The Kennedys
Page 94
Hunt, H. L.
Hurley, Francis
Hurley, Leonard
Hutton, Brian
Ickes, Harold
American attitudes toward
assimilation of Irish
bigotry toward
and the Catholic Church
JFK’s writings on
job prospects for
Kennedy family impact on
legislation affecting
newspapers directed at
and parochial schools
and politics
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Immigration Reform Act of 1965
Indiana Catholic and Record
In the Name of the Father
British conquering of
British oppression of
clans of
Danish domination of
emigrants from
famine in
farmers of
Jacqueline Kennedy’s visits to
Jean Kennedy Smith as ambassador to
JFK’s visits to
Joe Kennedy’s visit to
Kennedy family continued ties to
land ownership in
massacres in
negotiations with Britain
New Ross
reaction to JFK’s assassination in
rebellions in
during World War II
Ireland’s Contribution to the Law
Irish Americans
bigotry toward
and Catholic Church leadership
and the death of JFK
fatalism among
job prospects for new
middle class
political participation of
and school busing
support for the Kennedys
Irish in America, The
Irish Northern Aid Committee
Irish Republican Army
Irish Voice
James II, King
Javits, Jacob
and the anti-Semitism of Joe Kennedy
and the assassination of Robert Kennedy
and politics
John Paul II, Pope
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
and the death of JFK
and the Vietnam war
John XXIII, Pope
Jordan, Neil
Joyce, James
Kane, Joseph
Kane, Paula
Katzenbach, Nicholas B.
Kaufman, Ron
Keany, Matthew
Keating, Kenneth
Kee, Robert
Keeney, Lillian
Kefauver, Estes
Keller, James
Kellogg, Frank B.
Kelly, Gene
Kelly, Patrick
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, Bridget
life as a widow
marriage to Patrick Kennedy
Kennedy, Caroline
accomplishments of
and the death of JFK
near killing of
Kennedy, Carolyn Bessette
Kennedy, Chrissie
Kennedy, David
Kennedy, Edward
on abortion
birth of
and Chappaquiddick
and the death of JFK
and the death of Joe Sr.
and the death of John Jr.
and the death of Robert
and the death of Rose
divorce and remarriage of
on the draft
education of
on immigration
and Jean Kennedy Smith as ambassador
to Ireland
media coverage of
and the presidential nomination
public rage against
religious life of
sense of ethnicity and religion in
support for busing
views on Northern Ireland
visit to Ireland
visit to the Vatican
and William Kennedy Smith
Kennedy, Edward Jr.
Kennedy, Ethel Skakel
on abortion
background of
and the death of JFK
and the death of Robert
visit to Japan
Kennedy, Eunice
on abortion
and the death of JFK
and the death of Joe Sr.
and the death of Rose
family relationships of
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
and the birth of Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
and black Americans
and the Clintons
contemplation of suicide by
counseled by Richard McSorley
courtship with JFK
death of
and the death of Robert
depression following the death of JFK
difficult pregnancies of
education of
and JFK’s campaign for President
marriage to Aristotle Onassis
move to New York
and the near killing of Caroline
relationships with the Kennedy family
relationship with JFK
relationship with John Jr.
religious commitment of
visits to Ireland
visit to the Vatican
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, Jean
as ambassador to Ireland
and the death of Joe Sr.
marriage of
media coverage of
Kennedy, Joan
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
baptism of
birth of
death of
and the death of JFK
education of
journalism career of
marriage of
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
as an Anglophile
assassination of
awareness of death
bachelor life of
and the Bay of Pigs invasion
on being a Catholic elected official
campaigning to black voters
campaign management by
Joe Kennedy
campaign of
campaign of
campaign of
challenged by questions about religion
children of
and the Civil Rights movement
and communism
control of Joe Sr. over
and Cuba
and the death of Joe Jr.
and the death of Kathleen
displays of religion during Presidency of
and Eamon De Valera
on educational funding of parochial schools
education of
fatalism in
and Frank Morrissey
funeral of
health of
humor of
on immigrants
inauguration of
infidelity of
Irish Catholic identity of
joins the Presidential campaign of 1960
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald (continued)
and Joseph McCarthy
and the Mafia
marriage of
media coverage of
meeting with BIll Clinton
nomination for President
physical attractiveness of
political skill of
P-T boat accident of
public image of
relationship with Jacqueline
relationship with Kathleen
religious life of
return home from World War II
and Richard Cushing
sense of ethnicity and religion in
and sex
sexual life of
speeches of
staff of
support of the Catholic Church for
transformation on race and civil rights
understanding of black Americans
and Vietnam
visits to Ireland
visit to Dallas, Texas
visit to the Vatican
visit to West Virginia
wins the Presidential election
writing career of
Kennedy, Joseph II (son of Robert and
visit to Ireland
Kennedy,Joseph Jr.
birth of
death of
education of
family competitiveness and
last letter written by
memorials for
religious commitment of
visit to Ireland
Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, Sr.
adultery of
and Al Smith
anti-Semitism of
appointed ambassador to Britain
charity donations of
on communism
courtship with Rose Kennedy
death of
and the death of JFK
and the death of Joe Jr.
and the death of Kathleen
and Eamon De Valera
expectations for his children
fatalism of
financial success of
and Franklin D. Roosevelt
infidelity of
influence with the Catholic Church
isolationist views of
and JFK’s P-T boat accident
last visit with JFK
management of JFK’s campaigns by
media coverage of
meeting with Pope Pius XII
parenting style of
political aspirations for his family
public appearances of
relationships with in-laws
relationship with Enrico Galeazzi
relationship with Jackie
relationship with JFK
relationship with Joe Jr.
relationship with John F. Fitzgerald
relationship with Kathleen
relationship with Richard Cushing
religious life of
stroke of
time spent in London as ambassador
and the Vatican
visit to Ireland
and William O’Connell
work for the U. S. government
Kennedy, Kathleen (daughter of Joe and Rose)
birth of
courtship with Billy Hartington
death of
and the death of Billy Hartington
and the death of Joe Jr.
decides to marry Billy Hartington
education of
and Father D’Arcy
and Francis Spellman
and JFK
and Lismore Castle
marriage of
personality of
relationship with Billy Hartington’s family
relationship with Joe
relationship with Peter Fitzwilliam
relationship with Rose
religious commitment of
Kennedy, Kathleen (daughter of Robert
and Ethel) .See Townsend, Kathleen
Kennedy, Kathleen Hartington
Kennedy, Kerry
Kennedy, Kitty
Kennedy, Mary Courtney
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, P. J.
birth of
business success of
death of
education of
family of
marriage of
political life of
Kennedy, Patricia
and the death of JFK
marriage of
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier
Kennedy, Patrick (great-grandfather of
children of
death of
life in America
life in Ireland
and the potato famine
trip to America
Kennedy, Patrick (son of Edward and
Kennedy, Robert
on abortion
appearance at the 1964 Democratic
Kennedy, Robert (continued)
as attorney general
candidacy for presidency
change after JFK’s assassination
childhood of
children of
and the Civil Rights movement
on communism
and the Cuban missile crisis
death of
and the death of Cardinal Spellman
and the death of JFK
disagreements with liberals
education of
fatalism in
first public speech after the death of JFK
funeral of
on immigration
infidelity of
involvement in JFK’s campaigns
and JFK’s presidency
on Joe Kennedy
and Joseph McCarthy
media coverage of
meeting with James Baldwin
presidential campaign of
religious life of
sense of ethnicity in
understanding of black Americans
and Vietnam
visit to Japan
visit to South Africa
visit to the Vatican
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr.
Kennedy, Rory
Kennedy, Rose
courtship with Joe Kennedy
death of
and the death of JFK
and the death of Joe Jr.
and the death of Joe Sr.
and the death of Kathleen
education of
on immigration
importance of family to
and JFK’s campaigns
and Joe Kennedy’s adultery
marriage of
meeting with Pope Pius XII
parenting style of
political skill of
relationship with Jackie
relationship with JFK
relationship with Kathleen
religious commitment of
visit to Ireland
visit to the Vatican
Kennedy, Rosemary
Kennedy family, the
attendance at the coronation of Pope Pius XII
attitude toward communism
continued ties to Ireland
donations to the Catholic Church
friendship with Enrico Galeazzi
friendship with Joseph McCarthy
friendship with Pope John
influence of parents on children in
as liberals in the Catholic Church
media coverage of
meeting with Pope Pius XII
move from Boston to New York
public profile of
reaction to the death of JFK
sexual hypocrisy in
women of
Kennedy Foundation
Kennedy Imprisonment, The
Kerry, John
Kiernan, Thomas
King, A. D.
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinsella, Anna
Kirksey, Andrew
Klein, Herbert
Knebel, Fletcher
Knebel, Laura Bergquist
Knights of Columbus
Know-Nothing party, the
Knox, Ronald
Kopechne, Mary Jo
Korean War, the
Krock, Arthur
Krushchev, Nikita
Kung, Hans
Ladies Home Journal
Landers, Tom
Landis, Jim
Landon, Alfred M.
Land ownership in Ireland
Laski, Harold
Last Hurrah, The
Law, Bernard
Lawford, May
Lawford, Peter
Layman and His Conscience
Leahy, Joseph F.
Leamer, Laurence
Lee, Janet Norton
Lemann, Nicholas
Lemass, Taoseich Sean
Leonard, Joseph
Leo XIII, Pope
Leslie, Shane
Levant, Oscar
Lewis, Anthony
Lieberman, Joseph
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Mary Todd
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lindsay, John V.
Lismore Castle
Littell, Franklin H.
Lodge, George
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr.
Lomasney, Martin
Longworth, Alice Lee Roosevelt
L'Osservatore Romano
Lovett, Robert
Lowell, A. Lawrence
Lowell, C. Stanley
Lowell, James Russell
Luce, Claire Booth
Lugar, Richard
Luther, Martin
Lyman, Theodore
Macdonald, Torbert
MacLeish, Archibald
Macmillan, Harold
Maguire, John
Mailer, Norman
Major, John
Making of the President, The
Manchester, William
Mankiewicz, Frank
Mansfield, Frederick W.
Mansfield, Mike
Maraniss, David
Martin, John Bartlow
Martin, Louis
Massachusetts Electric Company
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mather, Cotton
May the Road Rise to Meet You
McAdoo,William G.
McAleese, Mary
McAllister, Nilus
McAuley, Richard
McCall, Samuel
McCarran-Walter Immigration and
Nationality Act of 1952
McCarthy, Colman
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Jean Kerr
McCarthy, Joe
McCarthy, Joseph
McCloskey, Matthew
McCone, John
McCormack, Ed
McCormack, John
McCormick, Colonel
McDonnell, Charlotte
McGee, Thomas D’Arcy
McGrory, Mary
McIntyre, Carl
McKinney, Frank
McMahon, Patrick
McNamara, Robert
McNeely, Mary
McSorley, Richard
McTaggart, Lynne
McWilliams, Monica
Mead, George
Meagher, Thomas Francis
Medeiros, Humberto
Media coverage
on Catholics in politics
of the death of JFK
of the death of John Jr.
directed at Irish immigrants
of Edward Kennedy
of immigration legislation
of Irish immigrants
of Jean Kennedy Smith
of JFK
of Joe Kennedy
of Kathleen Kennedy’s marriage
of the Kennedy family
of Robert Kennedy
Meet the Press
Merchandise Mart (Chicago)
Meredith, James
Merton, Thomas
Meyer, Agnes