All For Erica at Christmas

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All For Erica at Christmas Page 6

by Elisa Leigh

  As much as I want to bury him in the ground, my dad’s right, I’m not going there. Besides, ruining his life is a far sweeter justice than ending it. I do the only thing I can, and call it in. I cuff Zahn and read him his Miranda Rights and wait for officers Harper and Evers to arrive.



  I’m so embarrassed, and my face hurts like a motherfucker. I should have said something to Colt before it came to this. I follow Gemma into the living room and sit next to her in front of the fireplace.

  “Darlin’ put these on your face. It’ll help with the swelling.” I can’t stop the tears as Ma hands me the bag of peas and I put them on my cheek.

  “Gemma, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were talking about Brandon tonight. I mean I knew your boyfriend’s name was Brandon, but I didn’t know he was my partner. I didn’t flirt with him or lead him on or anything. Please don’t think there was anything at all between us. I’m sorry about tonight. I know you wanted to try and make it work, but girl he really is an asshole. You deserve someone who will treat you like a queen, and that is not Brandon.” I start, babbling unable to stop the words that are spilling out of my mouth. I feel terrible about how this all went down. The last thing I want is to upset Gemma.

  “Are you kidding? I’m sorry I brought him over here in the first place. I knew we weren’t going to last. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I should have known. He didn’t even talk to me about you, his partner I mean. I didn’t know either. I feel like it’s my fault you’ve got a bag of peas on your face.”

  “Will you both stop!” Ma laughs. “You’re both so worried about each other’s feelings. This is all on him. He did this, to both of you.”

  I put down my peas and smile at Gemma who’s sitting next to me in front of the warm fire. “Friends?”

  She drapes her arm around me and pulls me close. “Of course! But I have a feeling we’ll be closer than that.”


  Harper and Evers just left with Brandon in cuffs, locked in the back of their cruiser. I wasn’t going to press charges at first. I wanted to be done with all of this and not worry about the headache of it all. I agreed to press charges after Colt reminded me that if Brandon treated me this way, there would be others after me. It was my duty as a woman to put a stop to this behavior. He had a point, and I didn’t want to be the reason another woman was assaulted.

  The best part about all of this happening on Christmas Eve? He’ll be in lockup for days because the few judges we have in town won’t be back to work until after the holiday.

  “I don’t know about you all, but I’m starving. Who’s ready to eat?” Ma asks.

  We all look at each other and laugh.

  “What? You know you’re all thinking it. I just don’t mind saying it. I know my Jimmy has been hungry for hours.” I look over at Dad, and he’s looking anywhere but at Ma.

  “Jimmy Montgomery! You didn’t!” She screeches, pointing at him.

  With wide eyes, he shakes his head back and forth. “I didn’t babe.”

  Gemma and Colt start laughing until Ma turns her head to them and they do their best to cover it up.

  I bump Gemma on the shoulder. “What’s happening?” I whisper.

  She leans in with a big smile on her face, watching her parents bicker, and whispers back. “Daddy had a snack and Ma hates when he does that. Daddy could eat all day if she let him, but he needs to watch what he eats. He has high blood pressure, and he loves his salty snacks.”

  When I laugh too, and she turns her scary mom eyes on me. I stop laughing not wanting to be on her bad side.

  I begin to follow the Montgomery family into the dining room, when Colt tugs on my arm, stopping me. I turn to face him, and he tosses me over his shoulder, carrying me through the house into a dark room, lit sparsely by the moonlight. He closes the door and locks it, but leaves the light off. He sets me down only to push me up against a wall. His feral look alarms me until I see the hunger bleed through as he stares at his finger tracing my cleavage down my breasts.

  “Colt, what are you doing? We’re supposed to be eating with your -” He cuts me off by slamming his mouth on mine, taking every word, I was about to say with him. I don’t dare to breathe. His large hands grab my ass and hoist me up to wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Baby, I have to take you. Show you that you’re mine.”

  He sounds torn. Like he doesn’t want to hurt me, but he has to. I get it. I want it. Pressed against the wall, he takes his free hand and uses his fingertips to lightly trace the bruise on my cheek. “I fucking hate that he put his hands on you. Thinking that he could touch what’s mine.”

  He’s making himself angry again, so I put my lips on his and stop him from talking. I grind my pussy against his abs. My dress has ridden up my thighs, and my tiny panties are already soaked.

  “Daddy, I need you. You own me. Take it.” I have worked myself almost to orgasm on his abs. This isn’t happening fast enough for me. I reach between my legs and unbuckle his belt. He drops his pants, and he is going commando.

  He is growling in my ear as he rips my panties from his body and drops me on his cock. The scream I let out cannot be mistaken for anything but what it is. I’m moaning nonsense as he thrusts his hard cock in and out of me. There is no greater feeling.

  “Rub your clit baby. I am going to fill this pussy so full of my cum everyone one will know you are mine.” I do as he says without hesitation.

  “They already know Daddy. I love you.” I scream as my orgasm washes over me. The oddest feeling comes over me as I flood his cock with my release. This triggers him, I can feel him flexing.

  “Erica, Jesus Christ. I fucking love you. I need you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” He says as he pulls out of me and sets me down gently on the floor.

  “Are you serious right now Colt?” I say adjusting my dress. He has already pulled his pants back up. He grabs my hands and kisses them,

  “Very serious. I was going to wait until tomorrow. I had it all planned out. I was going to get down on one knee and tell you all the reasons why you should pick me. How I’ll be the best man for you. Baby girl, I had it all wrong.”

  He drops to his knees before me and looks up into my eyes.

  “You are the best, the only, the most perfect creation that has ever graced my world. I can’t go on living without you tied to me. I know I'm selfish, but goddamnit I need you, Erica. I need to wake up to you. I need you to have my last name, so I can breathe a little easier. I need my baby in your belly and another in my arms. Be my wife, Erica.”

  I fall to my knees and grab his face in my hands. The moisture I see gathering in his eyes is my undoing.

  “I’m going to give you my heart, and you’ll give me your last name. Yes, I’ll marry you. I’ll wife the shit out of you Colten Montgomery!”

  The blinding smile he graces me with is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. He kisses me soundly leaving me wanting more, even though I just had him. He pulls a black velvet box from his pocket, and I can’t help the giddiness that overcomes me. This is the moment every girl dreams of.

  “I thought you were going to wait and do this tomorrow. Why do you have the ring?”

  “I wanted to be ready. In case a perfect moment happened.”

  He tries to slip the box back in his pocket. “I could wait. Give it to you later.”

  “What! No.”

  He laughs and pulls the box back out and snaps it open. It’s an antique rose gold band with a modest marquise shaped diamond. It’s like he knew I wouldn’t like or need a giant rock.

  “This was my grandmother’s ring. My grandparents passed away very close together. My parents think my grandfather couldn’t live without her. In their will, they left me her ring. They told me to find a woman I would love for the rest of my days. I knew that person was you years ago Erica.”

  He slides the beautiful ring on my finger, and it’s a perfect fit. I wonder how it fits so perfec
tly and when our eyes meet, and he winks, I know he must have gone snooping in more than just my panty drawer the first day he got my clothes.



  I guide us to the bathroom in the spare bedroom we’re in. When I turn on the light, I laugh at our appearance. We both look like we could use a shower and a new set of clothes, but that isn’t happening right now. I wet a washcloth and clean my fiancé up as best as I can. I love how she watches me while I care for her, almost as much as I love being the one who gets the privilege of being that person for her.

  “That’s the best I can do baby.”

  She grins and adjusts her clothes and hair in the way that only women can. Her few adjustments have her looking presentable again. She looks at me in the reflection of the mirror. “I’m ready now.”

  I kiss the top of her head and rest my chin there. “Thank you, Erica. You’ve given me the best gift I’ll ever receive. You’ve given me your heart. Without it, my future and everything I will treasure wouldn’t be possible. I promised to give you everything, but you gave it right back.”

  “I love you Colt.

  “I love you too baby. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m starving,” I say while rubbing my stomach.

  “Oh, God. I was so loud.” She moans as she adjusts my tie. The silk is ruined from where she ground her sweet pussy against me. I loosen the knot and pull the tie from my neck. I tuck it into my pocket along with the scrap of fabric that used to be her panties.

  “Don’t worry about it, baby. My parents will understand. Trust me.” I say laughing. I take her hand and lead us back to the dining room. Once we get there, we see that they have waited for us. I pull her chair out like the gentleman I am. I wait for her to sit before pushing her in and dropping another kiss on her head.

  “Smells good Ma.”

  I get the courage to look up and see all of them staring at us with big smiles on their faces. Erica’s face is so red, but then Ma laughs a huge belly laugh.

  “I’m so sorry. Please, let's just eat.” Erica says, looking down at her plate.

  Everyone at the table laughs, and eventually, she joins in with us.

  “Girl, don’t worry about that. We’ve all been there, ‘cept maybe Gemma.”

  “I refuse to dignify that with a response.” Gemma pouts.

  “Let's eat. Everyone dig in.” Dad announces to us all.

  Once everyone has a plate, and we start eating, I take Erica’s hand in mine. “We have some news.”

  “Oh, thank God! You’re pregnant, right?” This gives me a second to pause.

  “Uh, maybe.” She says quietly, and I quickly switch out her wine for water.

  “No Ma, that is news for another day. Hopefully soon, but not today. I’ve just asked Erica to marry me, and she said yes.”

  Congratulations are offered all around.

  “Well, that’s great news. I’m confused though, we all heard her calling you ‘Daddy.’ I just assumed that you were having a baby. Sorry.” Ma says shrugging.

  It takes me a minute to realize what she’s talking about. When Erica starts choking on her water, I catch a clue. I rub her back until she’s breathing easy again then begin to laugh. I shouldn’t, but I can’t keep it in.

  “It’s not really like that, Ma. It’s a-” I start, but my dad cuts me off.

  “Say no more Son. You know when you had just gone away to college your momma, and I decided to spice things up. We were watching this video and then-”

  “Oh Jimmy, do you remember what it was called. We should tell them, so they can watch it.”

  “I think it was… I don’t know hon, I think I’ve got it in the den still. Here, I’ll go get it, one second everyone.”

  “Will you two stop? You’re going to scare her away, and she’ll never come back.” Gemma laughs.

  “We are a very open family. No secrets here. You’ll get used to it baby.” I say, once again lacing her fingers with mine. After that, the rest of dinner runs smoothly.

  Over coffee and dessert in the living room, we are just chatting about anything but Zahn. That motherfucker.

  “So, when are you guys getting married?” Gemma asks Erica.

  “Gem, I just proposed. I am sure she hasn’t thought about that yet.” I say.

  “No, I definitely have. Is the 26th too soon? I want to start our life together as soon as possible.” She smiles at me. I love this girl, so fucking much. She couldn’t be more perfect for me.

  “Don’t you want a big wedding?” Gemma asks.

  “God no. I just want to be his wife. It doesn’t matter to me how it happens.” She smiles.

  “Baby, you’re killing me.” I want nothing more than to take her home and love her, but we still have a couple more hours here.

  “Ok, let’s do presents.” My mom says clapping her hands. Erica did a fantastic job on the presents, without even knowing my family.

  Gemma graduated from Colorado University at Denver in May. Her first full-time teaching job just started in August at Caraway Middle School. She teaches all levels of Portuguese to the kids. My mom hands her the gift from Erica and me.

  “Is this what I think it is? Where did you even find this?”

  “What is it Gem?” Ma asks walking over to sit next to her and look in the box.

  “This is a first edition of Pride and Prejudice from nineteen forty. It’s the Portuguese edition!”

  When Erica asked me what Gemma’s favorite book was, I didn’t hesitate to tell her. Gem has been going on and on about it for years.

  “Erica, this is lovely. Thank you. I’ll treasure it forever.” She has tears in her eyes, and she is stroking the cover.

  “How do you know that I had nothing to do with it?” I ask Gemma.

  “Easy bro. Last year you got me a gift card to McDonalds, because and I quote ‘you like cheeseburgers’.”

  I can’t help laughing at that memory. As usual, I had no idea what to get her and waited until the very last minute.

  My parents open their gifts next. When Erica asked me what one thing they always wanted to do was, Greece came to mind immediately. There has been a picture of a Greek landscape on the fridge for as long as I can remember. Even through two remodels and the new house that picture remained. My mom has always wanted to go to Greece. Where she goes, my father follows. Erica and I decided to send them on a Mediterranean cruise.

  Gemma and my parents bought me a new electric razor. There is no way I am shaving now that I know my girl likes it though.

  When I was scoping out Erica’s apartment, I noticed a book of charcoal sketches signed ES. I ended up spending a while looking at every sketch in the pad. The detail she used was exquisite. It was almost as if I could feel her emotions jump off the page. Needless to say, they were amazing. I took my favorite one and had it framed for her. It’s sitting under our tree at home, waiting to be opened.

  When my mom asked what she would want I suggested art supplies. My parents came through. I know she wasn’t expecting anything this year. When a huge box is placed in front of her, she bursts into tears. Gemma rubs a hand down her back since I’m across the room.

  “Open it E.” Gemma encourages her.

  “Is this really for me?” She asks, voice cracking.

  “Of course, silly. Open it.” Ma says. Erica rips through the paper like a toddler.

  “Oh my God.” She says through tears and smiles. “How did you know?”

  “Colt told us. I hope it’s the right stuff. I left the receipt and a gift card for anything I might have missed.”

  Inside is an easel, paints, canvases, sketchbooks, and anything else a new artist might require. She takes everything out delicately, treating each object with care.

  “I love it. Thank you, everyone. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do now that I’ve resigned.” She says still looking at her gifts.

  “It’s totally understandable Erica. Even if this isn’t the right path, you can have fun until you stumble upo
n it.” Ma kisses her on the cheek and goes back to the tree to grab a box. “Finally, Colt this is from Erica.”

  I had no idea she got me anything. My mom hands me the huge box. I waste no time tearing it open. Inside are several things. The first is a coffee cup with a sheriff badge on it that says, ‘I like big busts and I cannot lie.’ Hilarious. The next thing is a wooden sign with a thin blue line in the middle that says, ‘This house bleeds blue.’

  The final item is a large black picture frame without glass that has C+E attached to the top. There are rows of rope and clothespins. In the center is a picture of us I snapped the morning after we first spent the night together. Erica was still asleep snuggled to my chest. The rest is blank for us to fill up.

  I realize I haven’t said anything yet when Erica says, “You hate it don’t you?” I look up at her and see that she is wringing her hands and chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Not all baby. I’m in awe. When did you find the time to do this?” Except for work, I thought I was with her all the time.

  “You were sleeping. I thought we could hang it above the bed and add our memories to it.”

  I stand and walk over to where she’s sitting and drop to my knees in front of her. Her bruise has darkened, and it kills me that I couldn’t prevent it. I’m not going to let that part of our night ruin the rest of it.

  “Baby, I love it. That is the perfect place for it. I love that you were thinking of the future when you made it. Our future together is the only thing that matters now.”

  Epilogue 1


  “You need to tell him Gem. If you don’t, I will. You know he doesn’t like it when people keep things from him. Especially something that has to do with the safety of his baby sister.”

  We’ve been going round and round this conversation for over thirty minutes, but Gemma is adamant about keeping Colt out of her business.

  “He hasn’t done anything yet E. except occasionally bumping into me while I’m out in town. I usually blow him off, but today, I don’t know, something seemed more off than usual.”


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