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The Billionaire's Virgin Pursuit (The Forbidden Series Book 1)

Page 3

by Dee Stone

  “Doug, the kid is your employee, not your enemy. Give him a break. We’re leaving.” I squeaked as Markus’s voice boomed out behind me.

  My look of reproach didn’t appear to phase him at all, Markus slipped an arm around my waist, “Say goodbye, Mary.”

  “He’s right you know. I’m sorry Kenny, nothing’s your fault. Mary, here’s my card. Give me a call next week sometime. It’s my youngest’s birthday and we’re having a big bash. Barbeque and ponies, what could be better. Oh yeah,” he swiped a hand over his eyes as if forgetting something. “And princesses. She’ll be dressed as one. All the girls are supposed to be. Go for it, Mary.”

  “What? Dress as a princess? I’m too old for that, Doug. That’s for the little girls. But it sounds like fun anyway. What else does she like? I’ll get her something.” I leaned in close for a hug from him.

  “I’ll send you an e- mail. What’s your address?”

  I rattled off my e- mail address and made a temporary date to meet him and his wife for lunch to discuss the party and catch up on everything we had missed in each other’s lives.

  We left as I waved goodbye to Doug and Kenny, the two insurance guys still poking around things as we walked out the door.

  Markus still had his arm around my waist as we made our way to my car. I stopped suddenly, “No ice cream.” I pouted as I glanced hungrily back at the store, wishing I could go back in for the delicious, cold treat.

  “We can stop at Delight Ice Cream. It’s around the corner,” he glanced at his watch, “There’s still time before they close.”

  How had he remembered that store when I, who had lived here my whole life, forgot? I shook my head at my stupidity. “Come on. Let’s hurry.”

  As we began walking again, I grabbed him by the arm, his shirt sliding between my fingers, to hurry him along.

  The blacktop was rough against the soles of my shoes as the silence of the night enveloped us as we walked.

  My car was off to the side under a bright overhead light where I normally parked when I came.

  The inside of the car was slightly chilled from how long we had been inside. I turned the heater on full blast for a few minutes after we got in.

  Putting the radio on soft rock for the few minutes it took us to get to the ice cream store, filled me with anticipation.

  I got my cashew, coffee, chocolate treat while Markus got his blackberry. I knew I had chocolate syrup at home in the refrigerator waiting for me.

  “So, what now? Do you want cold burgers and fries?” I asked, remembering what we had forgotten in the car. Leaning my head back while lifting my shoulders trying to get rid of the crick in the back of my neck from the stress of the robbery, I knew there would be no way I was having cold burgers.

  “Is there a pizza place around here you use? We can do dinner and a movie. Got any good movies?” I saw a wicked smirk playing about his lips. Funny guy.

  I could feel a responding smirk on my own lips at his silliness. “Pizza?” I said, feigning a shocked tone to my voice. “You’re been in Italy ten years and you come to the States for…pizza?”

  “How bad can it be?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never had pizza in Italy. I like Hawaiian, what about you?”

  I heard him choke, with a suppressed laugh, “Ha! Hawaiian?”

  “Uh huh. Pineapple, ham, cheese,” I moaned in delight. What could be better? Why? What do you want?”

  I turned my head to see a frown on his face. “Just cheese.”

  Letting the giggles I had been holding in out, I dialed the number, lifted my phone to my ear, and gave the order to the pizza place. One extra-large, six-cheese pizza.

  After placing our order, I turned to Markus, “So, what kind of movie for you?” I had quite a collection of DVD’s and movie channels, including Netflix. I nudged his chest playfully with my shoulder. I tried for his shoulder, but he was so much taller than me.

  Markus laid his hand on my bicep and slowly spun me to face him. I stared up at him, a smile still on my face that slowly disappeared at the predatory look on his. I shivered as his hand slid down my arm to my hand, entwining our fingers before placing our hands on his chest.

  What is he doing? This is way too soon. Whatever this is.

  “Come on, let’s watch something until the pizza comes, and then we can watch a movie.”

  I couldn’t deal with this right now. He’s two years younger than my father, suddenly comes back from Italy, and what does he want? What does he want?

  My body went sideways, and I reached up to grab his strong, square chin between my fingers.

  Markus’s eyes went wide in surprise that I would manhandle him in such a way. If I weren’t so frustrated, I would have laughed.

  “I need to know what’s going on, Markus. What is this?” I asked, motioning with my finger between the two of us.

  He shrugged his shoulders while his eyes settled beyond me. I almost looked, except I knew there was nothing there. This was my home.

  I gave a very unladylike snort of frustration and narrowed my eyes at him, though his gaze remained locked beyond me.

  My hands pushed at him, trying to subtly slide my hands down his chest to his tight abs. I was hoping he wouldn’t notice, but of course he did. The smirk I got made me grit my teeth in annoyance. Even at forty-six he was built. He must work out every day. I tried to move him, but he was built like a tank.

  Markus moved, and I was suddenly lifted into his arms, and plopped onto the couch, my remote in his hands. Damn that annoying smirk on his handsome face. Is that all he can do? Smirk at me? Although, that crooked smile is mighty attractive.

  The TV snapped on and a primetime comedy began playing with a lot of canned laughter. I heard a deep laugh as Markus watched the comedy, his legs spread, the remote hanging loosely in his hands. He tossed it lightly into the air, catching it again, without even looking, while he watched the show.

  I shook my head at the typically male action, as I settled myself on the couch beside him to watch the show until the pizza arrived.

  Twenty minutes later, I was curled up beside Markus engrossed in the show when the doorbell rang. He untangled me from his side and opened the door to take the large square box in exchange for cash.

  Markus had just set the box between us on the coffee table, when the bell rang again. Glancing at him in surprise, I shrugged my shoulders, and went to the door.

  When I opened the door, my father stood, in the doorway, still in his suit and impeccably tied tie. He glanced down to the cuffs at his wrists and tugged them down.

  “Baby girl, I came to see you before I left early in the morning,” he effused. Sometimes, his affectations drove me crazy. He always had to act the tycoon part. Why couldn’t he be a normal father? Take my sister and me to miniature golf, the movies, and slumber parties when we were younger? No, we had to be the princesses.We weren’t allowed to run around and get dirty, wear jeans. No, we had to wear fancy dresses and only associate with other rich kids. Talia, my younger sister, rebelled before I did. I was the good girl.

  “I’ll take you out to dinner. La Majon will stay open for me,” he said, palming at his cell, starting to raise it to his ear.

  “Dad, it’s after ten.” I couldn’t believe he would make a restaurant stay open past closing. Well, actually I could.

  He looked at me like, “So?”

  “Besides, I have company.” I still hadn’t opened the door all the way to let him in. I wasn’t sure how he would react if he saw Markus was my company.

  “Ah, a boyfriend? Maybe I should meet him and give him ‘the talk’,” he said playfully, as he barged his way in, shoving me out of the way.

  Shit. Dad took two steps into my townhouse and saw Markus sitting on the couch, looking comfortable.

  I could see the shock making his face slack before his known rage took over. Rage was not a good look on my father. He had a naturally florid complexion. It must be from all the alcohol he drank. Though at this momen
t, his face was an unattractive purple color.

  Markus stood upon my dad’s entry and extended his hand to shake, a delighted expression on his face.

  I jumped forward to try and stop the inevitable fight because I knew my father couldn’t win. What drunk could?

  Standing in front of my father, between the two men, my arms outstretched. “We ran into each other at the fast food joint on Elm,” I said, facing my father.

  Dad stood, shocked I would talk to him like that. Actually, no one talked to him like that. I was the good girl. Talia, was the bad one. She was the one that took all the risks.

  “Now, Mary,” he started. “You are my daughter, and you need to listen to me.”

  “Why? I live on my own. I have my own house. I work constantly. Yes, you’re my boss but I’m an adult now. I’ve made my own decisions for a few years now since you were never home.” I lifted my head to stare at him in his shocked brown eyes.

  My father turned his head and looked to Markus with such hostility radiating on his face. “You will stay away from my daughter.”

  “Dad let me see if I can explain it to you this way.” I was so mad I had to talk down to him. “We met at the drive-through on Elm Street. We figured we might as well have dinner together and catch-up, and then I wanted ice cream, of course.” Everybody who knew me knew my perchant for the dairy product. “A couple guys tried to rob us coming out of the grocery store and we decided to come back here and watch a movie.”

  As I spoke, I became louder, getting increasingly pissed. By the end of the sentence I was practically shouting.

  Dad’s head jerked back as if I’d slapped him. I had never talked to him the way I had just now. Never stood up for myself in this way. His head came forward to glare at Markus with all the hate he muster in his eyes. So much for friendship.

  “I think it’s time for you to go home, Daddy, and finish getting ready for your trip. I thought you were supposed to leave, but whatever. Call me when you get there, so I know you’re okay. You’re going to Japan, right?” I asked, trying to smooth it all out, getting a hold on my temper. If I was calm, maybe my father would be.

  Dad gave Markus one last glare before turning and stalking back to the open door and out into the night.

  “Well, that was a fun start to the night.” I said, closing the door with a firm slam, before setting all five locks.

  I heard a cough and saw Markus covering his mouth with his hand at my words. “You dare to laugh at me? I stopped you from having to destroy my father and you laugh? Well, thank God you didn’t get upset at the way he was acting.”

  He laughed even harder.

  Straightening my back and balling my hands into fists I stalked toward Markus to stare… Where was I? His full lips and strong jaw? Where was my anger? As I got closer, my ability to speak disappeared, my thoughts consumed by his devilishly good looks.

  He lightly skimmed my jaw with his surprisingly long fingers, a smirk still playing about those lips.

  “Pizza,” he said.

  “What?” My brain kinda short-circuited at those lips moving.

  “Pizza, Bella Mia. Waiting,” he said again, lips skimming my forehead as he spoke.

  I lifted my head and his lips lightly touched mine for a moment.

  My eyes gazed into his and I saw the same emotion that was making my heart full. My pussy clenched on nothing, my panties dampening with want.

  Markus quirked a corner of his mouth, and placed his hands on my shoulders, to turn me around and march me back to the sofa, and the pizza. “Soda?” he asked.

  “Fridge. There’s also a beer in there if you want one.”

  “Thanks. After this day I think I need one. How about you? You’ll be twenty-one in a couple days, do you want one?”

  I cocked my head to the side and thought for a minute. Why not? I didn’t normally drink, but every once in a while, I did have a beer. It will taste good with the pizza. And after the attack, and then my father, I deserve one.

  “Yeah, after this evening, I think we both deserve one. Don’t you?” I smiled slightly, shuddering at the memory of the two men attacking us.

  The click of a bottle-top releasing interrupted my horrible memories. Immediately, a dark bottle was thrust into my hand.

  The bottom of his bottle clinked against mine and I raised it to my lips, guzzling the harsh liquid down my throat. It actually tasted refreshing.

  “Here,” he said.

  I glanced down to see a plate with two slices of luscious pizza, cheese oozing all over the plate.

  Licking my upper lip, I peered up for a moment before starting on the goodness before me, and saw Markus staring where I had licked.

  I decided to tease him, sticking my tongue out slowly I touched my upper lip. I saw a hungry expression on his face as he watched my movements, his mouth slightly open. I wasn’t sure where this inner slut was coming from, but I was kinda rocking it.

  I gave a quick glance at my plate to make sure I grabbed the slice and held it the right way, holding his stare, as I brought the piece to my mouth. Taking a small bite, I removed the slice, cheese stringing from the pizza.

  Licking my lips thoroughly, the ends of my lips twisted into the start of a smile as I picked up my beer, throwing my head back, chugging the bitter liquid to relieve my thirst.

  Having read it somewhere, I took my finger and placed it into my mouth, sucking on it. I felt stupid until I saw the predatory look on Markus’ face. I pulled my finger out, and after licking the tip, I pushed it back into my mouth.

  Grabbing my forearm tightly in his hand, he bit out, “If you want me to fuck you right on this table, keep doing that. Though, I’d rather wait until your birthday and make it your present.”

  Shocked, I could only think about what an amazing offer it was. How could I refuse?



  It was Friday night. Mary’s birthday. I had a great night planned for her I planned to take her to dinner and then fuck her senseless. For some reason, it being her twenty-first birthday made her age all right with me.

  It still being early, I had made a reservation for La Majon. I figured if Paul went there, the food had to be outstanding. After dinner it would be back to my hotel, followed by a long, pleasurable night for both of us.

  I had already showered and decided not to shave off my scruff for once. The women seemed to love it. So, I figured Mary probably would too. At least I hoped so. I was trying to decide what to wear when my phone rang. “What the hell?”

  I checked the caller ID and saw it was Mary. “Mary, what’s wrong?” I was worried, and it must have carried over into my voice.

  “Nothing. Nothing. I was just late getting off work. My father must have had some kind of idea something was going on because he piled work on me that had to be done by morning.”

  I smiled to myself as her voice got more irritated.

  “I almost got it all done, but he can’t expect me to stay all night. Especially on a Friday night.”

  Now she sounded tired. Hence the irritation.

  “I don’t know why Paul has to be such an asshole on your birthday. You’re twenty-one now.” Now, I was pissed at him.

  Her breath drew in fast, as if she wanted to say something. “What? Did you want to add something?”

  “No. No, but I’m going to be late. About an hour?” She giggled, and for some reason it sounded nervous to me.

  I shrugged and realized she couldn’t see me. Stupid much? I thought to myself. “That’s fine, Bella. So, two hours then?”

  “Sure. I’m home already, I just want to soak in the bath for a bit to get some of the kinks out.”

  I groaned at her words, my cock twitching in anticipation. I heard a real giggle at that, as if she could see my reaction.

  At least I’m good comic relief, I leaned against the bathroom door as we continued to talk, except I hadn’t closed it, so as I leaned back, the door opened and I stumbled back, almost falling. “Crap.”

  Mary must have heard the curse, but she didn’t say anything. I could feel myself turn red with embarrassment and was glad she couldn’t see me.

  That was when I heard the gurgle of water and imagined it filling her tub. “Are you putting bubbles in? What scent?” My voice was a deep growl I had never heard before.

  “Do you want bubbles? Hm, how does peach sound? Peaches and cream?” I heard a purr to her voice.

  Releasing the towel from around my waist, I placed my hand on my cock that had become fully engorged at the sound of her sweet, teasing voice.

  I pumped myself, putting a little twist on the crown. Spreading the pre-cum liberally around my shaft, I stroked myself vigorously, placing my hand on the wall as I groaned silently. Or so I thought.

  “Are you okay, Markus?” I could hear the worry in her voice.

  Realizing she must have heard my groan, I replied, “Fine.” But even I could hear the strain in my voice.

  “I’m coming over there right now. Or should I call 9-1-1? What’s wrong? Are you having a heart attack?”

  “I’m not that old!” I was insulted she would think that. Just thinking she thought I was old made my cock deflate.

  “You’re only a couple years younger than my father, and he had one only a year ago,” she said, sounding flirty. That had me rising once again.

  “You need to get that bath done so I can see you.”

  “Already in.” I heard her sigh as she slipped into the tub.

  I needed another shower. I could feel myself beginning to sweat at the control I was forcing upon myself, to not just run over there naked and fuck her right now.

  “I’m going to hang up now. Be there in an hour.” I could hear her splutter as I slammed my phone down hard on the dresser. I could almost hear the plastic cracking at the force I used, but I needed to get in that shower and do a little hand action.

  My hotel wasn’t too far from Mary’s townhouse, and I had quite a bit of time to kill, so I figured I might as well relieve myself.


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