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Mission to Protect

Page 18

by Terri Reed

  She drew herself to attention and trained her focus on the lieutenant general. She saluted. “Sir?”

  “At ease,” Lieutenant General Hall said. He stood. “I’ll give you two the room.”

  “Sir?” Confusion ran rampant through her system.

  Lieutenant General Hall rounded the desk and stopped beside her. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Your father would be proud of you, Felicity.”

  Her mouth dropped open as the lieutenant general left the room. Then her gaze sought Westley’s. “I don’t understand.”

  He stepped close and took her hands in his. “I can explain but first I want to know if you’ll give me another chance.”

  She inhaled sharply. “Are you ready to give us a chance?”

  “I am,” he said. “You were right. I was afraid. Afraid of failing you or disappointing you.”

  Tenderness filled her.

  “But as someone recently told me, I need to get over myself and go after what I want.”

  “What is it you want?”

  “You. Us.” He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I love you, Felicity. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. Keeping you safe. Loving you.”

  Her breath held in her lungs. Excitement bubbled inside her chest. “What are you asking me, Westley?”

  “Will you marry me?”

  Elation engulfed her, making her head swim. “Yes. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He let out a shout of joy and clasped his arms around her and swung her off her feet into a dizzying circle. When her feet touched the ground she leaned toward him, needing a kiss.

  But he held back. His face was serious as he looked at her. “Are you sure?”

  Was he still so unsure of her, unsure of her feelings for him?

  She laid her hands on his chest, feeling his heart beating in double time. She would spend the rest of her days making sure this man knew her love was true and forever. “Yes, I am sure. I want to marry you. I want to spend the rest of my days with you and, God willing, there will be many, many days.”

  She fought back the specter of Boyd Sullivan and his horrible roses and notes. She wouldn’t allow him and his threats to crowd in on her happiness.

  A grin spread across Westley’s face. “Close your eyes,” he said.


  “Trust me. Close your eyes.”

  She closed her eyes. He wrapped an arm around her waist and turned her around. “We’re walking,” he said.

  Chuckling, she allowed him to lead her forward. She heard the office door open. Then they were walking on the carpeted hallway toward the entrance of the building.

  “How much farther?” she asked.

  “Just a bit,” he said. “No peeking.”

  “I won’t.” She heard the click of the outside doors opening and then they stepped out into the evening breeze.

  “Stairs,” he told her. He led her down the steps in front of the command building and then across the asphalt of the driveway.

  Her feet sank in the grass. Overhead the flap of the American flag let her know they were standing beneath the flagpole in front of the command center. She heard a chuckle, but not from Westley.

  “Don’t open your eyes until I say so, okay?” Westley asked.

  She sighed. “Okay, fine.”

  He moved away from her, leaving her standing there alone. But she wasn’t afraid. She knew she was safe. Westley was close by.

  “Open your eyes,” he said.

  She blinked against the setting sun as her eyes focused. People stood at the edges of the lawn, but it was only the two males directly in front of her that held her attention.

  Dakota sat next to a kneeling Westley, a large bow decorated the German shepherd’s neck. Her gaze locked on the small little silver box dangling from the ribbon. Her heart fluttered with delight.

  “Surprise,” Westley said.

  “Is that...?” She swallowed.

  Westley undid the bow, letting the little silver box drop into his open palm.

  She edged closer. Her body quivered with excitement.

  He opened the box and held it up for her to see a beautiful marquis solitaire ring nestled next to a braided gold band.

  “Felicity Monroe, will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  She went down on her knees in front of him, her hands closing over his. “Yes. A thousand times, yes.”

  He slipped the diamond ring on her finger.

  Dakota let out a happy woof. A cheer went up from the spectators. She lifted her gaze to see that so many of their friends had gathered to witness the proposal. She grinned.

  Westley touched the braided ring still nestled in the box. “This is for the ceremony and for you to wear whenever you don’t want to wear the diamond. It’s not safe to wear the diamond when you’re working with dogs.”

  One of the issues they needed to resolve. She closed the box. “I’m the base photographer.”

  “Only until the Red Rose Killer is caught.”

  “What happens after that?”

  “Once you are no longer in danger, I will give up my post and go into civilian law enforcement.”

  She shook head. “Unacceptable. The only way this will work is if you stay at the training center.”

  He opened his mouth to argue, but she put a finger to his lips. “Don’t you see? This way I get the best of both worlds. You stay at the training center and I can come visit you and the dogs anytime I want. You do your dream job and I get to be a photographer. A dream I never even realized I wanted.”

  His lips split in a broad grin. “I love you.”

  “Good. I’ll need to hear that a lot.” She held up her hand, admiring the sparkly ring on her finger. “I will wear this diamond with pride and joy. But more importantly, I will love you for always.”

  He cupped her head and kissed her. Another cheer went up. Dakota wedged his way between them, breaking the kiss. The dog licked her face. She and Westley laughed with happiness. And they would be happy. Despite Boyd, despite her uncle and despite any threat to try to come between them.

  Westley helped her to her feet. “How soon should we do this?”

  “As soon as Pastor Harmon is available,” she said.

  Westley waggled his eyebrows. “I was hoping you’d say that. We have him booked for tomorrow afternoon.”

  She giggled. “You don’t waste any time.”

  “I don’t want to spend another moment without you by my side.”

  “By your side is where I want to be. Always.”

  * * *

  “It’s been a month, people,” Lieutenant General Hall said as he stood at the head of the conference table. Concern and displeasure were etched in his face, causing tension to ripple through the room.

  Westley exchanged a quick glance with Felicity. His wife. Joy filled his heart. He took her hand beneath the table. They could face anything together.

  They’d married in an intimate ceremony at the Christian church on base with Pastor Harmon officiating. Felicity’s mother had flown in and Ian had walked the bride down the aisle. Lieutenant General Hall had stood up as Westley’s best man, while Felicity’s friend Rae Fallon had been her maid of honor.

  Westley and Felicity decided to postpone a formal honeymoon until after all the dogs were safely returned and Boyd Sullivan imprisoned once again. Westley moved his belonging from his studio apartment to Felicity’s house. He’d thought it would feel odd to live in the home she’s shared with her father but it wasn’t at all. In fact, he wanted to believe that Graham Monroe would have approved.

  Felicity continued on as the base photographer, and Westley, with Dakota by his side, kept her safe 24/7. He still kept tabs on the training center, though Master Sergeant Caleb Streeter was in command. And he still
worked to find the dogs that remained missing. Thirty-two dogs were still unaccounted for, including the prized four German shepherds. Searching for the dogs and protecting Felicity kept him busy. Guarding Felicity around the clock brought him immense joy marred only by the anxiety of the missing dogs.

  This morning, Lieutenant General Hall had called this meeting out of well-known frustration. Boyd Sullivan was still at large. And the identity of his accomplice, someone here on base, remained a mystery.

  “Special Agent Davison,” Lieutenant General Hall said as he turned to the man on his right. “Please update us on the Red Rose Killer.”

  FBI Special Agent Oliver Davison stood to address the room. “We have conflicting reports all over the state of sightings of Boyd Sullivan. Now we’re getting reports of him being as far away as Louisiana.”

  A murmur went through the room.

  Lieutenant General Hall pinned his gaze on Captain Justin Blackwood. “And his accomplice?”

  Justin planted his hands on the table and said, “We are doing our best to find the person who helped Boyd gain access to the base, sir.”

  Lieutenant General Hall’s jaw tightened. “Someone had to have seen something or knows something.” His gaze swept the room, landing briefly on each Security Forces member present. “I want answers, people. I want the base turned inside out and upside down if need be.”

  Everyone nodded.

  One of the Security Forces members, Lieutenant Preston Flanigan, spoke up. “I still say Zoe Sullivan, Boyd’s half sister, is his accomplice.”

  Tech Sergeant Linc Colson leaned forward to stare at the other man. “I’m on it,” he said in a warning tone that left no doubt he was telling the other MP to back off. “If Zoe is his accomplice I will find out.”

  Lieutenant General Hall nodded his approval. “All right, then. Dismissed.”

  Westley and Felicity filed out with everyone else.

  “I need to grab my camera,” she said.

  They linked fingers and headed to the photo lab. Once inside he shut the door and took her fully into his arms.

  “Another day in paradise,” he said with a smile.

  She wound her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. “Every day is paradise with you. And I know here, in your arms, I’ll always be safe.”

  “On my watch. Always.”

  And she kissed him.

  * * * * *

  The hunt for the Red Rose Killer continues.

  Look for the next exciting stories

  in the MILITARY K-9 UNIT series.


  —Terri Reed, April 2018


  —Valerie Hansen, May 2018


  —Dana Mentink, June 2018


  —Maggie K. Black, July 2018


  —Lenora Worth, August 2018


  —Lynette Eason, September 2018


  —Laura Scott, October 2018


  —Shirlee McCoy, November 2018


  —Valerie Hansen and Laura Scott, December 2018

  Keep reading for an excerpt from BOUND BY DUTY by Valerie Hansen.

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  Dear Reader,

  I hope you have enjoyed the first book in the Military K-9 Unit continuity series. When I was asked to be a part of this editor-created project, I was elated and nervous. This is my first foray into writing about military heroes, both two-legged and four. I have the utmost respect and admiration for our military-service women and men. In writing this novel, I called upon many experts and ex-military personnel for help and guidance. Please forgive any and all mistakes as some creative license was taken for the sake of the story.

  Developing the characters of Westley and Felicity was both fun and challenging. I needed them to be strong, honorable and brave, but vulnerable enough to let down the walls around their hearts and fall in love. Each came to the story with old wounds that needed to be healed before they could find their happy ending. Westley was afraid he would repeat the patterns of behavior modeled to him by his parents. And Felicity battled with insecurity, which kept her from permitting anyone to get close. But love softened their hearts and allowed them both to be open to a future together.

  Through the next seven books you will find more stories of romance and mystery as the men and women of the fictional Canyon Air Force Base fall in love and bring down the Red Rose Killer. Enjoy!


  Terri Reed

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  Bound by Duty

  by Valerie Hansen


  She was being watched. Constantly. Every fiber of her being knew it. Lately, she felt as though she was the defenseless prey and packs of predators were circling her and her helpless little boy, which was why she’d left Freddy at home with a sitter. Were things as bad as they seemed? It was more than possible, and Staff Sergeant Zoe Sullivan shivered despite the warm spring day.

  Scanning the busy parking lot as she left the Canyon Air Force Base Exchange with her purchases, Zoe quickly spotted one of the Security Forces investigators. Her pulse jumped, and hostility took over her usually amiable spirit. The K-9 cop in a blue beret and camo ABU—Airman Battle Uniform—was obviously waiting for her. She bit her lip. Nobody cared how innocent she was. Being the half sister of Boyd Sullivan, the escaped Red Rose Killer, automatically made her a person of interest.

  Zoe clenched her teeth. There was no way she could prove herself, so why bother trying? She squared her slim shoulders under her blue off-duty T-shirt and stepped out, heading straight for the Security Forces man and his imposing K-9, a black-and-rust-colored rottweiler.

  Clearly, he saw her coming because he tensed, feet apart, body braced. In Zoe’s case, five and a half feet was the most height she could muster. The dark-haired tech sergeant she was approaching looked to be quite a bit taller.

  He gave a slight nod as she drew near and greeted her formally. “Sergeant Sullivan.”

  Linc Colson’s firm jaw, broad shoulders and strength of presence were familiar. They had met during a questioning session conducted by Captain Justin Blackwood and Master Sergeant Westley James shortly after her half brother had escaped from prison.

  Zoe stopped and gave the cop an overt once-over. “Can I help you with something, Sergeant Colson?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  A cynical
smile teased at one corner of her mouth. “Oh? Then why is it you’re always following me? Don’t you ever get a day off?”

  “Just doing my job, Sergeant.”

  She knew he was right, but it galled her to be the object of futile efforts when base Security Forces could have been using their manpower to figure out who at Canyon Air Force Base was really cooperating with Boyd. How long were they going to continue disrupting her life and work? A wryly humorous thought intruded, and she chuckled.

  Colson stared. The muscular K-9 at his side tensed. “What’s so funny?”

  Zoe waved her hands in dismissal as best she could with the canvas grocery tote handles looped over her forearms. “Relax, Sergeant. I wasn’t laughing at you. I was just picturing you guys trying to track me when I’m giving flying lessons. How are you at piloting a T-38 in close formation?”

  She was relieved to note he was having difficulty containing his own smile. His mouth stayed put, but there was no denying a spark in his green eyes.

  “I’d wait for you on the ground,” he said. “Or outside the simulator.”

  Sobering, Zoe shook her head slowly, her light brown ponytail swinging. “I don’t suppose it would do me any good to take an oath that I haven’t seen Boyd since the last time I visited him in prison.”

  “That’s not for me to say.”

  “No, I don’t suppose it is.” An eyebrow arched above her hazel eyes. “What if it were? Would you be willing to at least give me the benefit of the doubt instead of condemning me outright?”

  To her surprise and disappointment, he said, “No.”

  “So much for the famous air force camaraderie,” Zoe muttered. Louder, she said, “Fine,” shouldered past him and started up the sidewalk toward Base Boulevard.

  He turned slightly as she passed. “Those bags look heavy. Why didn’t you call a cab after you bought so much?”

  “It’s a beautiful spring day in the heart of Texas,” she snapped back. “Walking is a pleasure.”

  “If you say so.”

  Righteous indignation surged, and she picked up her pace. She couldn’t stop the base cops from shadowing her, but she didn’t have to make it easy. If her conscience hadn’t kept kicking up, she would have enjoyed her impromptu plan to ditch this one even more.


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