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Tempting Tara

Page 1

by Gina Wilkins

  Praise for Gina Wilkins:

  Letter to Reader

  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  Praise for Gina Wilkins:


  “Once again, favorite storyteller Gina Wilkins delights us with a heartwarming story of two people whose smoldering passion turns into abiding love.”

  —Romantic Times

  “It is a masterpiece!”



  “Master storyteller Gina Wilkins skillfully beguiles us with this fast-paced, sizzling page-turner in the Brides on the Run miniseries.”

  —Romantic Times

  “Wilkins packs powerful drama into this high-tension plot!”

  —Affaire de Coeur

  “Ms. Wilkins hooks her audience at the start with a hero that cradles their heartstrings in his tender embrace. An unforgettable adventure.”


  A small town in Georgia.

  A family with a past. A

  trilogy packed with sensual

  secrets and private scandals!

  Meet Tara McBride. She’s

  always been a little straitlaced,

  unlike the rest of her scandalous

  family. That is, until Blake, a

  sexy-as-sin P.I., arrives on her

  doorstep. Suddenly she’s on the

  run, dodging bullets and making

  wild, passionate love to Blake

  every night. She’s having the

  time of her life. But can it last?

  Savannah, Tara and Emily—

  the McBride. Women.

  They’ve come home to put

  the past to rest. Little do they

  suspect what the future has

  in store for them!


  January 1998


  March 1998


  May 1998

  Dear Reader,

  I’ve always believed that the only way to make the characters in my books come alive for my readers is for them first to come alive for me. And they do—sometimes so much it’s a bit unnerving! They develop their own voices, their own quirks, their own hopes and anxieties. And by the time I finish telling their stories, they’ve become my friends.

  Sometimes secondary characters become so real to me, I simply have to give them a story of their own. Blake, the hero in Tempting Tara, is one such character. He first appeared as a mysterious character in Just Her Luck. And then in The Getaway Bride he and the hero squared off against a madman. By the end of that book I was convinced that Blake needed a romance of his own. Tara McBride, with her outer strength and hidden insecurities, seemed to be the perfect match for him.

  I hope you enjoy reading Tara and Blake’s story. (For those of you who enjoy cameo appearances from past books, you might recognize some of Blake’s friends in this story.) And don’t forget to watch for Enticing Emily, the third book in my Southern Scandals trilogy, available in May 1998.

  Happy reading,

  Gina Wilkins







  TARA MCBRIDE didn’t want to open the box. She really, really didn’t want to open it.

  Staring down at the shoebox-size plastic container in her hand, she thought of how smug she’d been when she’d packed it fifteen years ago. Not quite fourteen then, she’d already been an overachiever, someone who was destined to become a success at whatever she chose to do.

  No one—least of all herself—would have believed that two months shy of her twenty-ninth birthday, she’d be washed up. A failure.


  The word echoed eerily in her mind. Since it had only happened yesterday, she was still trying to come to terms with it.

  How oddly fitting that she’d had to come home to Honoria, Georgia to attend her uncle Josiah Jr.’s funeral this morning. A funeral seemed appropriate today. The end of her uncle’s years of suffering. The end of Tara’s career.


  She hadn’t even told her family yet. She just couldn’t admit—even to those who loved her—that she had failed so miserably.

  “Come on, Tara,” her twenty-six-year-old cousin Emily urged, a matching plastic box clutched in her own hands. “Open your time capsule.”

  Time capsule. That was what the three cousins, Tara, Emily and Savannah McBride, had called it when they’d filled three plastic shoeboxes with mementos of their childhood, wrapped them in plastic garbage bags, stuffed them into an old cypress chest and buried them here in the woods behind Emily’s house. They’d made a solemn promise that day to dig up the chest in fifteen years and read the letters they’d written to themselves, just to find out how many of their youthful dreams had come true.

  It had sounded like fun at the time. Something to fill a lazy summer afternoon. Tara thought the time capsule had been Savannah’s idea, but they’d all eagerly participated. In fact, those stupid letters had been Tara’s suggestion. She’d been so naively, arrogantly certain that her brains and ambition would take her as far up any career ladder as she wanted to go. She’d had no idea what a mess her life would be in when she found that letter again.

  Now Tara wished they’d just gone to see a movie that afternoon so long ago.

  Stalling, she glanced at her cousins. Savannah, only a few weeks shy of her thirtieth birthday, and still as strikingly beautiful as she’d been as a teenager, didn’t look much more enthusiastic than Tara felt about delving into the past. Only Emily looked as if she was rather enjoying this little adventure.

  Tara supposed Emily would have welcomed any distraction this afternoon. It had been Emily’s father they’d buried that morning, leaving Emily alone in a house full of troubling memories.

  For Emily’s sake, Tara tried to smile as she finally, reluctantly opened the box and sifted through the contents. The honors awards, the spelling-bee medals, the national test scores that had marked her as “gifted.” And that letter to herself, detailing the high-powered career she had expected to be so well established in by now.

  Bleakly, she stared into the box, and realized that she’d never had a dream that hadn’t been planted in her head by the expectations of others. Now that she’d blown her chance at the impressive career. everyone had predicted for her, she hadn’t a clue what to do next Not one dream of her own to pursue.

  She had never felt so lost, so alone. And, for the first time in her life, she had a great many more questions than answers.

  What was she going to do now?


  TWO WEEKS LATER, on an afternoon in early June, Tara sat alone in her expensive, beautifully decorated Atlanta apartment—an apartment befitting a young attorney on the fast track to a partnership in an old and highly respected law firm. She took no pleasure in her surroundings; had she thought about it, she would have only worried about how she was going to pay the exorbitant rent now that she had no salary.

  As she had nearly every day since she’d returned from Honoria, she huddled on the couch, a soap opera playing on the TV, cartons of uneaten Chinese food scattered on the coffee table in front of her. It was a gray, cloudy aft
ernoon, but she hadn’t turned on any lights. The heavy shadows suited her mood.

  She had dressed that morning in a white T-shirt and baggy gray knit shorts, a pair of ratty white socks on her feet. Her white-blond hair fell to her shoulders, probably looking stringy since she hadn’t bothered to style it She wore no makeup. Her entire beauty regime for the past few days had consisted of brushing her teeth.

  Her telephone rang occasionally, but she allowed the answering machine to pick it up. Her family thought she was away on business. Her few friends here in Atlanta, who knew the truth about her job, thought she was still in Honoria. She doubted anyone would suspect that she’d been holed up in her apartment all this time, slowly sinking into a depression she couldn’t seem to climb out of.

  She hated herself for behaving this way. Moping and sulking weren’t her style. But then, she’d never been fired before. Never in her life had she truly failed at anything...and she couldn’t seem to do anything now except sit in her apartment and ask herself what had gone wrong.

  She’d tried to do the right thing—just as she’d always tried to follow the rules and make the right choices. All her life, she’d done what everyone wanted her to do—what everyone expected her to do—and she’d always been phenomenally successful. Yet, the first time she’d rebelled, the first time she’d refused to play by the rules, to go along with what was expected of her even when she honestly believed the others were wrong, she’d been summarily dismissed. Fired.

  And now she didn’t know what to do. Whose expectations to fulfill. Being fired for standing her own ground had made her wonder if she’d ever in her life done anything that hadn’t been at someone else’s bidding.

  Her doorbell rang, once, then again. She ignored it.

  A moment later, someone pounded on her door. She frowned and huddled more deeply into the corner of her couch.

  The pounding didn’t stop. It only got louder, more insistent.

  Tara realized that the knocking had settled into a recognizable rhythm. “Shave and a haircut—two bits.” Over and over, until finally she jumped to her feet and stalked to the door, determined to send this annoying person on his way before he drove her nuttier than she’d already become.

  Irritably, she jerked open the door without even pausing to see who was on the other side.

  The man on her doorstep could have stepped out of a 1930’s musical. From the gray felt fedora on his golden head to the snazzy black-and-white-checked suspenders he wore. with a pale yellow shirt and loosely pleated charcoal slacks, he was obviously someone who followed no one’s style except his own. Belying the urgency of his rapping on her door, he lounged on the doorstep as if he hadn’t a care in the world. As if he’d had no doubt that she would get around to opening the door eventually.

  “Oh, good. You’re here.” His smile was lazy, his eyes a wicked glint of bright blue beneath the shadow of his hat brim.

  “Blake?” Tara felt her jaw drop. Though this man had been featured quite prominently in her fantasies during the past two years, he was the last person on earth she would have expected to find at her door this afternoon.

  “Yeah. Listen, do you have any coffee? I haven’t had any caffeine all day and I’m about to grow fangs. Instant would do in a pinch, but I really prefer freshbrewed. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just as long as it’s hot and strong.”

  “I—er—” She lifted a hand to her temple, thinking maybe she’d fallen asleep on the sofa and was having a really bizarre dream. Bad Chinese food, maybe?

  “Black. No sugar.” Blake stepped past her as if he’d been warmly invited inside.

  Tara found herself standing alone at the open door while he crossed her cluttered living room to take a seat in a wingback chair.

  “Hey, General Hospital,” he said, making himself comfortable in front of the TV. “Those Quartermaines are always in trouble, aren’t they?”

  “Blake, what are you—”

  “If you’ve got any cookies to go with that coffee, I’d take a few. Don’t go to any trouble, though, okay?”

  She looked from Blake to the open doorway, wondering rather dazedly how he’d gotten through it. She couldn’t believe he had just waltzed into her apartment and ordered coffee as if she was running a sidewalk café.

  Tara had suffered from what she’d considered an embarrassingly juvenile crush on this man for almost two years, though she knew it was unlikely anything would come of it. They’d had no real connection. Blake had never been to her apartment before; there’d been no reason for him to stop by. He was only someone who had done some investigative work for the law firm where she’d been employed before she was—as always, she had to swallow hard before she finished the thought—fired.

  She didn’t even know his last name.

  “Blake, this really isn’t a good time for a visit,” she said, suddenly uncomfortably aware of her appearance, and the condition of her usually impeccable apartment, as well as all the other reasons why she wasn’t in the mood to entertain.

  “I can see I caught you taking a lazy afternoon,” he said sympathetically. “Everyone deserves one of those occasionally. I really hate to interrupt your day off, but there’s something I need to discuss with you. We’ll talk about it over coffee, shall we?”

  It didn’t look as though he was going anywhere until he told her why he’d come—and he seemed inclined to take his time about that. Tara sighed and closed the door with a fatalistic shrug.

  Maybe she should have been more worried about having a strange man push his way into her house. But she wasn’t afraid of Blake, even if she was curious about why he’d come. She had never heard anything negative about him from the management team at the law firm, and she, better than anyone, knew that they demanded only the highest standards from anyone affiliated with Carpathy, Dillon and Delacroix. In fact, she’d gotten the distinct impression that her former superiors had nothing but respect for Blake and his work.

  She might as well give him coffee and find out what he was doing here.

  “I’ll, er, be right back,” she said, running a hand through her rather limp hair.

  He seemed to be interested in the soap opera. “No hurry,” he assured her.

  “Weird,” she muttered as she walked into her kitchen and pulled open the cabinet door where she kept her coffee. “Definitely weird.”

  She wished now that she’d taken the trouble to put on a little makeup that morning.

  WHEN SHE CARRIED a tray of coffee and cookies into the living room a few minutes later, Tara found Blake still absorbed in the drama taking place on her TV screen. He’d removed his hat, which now rested on the arm of his chair, and she could tell that he’d fluffed his dark golden hair by running his fingers through it. It tumbled onto his forehead, looking so good that Tara’s mouth went dry. Unfortunately it also made her even more aware of how limp and lifeless her own must appear in contrast.

  She had considered him an extremely attractive man since the first time she’d seen him at the law firm a couple of years ago. And he was, without a doubt, charming. He’d never failed to stop by her desk with a smile, a few bad jokes, some light flirtation.

  Though she had always secretly looked forward to those infrequent visits, she’d made an effort to keep them in perspective, telling herself that it was okay to enjoy his attentions as long as she didn’t make too much out of them. After all, Blake stopped by everyone’s desk, not just hers. She’d known all along that she wasn’t the type of woman a sexy, adventurous, footloose P.I. could be interested in.

  And she most definitely did not want his pity now, if that was why he was here.

  He glanced up and smiled when she entered the room, and he motioned toward the TV. “These people will never learn, will they? If you’re going to tell a lie—make damned sure you don’t get caught in it.”

  Tara lifted an eyebrow. “I’m not sure that’s the moral lesson the writers were going for.”

  “Moral lesson? Tara, it’s a soap ope

  “True.” She set the tray on the coffee table as she conceded his point, pushing aside cartons of congealed Chinese food to make room. “I, er, my apartment isn’t usually this cluttered. I’ve been...”

  He waved off her stammered explanation. “Don’t sweat it. Housekeeping isn’t high on my list when I’m taking time off work, either.”

  “I’m not exactly taking time off work. I was fired.” Tara hated having to admit the humiliating truth, but she suspected that Blake, with his connections to her former law firm, already knew. How else would he have known to find her here on a weekday afternoon?

  His mouth full of cookies, Blake waved his hand dismissively again. He swallowed before saying, “Vacation. Fired. What’s the difference?”

  She supposed he was trying to make her feel better. He wasn’t.

  “There’s a very big difference,” she said bitterly.

  He shrugged. “The point is, you have some free time on your hands, right? Or have you already found a new position?”

  “No, not yet.” She hadn’t even put out the first inquiry yet. The thought of having to admit to prospective employers that she’d been terminated from her last job because of her own obstinacy made her sick to her stomach.

  Tara McBride had never had to beg for a job in her life. College scholarships, honors and awards, impressive offers of employment—they’d all come to her. She hadn’t needed to ask.

  She had never failed...until now.


  Blake’s enthusiasm seemed rather callous. She frowned at him. “I’m glad you’re so happy about it.”

  He chuckled. “I don’t mean to sound insensitive. It’s just that I need some help on a case, and I was hoping you would be free to give me a hand.”


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