knew he had a huge capacity for love and compassion. However, she couldn’t have him, she didn’t want to drag him into her topsy-turvy world. He deserved someone who could give him all that he wanted – unconditionally. The stone seat began to feel uncomfortable and she decided it was time to leave. After looking out to sea one final time, she got into her car and returned home.

  Before the turn off to the village, she could see the traffic on either side of the road was slow moving. She spotted what looked like a sleek, black top of the range sports car. A chill crept through her and she shook involuntarily. Steve owned one exactly like it, being a luxury car; there were only a few on the road. The car edged slowly past hers. The windows were tinted and the driver, who was barely visible, wore sunglasses. His head turned to look at her for what seemed like an eternity.

  Amberley froze, it was Steve, she was certain of it. She could almost feel his hatred for her burn her right through the windows. The driver in the vehicle behind her sounded their horn, bringing her out of her trance. She moved her car forward. How could it be him, would he really scour the whole county searching for her? Her thoughts were irrational…or were they?


  The tourist trips and long drives had been nostalgic and interesting for a day or two, now Amberley realised it wasn’t much fun on her own. She was in regular contact with Simon via email and telephone, helping him with the business, but it wasn’t enough to keep her occupied all of the time. Staring at the screen of her laptop, her mind strayed yet again to Greg. It seemed each time she had a quiet moment; he became her most prominent thought. She missed him, missed his company.

  She went to the kitchen to make herself something to eat and realised she had almost run out of food. This would be the ideal opportunity to go and visit Greg at the shop. She spied his jacket hanging on the coat hook, yet another good reason to pay him a visit. Before her courage deserted her, she grabbed it and strode purposefully down the lane and towards the village.

  ‘Hello, dear, how are you feeling now?’ Kath asked her, looking up from a pile of newspapers.

  ‘I’m feeling well rested now, I thought I’d better return this,’ she said, holding up Greg’s denim jacket. ‘Is he around?’

  ‘He’s jogging down on the beach. I’m not sure how long he’ll be. Shall I get him to call you?’

  ‘Could I wait for a little while?’

  ‘Of course, you can make us both a cuppa if you like.’

  Amberley was deep in thought pouring boiling water into mugs when the back door crashed open, forcing her to jump out of the way.
Greg appeared.

  ‘Amberley, hi, I didn’t know you were here. Sorry I scared you.’

  ‘What’s up with you, not another accident?’

  ‘No, fortunately I grew out of them,’ he said, a huge smile on his face. ‘Actually, I just broke my own record for running five miles by a minute.’

  ‘Congratulations, here,’ she said, handing him a mug, ‘have this as a celebratory drink.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He wandered into the living room.

  She walked in behind him and stopped dead in her tracks. Greg was sitting on a chair with one long, lean, muscular leg crossed over the other. His hair and face were glistening with sweat from his run and he looked far too desirable. She fantasised about his legs straddling hers as he… She gripped the mug in her hand tightly, wishing she could banish such reckless thoughts from her mind.

  Suddenly, he leapt up grabbing his right leg.

  ‘What on Earth’s the matter?’

  ‘Cramp.’ He grimaced.

  She put the mug down and knelt by him. ‘Show me where.’

  He indicated and she rubbed expertly at his leg. ‘This should help, I run on the treadmill at the gym and I’m always getting cramp.’

  Greg gasped.

  ‘Sorry, did I hurt you?’ she asked with concern.

  ‘Err, no it’s okay,’ he said, not wanting her to know it was her velvety touch that was turning him on.

  ‘Thanks, that feels much better now.’ He returned to his seat before he was tempted to pull her onto his lap and kiss her, until she begged for more.

  ‘I brought your jacket back by the way,’ she said, pointing to where it lay over the sofa.

  He moved closer to her, brushing her hair away from her face.

  ‘Keep it,’ he whispered his blue eyes almost hypnotic. ‘It looks much better on you.’

  ‘Really? Well, as long as you don’t mind. Thank you.’ She swallowed loudly, the scent of fresh sweat and male driving her almost crazy with desire.


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