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A King's Cutter nd-2

Page 21

by Richard Woodman

  Many of the characters that appear actually existed. Apart from the admirals, Warren and the famous frigate captains and the commanders of Duncan's ships, Captain Schank was inventively employed at this time. Captain Anthony Calvert and Jonathan Poulter did indeed destroy the Thames buoyage to prevent the mutineers escaping.

  The precise reason why De Winter sailed is still open to question. Both his fleet and the considerable number of troop and storeships that lay with him in the Texel were clearly intended to form part of a grand expedition and Ireland seems the likely destination. Wolfe Tone was with De Winter during part of 1797 as he had been with De Galles at Bantry the year before. It has also been suggested that the Dutch sailed to destroy Duncan who was supposed to command an unreliable force, or that they sallied to restore Dutch prestige. In fact De Winter retired before contacting Duncan. Yet, when the battle was inevitable, his fleet fought with great ferocity. Perhaps the parts played by Drinkwater and Eduoard Santhonax in a campaign disastrous to the Dutch fleet explains some of the tension of that desperate year.



  Nelson's spelling

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