Hunter (The Bad Disciples MC Book 2)
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Marco handed the form back to the lady and she spoke to him some more, asking him details of his injury.
“If you wouldn’t mind wheeling him in to the physical therapy room, one of our therapists will join you shortly,” she said to me, and I noticed the sympathy in the lady’s eyes. I was just glad that Marco hadn’t caught it because he would have commanded me to get him out of there. He couldn’t handle pity. Not even from me.
We were quiet again as I brought him into the physical therapy room. The place was fairly deserted and looked like a specialized gym. It had levers and balancing bars and some chairs that looked like they were meant for massages.
“As good as a spa,” I said, as I parked Marco along one of the seats and sat down beside him. There were two other people, one of whom was being assisted by a therapist to walk using the levers.
“Yeah, just as good as a vacation,” Marco said sourly beside me and I tried to keep up the casual air between us.
“Be nice to the lady,” I said, like I was scolding a child and I tipped my head in the direction of the physical therapist who was working on the other patient. Marco grunted under his breath again and I looked at the woman. I did a double take. I hadn’t expected a physical therapist to look like her.
She was in blue scrubs which I had never found this particularly sexy, but there she was, standing in front of us, her head bent over the man in the wheelchair who she was trying to help up.
I scanned her body hungrily. She was surprisingly strong for a petite girl her size. She couldn’t have been taller than five feet and a couple of inches and every movement she made was graceful and delicate. Even through the scrubs, I could tell that she had delicious curves. The fabric stretched over her plump generously endowed breasts, and her waist was small while her hips were full.
Her skin was a frail pale complexion, and every time she moved her head, I noticed the dotting of freckles on the tops of her cheeks. She had tight golden curls, like a bunch of ringlets, which she had tied up in a bun. But most of her curls had escaped it and were now falling gracefully over her face. She hadn’t glanced at us yet, but I had noticed her green bright eyes. She was absolutely stunning!
“Hunter!” Marco’s voice cut through my thoughts and I turned to him with a jerk. I realized that he had been talking to me. My mind had wandered for a few minutes while I stared at the woman in the scrubs.
“Did you hear what I said or were you busy fantasizing about the chick who is going to massage my legs?” Marco joked and I noted the delighted glimmer in his eyes. I grinned at him.
“You said this was the best place to score a lay,” I said, laughing a little, even though I was suddenly feeling very confused with how I was feeling.
“I was talking about myself you mad fuck!” Marco scolded me but he was laughing as well now.
I looked back at the woman again and caught her helping her patient back on the wheelchair now. She was bent over him, speaking to him in hushed tones. Even from a distance, and even though I couldn’t hear what she was saying, I could sense that she was gentle and kind. Not usually the kind of woman I met in my day to day life. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time I had even spoken to someone like her. She wasn’t my type. I liked spilling cleavages, firetruck red lips, long manicured nails and stinging tongues. I liked to fuck women I didn’t have to work hard to get.
This woman on the other hand seemed like someone who would steer away from the likes of me. Suddenly, I found myself feeling conscious of my tattoos running down my arm, of my leather jacket…no woman had this effect on me before. Nobody had made me doubt myself like this before.
I was still staring at her, when the friendly lady from reception walked into the therapy room. I watched her as she walked over to the gorgeous therapist and spoke to her. That was when she looked in my direction for the first time and I felt like something sizzled under my skin. There was a movement in my pants. I wanted her with a burning desire I had never felt before.
Her green eyes widened as she looked at me, and then at Marco and when she did, she smiled.
“We’re fucked,” Marco grumbled under his breath as he stared at her too. And I knew exactly what he was talking about. There was no way I could concentrate on helping my friend as long as this girl was going to be in the same room as us.
She was walking towards us now, and I stood up from my chair with a jerk. It was almost like I didn’t know what to do with myself. This girl had a numbing effect on me and I was beginning to feel foolish.
“Hi! I’m Kylie Aston,” she said when she approached us, with a delightful smile on her face. Her lips were full and shaped like a bow. She had nothing but lip gloss on them and I wanted to pin her to the wall and lick it off her lips. I knew my cock was reacting to her presence too, and I was trying hard to keep it in check.
“You must be Marco Hernandez,” she said, looking at my best friend now and because her eyes were not on me anymore, I felt a burning pain shooting up my spine. It was almost like I wanted nothing but to stare into her eyes all the time.
“Michelle filled me in on your situation and I would be happy to assist you with your therapy,” Kylie spoke to Marco directly, who seemed to be just as tongue tied as I was. Kylie’s voice was gentle like a warm sea breeze, lapping up against my skin and suddenly I realized that I felt weak. That I was noticing things about her that I never noticed about women before.
It wasn’t just that I wanted to push her down on the floor and fuck her till she was screaming my name…I also wanted to watch her come. I wanted to whisper in her ear, nibble on her glossy lips…watch her laugh. What I wouldn’t have given to watch her laugh just then!
Kylie looked over at me and I felt frozen to the spot again.
“And you are?” she asked, the wide smile on her face dropping a little. Our gazes were locked now and I wondered if she could sense just how much I wanted her. I clenched my jaw before I spoke, just to get the words out.
“Hunter. We’re friends. I’m here to support him,” I said, surprised that I could even speak. Kylie beamed at me again and then gracefully brushed her stray curls away from her eyes.
“Excellent. Marco and I could use some of your help,” she said, in a formal polite voice and then turned to him again.
“For the sake of efficiency, I would suggest that you don’t ask Hunter for help. Everything this guy touches, he breaks,” Marco said and I shot him a threatening look. Kylie looked at me with a smile again.
“Your friend thinks you’re clumsy,” she said to me and I clenched my jaw again.
“Then he can forget about getting a ride back home,” I said and glared at Marco some more. Kylie laughed. It was just a small indulgent laugh but it was beautiful. It was like music to my ears and I realized that I would have done anything for her to keep laughing.
“Why don’t we all gather around the bars? I just want to help you up and see how strong your legs are at the moment. That way I can chart your progress better,” Kylie said kindly and we both reached for Marco’s wheelchair handle together. Our hands brushed and I felt a movement in my pants again. That was all it needed. Just one quick brush. I was already imagining her without her scrubs on. What was she hiding underneath that ugly uniform?
Kylie stepped away from me, but not before I noticed the flushing of her cheeks. I tried not to wonder if she was as attracted to me as I was to her. This was neither the time or the place to hit on a girl. She was supposed to be helping Marco!
She walked ahead of us as I wheeled him towards the levers. I watched her ample ass as it swung in her pants. She had curves in all the right places, the kind that would give me enough to hold on to while I drove into her. I shook my head with a jerk, trying to get those thoughts out of my head again.
“Now, all you have to remember is that this is not a competition, Mr. Hernandez,” Kylie said, bending down on the floor. She was trying to get the adjustable bars up to the right level.
“Call me, Marco,” he said and Kylie smiled again.
“Good. We’ll be seeing a lot of each other, Marco. You should call me Kylie too,” she said to him and then looked up at me.
“You’ll be seeing a lot of him too, don’t worry,” Marco cut in and she looked away from me, a little embarrassed, and I had to do everything not to reach out and punch Marco in the face.
“Well, in that case, I’ll call you Hunter too,” she said and straightened up again. Kylie had to crane her neck to look at me and I gazed down at her, still fantasizing about what her hair might smell like.
“It’s established. We’re all on a first-name basis,” Marco said, a little sarcastically. He had caught Kylie and me staring again. She laughed, just a little bit and I had to try hard to not reach for her waist and yank her to myself.
I wanted to rip her clothes off, to play with her nipples…make her squirm with desire. I didn’t even know if she was available, if she wanted me. All I knew was that I wanted her.
“I’m glad you’re here with your friend, Hunter. It’s important for Marco to have support,” she was speaking to me again. I stared back at her, feeling myself drowning in her gorgeous green eyes.
“And I’m glad he’s going to have you as his therapist,” I said to her, trying to make sure she knew what I meant by that. “You’re the woman of Marco’s dreams,” I said and I felt the light punch on my arm that Marco landed there. Kylie smiled, blushed and looked away from me.
I could feel goosebumps up and down my arms. The back of my neck was burning up and I felt like my belly was on fire. I had felt an instant attraction to Hunter that I couldn’t understand. This feeling was like nothing else I’d had before. Not with Tony, or with anyone else before or after him. It felt like I was ready for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I was pretty sure that these two men could easily see just what I was going through and I was embarrassed by my reaction.
From the instant my eyes landed on this guy, my body had reacted in a way that I had no control over. Hunter was an unmissable presence in the room, and I couldn’t take my eyes off him.
He was tall, and lean and muscular at the same time. He had a slight stubble with a strong straight jaw and sandy blond hair. His eyes were blue, glacial and dangerous and he had a way of staring at me like he was trying to read my mind. Almost like he could read it quite clearly. He knew just how crazily I wanted him.
I had vowed to stay away from guys like him, especially after Tony. Guys that were covered in tattoos and looked like they were nothing but bad. But here I was again, feeling helplessly attracted to a man with an intricate tattoo sleeve on his right arm. He was in a black cotton t-shirt that stretched over his chiseled abs, and dark jeans. His shoes were heavy-duty and dusty, and I sensed that this was a guy who drove a muscle car or rode a bike. There were so many things similar between him and Tony, and yet there was a world of a difference between them.
Despite the fact that Hunter was staring at me, undressing me with his eyes; I felt no form of aggression from him. I didn’t feel like he wanted to possess me.
I kept my back firmly to him, while I helped his friend, Marco, out of his wheelchair. Hunter was keeping his distance from me too, as though he didn’t want to interfere with my job. I was grateful for that because I was already nervous around him. Especially since I could sense that he was staring at me. He was watching my every move.
I smiled and talked to Marco encouragingly as I helped him place his hands on the bars. Marco’s foot lay limp as he hauled himself up, grunting like a wild animal as he pushed himself to keep balance. I tried to concentrate on my patient. My job was to help Marco get better, not blush every time his friend looked at me. But I couldn’t help it. I couldn’t help but glance at Hunter from time to time.
I tried to remind myself to stay calm and focused. I had a son to think of, I had my own well-being to take care of. I had learned my lesson once, which was enough, by daring to be with a man like Hunter. I knew exactly the kind of man I needed, if I had to be with somebody. It would be a kind, gentle man…like an accountant, or a doctor or a school teacher. Someone reliable, someone with a steady income and a permanent job. Someone who wouldn’t keep me awake at night because of his lifestyle. What I absolutely did not need was a man like Hunter, who seemed to be someone who didn’t shy away from a fight. No matter how drop-dead-sexy he might be.
I held on to Marco as he tried to walk. I was speaking to him kindly, trying to encourage him to keep walking, but then I found myself glancing back at Hunter again.
He was standing at a distance, with a brooding, dark expression on his face. He wasn’t really looking at Marco, he was looking at me. Our eyes met and I forced myself to turn away from him. He had seen me blush. He must have seen the lust on my face. I wanted Hunter. I wanted to feel his large hands on my body. I wanted him to lift me up and press his lips to mine. I felt like I was going crazy.
I needed to stop. I needed to concentrate on Marco. I had to maintain a professional air in the room, no matter what my body was telling me. No flirting; I firmly reminded myself. In fact, I didn’t even remember how to flirt. For the past four years, since I met Tony and since I had Carter, I couldn’t even recall the last time I had flirted with someone. But then again, I had never met someone like Hunter before. I had never experienced this desperate need to fling my legs around someone’s waist and draw him to me. I wanted to be kissed. I wanted to be touched.
I glanced at him again before I could stop myself, and just when I was breaking my gaze away from Hunter’s, I heard a groan and then saw Marco crashing to the floor. He growled and I lunged at him, cursing myself under my breath.
I should have been paying attention. I should have been making sure that my patient wasn’t about to fall. I had been trained to watch out for signs for when someone couldn’t push themselves anymore. I was supposed to be a professional for a reason!
“I am so sorry, Marco! Are you hurt?” I was trying to lift him up, but the man was heavy.
“I’m fine,” Marco was grumbling and I could tell that his pride had been wounded. I tried to haul him up again, but it was of no use. Lifting Marco up was beyond my capacity.
I felt Hunter’s arms graze mine just then. He had appeared at my side, expertly lifting Marco up like he was a feather in his hands. He helped Marco sit down with a thump on his wheelchair and I stepped back, feeling embarrassed and angry with myself.
“I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have pushed you this hard on your first day,” I said, my voice shaking with apology.
Marco settled himself in his wheelchair and looked up at me. I was expecting rage, which I wouldn’t have blamed him for but instead, there was a wide grin on his face.
“Don’t worry about it Kylie, I know you were distracted by my handsome face,” Marco said and then laughed, while I turned as red as a tomato with embarrassment.
“I wouldn’t blame you if you tripped this guy on purpose,” Hunter said to me, and I blushed some more.
“This was my fault entirely. I shouldn’t have pushed him to do this much,” I said and tucked in stray hair behind my ears. I didn’t know what to do with my hands or where to look. The more I stared at Hunter, the weaker I felt and it didn’t seem like he was going to break eye contact with me.
“I’m fine Kylie, these falls are good for me,” Marco spoke up and I smiled apologetically at him.
“Yeah, he needs them as reminders for why he needs to work harder with you,” Hunter said and I felt like I was trapped between the two men. Marco was grinning from where he was sitting and even though Hunter had a casual, joking tone to his voice…he wasn’t exactly smiling. He was doing that thing again where he was trying to read my mind.
“We should just be careful next time,” I said and clapped my hands together, trying to jerk myself back into motion again. “Anyway, why don’t I make my notes and we can come up with a schedule for
your therapy sessions?” I said, looking at Marco now, just so that I wouldn’t have to stare into Hunter’s hypnotizing blue eyes.
I walked over to my desk and brought back a ledger which I concentrated on filling up.
“Maybe I should wear a mask the next time, just so that you don’t have to be distracted by my gorgeousness,” Marco joked and I wrote on the ledger as I blushed. We all knew exactly who was distracting me. It wasn’t Marco and he knew it. It was his roundabout way of making it clear to me that he knew there was a spark between his friend and me.
“Yeah, wear a mask, Marco. Nobody needs to see your face,” Hunter spoke up and the two men glared jokingly at each other. I chanced a glance at Hunter again and noticed how sharp his brows and his nose were. He had a face which looked like it deserved to be on the front cover of a glossy magazine. And at the same time, he dressed and carried himself in a manner that was fit for prison. I tried to push those thoughts out of my head.
I had no right to judge him. I was in no position to judge him. Why should I? I had nothing to do with Hunter. He was just a patient’s friend and with any luck, he wouldn’t come for these sessions again, and I wouldn’t have to see him.
“Does tomorrow evening work for you, Marco? Say, four?” I spoke to him, aware the whole time that Hunter was staring at me.
“Four is fine,” Marco said.
“Fine for me too,” Hunter added and I felt like my breath had caught in my throat. I had been hoping against hope that Hunter wouldn’t be able to make it to the next session. That I would be able to get a breather and have a chance to work with Marco in peace. Instead, I had to turn to Hunter and smile.
“You don’t seem to too thrilled to see me again,” Hunter said, in that same deep casual voice of his, which went straight for my soul. He was dripping with raw sexuality, his body looked like a machine built to fuck. I tried to force myself to smile again.